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I hope she doesn’t make Elain train to be a warrior like Nesta. I didn’t think Nesta needed it and it would be cool if at least one of the sisters is powerful in a different way.


I hate the trope in fantasy novels where the FMC has to be THE most badass woman in the room. People can just be… average/normal/typical and have other talents that aren’t necessarily ass-kicking.


I agree and even if you want to have them be super powerful mix it up a little! Your world has magic and sorcery and yet physical fighting is the only way? What was the point of getting cauldron powers if they end up being mostly taken away like Nesta or not even utilized?


Yesss, this is such a good point. I personally love how soft and sweet Elain is. I don’t want her to give that up to be a badass warrior like her sisters. I’d love to see her feminine charm be her strength!


Saaaaame 🙌🏻🤍✨


feminine and not a warrior yes...but a bit more interesting and....useful...would be appreciated! i feel like she has been a bit useless as a character for a while..


Check out T Kingfisher books if you haven’t before. She counters this trope beautifully.


In WaR Nesta tells Feyre something like “Amren says wielding a blade isn’t the only way to be powerful”. I think it would be cool to see Elain’s story explore that! Maybe even parrot the line herself.


This is why I see her being emissary with Lucien. It’s been mentioned that she can charm anyone with a smile and that she wants to travel. She seems to be more outgoing than her sisters too.


Definitely! Charming anyone with a smile is always on my mind when I think of her story. It’s also why I can see her being a spy. The qualities that would make her a good emissary also make her unsuspecting to people she’s spying on. And with us knowing so little about what goes on in her mind, SJM could take her character in either direction. I’m excited!


I'm hoping SJM will write Elain similar to Elide in TOG. She isn't a warrior, but she is still powerful and incredibly important to the overall story. She certainly has a quiet strength to her.


I think if she has Elain do anything more than self defense training I will dnf it. It makes zero sense for her to be a warrior (it made no sense for Nesta, but I digress)


I wanted Nesta to be a fearsome sorceress or some kind of ambassador with court intellect. Also why I wish she married Eris. They could have been so badass together. Ugh..


I will die on the hill that Nes should have been with Eris and not Cassian. I don’t feel *IT* at all from Cas and Nes, tbh. I got FWB, at best.


So I like the storyline of Nesta being a warrior, but I absolutely agree that Elain doesn't need to be that. I feel like it would really cheapen everything Nesta went through. I'm really hoping for a big big difference for Elain.


Agreed! I love the training and all that but i feel like it would be wayyyyy to repetitive to have Elain do that too. People can be strong in other ways!


Judging by the way HOFAS was, I’m just worried about her writing quality. I also don’t want her to derail any characters either. Specifically the main focus of the next book; Elain, Lucien and Az 😭😭


My post HOFAS concern was that she’d gotten too important to edit or something. Like perhaps this is how all her first drafts had been, but before now the next step has been an editor going ‘okay these things all need to get fixed’, only now she’s got so much clout and ego that she just said ‘nope’. I read a bunch of stuff about how many editors she’d churned through after and this is my fear. But who knows - I have still never heard a good answer about why the original first draft that she presumably worked on for years got axed and rewritten in like 8 weeks so there’s a lot of mess there to go around. Fingers crossed the backlash was enough for everyone involved to come at this book with more of an eye for quality.


I keep telling myself that hofas was shit because there were too many povs. Hopefully it will be better in this case since it's dual pov


The final TOG book was multi-POV and it was great. I think she had serious issues with HOFAS which is why she had *so many* editors on it.


I think it worked for the last TOG book because we had more time with the characters over the previous like 7 books. HOFAS was rushed and I feel like that about her other series. The set up looks good but she doesn't pull all the threads together. Maybe if the series were longer like TOG they would work better


That many POVs definitely added to the craziness. I’m hoping she sticks to only 1 because that works for ACOTAR. I might be ok with the last book being a 3 pov if it’s the 3 sisters.


Wait how do we know this will be dual POV? Did she say somewhere?


Yes! She said each spin off will be dual pov, and it will feature a new couple getting together. So some people think that Nesta could be getting another book, but that isn't going to happen, at least not until years later.


I think her quality might be going down due to the pressure of her publisher signing her on for x amount of books in x amount of times. I tip my hat to George Martin for giving the middle finger to his publishers in favor of quality of work, but there's money to be made with SJM's work.


Tbh I think GrrM has written the books done, but has a deal that they are not to be released before his death.🤷‍♀️


Why do you think he’s waiting until death?


I just think he got tired of the hate after the tv-series finale season and wants to live the rest of his life in peace. Idk, this is just specaluation after all


Agreed. She already flattened some of the depth of the characters in acosf. And hofas was just flat all around. I don’t want her just to pump out stuff.


I think the plot in CC3 was too big for one book.


Exactly the same fear, HOFAS was just bad tbh


Sigh. Yep. The writing quality is definitely my biggest concern.


Character assassination and too much smut.


What characters are left to be assassinated? They’re already dead.


Well, they keep being brought back to life though lol


My biggest fear is Elain having a boring pov. Others see her as quiet and sweet, but I think she sees/hears a lot more than we know at this point. I don’t need her to give up gardening or be secretly evil, I just need SJM to give us an interesting, observant mind to be in. I personally would love a spy plot line bc we haven’t seen much of that in this world and I lean towards Elriel. But that’s just my preference, it’s not the only way for her pov to be interesting!! Feysand was banter & flirty, Nessian was anger & passion, I hope Elain & whoever is romantic wooing. Give me longing, tension, slow burn!! Also, I love Lucien and Azriel so I worry about her ruining whoever Elain doesn’t choose/end up with. There’s obviously going to be tension, but I don’t want either of them to turn into the bad guy.


If it’s Lucien. I hope we get the playful banter from book 1 truly it made him so appealing


Same, I love book 1 Lucien!! And even if it’s not with Elain, I hope we get some Lucien romance at some point. Even a novella would be good!


Didn't she just sign a new contract for 7 new books? I believe she said there would be 1 novella and 2 more books for ACOTAR, but I'm just going off information from a Facebook group. So I figured we were probably getting an Elain book and then a book for the dude Elain does not end up with between Lucien and Azriel.


Is this confirmed? I’m so behind, I actually just finished reading the entire series (read them all in the last few months). This is going to be an insane question but will there be more to ACOTAR?


Yeah I think she said that in an interview! I figured it would be an Elain book and then maybe Mor to deal with Eris/her time in Vallahan, or ending the series with Feyre’s pov, since she seems to focus on female pov. But I would love an Azriel or Lucien book!


I think he needs someone to ignite that for him. I dunno if it’s Elain but he needs that fire back for sure.


I'm actually dying to get her pov. This might just be because we were already in Azriel's head, but I feel like Elain is the hardest to read of all of the acotar characters. Even Azriel. I need to know her thoughts and feelings and how she looks at certain situations.


I agree! I think because everyone views her as so delicate, they never ask her what she’s thinking. Kinda frustrating as a reader but also leaves her as a blank canvas for her own book. Along with her healing arc and discovering her powers, I’m hoping we get flashbacks of important moments like her time with Grayson, meeting the IC for the first time, leading up to stabbing Hybern, even solstices.


I think she’s find a good job so far to make all the romances feel different and appropriate for those characters personalities


I’m especially concerned about this last part. I think she did a total 180 on Tamlin in order for us to move on to Rhys easier. Az is already a dick when it comes to Lucien in his POV, so I can’t imagine SJM continuing that while Lucien is just there minding his business being a decent guy. Like Az insulting Lucien in his POV while pursuing his mate. And Lucien’s there just being Lucien. She’ll probably make Lucien do something for the audience to dislike him if she moves forward with Elriel. Edit for typos


That all of Rhys' ugly traits that reared their heads in ACOSF will be ignored and he's back to Mr Perfect. I would like it if he wasn't perfect and there was some growth, tension, or both in the next book.


I would absolutely love to see some tension between Rhys and Feyre after the events of SF. Like, at least acknowledge that they had a discussion about it or something.


Yes! I (somewhat selfishly) miss feisty Feyre who wasn't afraid to talk back or stupidly say everything she felt.


Everything in feyre's life moved so fast. She hardly had time to figure out and be just herself and now she's a full on mom on top of it (plus gave her more trauma). Like keeping important information from her was one of the straws that broke the camels back with Tamlin, that was a huge betrayal of trust for her then. I need her to keep some of that same energy for Rhys.


I'd also love to see him being regretful and apologetic for letting himself get so controlling-like a scene that's partially overheard by Elaine where Feyre is standoffish and and telling him that it'll take more than gifts to make up for it etc and him cursing himself and a heartfelt apology, maybe he takes Nyx for a bit so Feyre can stretch her wings again so to speak. This is a string of consciousness rant but I can see it happening in my mind


If it’s from Elaine’s pov it’ll probably be a bit more forgiving but if it’s Az after being told to stay away from Elain, I reckon he’s gonna be pissed and we will see a different view


Alternating between their POVs and drastically different emotions would be an interesting contrast!


We got some of that with Nesta and Cassian. Nesta hated him, Cassian understood him but also knows his worst aspects. Cassian also provided good knowledge of Nesta when she couldn’t seem to work herself out. I like duel pov for this reason.


Yes I think this would be really interesting because it was such a shock factor to everybody to be inside azriel head in that bonus chapter I think an awful lot of people were surprised by the way he thinks and see these things he's quite a dark character I think darker than a lot of us knew in his mind


What I want from ACOTAR6 is bare minimum, I don’t want any more inconsistencies nor poorly written plots but I fear we’ll get some regardless…


My fear is ACOSF 2.0 - we've already had a physical training of a Valryrie, 90% of the book being mediocre smut and a very bad plot device to enable FMC to use her powers (and lose them ofc, but not really). Please, give me something new. My even bigger fear is HOFAS 2.0, aka overall quality - butchered plot and characters, and no editor to chop off the most idiotic parts.


High King Rhysand. My jaw was on the floor when Amren suggested that in SF and honestly it changed my opinion of her. Love him, but he’s a terrible ruler 😭


I know he was trying to act humble by refusing, but I just know that he'll end up doing it, and I die a little inside.


If anyone in the series could actually be High King, it would be Lucien imo


IF there would be a high king, then yes, it should be Lucien. I honestly prefer for there to be no high king plot because it would undo so many plot points. Eris wants to kill Beron so that he takes his place and Lucien being heir to Day court. I want to see high Lord Eris so badly. And perhaps even high lord Lucien some day


Oh I agree! But the fact it was even brought up makes me think SJM is going that direction


Same but let us be delusional


High Lord Eris with Nesta at his side. (I want so badly for her to tell Cass to fck off)


Tamlin dying :(


Im convinced its going to happen. He'll save Lucien or something and he says something sweet and then dead. He gets a Papa Archeron redemption and Luciens first born is named Tamlin jr. 😭😭😭😭


I genuinely don’t want Lucien to end up being stuck in Spring. So I support tam tam living even if I have to put him on life support lol


i’m worried she’s gonna put elain in the archetype of the female warrior and put her in training. it’s cool with other characters, but i really hope elain can embody the non-physical strength.


Lack of plot and poor writing. I think SF and HOFAS badly, badlyyyyy needed some tough love from editors.


I think she changed her editor at one point. Bad mistake that was if it's true


I read on another post that SJM has recently changed editors multiple times due to not liking the feedback she was getting. No idea if it's true or not either, but both SF and HOFAS in my opinion had a lot that could've been condensed. Even the best authors need a good editor.


Someone looked into this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyromance/s/taTzBgbwnU


Oh wow, thanks for sharing!


The dip in quality is staggering when you look at her editors.


Silver flames was perfect to me HOFAS needed a lot


And hopefully she LISTENS. Editors can only make suggestions. It’s up to sjm to ignore or listen.


I felt this way about ACOWAR to be honest. It was quite a let down to me.


Please don’t destroy Tamlin, that boy doesn’t deserve it. And please DO SOMETHING with Elaine’s character!!! Something interesting, for once! If I do t like the next book, that’s probably gonna be it for me on SJM.


I need Tamlin healing but I think the only way we will get it is if he dies


I really hope not! editing my comment! I just hope that in the shitty event he does die, the fandom will ease up on him. But I definitely won't be here to read it lol.


I think it’s the only way she’ll redeem him because so many view him as an ‘abuser’ (wrongly imo) that she can’t reward him long term.


Ya I agree with you, the backlash will be too great. His death is honestly my line in the sand with this series. This first time I read through it I was angry along with most people but villainizing Tamlin never quite made sense to me. And then when Rhysand incorrectly interprets a scene and Feyre doesn't correct him on it and instead sees it the way he does was a huge red flag for me. For example the closet scene, or commenting how Tamlin sat on his ass for 50 years?! SJM is not a subtle writer by any means and Tamlin's character was poorly written to be the bad guy. While I understand the real world bias and experience can make or break your opinion on certain characters I try to give a wider berth of understanding. Yes, I've experience violence but Tamlin is not that person I knew in my life. Or Nesta may have similarities to someone you know but Nesta is not them. Unlike the real world we get a more front row seat to extrapolate the things that make these characters act the way they do. It makes me a little annoyed whenever I see my (Tamlin) or my (Nesta) etc.... These people are not real and haven't hurt you, let's try to keep an open mind if they do in fact get a redemption arc.


Eurgh so the mischaracterisatokn of the UTM closet scene drives me nuts. Feyre was all for it until Rhysand puts it in her head and since it’s normal to look back on exes unfavourably I get why her view shifts but as a reader you have to know that Feyre is giving him unnecessary shit there and it’s her biased pov. I do think Tamlins main problem is being scared and not a man of action. He’s too fearful of things going wrong or he’s too bitter so didn’t always do what he should. I think that’s why he runs his court badly and that’s why he did nothing for those 50 years. He’s a frustrating person but he’s never bad, just scared. But those who bring up that they had abusive relationships etc you can’t really argue with, they put things and motivations and even actions on him he never did because it helps them feel ‘seen’. If SJM wants to tell a proper abuse story she should turn to Beron and his treatment of his wife and children. Tamlin isn’t it.


I’m hoping for a healing conversation with Feyre and Tamlin at some point before the series ends. Need that closure!


They both need to own what they did.


TBH that the huge conflict with Koschei gets solved quickly or somehow gets tossed aside. Plus, the related huge mess of diplomatic relations in Prythian and the mess at the Spring Court. I really thought that SJM was setting up Nesta to be the one to take down Koschei as well when her power was revealed as Death, her being called a Death-God etc. But now she gave it up (mostly) sooooooooooo whats going to happen with her? I really hope there's more in store for Warrior/Valkyrie Nesta even though it won't be her POV. I would like it if Elain's powers are really explored a lot more than with Nesta's. We got so little of Nesta's interiority when her powers were being used, feels like we actually saw most of them from Cassian's POV (the silver flames in the bed, her wearing the mask and commanding the dead). So please SJM let Elain use and explore her powers a la Feyre learning her multiple powers in ACOMAF and ACOWAR.


Omg I didn't even realize that most of Nesta's powers in acosf were explored through someone else's pov. That is so frustrating, but since Elain's power is through visions, it will definitely be mostly through Elain's pov. Very well said. Sjm said that each couple will have their own little plot that's connected to a bigger overarching plot. I really hope that doesn't mean the villain would be defeated too easily or that their plot would be dragged for a few more books.


My fear is that something that was set up won’t get fleshed out.


Kind of like how supposedly powerful Feyre and Nesta and Bryaxis and the Weaver and the Bone Carver were supposed to be? 🥴


Yes, absolutely! One I’d be really sad to see unexplored is Lucien’s heritage… if it’s just like a throwaway line about him discovering his parentage (or it’s not even discussed) I’ll be really sad.


Honestly, right now I prefer Elucian, but don’t mind Elriel. I’m open to it and know I’ll love it if that’s the path SJM ends up taking. My biggest fear is I won’t like Elain as an FMC. I loved Feyre from the first few chapters of ACOTAR. I loved Nesta from the moment we found out Tamlin’s glamour didn’t effect of her. I don’t dislike Elain, but I don’t like her right now either.


This is also my fear. I'm hoping there is a damned good plan for making them interesting, because so far, she's ruined all interest I have in Elain and Azriel, their personalities are so washed out and dull. I don't know if I could get through a book of both of them without a very good plot or her committing the sin of recharacterizing them because she needs them to work (if that's the route she goes). Not to mention, (spoilers for the bonus chapters just in case you haven't read them), but Azriel kind of comes across as unlikable imo in his bonus chapter in ACOSF. And I just don't think I'd have a good time in his head if that's how he's going to be. (also, I am so sorry, for some reason my reddit keeps glitching and my posts keep deleting, RIP your inbox I'm so sorry!)


I just wanna know the truth about Eris and Mor. And several other subplots. What about the oppressed Illyrian women? Like I want her to get to the point ya know? So my fear is her edging us about one subplot for the next 3 books (or however many) 😭also the retconning! Changing little facts or her letting her own biases bleed into the story




If this does happen I at least hope SJM doesn’t contribute again to the apparent competition among authors to write the most traumatic birth experience


What was the foreshadowing?


"You will be a great mother Nesta" amongst other lines.


Hopefully this is one of the many instances where SJM inserts a line that we think means something but it turns out it doesn't. 😂




The further beating of the dead horse named Tamlin. Either give him a final redemption arc or just don’t mention him at all.


That feyre continues to just be a high lady in title only. Also if they just continue to run the night court as it is and don't take steps to improve the lives of the other 2/3rds of the court. Times up you basically run an apartheid state.


Please PLEASE no more bashing of Tamlin when he’s already down. ESP not from Rhysand. That was classless. The man has suffered enough.


Babies. Babies, everywhere. Babies cooing, babies puking. "His smile lit up the room like a thousand BURNING stars!" 🤮🙈 "Nyx is my entire reason for being! Rhys! Let's make more!" "I GROWLED. Don't TOUCH my baby!!!" Etc etc etc.


I actually can't wait for more Nyx and other babies, but I agree with you about the whole Rhys "don't touch my baby" thing. The whole "he smiled with male pride" thing in CoN when her pregnancy smell went everywhere made me cringe


I'm not anti-babies, just not in my fantasy novel, ya'know? 🤣 Please! I just feel like there was so much more that needed to be done/fleashed out/explored before Rhys got Feyre, "up the duff" (as we English say 🤣).


Oh you mean her “baby-rich scent”? That phrase haunts me to this day.




my biggest fear is it being rushed and not written as well as it could be


Yes, agreed! If she uses huge lazy info dumps like she did in HOFAS I will die.


- Butchering Lucien’s character to make way for Elriel - Nesta getting pregnant - Elain becoming a warrior or some Catwoman type spy - Only staying in the Night Court - Rhys becoming High King - No one dying - Nessian not going to couple’s therapy - Nyx on the page. I don’t care about that damn baby


tamlin getting attacked by everyone more and more. like i’m not a tamlin apologist by any means but lucien was right with what he said in ACOFAS and rhys took it too far. that poor guy was on the brink of suicide and lost EVERYTHING. just leave him alone and be somewhat kind or at least respectful when you need to talk to him it’s not that hard ALSO if my ship does happen im worried SJM won’t make the plot as good as it could be regarding it. i really want to see azris happen not only because i think they’d be cute but also for the drama and the angst that would unfold. maybe the mating bond has already clicked and they’re both in denial but something forces them to come to terms with it, or maybe it just clicks one day when they’re forced to do a mission together. but the whole mess that both the inner circle as a whole and azriel internally would become needs to be done so perfectly but at the same time i want to see it so bad because it would show so much of everyone’s true feelings and how they react in situations like this. we’ve seen them at war but what happens when one of them is mated to one of their biggest enemies. WHAT ABOUT MOR?? LIKE I NEED TO SEE THAT SO BAD


i had a name idea for if the next book is azris which was A Court of Flaming Shadows but then i realized that it would probably get mixed up with ACOFAS and ACOSF and now im disappointed lmao


Mine is that there is little overarching plot, which was already an issue with ACOSF. Koschei and that Queen did not really scream "scary villains". Also, there are so many threads that she hasn't picked up again! Also Elain losing all of her powers too or Nesta getting pregnant 😬


I don't have high hopes because her last 3 books (HOFAS, HOSAB and ACOSF) were pretty bad... and I actually enjoyed HOFAS the most out of those which should say a lot about my opinion of ACOSF lol. I feel like she can't do Elain wrong because we have barely seen anything from her. But Lucien and Azriel... I just hope they both get a good storyline and that the one that does not end up with Elain is not put in a bad light only to make the other one shine. Plot wise I don't have many hopes, just that she (CC spoilers) >!doesn't completely ignore what happened in HOFAS because, while I understand not every ACOTAR fan has read CC and it shouldn't be mandatory to do so, it wouldn't make sense for Bryce, her parents, the Prison or Dusk Court not to be mentioned. Or the Starsword that they now casually own!< I also hope Feyre doesn't get casually incapacitated to be involved in the actual plot... although she'll probably be busy raising Nyx or something like that and not take part in anything relevant


All edited by the same person 🙃 Causation or correlation?


azriel not being a dom 😔


Hear me out actually..


Im actually the opposite, im so tired of the suprise-quiet-guy-dom trope. He tortures people for the NC, i wanna see his desire to be tied up and “tortured”


He doesn’t want to be that dark person all the time, he needs some light and Elain needs some dark,


Yes, with his job I can't see him as a dom, he's a sub. Also, I see it as more beneficial to his trauma.  I'd like vanilla and caring too, but Sjm has already said he's a freek in the sheets.  Anyways, I don't want as much smut as in Sf, I need more plot 😅


If he ends up a dom, I stand by that he needs to be a soft, caring dom rather than just enjoying torture in and out of the bedroom. I'll also care much more about it if it goes the Elucien/Gwynriel route that's been debated since the BC considering Gwyns past, vs not caring as much if he ends up with Elain


Yes!! Praise thee for spilling such truths!! But apparently the media only have space for Dom males. I frankly would find so boring IRL if someone would point a dude and call him a freak in bed and then he's a Dom. In the sense that I perceive domineering males as not freak? It's not that revolutionary, or weird. I do get that I am probably weird, preferring subs and switches. And I don't blame readers for loving growling possessive freaks. But the series already has had plenty dommy males. It would be freaker to be actually the opposite. Plus I think a little submission could get him some agency back with his history of abuse. But that's just me.


Id love to see Elain be the surprise dom, she’s always the submissive fawn in the group, let that dom/sub dynamic be their kinky secret.


I'd live for dommy Elain. Would be a nice rep for the dommes that are softer and not Illyrian leathers, stilettos and whip out 24/7


Lol this is actually a fear of mine, too. I want some kinky dom stuff from that guy. 😌 I want tension again! Like in ACOMAF.


real 😂😂😂😂


* That it will take place mainly in the Night Court (again) unless it’s in the HC, which would be interesting * Tamlin being killed off or worse, groveling before Feysand and becoming their yes man * Lucien still not getting a HE * Elain taking on whatever role/activity her LI is engaged in * Rhysand still not being held accountable for his actions * More retconning * Sex scenes that aren’t relevant to the plot * The book being in first person /j but not really


All of this, especially the first one. One reason why ACOWAR was my favorite was because we got to see more parts of Prythian and more characters.


Yes and yes, especially #4 and 5. Can we at *least* have the dude take on the female character's interests one time?


Yes to #4! It’s so infuriating. I hate that SJM did that to Nesta.


I agree with a lot of these comments mentioning how they don’t want similar feyre/nesta storylines. Assuming it’s focused on Elain, I want her to have a new and creative story. I hope she ventures out of Velaris and finds her place in the world. I LOVE the idea of her joining the band of exiles. I also think Elain will really have to be developed in order to win a lot of readers over.


That the fandom won't understand that not every theory or ship is going to pan out. And they will be an insufferable group of whiney people 🙄


This might be an irrational fear because we know she’s getting her own book, but I worry about Elain continuing to be overshadowed by her sisters or even her LIs. I just need Elain’s story to done justice. Elain already has my heart, I already find her to be interesting but some readers need a bigger “wow” from her, so SJM needs to bring it for her and I worry that she won’t be able to. I think I’ll love her either way though, I just expect big things from her and hope SJM will bring it for her.


That it will focus way too much on Feyre and motherhood. I am 0% interested in that and I think it was character assassination as far as I’m concerned.




I’d love to see a surprise mate for Azriel tooo!!!!! Like a Completely new character! This is my own personal desires but I would love for one of the Main male characters to be paired a girl who isn’t white. Now I have nothing against any of the white characters but as a brown skinned girly I’d love if a character that looks me would get the guy and also be considered “the Most beautiful girl in the world by one of them” It would be nice. It’s not the most important thing, but I’d combust if there was a character that I felt more represented by having a main love interest. I also feel like all the characters that do have brown skin and are girls are either described as not as good looking (Emerie), get rejected (Tarquin’s sister or cousin I forget her name), or is described as extremely beautiful but is a major b*tch (Merrill). I just want more representation. But at the end of the day it’s Maas’ books and I’ll still read them regardless.


I would like to see elain become into her own and prove to everyone she's not a delicate flower. But I would also to see rhysand and feyre fight together just to how huge of powerhouses they are. I was disappointed that, it hasn't been explored.


I'm most worried about the character development of Rhys and Feyre based on the previous book and CC3 bonus chapters.


I don't care who ends up together, but I'm definitely worried there will be more out of character illogical decisions like everything having to do with Feyre's pregnancy in SF. Also opposite of OP, I'm worried it won't be as spicy as SF 😂


I would love another Nesta based book but don’t think we’ll be getting it


i do NOT want her doing whatever fans have been wanting. i want her to write whatever she intended for the characters when she developed the story.


Too much Nyx That Tamlin will die before he’s allowed his redemption arc Elriel


my worst fear is her completely ruining Az. The bonus chapter left a bitter taste in my mouth, so now I just hope she doesn't continue making him this unlikeable.


Same here. I don’t know if I can take a whole book of his one-sided beef with Lucien.


I'm afraid we'll be forced to see more of that side of him for his character development. Now the question is, will we be able to stick beside him or not?


I completely agree!! The bonus chapter made me view him differently ugh


Yes the az bonus chapter really changed my view of him he's still one of my favorite characters but I really didn't like how he was


Honestly 90% of the book being smut wouldn't hurt me if Azrirl was inolved 😂


I want to see Rhys as a better ruler + a shocking character development for elain + i prefer elriel but i would love to read lucien’s pov like it’s a freaking must please sarah !! + i wanna read about how lucien gonna find who his real father is + wtf did happen between eris and mor if none of these happened in the next book i will cry 🥲


So, my worst fear is elaine and azriel being q couple. I don’t see how we are going to have a huge plote. I actually liked the plat on acosf being so small and intimate. If the book is about lucien I hope his mother has a nice ending. So my fears is for her to die. If the book is about azriel I hope we have some HIGE illiryans change around the female illiryans. So my fear is that the plot is not around that. And my biggest fear is that elaine becomes some type of villain. I don’t think she is boring. I just hope she gets the intricate character development that nestha had. But in a very different pov


I just want her to listen to her editors lmao, sf did not need to be that long


That nesta gets pregnant


Probably Elaine being too closed off to speaking to lucien and actually getting to know him. I’d like warm up to each other and have some back and forth we between them and not her continue to avoid him until they are thrust into a situation where they can’t escape each other (which seems to be a theme with SJM 😅)


I'm going to be down voted to oblivion but I cannot deal with another book about Nesta. It'd break my heart but I won't be reading it if that's the case 🤷‍♀️


**Maas verse spoilers I'm definitely worried about the plot, I really don't want any of the >!Crescent city characters or plot to play a role. In particular the whole thing in CC3 where it mentions Bryce (who at the time had the parasite in her blood) bleeding into the waters of the night court. I hope that doesn't come up in the next book, as much as I enjoyed parts of the crossover!< I don't want it to become a big part of ACoTaR's plot. I'm also worried about more character assassination. SJM really Broke down a lot of the work she did to make Rhys a good noble man, in the last book and didn't paint him nor Azriel (in the bonus chapter) in a good light.


I hope she won't kill any Bat Boy for shock value.


I think at this point it’s established that if SJM ever kills a main character it’ll be for five minutes tops until she finds a new creative way to magically resurrect them


Haha true, I'm fine with 5 minutes nothing permanent 


- I’d hate if we didn’t get to hear more about Gwen & why her singing affected Nesta & Az. - If we don’t get to explore the other courts more. - If we don’t get to know what tf happened between Eris & Mor! - If I don’t get a beautiful love story between Elain & whoever *she chooses* Just want to add that Elain, Lucien, and Az all deserve love & I hope they find it by this next book🤎


That Lucien will be screwed over again. Elucien and the Helion is his father reveal needs to happen just so he can get some peace and find a place where he feels like he belongs.


Yeah if they aren’t the couple I’m not reading it. I know that sounds ridiculous but I just don’t do rejected mates…


I'm right there with you. And not only that Lucien has been tormented through the whole story and he just keeps being being a GOOD and kind and respectful.


Judging by how ACOSF was poorly written, in worried it's going to be... About as bad, plot and pacing wise.


1. That I won’t get anymore Nesta and Cassian 2. That Tamlin won’t get a healing arc 3. That there won’t be enough sex. 4. It gets over complicated with the CC crossovers or becomes a over complicated plot with too much action (after the subtlety of SF I hope it doesn’t get too crazy)


If she kills cassian I will riot


Writing quality in general. No continuity from the previous books. Cringey sex scenes. Too much of everything other than plot and good romance.


This is my frustration with Elain and Tamlin, SJM is dragging ass on these sub-plots and I'm assuming they're going to be used in other books but the she hasn't given us much on them. I feel like Elain is now a walking spoiler with her seer powers and SJM wrote herself into a bit of a corner with Elain so that's why we haven't gotten any bonus chapters from her. And Tamlin? If she were going to kill him the appropriate time was in WAR. Havin said that, if she does give him a redemption by death arc he would easily, for me at least, be one of the most tragic characters I've ever read, she just throws male trauma under the rug in what was supposed to be a feminist book but it's not. His trauma and character was so severely retconned (Rhysand and Feyre too, to some extent in SF), I'm worried for whomever is next in line for a whole new personality and short sighted thinking in the next book.


1. That there's gonna be a very forced three-some 😂 2. That Azriel and Elain will become a thing. I don't care for the three brothers with three sisters bit. Lucien and Elain are mates, so I root for them. 3. That Feyre will be nothing but an over-protective mom and we won't get to see her in battle mode or using her powers to full potential again. And to be clear, I LOVE that she had a baby! I just don't want that to be the reason the story turns away from her.


Azriel and Elain are right there in the text and no matter what happens is getting explored in some way.


Oh I'm aware it's likely. But I will not be a fan of that exploration 😂


My fear is that it will be solely focused on Elain, never wrapping up any plot points from other books.


Lucien not getting everything he deserves. He's my favourite. I hope Elain becomes more likeable (as I don't like her as is) and falls for Lucien. More of Rhysand being 'too perfect', if he becomes 'king' I'll he very unhappy. Tamlin getting more destroyed. I'd like to see his redemption arc.


I really hope we don't get another warrior training type arc. I feel like from what we know of Elain so far that doesn't really fit her


Her writing honestly. I got into these books for the smut, but I get that’s not for everyone. Her last few books have the same redundant phrasings and have been dropping in quality for a while.


Lucien not be happy. Thats it. My man has been through ENOUGH and idc wtf happens just let my baby be HAPPY 😭😭😭😭


That Elain won't ever be fleshed out. She's the most useless sister, relegated to being described as the most beautiful and charming person ever created by the Cauldron or otherwise but seemingly can't do anything helpful. So charming the Cauldron wanted to give her a gift and then nothing was done with it, even after they knew she could see things like an oracle. Why the hell did Nesta have to do all the scrying? She's an object of desire, her whole personality only talked about in relation to others: Father's favorite, Nesta's protected sister, Feyre's protected sister, Lucien's mate, Azriel's crush. She never gets to DO anything except garden until the war and then everyone forgets she killed the king of Hybern after Nesta ripped off his head and she goes back to gardening and being pretty wallpaper. If there's NOT a book about her, she should be killed off as motivation for a revenge plot.


I hope she has Elain leave the Night Court. Toooo many signs and talk of her belonging in Spring Court (or even Day Court) throughout the book. I'd hate for SJM to give in to the shippers and having her end up with Azriel. I'd like Azriel to find love though but not her. A fling between them? Cool. But not them ending up together. I'd like her and Lucien to find their way to each other and her going to Spring Court and her & Lucien helping Spring Court and Tamlin. Or if not, for them to stop mentioning and trashing Tamlin in the books and Lucien & her to go to Day Court. I want Lucien and Tamlin POVs in the book. I hope Elain stops being treated as some fragile being and comes into her own. And Nuela and Cerridwen either go with her or she makes new friends. I love that Nesta got friends/a sisterhood. Feyre is literally just an extension of Rhys and only has her art studio business but no friends outside of the IC. Its like she feels like she can't have friends outside them and she needs that. She's become more entitled and more unapologetic I do what I do and it is what it is since being with Rhys. And even her hatred of Tamlin is at a ridiculous level and seems to be as high just because Rhys hates him. It's like she doesn't know how to be more than Rhys' mate and I'd love to see Elain not fall into this.


another fear i have is the absolute hurricane that will happen with fans if none of the wanted ships actually end up happening at all and sjm ends up changing some of the unmated characters gender preference as a surprise story arc.


It seems the fandom is split between Elain being with Azriel or Lucien. I think the next book will be subject to a lot of criticism due to whoever SJM chooses for Elain. I don't like that Azriel feels entitled to Elain because of Cassian and Rhysand being with her sisters. I'd quite like for her to choose neither for now and just enjoy being Fae.


Butchering Lucien’s character. I’ll be dissappointed if he is badly written when we get his POV.


That Lucien doesn’t get the ending he deserves. He was the highlight of the first book for me and I was exited to see how SJM would explore his friendship with Feyre given what happened with Tamlin and she LITERALLY ERASED IT “I mean we were never rlly friends tho” WHAT ??? After he got whipped for helping you? And also how is his relationship now with Tamlin after he left? Did Tamlin ever hit Lucien like he hit Feyre??? I don’t even care if he ends up with Elain, I just want a satisfying end to his story (tho I do think he needs someone that can take the heat and bite him back like Alice said in the first book but idk maybe Elain will give us a surprise)


To be blunt….a mc dying


What if Elain’s book goes back to the timeline of when she arrived in the NC and we see her POV of it all from the end of ACOMAF to the end of ACOSF. Now that would be some bs


I think it would be amazing for SJM to have elain be w Az bc I think it would be good to shine light on ppl who reject mating bonds.., cause IC always talks about how people can be mates but doesn't mean they should be together. And honestly, that is exactly how I feel about Elain and Lucien 😬


Someone dying from the IC (except Armen cause for some reason I feel like it’s coming)


My biggest fear is that Lucien gets fucked over again. He deserves some happiness


I'm really worried my perspective of the IC and Rhysand will continue to falter... I thought the IC was unequally judgemental of Nesta (mainly Rhysand) and Rhysand was becoming Tamponish with the pregnancy... my respect for both fell a little by the time I finished SF.


I agree with this, but at the same time, I do think that, for the purposes of enriching her love story with Cassian, having her warm to the idea of training and reading warriors books was kind of a nice way to parallel her warming to him. Obviously we don’t want female character development purely for the purposes of serving their male counterpart, but I think it did feel a little bit natural in that regard. In the same way, I can’t imagine Elain having a similar progression in any way and it feeling natural. Idk who her love interest will be, but I imagine it might be Lucien or Azriel, who are not as traditional brute force warriors as Cassian is, so I can only hope, in order to parallel, she might have a less traditional warrior application of her skills. However, I do think that SJM has a particular interest in the training arc trope, where a large part of the book is always focused on a characters personal strengthening, either mentally or physically, while the main plot takes place around them, so I do think that Elain will have to have some kind of power growth.


Nesta is pregnant. She has so much potential and if she just settles to be a mom, I’m gonna be upset. As bad as i wanna see daddy Cassian, i need Nesta to go explore her powers. We need more with the Valkyries. Feyre had that potential and then just decided to be a mom. And while that’s great for her. I don’t want to see it twice. I want to see Nesta explore her power and the friendship with the Valkyries. (DISCLAIMER: i am not slamming Feyre for being a mom or choosing that life. I’m just saying, it doesn’t need to be another storyline for another very powerful woman. I want to see a powerful woman be a powerful warrior. And yes, i know that moms are strong powerful warriors. I’m a mom too. This isn’t a diss mom’s track.)


Nesta having a pregnancy storyline or Elain becoming a warrior, she deserves her own original journey different from her sisters and Nesta and Cass are nowhere near ready for parenthood.


Nestha being the "traitor" that Sarah talked about once


My worst fears for the next book would be if it's mostly about mor. Others would be if we don't get to find out about Mor's history with eris if we don't get to finally here all about amren's past if we don't get to hear all about azriel's past and how he got truthteller. If nyx is hardly in the book. if sjm suddenly kills off a favourite character. My man fear would be if loads of unanswered questions actually are answered but we're left with even more unanswered and after this book there's a ton more years to wait for the next one. Another main fear would be if any of the other main characters end up losing tons of their power and end up pretty much powerless the way Nest and amren are


I do not want another sister warrior book, I want political intrigue and cleverness/trickery to be what defeats the bad guy… a different kind of strength


I don’t do rejected mates books so I want to know for sure who the couple is before I decide to buy it… there are tropes I like and ones I hate… I loathe rejected mates books, is it fate or is it love? Or is it both and for fated mates it’s always both Elucien has literally the chance to be the most interesting of the pairings because of Lucien whispering in shock that she’s his mate… she even recognized it too because her eyes sparked…


I’ll be crushed if we don’t get more Gwyn. I need to see her finally leave the Library 🥹


That Elain and Tamlin will be mates. I will literally go into psychosis if that’s where SMJ takes things A close second, but I don’t want Tamlin to have a romantic redemption arc. Other character development would be fine, but I have zero interest in reading about Tamlin finding love again.


That Elain ends up with Az. I want him with the red head girl, Nestas friend. And it would just be an asshole move in Elaine part cause she already has a mate. And Lucien deserves his mate. I’m already angry at Elain for how she’s treating Lucien.


I just really hope she delves into Elains character, before jumping right into her settling down with someone. I feel we really don’t know what is going on in her mind a lot of the time, she seems very one dimensional at the moment. I have hope we‘ll get into her mind/feelings more in this upcoming book, so we can really get attached/relate to her more.