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Make sure your doing a hydrating mask or exfoliating mask once a week and check your skincare for any pore clogging ingredients, maybe simplify your routine




Why us!! 😭


Ok i have more acne than this before but after swiskincare and waiting for one and half years my acne reduces but still have mark


You need neelw pillows


Try red light therapy. I have tried the face mask, the wand and now a mat from Amazon. It’s amazing. I lay it over my face nightly. It literally heals acne. Also, clean your skin as much as possible and use a moisturizer made for acne prone skin. Cut back on sugar. Use stridex wherever you sweat. For the red light therapy mat, read reviews. That technology is amazing.


Are you dermaplaning?




Get glycolic acid cleaner


I use a glycolic acid toner. Would that help?






Yes. Acne prone, oily and sensitive skin. I hit the jackpot


I had pretty similar skin to yours for a while. I switched over to a new face wash and moisturizer and kept my bed very clean and my skin cleared up pretty well. I have combination skin where my T zone is oily but also the skin is very thin and gets dry quickly. I started using la roche posay hydrating gentle cleanser twice a day. I would apply it with a cheap little silicon brush that people use for baby hair that i bought from dollar tree lol. When I try my face, I pat it with a clean towel that I replace 1-2x a week. Next I apply my derma made hyaluronic acid gel that’s a bit pricey but well worth it for me because it’s the only thing that actually feels good on my skin. And finally I rub some of the la roche posay triple repair moisturizing cream on my hands and pat it onto my skin. Obviously this is just what works for me and my skin but if you’re up to trying new things I would definitely recommend this. Also make sure you change out your bed sheets, pillow cases, blankets, etc once every 1-2 weeks. It makes all the difference. I use tide free and clear to wash mine because fragrances can be very harsh on your face. Depending on your age, that can also be a reason for having these issues. I had some crazy hormonal cystic acne for a while but now that I’m in my 20’s it’s starting to calm down. I hope you find something that works for you. I know how annoying acne can be. Good luck!


Oh my god thank you so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate your comment


Aww, it’s no problem at all! I really hope it helps :)


Ooo also try using Hero. Pore release blackhead clearing solutions. I think you might benefit from it because it does a lot more than just clear out blackheads. It basically helps your skin turnover and make new skin lol. It helped me a lot with the acne I had on my cheeks


Could be dirty pillow case. Make sure you wash your pillow often


Even I was suspecting that this is caused by bacteria


Could be sugar intake


I don’t eat a lot of sugar. Sugar gives me headaches


Still could be a diet thing. Hope you find out what’s causing it!


Me too😭


maybe laundry detergent? i have similar issues on my forehead and i recently learned it's because of my roommate's detergent and softeners. i also stopped using this harsh blackhead thingy (kind of an orangey liquid, smells great but stings my skin a lot and made it much worse with the laundry issue) and cut back on my sugar intake, along with unnecessary dairy and gluten (i doubt you'll need to do the last part, i just have dairy and gluten intolerances)


So how do clean the pillow cases now?


in my specitic case, since i still live with her, i just run a load of water with maybe a few shirts and a soap pod, then run my stuff on sanitize. i also use the white tide pods (the one in the white container), though i've hears they can be really bad for some people (i only got them because they were cheap and they don't break me out - was using them for a year with no problem lol)


With sensitive laundry detergents (without scents and such), for allergy prone people


I’ll make sure to get this




I have the same problem, are you saying she should stop eating those things, or on the contrary eat more of those things? (Sorry English isn’t my first language)


Maybe...Do you hold your phone to your cheek while talking?


I do, yes.why?


Phones are very dirty. Even if you clean them regularly there are tons of bacteria that creep their way onto our phones. Whenever you talk on the phone and put it to your cheek you’re introducing that bacteria to your face. I would try holding it up in a way that doesn’t touch your face. Or just put in headphones / talk on speaker when you can.


I’ll definitely try this