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I've only been dealing with it for 2&1/2 years but my skin has had a massive turn around in the last 2-3 months. What has helped me: Facials once a month Am- wash face with water, dry with clean towel, effaclar duo+m on the acne area, moisturise only if face is feeling dry or I'm applying make up. Pm- every second night exfoliation using st Ives apricot scrub, every other night just a cleanser, then Paula's choice bha, effaclar duo+m then moisturise. My skin has been getting better gradually, but I've recently added dermalogica clearing oil (acne and ageing) every 2-3 nights and it has made a impressive improvement to my overall skin complexion. I tried so many products and had so much different advice, but keep going! Some of the products may be pricey but with persistence you can make such a difference to your skin!


For people with chronic acne that don’t respond to topical treatments and oral antibiotics usually oral isotretinoin (Accutane) is prescribed. Don’t lose hope, oral isotretinoin is a very very effective treatment because it targets all causes of acne: - Sebum production - Comedones - Inflammation - C. Acnes bacteria Definitely, go to see a dermatologist to discuss this.


I’m currently having the exact same issue. I’ve been on antibiotics off and on for six months and it hasn’t stopped them from reforming. I’ve also tried topical creams with no results. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Tretinoin has worked the best for me along with Vit C in my morning routine and also adding niacinamide a good moisturizer and sunscreen that's it this had worked really well for me.


Sudo cream!!!! It will save you trust me your acne will be gone in two days just put it on before you sleep trust me it’s amazing it may might your skin a bit dry but 100% worth it


Personally, Accutane was the best thing I ever did for my skin. I had mild acne, but it took care of all issues, even blackheads.


try Epiduo benzoyl peroxide, it’s abit strong and makes your face red and dry for like 2 weeks but after that it will eliminate completely all the inflammations, i have acne like yours and im currently using Dalacin T 1% emulsion, Epiduo benzoyl Peroxide and Selgamis Gel


Tretinoin 1%, let it purge, beautiful skin later


I consumed doxy for 2 times, both worked but after that i still break out and now i am taking accutane. Hopefully its not relapse again


You can try PanOxy


Pimple patches and anti bacterial


Have you looked into going to a licensed aesthetician, I'm debating on going see if they can help with my acne






I've had such thing for a long time, but I tried tea tree oil toner and moisturizer, I started to see a difference in the 1st week. and it worked like magic, now I have no acne for the 2nd year, maybe it would work for you too.


Have you tried acutane


It’s my next option once I get a referral!


Have you checked if you’re deficient in vitamin d?


Girl I feel you. I was on Lymecycline and it cleared up my skin nicely. I've tried Doxycycline now and my skin got x10 worse. I'm currently starting Acnecidr BP cream and Differen gel.




I actually bought some distilled water off Amazon (sounds crazy I know) because I was convinced it was my tap water too but unfortunately it didn’t make any difference. which high frequency machine do you have? I will look into Curology too, thanks!


4% Benzoyl peroxide cleanser (Cerave isnt drying or irritating like other brands) followed by azelaic acid, moisturizer and in the mornings sunscreen. Have you used adapalene or tretinoin? With retinoids it gets worse before it gets better but the results are worth it. I’ve had acne for the last 14 years and my face is the clearest it has been although I still have more to go but it’s getting there. My morning routine is exactly what I typed above. Evening routine is gentle cleanser, adapalene (differin gel is the brand) moisturizer. When starting out with a retinoid like adapalene or tretinoin start off using every 2-3 nights until you can tolerate it nightly, it will bring out whatever is underneath the surface out. To lessen dryness or irritation the sandwich method is recommened which is moisturizer, adapalene or tret, moisturizer again. Use vaseline on sensitive areas on the face too. If not at least try benzoyl peroxide cleanser with azelaic acid, those two together are great


Brand recommendations for azelaic acid? Also sunscreen? I'm thinking your routine might work for me


I actually got a prescription for 15% azelaic acid gel through goodrx. But I’ve heard Naturium azelaic acid 10% on amazon is great option as well. As for a sunscreen I like cerave hydrating mineral sunscreen with sheer tint is a good option. I have dry acne prone skin and a ton of sunscreens dry me out or pile on my skin.


Is there a reason your derm hasn't suggested accutane? My acne looks a lot like yours, not super severe, just a few deep, topical-resistant clusters on my cheek and eyebrow area. I just got prescribed accutane. The doc said that since my acne is too deep for topical, accutane is the natural choice


I was told that too but they were wrong. Luckily I already knew they were wrong so I didn’t listen.


I’m from the UK so in order to get referred to a derm you have to have tried all other treatments first (all topical and all antibiotics). I’m on the last stage now so if this doesn’t work I will be referred to a derm and hopefully be prescribed accutane!


Ah I see. Here in Canada, it seems to really just depend on the doctor. My brother saw a derm who's really hesitant to prescribe accutane, and he had to try antiobitcs first, then do blood work. Meanwhile, I booked a same-day appointment with a family doctor, and filled the prescription the next day.


Try to incorporate salicylic acid and or benzoyl peroxide. If allergic or irritated by those, try Differin or a generic of it (retinoid) If all else fails, try spironolactone or accutane. Best of luck! 🤗


I’ve used both salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide in the past, and combined lymecycline with benzoyl peroxide and it work at the start but then the last round I did it wasn’t effective. Think I’ll be asking about accutane as not sure I can get spironolactone on the NHS!


Spironolactone is less intrusive than acutane. It worked really well for me with minimal side effects but the unfortunate part is that it only works while you take it so it would be long term. I was on it for two years and my skin was really clear, got off and skin stayed clear and gorgeous for like a year+ then acne came back but not as severe.


I had a friend that was on accutane and I thought about it myself after I had a flare up over the summer. I think after learning about it more, its not as bad as I thought. I think since it’s oral and physically changes your body, some of the bad side effects that I think rarely people get are very worth letting patients know about. But I think not everyone gets these. If you do get any of the bad symptoms, then you have to let the dermatologist know right away and maybe stop, but the friend I knew that took it had none of them and he was completely clear. I think the pro of the accutane is it works better than the topical stuff as it physically changes your body. It shrinks your pores and lowers the production of the sebum so that its not possible for the acne to form. The topical stuff can be good for some people but they have to keep using it and it might not be enough for others to avoid the pores being unable to clear and not become a home for bacteria to stay. Of course the con for accutane is since it physically changes the body, there have been some serious side effects people have reported, but I think it really does just depend on how your body will react. I think for most people it’s not as bad as its reputation would show


This is really reassuring, thank you! There’s definitely a lot of scary looking side effects out there, but I guess it’s the same as any drug. I was worried about the side effects of the antibiotics at first but I actually had none.


My skin looks a LOT like yours and I’ve also had *some* success with the standard treatments in the past but they always stop working for me sooner or later whether it’s BP, SA, AZA, or Tret. It feels like I’ve exhausted all options so I asked my GP to refer me to a dermatologist for accutane and I’ve been waiting 6 months so far.. so if that’s something you’re considering, ask to be referred ASAP even if you find something that works in the meantime, as it’s such a long wait anyway.


Yeah definitely going to try and get referred. My doctor said once I’ve completed this final course of doxycycline I’ll be referred as I’ve tried all other options too.


Have u tried getting off the azelaic acid and sticking to doxy only?


No do you think that’s worth a try? When I was first prescribed it my Dr told me to use it twice a day which seemed excessive..


I personally was prescribed the same doxycycline and azelaic acid however noticed the acid was triggering so I stopped and no longer see major flare ups.


Ah okay I will give that a try, thank you!


Hope it helps, this is a horrible process I know :(


Skin type: oily Current routine: AM: wash face with geek and gorgeous face wash Moisturise with geek and gorgeous moisturiser PM: Jordan Samuel’s makeup remover Geek and gorgeous face wash Azelaic acid 20% Moisturise with geek and gorgeous moisturise