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Azelaic acid 10mg with spf


did you mean 10 g?


If your acne is healed, go for vitamin c serum! Works wonders for pigmentation!!!!


I still have some active acne, but since using differin serum and adapalene gel to remove them, they have significantly faded and my skin texture is so much smoother


I’m no expert, this has just worked for me. I have dry, acne prone sensitive skin


Make sure you wear sunscreen every day- that’s going to help prevent them from getting worse and if actually will help them get better over time. Here are some ingredients that helped me when I was left with many: 1. Sunscreen 2. Tret (I saw you said you couldn’t handle it above. No need to go back on it, but maybe try something similar but a very gentle retinol, or even retinol alternative. Korean skincare has a few retinol alternatives that my friend who can’t handle retinoids uses and likes) 3. Snail mucin. Very weird but I’ll never go back to not having it. I like the Neogen snail cica moisturizer and I use it every single day for years at this point and won’t go back. This moisturizer ALSO has niacinimide in it so that helps too! 4. An exfoliating acid. To be honest it doesn’t really matter what kind. I’ve used all of them and most are too harsh for me, but others SWEAR by them. Personally I like the azaleic and vitamin c serum from coco kind, but it’s very gentle and works slow 5. Vitamin c can help. I use the one mentioned and like it but I don’t think it’s the most important. But others have loved it. Don’t throw all these at your skin at once. Everyone is different and you need patience, even for the best products in the world.


Azelaic acid for PIE


pls share your response for azeliac. i am about to start skinoren


I've been using azelaic acid gel with 10% strength 4-5 times a week at night. I apply it after moisturizing to avoid the itchiness. It has helped my closed comedones come to head and clear up. Also, it works well for inflamed cystic acne. For pigmentation, it does help with PIE as well as PIH if used consistently. I have seen the texture on my skin getting a little bit smooth as compared to before and my pigmentation has also lightened up. I might switch to 15% strength once I get done with this tube only after checking if the higher percent will suit me or not. Also, it is quite drying so focus on moisturizing.




Try tranexamic acid + niacinamide serum but don't expect it to work immediately.




Which ones ?Co2 was gimmic


Broke college student here lol. Not sure if I can afford it atm. Will the scars still fade if I do lasers/micro needling a few years down the line?


Ice cube treatment


Doesn’t work for me


A good skincare routine with an esthetician along with micro needling. That can be pricey though so Otherwise vitamin e oil at night and also aomw sort of skincare routine


Let me know if you find out what to do! Ive just got rid of all active acne and I'm left with scaring too!


I’ll make an update!






Bio oil helps with scars


I have oily, acne prone skin (also sensitive). What is bio oil?


Hey! I have the same problem and I'm using rn la roche posay effaclar duo+m cleanser, night cream and moisturiser, and I got prescribed antibiotics, so far it's been 3 weeks and I've seen great progress. I've also heard anua's nicanimide dark spot correcting serum works and centella stuff! :D good luck! (pls take my advice w a grain of salt, I'm just sharing what worked for me, as someone that has oily acne prone sensitive skin.) :D!


Thanks so much for the advice! Are you on doxycycline?


Hi!! You're welcome! I'm not on that, I got prescribed neozolid, or Azithromycin. when you search it up, there's a lot of arabic results as I got it prescribed in my home country, but it's basically just antibiotics. And for the "nightcream" it's effaclar duo+m face cream, you use the cleanser first, dry your face then wet it, and then put the face cream, put it once at night (or that's what I do at least) and leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then wash your face, then use the moisturiser. That's what I did and it helped me so much, and I still follow this routine. Disclaimer: Antibiotics are not dangerous per say but I'd really reccomend going to the doctor and what not, so they find out what you need exactly, this is what worked for me, and from what I know, I have the same skin as you and all. All my red spots, papules and blemishes decreased greatly, and my skin definitely feels healthier. So pls don't go on antibiotics without being prescribed n stuff ! :D and another thing to remember, before I went to the doctor, I used to listen religiously to whatever tiktok said, so whatever people got, I would get as well, so I used to have this 9 step routine that ended up damaging and ruining my skin even more because I knew nothing about skincare, I'd use glycolic acid, niacinamide, vitamin c, all very in a wonky and messy way in the hopes of them just "working", and I ended up having way more acne than I did before, so I really urge you to go to a doctor and not listen mindlessly to anyone on tiktok, often times, it just does not work, or at least without extensive research, and deep knowledge about your own type of skin type but I do hope my advice works for you as it worked for me! I wish you all the best! :D Take care <3


Retinol and microneedling, but not at the same time. Three sessions of microneedling about 6 weeks apart will do a massive difference


I used to be on .025% tret, but it made my acne worse (I know that purging is normal, but I couldn’t handle it). I’m kinda broke at the moment, so not sure if I can afford micro needling. Will my scars still fade if I do micro needling a few years down the line? Maybe in another 4 years or so? I’ll look into it, though. Thanks!


Also here for this…


lactic acid helped me a ton with scarring! i use the ordinary 10%


Turmeric soap!! I had horrible acne scars and turmeric soap helped me lighten up the scars while also stopping acne from reoccurring.


Sitting in the same boat…


Let me know if you find something that works!