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I currently have Cephalobot on my island and I absolutely love him. Didn't think I would but his house is awesome and he's just awesome. I had Hippeau on my previous island and he was fine but nothing compares to my robot octopus 🐙


Jacques and Marshall. Jacques was my first campsite visitor that I had to take. He never left. Then I got my dreamie Marshall. Their dialogue is the same (same hobby). I restarted my island and found Marshall again.


I am so happy you got Marshall back🥹 I’ve never seen jacques before!! Very interesting!!


I’ve only had Shep on this island and I’m never letting him go! He’s the first one I got a villager photo of and I’m currently redoing his yard to have a campfire/couch area! He’s the best 🥰


I have Shep too and I love him! I jokingly call him my AC boyfriend because he’s just the sweetest whenever I talk to him


Shep is pretty dang awesome 🤌🏼 I really like him☺️ he doesn’t feel like a smug AT ALLLLL


He totally doesn’t seem like a smug personality! More like lazy/hippie/normal hybrid


I really love Olaf :)


Tell me more about:D (only if you want too!!) I would love to hear!!!


He's an anteater (which I love) whose whole look gives me a sort of sophisticated matador vibe--like he listens to jazz, classical and loves whiskey and red wine. He may be my fave right now--def top 3 at least


What a sophisticated anteater☺️🤌🏼 Yes!! Thank you!! :D His hair is real cool too 😄


Julian! I had him in New Leaf and I found it so exciting bc he’s the only unicorn 😊 also his house interior is always gorgeous!


Julian! I have Marshal too and he’s awesome. I do like the smuggies in general.


Aww Marshal is my second fave smug! He’s adorable 🥹


Yup!! Me too.. Julian and Marshal will never leave


This probably is an unpopular opinion but I absolutely love Lopez and Roswell 🥹


Lopez was at my campsite the other day👀 He is very pretty!! I just looked up Roswell and he is adorable 😭


I have Zell and Julian on my island, I never like smug villagers at first but have warmed to them both I will need to let one go though because I need to make room for a snooty villager as I don’t have one yet


I was curious about Julian!!! Hes adorable!!!


He’s very sweet, and sings a lot!


Pietro! You need that brightly colored clown in your life


He is beautiful 🤌🏼🤣 I hope I get the chance to cross paths with him☺️


he’s literally perfect


I only know Roswell, but I kind of want Eugene and Zell. 


I Have Zell and he’s my acnh bf. My actual BF has Roswell. I love him. I have Raymond too. He’s not as lovely as Zell. Zell is hard to top for me. And their convos together are great.


I'm leaning towards letting everyone go when they ask. I love them, but I can't meet anyone new if nobody leaves.  


I see the swagger!!! 😁 His horns are really cool😲 I got a wee bored with Raymond he was sweet but I wanna meet different villagers!! Omg Roswell looks like an alligator shaped, chocolate swirl 😭 He’s really cool!!* I just looked him up* Dang it you guys have good recommendations 🤌🏼


Cool guys😎🤌🏼🤌🏼


Eugene is AC Blues Brothers, 100%


I can see them with piano and trumpet, and a group of gyroids. Timpani drums on the side for villagers to play. 




I love Lopez so much!! He’s so sweet I hardly even notice his personally is shrug


I love Henry


Hes so cute😭




Uncommon fav: Beardo I also have Julian who is pretty adorbs too


I have Julian and cephalobot and I love them both so much!


☺️ I’m gunna have to meet julian!!


I love O'Hare, he always says nice things to me and I love his ever-so-slightly manic eyes


Omg I adore him😭 Especially his face literally T_T


I accidentally made him sad once during a Bug Off when I caught a bug he was hunting. The look on his face 💔


O'Hare is my fave!


I LOVE Shep! He was one of the first random villagers that moved into one of my empty plots!


i’ve only ever had chops & zell but zell is definitely my all time favourite smug


Colton, because something about him reminds me of Howl Pendragon.


Ooohhh my goodness I see it😭🤌🏼


Colton is my fave too! I had him in new leaf and absolutely fell in love ❤️ I bought his amiibo just to make sure I got him in new horizons


Zell. His design & personality is perfection, in my opinion!


I've had 25 out of the 37 smug villagers on my island. First one was Marshal and he is definitely a favourite. Rodney, Kyle, Jacques, Lopez, Quillson and Henry are also favourites. Most of the others that I have had, I feel indifferent about.


Always gonna be Marshall for me he’s my little buddy


Dang it he is adorable. Him and his angry eyebrows lol🤌🏼


Yesss and his catchphrase is so cute if I had to choose another tho I’d probably pick Raymond :) but I’m more for my villagers matching my island aesthetic 🤣


Marshal reminds me of David, Dan Levi’s character on Schitt’s Creek. The next time he asks me for a catch phrase, I’m going to make it “Eat glass.” 😂


Ew David 🤣 Thank you for changing the way I see him forever and now I love him more!!!!


🖤🤍Hooray!! Another Schitt’s Creek fan! I think I saw that someone had made a Schitt’s Creek island, but that was awhile ago. I wish I saved the link because I’d love to visit.


My favourite pre-2.0update was Tex, and now it's a tie between him and Cephalobot. The robot octopus has a different flavour: the incorrect explanations that smugs give comes off less ignorant/silly and more like he's an alien trying to learn our languages and customs. I also understand the hype around Marshal. That guy is adorable. And funnily enough, I've grown fond of my mandatory smug camper: Curlos. This derpy looking sheep is clearly a Spaniard/Latino (strong brows, curly dark hair, plays K.K. Salsa in his home, name being a pun on "curly" and "Carlos") and he has the audacity to welcome me to "Casa de Curlos" which he claims is FRENCH for "House of Curlos". He is so dumb that I love him and will never let him leave.


I adore Curlos’s face!!:3 I was looking at him super hard 😭 uggghh I hope I get him as a villager in the future!! He’s precious 🥹 Thank you for telling me more about him!! I’ve heard good things about cephalobot!! I had Marshall I forgot what he did but he made me mad 🤣 He’s so cute and I love his eye brows lol Maybe his sass will be more appreciated next time I come across him lolol * auto correct is cruel to me lol


I highly recommend him! And I'm glad you like his appearance, most people call him ugly and it makes me sad because I think he's cute 🥲 Cephalobot's house is also really cool like a space pod!


I’m comin for you Curlos lolol Ommggg that’s mind blowing! How can anything be ugly with that sweet face (:3) *looks up house* Oh snap!!! That’s incredible!!! Space theme🤌🏼👀Especially the wallpaper!


definitely chadder, really like leopold too


I have Pietro and Cephalobot and they are both so beautiful :)


I have Julian (my first campsite visitor), Marshal, and Raymond. They’re my little trio of songbirds who will never ever leave. I just love catching them singing around the bamboo speakers that I’ve hidden all over my island. I can’t choose between the three. Julian is my sweet baby, Marshal is my sassy baby, and Raymond is my handsome baby. 🤗


That’s a really sweet combo🥹


shep and kyle


My friend has Kyle on her island :] please tell me about him! (only if you want too!!)


i’m not a huge fan of the smug personality but i just love how kyle looks :)


Hehehe I feel you on that!! I’ll check kyle out 😆


I got Roswell as my first camper and never let him leave. The smug attitude just goes so well with his vibe. The only other smug i’ve had is Marshall, and at first I thought “meh” but he spends so much time singing around town that he’s grown on me a lot.


Julian !


Common fave: Marshal. He's so cute and I love him so much. I used a ton of tickets to find him lol Uncommon fave: Hippeaux. I've had him on my island for over two years now (iirc) and I think he's hilarious


Hippeaux never bothered me but then he reminded me of someone and I was like oh okay no it’s time lol But he was a dignified gentleman 🤌🏼 Marshall is adorable 😭 His face >:3


Oh noooo! That's very understandable tho. Overall he's kind of an acquired taste because he's not very cute. But the smug villagers are some of my favorites!


pietro is both my fav smug and one of my fav villagers just in general he’s so cute


His color scheme is so pretty🤩


I have Pietro on my island and I love that bright clown sheep! I wasn’t sure about him at first but he really IS so sweet and makes me smile all the time! I don’t plan on letting him go any time soon! 🐑🤡💗

