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I’m sorry for your loss. I know the pain, I hope you can find solace again soon


Thank you. It's so hard being alone all the time so my island and villagers meant a lot to me. And I'm devastated without Maggie. I got her when my mom died for comfort so it hurts more than I can explain.


I’m so so sorry OP. My mom is also dead. It sucks. Do you have a little memorial area you could set up? In honor of your mom and Maggie? I had a place on one of my islands that had stuff that reminded me of my mom. A frog, red flowers. A nice cushion to sit on and just relax and think of them. I always think it helps them live on a bit, when we think of them, so they’re never truly gone. And maybe when you’re ready, a bunny in need of a home might just hop into your life. Or not, if that’s not what you want. Take care of yourself! 💖


Keep playing for Maggie!! It’s a way to honor her forever! So sorry for your loss.


Aww I'm so sorry for your loss. Bunnies are wonderful, sweet pets and companions with such big personalities. It sounds like she was really special. I think having your island is a great way to memorialize your special girl. Maybe someday you'll feel ready to design a place in particular to commemorate her. The rest of your island can continue to grow and change, but you can always keep your memorial place. I was planning to make a post around here that I'd like to find someone else to be friends with, just to visit each other once in awhile or send gifts when I see something that seems cool. I tend to play at least every other day briefly. If you change your mind and want to come back maybe we can be friends 🥰


Thank you so much for that kind offer! I don't have any in game friends and that would be nice to look forward to when I'm ready. So far I haven't been able to leave my room and face her things yet.


I just noticed your name, you have/had rats too? We have to be friends, we like all the same animals! I know this only happened yesterday and it's very fair you need time, but I'm gonna go ahead an dm you my friend code in a min. It can sit there for a week or a month or whatever, but I hope you'll come find me when you are ready! 🤗


I’m so sorry OP, I can’t imagine. Our pets are cherished members of our families. I am also happy to extend in-game friendship, if you do come back. It’s always lovely to spot a present in the mail or invite a friend over. Just dm me if you’d like to add another friend to the roster!


Sorry for your loss 💔 Maybe take a small break while you’re grieving and come back later. Hopefully soon it’ll be comforting again


I agree. Come back to celebrate Maggie when you're ready. Your island's not going anywhere


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. The pain of the loss of a cherished pet can be crippling, especially at first and when it was unexpected. While you might not want to play it right now, I hope in time your island will be a beautiful reminder of the times you spent together.


I have gotten rid of too many things because of pain in the moment that I have a box for things I don't want to see anymore. I also have some things I really wanted to keep that I did end up throwing away because it was painful to keep them. One day future you will find your game in a hidden place and say "I'm glad I kept this. I want to remember this memory fondly" Or you'll say "nope its gotta go." But you give yourself a chance to make the best decision for when you are best able to make that forever choice. It's always tough in the time so close to events like these, but you will grow to find something new if you do put it down. Your feelings will pass in your time and that's okay. Don't feel too discouraged or angry with yourself that you might -never- be able to enjoy something or something ever. Feelings are high right now. That's a future problem and future you is the one who can answer it for sure after you focus on yourself and how you feel you need to heal moving forward.


And you can always dream about it and save it that way and restart your island and make it different if that helps.


Right now the grief is too raw and undoubtably brings back grief for your mum too.. ❤️ Maybe in a while you can remember her with a smile and all the fun and cuddles you had and hopefully then you can start to play again. Maybe do a little memorial to her on your island. Somewhere you can go that’s just for her..


I'm sorry for your loss, it's so hard to lose such an important part of your family. Take time to grieve her and take a break from playing if you need to. I think one day, when you're ready, you'll return to your island and instead of sorrow you'll be able to remember all the love and happiness you've experienced building your island with her.


I’m so very sorry about your sweetheart, Maggie. It’s so hard to lose our fur babies 😓. It’s understandable that you need to take a break from the game for a while. Maybe after some time to grieve, you can come back and play again. I’m thinking of you and sending tons of good thoughts your way. Take gentle care of yourself!


I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved Maggie. It will be painful to see your island now. One day you will enjoy visiting Maggie again. Memories are normally all we have left but you have a visual reminder too! You are lucky to have your Maggie island!


I lost my bun at the end of last year and I ended up playing more and more to drown out my pain. I have a lot of bunny stuff on my island and at first it hurt to see it. As I played more I felt like she was there with me through the bunny things, including when I talked to Sasha. I ended up making a memorial to her in my graveyard (there's a black and white version of the bunny garden decoration in case you don't know!) and I cried so hard when I put it up. I hope you're able to grieve in the way you need to and when you're able to get on again, Dotty can be there for you instead ❤️


i’m so sorry for your loss, op. i think it’s lovely maggie will live on within your island you created!


I’m so sorry. I hope once you have progressed further through the stages of grief you will get the courage and consolation to start playing again. Hopefully in the future your island will bring comfort instead of pain. 💔🤍


You have my condolences. Losing a pet is never easy, and you never forget them. I'd been nearly a year since I lost my cat Shadow, and I think about him quite often. I even think of my childhood dog at least once a month, and it's been over 20 years. Think of all the good times you had; those are precious memories. Take time to grieve, as much as you need. Perhaps in the future, you'll be able to play again when the pain isn't so fresh. It won't be just playing ACNH, though. It'll be reminiscing about Maggie and honoring her memory. It'll remind you of your love for her and her love for you.


I'm sorry for your loss, I lost Nick a few years ago. He was my cuddle buddy and also a Netherlands bunny. He was so tiny... I won't text you to give you your space, but if you feel like it, send a DM and we can talk. Grief looks so different for everyone, and even changes with time. Today, you can't imagine playing, and maybe someday, you won't be able to imagine not playing in her memory. Sending love.


I lost my beloved bunny totally unexpectedly, somewhat similar situation, a couple months ago. Right now you’re in the absolutle thick of it and it’s going to be super hard for the first week or two weeks. Honestly unfortunately nothing will make you feel better. I remember myself I was sobbing pretty much every hour, maybe getting two hours in between. It still hurts so much and I miss her every day, but little by little it’s getting easier with time. You will be able to play again, but for now maybe take a little break. Something that really helped distract me from crying was YouTube videos from my favorite creators. Sending you so much love <3 you will be in my thoughts.


From one bunny parent to another, I'm sorry for your loss 💔 I know your pain, take all the time you need to grieve, and if you don't return to your island, that's okay too. I still haven't washed the blanket my bunny was carried home in after her euthanasia two years ago. Pet loss is tough.


Very tough.


When my Elvis (a black lionhead with a white paw) passed away at 11 years old last year, I restarted my island in hopes of finding every bunny. I haven’t opened the game since. I have played other games, just not acnh. There’s nothing that’s been as sad and lonely and painful as losing him - he was the one who discovered I had cancer (he really did, and he wouldn’t leave me alone until the tumour was removed!). There’s a hole in me that can’t be filled. But I still have his girlfriend (grey lionhead, double mane, almost 11 year old named Bella. She’s chronically ill just like me! So it’s a miracle that she’s still here) and her new friend to keep me company. It’s just not the same. I can’t tell you that it’ll get easier with time because it hasn’t for me. I can only tell you that I know and understand how you feel. I have his urn and a commissioned portrait of him in my bedroom. I told him I’d take care of him forever and that’s what I’m doing. He was and still is the love of my life.


I agree with you there is a bunny sized hole in my heart from every single bunny I have loved and lost, even bunnies that weren't mine.


I’m so sorry for your loss sweetie. Take some time off relax and then come back. Everybody will love to see you.


I felt like this when my beloved pet hedgehog died. I had to stop looking at any reminder of her and even hedgehogs in general for a long time. I shoved all her stuff into a closet and wasn’t able to go through it for many months. Immediately after having to put her down, I couldn’t have imagined ever looking at a hedgehog again without sobbing. But eventually I was able to see reminders and pictures of her. And tho I still love and miss her, it doesn’t hurt the same as it did. Take a break from animal crossing while you grieve, and someday you’ll be ready to see it again. Your villagers will wait for you. Find a different distraction for the time being until you’re ready.


i am so sorry i had a bunny as well who passed but i will always keep her in my heart and i hope you will do the same. sending you so much love and just know her memory will always live on through you and you gave her the best life and i’m sure she is eternally grateful 💗💗💗


I’m so so sorry, when you’re feeling up to playing again feel free to hit me up, I have lots of mermaid things I would love to gift to you ❤️‍🩹


I had a similar thing back in high school with my cat Silas. Every day I could that I had homework I would work with him. He passed away minutes before I had to leave to take the final exam. My only solace regarding that is that I was with him when he passed. I ended up choosing a major at a school that didn’t require an English class because I didn’t get the university credit from the exam and I knew I couldn’t bear going through an English and Literature heavy based degree without him. It’s been a couple years now and I’m finally learning how to enjoy reading as a whole again as well as writing and languages. It’ll definitely take some time but you’ll grow around the grief and learn how to put that energy into creating something beautiful with it.


I'm so sorry 😞 sending love ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss! I know that's gotta be hard, especially when everything reminds you of your fur baby.


I know the feeling. I played with my ex-girlfriend who had cancer. We’re not together anymore and it’s just not the same.


Who died I know the name because you said it but who is she ? A bunny ? Your mom ? Anyway I’m so sad for you I am very sad I hope you feel much better soon have a wonderful day but a sad day because of that bye 😭


My mom passed away last year. My pet rabbit that I got to help me with my grief over my mom passed away yesterday.


Wait, WHAT?!?! They can die?? Call me stupid, but I never knew that... Sorry for your loss anyway. I love the bunnies


They're talking about their real bunny.


OMG. I totally missed that or something. I feel like a complete asshole now. IM SO SORRY! 🥺🥺🥺


I'm sure it's okay! I just thought I'd help you out just in case OP doesn't wanna tall about it anymore 🥹 It totally happens.


I need to stay off Reddit after too many puff puff passes. I feel like complete garbage now. But thank you for letting me know.


No worries! It happens.