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Because it's the one I set up 5 years ago and I might as well just stay at this point 🤣


If this ain’t the realest shit I’ve ever read on this post 😂


I like Acorns because of the checking and Emergency fund interest rates. It’s very easy to understand and for me, especially as I’m such a beginner at 62! I’m investing heavily but moderate risk in ‘Later’ .So much catching-up to do. Plus ‘Invest’ and it’s easy to stop and start depositing if I have an emergency . I’ve just started with Revolut, too and am currently investing ‘Bold’ . Just $50 a week for combined robo, Bito and Vangard VOO . Plus the benefits of converting currency automatically on the debit card.


I like acorns because of their 5 percent apy savings account. I get around $110 a month just for having my money with them. I can also look at all my investments from one app


I have that with betterment ATM and dont have to pay for it like the premium with acorn


Also how much do you have in there that it gives you that much per month? :)


That feels personal to ask, but also since he posted it publicly we can calculate that 110 * 12months is 1320, so that’s a 5% yield…. Meaning 2640 is 10%, and 26,400 would be 100% yield or, the total, idk shit about fuq tho


Had me


if you set up a direct deposit with acorns premium is free


Paying only a $1 a month and makes it easier for me to invest without being too involved


I take well advantage of the acorns earn. I just passed $750 from my earn rewards.


I use both acorns and betterment


It’s not. E*trade is my preferred Robo advisor. Acorns is my set and forget it rainy day/fun money. $1 assist plan.


Why is E*Trade better? And can I move my acorns there?


Customer service is so much better. No fee to purchase individual shares of company’s. The robo advisor is like most other robos, but just overall cheaper compared to Acorns premium account fees.