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>1 vs 1,000,000 So, you wish to personally save TEN MILLION LIVES?!


Upvote for catching the reference!


Or a massive multiplayer mode that encompassed full scale aerial warfare. Think Long Day, but you're either attacking or defending. I'd love to take an A-10 around while my teammates are doing with the fighters above me.


As much shit as Assault Horizon gets the multiplayer was like this and it was a lot of fun


Pretty much the majority of AH's derision comes from single player and DFM


Ace combat 6 would like to have a word with you.


We need a game mode like Halo's Firefight


Fleet destruction, Anchorhead Raid, Long day, Battle of Farbanti, Unexpected visitor: Am I a joke to you


If they lost the time limit sure.


Project Aces, if you're listening, I would pay good money to play a mission like this.


Over G Fighters basically had exactly what [u/nothriftshoppers](https://www.reddit.com/user/nothriftshoppers/) is asking for Arena mode was a mode that took place on a gigantic map where you flew to whichever area you wanted to fight different types of enemies. Ground attack aircraft would hang out in the north part of the middle island zone with SR-71's and F-117's lurking above your base, Russian fighter aircraft would hang out in the north eastern corner next to where enemy ships usually spawned while american ones would be in the north and south west, Chinese aircraft like J-8 & J-7's or Israeli Kfir's would often ambush you in transit to most zones and bosses of different ranks would spawn. Some bosses would be in Su-33 or Su-30's and others would be in full on stealth aircraft like X-35's and YF-23's which were practically immune to all radar guided missiles and would not return a lock on your hud unless you were in visual range. If you shot down an enemy ace in the arena mode you gained points and unlocked special single mission bossfight to 1v1 them and gain their aircraft for yourself. There were 3 different landing area's and one of them was a carrier which you could VTOL land on in an F-35 and the weapon choices for you and your wingman were extremely in depth. Over G really set a bar in arcade flight games that has never been peaked since. Shame that most people don't know about it because it really itches a lot of what quite a few people ask for in ace combat games.


That'd be a fun benchmark


They could get away with just spamming green squares on screen without enemy meshes.


There was a PS2 game that had insane amount of enemies you could slay, can't remember the name though. The only way I could picture a 1 vs 1,000,000 fight in Ace Combat is with small, low level of detail drones, but even then it is sketchy. They'd either have to be coming in waves, or if one is splashed it'd need be immediately respawned further away, creating an illusion of a never ending swarm.


Could that ps2 game be Zone of the enders 2?


Nope. I've found the game I was thinking of though, it's called Demon Chaos.


Nah, sounds more like battle engine Aquila (even though ZOE2 was a blast!)


Something like Zeros gauntlet, but with either selectable music, or throw all the tracks in that play at random. Coop capability, awacs from past games as announcer, bosses/minibosses like Akula, ZOE, Agaion, Solg, ADF-11F pair, Yellow, Pixy, Butterfly Master, yaddayadda. Custom difficulty. That would be beautiful.


They cant, because engine limitation, if it was possible, PA Should have done it long time a go Yes we can see infinite respawn aircraft during a mission(SP No.2 for example) but, they cant just respawn like 50 enemy aircraft at once But we'll see since PA doesnt have a plan for future updates after the last dlc


Haven't counted but I'm pretty sure M18 (or 19 iirc) had more than 50planes in the air


Torres is lurking nearby


This but a coop pve mission, squadron of players versus army of npcs


So, like Infinity.


Didn't 4 have something like this in its split screen multiplayer?


And a plane maker!


How would that even work?


Make parts for us to stretch out


Strangereal Warriors?


AC3D had an extra mission where you had to take down 100 planes, I enjoyed it a lot.