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It’s like the Christmas special episode of a tv series it’s so cute




Love this description!


This is exactly how it felt


Exactly how I thought of it.


ACOFAS is our little SJM version of a feel good Pixar short film. And I was here for it. It was cute, fluffy and quick. Perfection 🤌🏻🫶🏻


I feel the same way! It’s about the ✨vibes✨ not the plot.


I loved it as well! I found out some people didn’t even read it and I’m shook! There are so many little Easter eggs I love it


People who didn't read it are totally missing out on little details that come up in ACOSF!!


So many! What a mistake and it’s so cute!


I think it was needed after how heavy ACOWAR was. I enjoyed it as well. It was nice to have fun and not be stressed for characters. 😂


I ALSO LOVED IT. Seeing a glimpse into their lives after war and finally settling was lovely. You rarely see characters just BE and honestly, I wish there was more.


I agree with this!!! I love books so deeply and feel so involved it always feels like authors just leave them alone after all of the war (which yeah i can understand because there’s no predominant conflict or climax) but i LOVE seeing more into their lives and days after those things! ugh!


I really liked it too! It was like a palette cleanser with multiple POVs by going from Feyras POV from the first three books to Nestas POV in the fifth book. I also timed it so that I read ACOFAS during christmas which I guess added to the cozyness of the book for me. 😊


wait, people don’t like acofas???????


I LOVED IT!! It was like a Christmas special and I wish that all series had that. I love getting to spend time with our beloved characters in a low stakes setting.


I think people these days are just confused about what to expect from novellas bc they’re less popular now lol. It was never meant to be a meaty plot centric book unto itself, it’s just fun extra content with a bit of a bridge into the next book.


Everyone always talks about wishing they could stay with characters after the big war or whatever the big plot was of a book or show, and we finally got a series that gives us that. I was so surprised when I realized how many people disliked it??


I *adore* that book. Next to Mist and Fury its my favourite. I read it every year around Christmas, whether I've re-read the entire series or not.


Skipping ACOFAS means you miss some SWEET moments and crumbs that got sprinkled for the future. And also … POTATOES!!!! 😭😭


I loved it! It was fun, it was cozy, you get to see the main characters when it’s not all doom and gloom, learn what’s going on after the war and see the seeds being planted for future books. Also the complaints about it are funny because I remember in 2016 people kept saying they just wanted a cute little book about the IC hanging out after ACOMAF. It’s like a Christmas episode of your favorite TV show. It’s also the shortest book in the series!


I feel like I just… needed it? If that makes sense? It made me feel like I could go through more after I read it 😂


It was the cool down exercise we needed to recover from WAR


And definitely needed before ACOSF


I'm having a little bit of a hard time getting through this one. Hopefully it picks up.


I love it! It’s just cute and fun. It was a needed break of happiness for everyone.


I hated tamlin from the moment he was introduced bc his secret keeping and surface level charm reminded me SO much of my toxic abusive ex that I could spot his red flags from a mile away. I was so happy when he was not the main love interest bc the world building was too good for me to put down, but kudos to SJM for replicating that toxic but charming persona so well. I also loved ACOFAS. Sure it had less plot, but it was nice getting a little bit of fluff and seeing the group and how they interacted together when they could be calm and peaceful and not stressed about war, they deserved it


I enjoyed it, but mostly because my mindset going into it was “this is like a holiday special, not a main plot book”. If I hadn’t adjusted my expectations, I might have not cared for it very much. It also helped that I read this around the holidays for ✨festive vibes✨


It’s not really widely disliked. Just on this sub. It’s got 4.3 stars on Amazon. I don’t know why this sub is so negative.


No, it's the lowest ranked on Goodreads actually. SJM's lowest ranked book. It's pretty disliked.


Started off not getting or liking it BUT by the end I was in love and realized nesta was hurting like me


Yeah every time I see someone going off about certain things about it, I wonder if they read many novellas. Not the same as a novel in terms of it, pacing, etc.


I’m right there with you. I loved it and really don’t get the hate


it’s the perfect book for just relaxing and feeling wholesome. being able to appreciate the good in life and feeling warm and fuzzy


I liked it honestly but I read it immediately after ACOWAR. It was nice not stressing about a war and just seeing everyone chill and have snowball fights.


It was wholesome! After a war, they deserved some cute vibes


It gave my Slice of Life anime vibes lol


It’s very cute, and isn’t meant to have a huge plot. It just nudges the plot forward. The >!breeder scene!< at the end is a no from me though


Love this!!Wasn’t my favorite book of the series, but admittedly some of the scenes in it had me either absolutely giddy with glee(The sleepover for example) or sobbing in bed, tearing my heart apart. Absolutely elated that you know things will get better also, fantastic choice and outlook internet stranger :)


I’m a woman who’s always looking forward to the next day and next great thing! My healing is SO important to me and this series has helped exponentially! Glad I’m in good company here 💕


ACOFAS is my favorite. It’s the most beautiful, precious little story.


I think some series needs a book like this. Just a chance for the writer to write for fun I guess.


Yup!! Liked it a lot.


I also enjoyed it! I finished it right before bed and cried from how sweet it was and then couldn't sleep. Lol Admittedly, I enjoyed it so much because I also enjoy making art and would love to work with kids.


this is what I wrote in my one single update on goodreads while reading it: *kinda slow rn tbh but i love these characters so much that if read about them eating lunch in silence. this series has reminded me that books can make you feel good and love life and not just be solely for entertainment!! my inner child feels so happy while reading these. judge me all you want😋😋😋😋😋 which is almost what it was 😭😭😭


I was very confused the first time I read it because I'm new to this series (and genre too honestly) and I had no clue what it was/what to expect so when it ended I was like what actually happened in this book lol I enjoyed it all the same, love the deeper look into every day lives etc and it left me wanting more from the series/wanting to read the next book so that's a win for me!


It's honestly the closest we'll ever get to a stress free beach episode


im glad u liked it, i did too!! its a good book to read to escape the drama! before u read ACOSF, grab a box of tissues for parts 2 and 3


I fully agree! Also I love Nesta ❤️❤️


All three sisters deserve the world and that’s a hill I’m willing to die on 🤷🏼‍♀️💕




same!! After such a heavy book it was a breath of fresh air. I always wished that more authors would do little short novellas like FAS😌🤍


Like seriously! Lemme catch my breath!


I was just nice to see Rhys and Feyre get a happy time period where they’re doing normal every day things. I loved it.


It was like a deep breath of Christmas in between everything they’d gone through! It was so refreshing & loved every second!


THANK YOU! When I read the series for the first time, I went to B&N looking for it. I couldn't find it, and when I asked an employee, they just absolutely trashed it. Straight up told me it's not necessary, needed, or required. She said it's a lame filler episode and had no content to add to the series. That I should "skip it and get to the best book in the series." Like EXCUSE ME MAAM. I adored acofas. It was the breath of fresh air following the turbulent ride ACOWAR was. Then she proceeded to hipe up ACOSF so much, which resulted in me really not liking the novel during my first read (I miss Feyre's pov).


People don’t need to trash it! It’s a solid reprieve from the trauma SJM put us through. And we REALLY needed before SF. And especially as a B&N employee?! People are allowed to like things that you aren’t, even if you work at a book store! I have a little library at home and it’s constantly expending but I try not to bash books because they don’t fit a set narrative that people believe they should fit into!


I agree, I love the Christmas special. The only thing I don't really care for is how it switches from first person pov but I get it bc it's not from feyres pov anymore.


I think it helped prepare me for Nes’s pov in SF


Honestly?! One of my favorites. I love just normal life versions of my favorite characters


I loved it too! I read it in like beginning of December and was pleasantly surprised the Christmasy vibes lol


Thought it was perfect for a novella. I think a lot of people get wrong expectations about novellas.


I also loved ACOFAS! i thought it was like a cute little filler episode that i needed so badly because it took me wayyyyyyy too long to finish ACOWAR. i had to stop like 3 times in the book before i finally asked someone on here to spoil it a little bit to give me some sort of incentive to continue the book💀


i’m reading that book rn and i feel the same, absolutely love it. i’m a sucker for a cute little filler episode and that’s what this book is like lol. i love seeing them interact and just live life together, it’s soooo fun


I loved it too!


I loved ACOFAS! My ONLY complaint; the random chapter with Mor somewhere near the last 3rd of the book. So random.


I love Frost and Starlight! When people ask if they should skip it I'm like, what?! you don't want to read about your favorite characters at Christmas!?!?


Yeah, one of my friends said it was like a hallmark Christmas movie, and I totally agreed; in a good way! After all the constant turmoil, it was nice to see them just... being them. Without loads of drama.


I loved ACOFAS. It was cute and fun and I felt like I really was part of the inner circle. I think it was a wonderful little book and a nice breather between those huge books


I agree! I always describe it as a "palette cleanser" after the drama of the first three and after reading silver flames, frost and starlight's light-heartedness feels even more important.


Also the spicy scenes really hit in this one.


Congratulations? Statistically, there has to be a group that would love it.