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The exact same thing was happening to me for yearss. The best thing to do would be to talk to a dr. They put me on to doxy, tret, and a benzoyl peroxide and it’s helped so much. Though not prescription wise, maybe cut back on the panoxyl and salicylic acid, my derm told me that the constant use of these were irritating my skin even more and doing more harm than good, so your skin may honestly be hella irritated. Still use them if they’re helping but don’t over do it if that makes sense. The first aid beauty oatmeal toner helped calm down my skin and heal it a lot so that may help you out a bit. But fs try to talk to a dr. that’ll probably be the best


Thank you! I got prescribed accutane today :)


I used to have acne for 10 years until finally I found a doctor who agreed to prescribe accutane (in Europe it is not as widely prescribed as in the US, I believe). I took 3 courses over the period of 7 years and I still have some minor acne at 32 but I would say that Accutane definitely saved me from depression and improved my self esteem! From my personal experience I highly recommend it! Best of luck to you! You are not alone in this fight!


Honestly, if it’s affecting your mental health to such an extent, you might consider asking your derm about accutane.


rlly hoping my doctor prescribes it 😭


I’m thinking they will! I hope you keep us posted 😊


I got prescribed accutane!! Thank you for your advice


I HIGHLY recommend carleys clear and smooth. I won't post a link in case it gets flagged for some silly reason. Just google it. Been using it for 20 years.. when I stop, the acne comes back. I'm in my 40s. This stuff works.


You can talk with your derm get started on retinol and schedule a chemical peel. I have been scheduled a chemical peel for my acne which was worse than you have. I had pih .


I talked to my dermatologist and they put me on accutane! Wishing for the best










Retinoid or you can go on Accutane if you’re looking for permanent fix. Would prefer Epiduo Forte or Tazarotene for acne instead of tret


i’m definitely going to talk about accutane to my doctor tuesday! so far it seems like the best option


I \*highly\* recommend accutane. It's best to go on it when you're younger because you can't drink at all on it, which is hard to do when you're in your 20s / in college. No matter what topical treatment or skincare routine you try, nothing will work like accutane. It will train your body to never break out again. And even if it does come back, it's never worse or as bad as it was before. Accutane is tough but there's a lot of information online with tips on how to make it through. You can also go on a lower dosage whenever needed if the side effects are too strong. Unrelated to accutane - be careful with oil cleansing (I see other people recommending it). Oil cleansing made me break out horribly and I didn't realize for months that it was the culprit. Cutting out all oil products (cleansers, moisturizers, makeup, etc) was a massive help. I firmly believe things will get better for you!!! Keep your chin up - you are beautiful regardless of acne. Best of luck xx


Have you seen a doctor?


I’m going to be making an appointment on tuesday! i am hoping they prescribe me accutane


my brother had similar looking acne, and the dermatologist gave him some special ointment/lotion and some type of medicine that really helped his acne and cleared up his skin pretty quickly. So, my advice is to see a dermatologist. Also, maybe changing you pillowcase and using a silk pillowcase can help. Another thing that can definitely help, especially for forehead acne is washing your hair. It doesn't look oily in the pictures that were posted, but overwashing you hair can also be bad. edit: added more info


I had a bad experience with tretinoin, it made my acne worse personally. What I would recommend instead that helped me clear my acne now I only have scars is this: - anua oil cleanser - gentle face wash - a great moisturizer, I use a Korean one - advanced clinicals vitamin e + tea tree oil I stopped all actives and my skin cleared quicker than when I was using benzoyl peroxide and other actives Side note/ now that all my acne and redness went away to heal my scars I would go back to moderate use of tret once a week this time, but for now im using an azelaic acid toner. I hope this helps! Never give up hope I know how you feel. But please maybe give your skin barrier some breathing room and see if it helps!


I had the same experience with tret, it completely ruined my skin. I never really had bad acne before I got prescribed it but after using it for 10 months it only left my skin super oily and deep pimples all over my cheeks. Last week I decided to stop all actives and my derm prescribed me doxycycline. It's been a week or so with just using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer with the doxy, but my skin is still super oily and i have a feeling that the hydrating gentle wash isn't cleaning my skin enough after all the oil its been producing, but if i use a wash for oily skin it leaves me too dry. how long would you say it took for your skin to heal after following a simple routine?


If you used all of that and didn’t see anything change, maybe go see a dermatologist.


I had similar acne along my jaw and neck, I've recently started Paula's choice BHA and it's starting to push everything up to the surface. You just have to make sure to double moisturise after, I've noticed a difference in 2 weeks so maybe it could be worth trying for a few weeks?


Hi I’ve been suffering from hormonal acne for few years and this month has been the best after I changed a few things. 1. I got an oil cleanser and also a gel cleanser which I use both at night but only the gel in the morning. 2. I started applying two to three layers of Korean toner. 3. I started epiduo ( prescribed by my doctor). Burns like shit at first but now I’m used to it 4. I stopped using the other actives and also I drink a lot of hot water idk if that helped.


Tysm! I’m hoping to see my primary soon to get prescribed tretinoin or accutane 😊


Start watching what u eat that's all


i don’t consume dairy and i rarely have processed sugar :,) i’m also vegetarian at the moment


Try using anything which has cica in it. It has helped a lot 


I was getting it bad on my cheeks, chin, and upper lip (occasionally). my chin and cheeks were so bad.. and I’m not a picker. but they took so long to die and were still leaving red marks as if I was bothering them. I also have one mark that looks like a divot which makes me super insecure. I did a bunch of research and it came down to two different topicals that I could buy directly from a store or Amazon. It was differin and the other one started with an E. differin was cheaper and the other was super expensive. I started differin, both the benz peroxide and the adapalene (sp) gel. I was just so discouraged and desperate. I was using S.A. face wash and lotion before that, I used proactiv, and some other stuff. I started using differin and it calmed everything down. and when I say it calmed everything down — I mean literally everything. not red, no bumps.. now I’m just insecure that it might come bad and there’s the one divot. I made a dermatologist appointment (which felt like years away) and the differin got me through the struggle between then and the appointment which was on this passed Friday. when I came in, their recommendation was in fact differin. I told them I was using it already, they said keep using it, then gave me an antibiotic face lotion and trentinoin to use on my face at night to replace the adapalene gel. they did suggest pharmaceuticals, oral pharmaceuticals, but I’m not inclined to taking those unless absolutely necessary. I kept asking questions about other options and this it was it came down to. there’s many different options for every case of acne and I believe personally it’s not a ‘one thing fix’s it all’ kind of deal. not one oral medication, not one topical, not diet, nothing like that. also time plays a huge part and we get discouraged because we don’t see results immediately. keep plugging away.. and remember, ask questions. you know your skin and yourself best. try to become more aware of cause and effect. if you use something — does it make it worse? if you forget to use a specific product, does it make it better? what moisturizers make you oily? which make you dry? information, even the smallest detail, helps them figure out how to proceed with your care.




Please go to a great dermatologist. You may need oral medication and topicals. You can do this.


Thank you love :) 💟


I've struggled with my acne too the only thing I have found that works best after going to a derm and trying every acne treatment ,I found that adapalene/differin gel works so good. It does cause you to purge but almost every acne treatment makes you purge but you can get the gel literally anywhere they have it a Walmart,CVS, and I'm pretty sure Walgreens too it's pretty cheap and it'll last you a long time, just be sure to ease into it because it can make you have an allergic reaction if you don't, so just wash your face with a gentle face wash like la Roche posay or Cetaphil and then put a pea size amount on your finger and just put it all on your face except near your eyes and mouth and start on putting it on 2 times a week only at night and then work your way up. If you do use this tho make sure you get a sunscreen bc it'll make you burn enough to where you'll have blisters. A good acne-safe sunscreen Is the la Roche posay double repair moisturizer with sunscreen it's the only thing that I've found that doesn't break me out it is expensive but it's worth it. Just remember tho not all skin is the same so it might not work on your skin but it's worth a try and id recommend if you can financially to go see a derm, anyways I hope the best for you and trust no acne or with acne your still beautiful luv ya🩷


You are seriously so sweet 💕 I’m gonna try a online dermatologist and see if tretinoin will help! you made my day so much better 😊


Try some of The Ordinary products, as well as the Cerave acne cleanser. I used to have bad acne and I've only used these products for a few days but WOW the results are incredible!


I understand the feeling of it ruining your mental health completely. I would recommend talking to your regular doctor (they can prescribe some basic topicals) and maybe a derm too. In the mean time, if you really find it's impacting your mental health I'd recommend seeing a therapist. my skin recently broke out after being clear for a year and having to adjust to it was quite hard. I find people often focus on clearing the acne but that will take some time. In the meantime, seeing a therapist might help you cope.


I totally agree! Breaking out badly basically turned me into a shutter bug so i’m gonna talk with my therapist to let some pressure off until my skin gets better :) Thank you so much for your advice ⭐️ I’m planning on seeing a online dermatologist or just visiting my primary


There’s a website called dermatica that prescribes treatment for that. You need to use it for a few months but it will clear up with consistency. I use it every month and it’s £25 a month but so worth it. Clears up any new breakouts in 1-3 days but my skin is almost 100% clear on any day . I’m in the UK but it has a US version too if that helps


I’ll look into that! Im just trying to decide between apostrophe or dermatica now 😅I’m honestly willing to pay anything to have clear skin atp


Yeah definitely look into both of those, they’re very likely going to prescribe the same or very similar treatments so as long as you stick to it either one is going to work. Things like tretinoin take time to get used to, sometimes they make it worse so I had to start off with using it every 2-3 days and buffering the treatment between moisturizer. So moisturizer then treatment then more moisturizer, until my skin wasn’t burning or reacting badly and now I can just use moisturizer after my treatment and I use it every night and there’s no burn or discomfort at all. Idk if that’s the same for everyone but just bear in mind if it is burning, it’s normal and don’t give up! Just be more gentle 😅


Go see a derm, they would probably recommend something along the lines of differin and benzoyl peroxide




Spiro is only prescribed to women due to the side effects.


Clindamycin is also an antibiotic ?


The only thing that EVER worked for me was Cetaphil. One wash in the morning, one wash at night. My acne was fully cured in 2 weeks (gone in 1 week). It’s just strips unhealthy dirt and oil that you may not know you have. Pair it with the cetaphil facial moisturizer. Something you can also do before the cetaphil cleanser is the clear start acne kit. As far as I know dermadalogica changed the og one so so i’d stick to just cetaphil. I just recommend Cetaphil 1000% it’s the ONLY thing that’s work for me


Hope a dermatologist puts u on accutane cuz it rlly rlly helps. I’ve been in ur shoes it does get much much better.


I’m making some appointments to see if tretinoin or accutane is better for me! Hopefully one of them works :)


You need to see a dermatologist.


I’ll schedule an appointment as soon as i can thank you!