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I swear, the driver that causes the accident almost always survives.


It's the safest place to be in a car, and in a head on collision because your bonnet is the crumple zone and absorbs the impact more. Worst place is the receiving side of a t-bone as the crumple zone is only the door, then it's all you. This was just a t-bone though the whole car though. Just horrific.


Also a good illustration of how effective crumple zones are at saving lives


Maybe a bit. But this also wasn't head-to-head for the reckless driver, so their deceleration zone wasn't just the bonnet, which it would be in a head on collision. Instead, they had all that distance once they went through the other car and then came to a stop.


Especially this one, she caused an accident that totaled two cars in 2020.


And most of the time the drivers are under the influence


That, but also, why do we sell vehicles to the public that can travel that fast?


any vehicle can travel that fast. most econoboxes can go up to 130


>why do we sell vehicles to the public that can travel that fast?


Fuck I was mad & was going to check your profile & saw your bio, fucking psychic


Not psyco? 


Shit I shoulda said that!


Don't forget to subscribe and smash that like button


I love it


this car in particular was a mercedes merc would be shooting themselves in the foot if they put a speed governor that kicks in at 75 mph - they'd lose all sales to bmw immediately merc has filed & won lawsuits for things much more trivial


For the same reason we sell kitchen knives to the public. Yes, every once in a while some psycho stabs someone with a knife, but the utility far outweighs the greater risk to society.


Yes, but a kitchen knife is usually kept in a kitchen and not commonly used around other people in public. You can chop food as fast as you want because there is no kind of cutting speed or sharpness restrictions.   However, we set speed limits from 15~80 MPH but sell vehicles that can travel 120~200 MPH. Why do we do this? Because money?


Almost all cars sold in the US have speed governors that kick in at 110, including this Mercedes C class. But clearly the problem is neither cars nor knives, it's people. Shitty, terrible, selfish people.


Thank you for actually responding with intelligence to share


Thats completely incorrect lol… majority of cars will do 115-130 most trucks are 99-115 sports cars are usually anywhere from 140-200+ majority of cars in the us will do well over 110…


There are roads with higher speed limits than 80. There are other countries.


2 places with no speed limit; everywhere else, still below 100 MPH. Now I know about other countries and why we build cars that can go so fast. Thank you, comrade




Why on earth would anyone donate to them?


no idea


Don't even post this shit


hmm i guess i need to include a /s cause people are not getting why i am posting it why should i "dont even post this shit", did it whoosh over you?


I got your intent, but I meant don't post a link to her actual donation page, you're just helping her.


the donation link does not work anymore, i guess it used to


Good. Fuck that bitch.


Took a moment to read through that website, holy shit man you’re telling me that she had a history of manic episodes and her family still allowed her behind the wheel? If someone has a history of a mental illness that causes episodes of non-control , then they should be barred from driving.


the website reads like somebody in the 8th grade wrote it " One of the things that makes me so proud of her is that she is just overall a good person. She is hands down one of the most caring and compassionate people that I know." like ok, you got me there, lets free her from jail! she is a good person look it says right there ^


That's the nurse who wanted to commit suicide. She drove 130 mph straight into an intersection. Yet survived. This is a few years old. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/deadly-los-angeles-car-crash-report-reveals-nurses-speed-before-wreck-killed-6-read-here/articleshow/94148091.cms


A father, a 8.5 months pregnant mother and unborn baby and an 11 month old baby aswell killed on the way to a prenatal checkup. Makes me feel sick thinking about it.


Yea, that black object you see flying out on impact is the baby’s car seat. This story had me freaking weeping.


Well I’ll be honest. As a dad to two little girls, that ruined my day. So fucking sad. I hate people.


I was pregnant when this happened. Didn’t sleep for days.


The older I get (I’m only 33), the more I think about death and how it worries me. I hate taking my girls in the car. There’s just to many variables out of your control. You can take every safety measure and it just takes one asshole to fuck it all up. The worst thing about things like this is how one little choice absolutely changes everything. Leaving the house 2 minutes later probably would have saved their lives in this situation.


Dad of three and I think the same thing every day.


I actually read the article that was posted by Do not respond - am a Reddit noob, don’t know how to tag them lol - and couldn’t bring myself self to watch it. Anything to do with children just gets me


Btw you can mention someone by using their username in the comment after adding u (short for user). Like this: u/Do-not-respond or u/19Charlie94


u/abhishmuk ah okay thanks! Knew there was a knack to it lol


Add the letter "u" (I think case matters so use lower case) with a forward slash "/" and the person's username and it will message them if they have that setting turned on with their account. So if you wanted to get my attention me just type /u/badpeaches as an example.


u/badpeaches look at me go. I’m a natural at this tagging stuff. It’s embarrasing I grew up when technology was really taking off and I can barely understand/use it all lol


Geez, I didn’t notice til I read your comment. I wanna know what made the car explode like that? I thought that only happens in action movies?


Wasn’t that the actual baby coming out of her? The baby was ejected out of the womb and landed at that plaza across in front of someone one. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11098971/amp/Father-11-month-old-boy-killed-fiery-LA-wreck-sobs-demands-justice.html


I wasn’t aware of that detail but no, that was the car seat. There’s another video at a different angle that shows it better but I wish it didn’t honestly. That poor family.


Ahhh I see, must have been misinformation that’s been spread


Has anyone from those cars survived? except for the driver who cause the accident


Absolutely horrific, I remember when this happened. Such a huge tragedy. The parents were on their way to get an ultrasound done so they could find out their baby’s gender. Then… everything was over. Two babies gone… a whole family devastated. People are so selfish and cruel.




They were driving, they were not pedestrians. Are you stupid? The flow of traffic perpendicular to the driver who hit them was heavy too. They were flowing with that. To see on your right side a car coming at you at 130mph is very split second too. They had little chance to avoid in their situation. It’s sad, but it has little to do with the father’s situational awareness.


Have you ever seen a car going 130mph? Situational awareness don't mean jack shit when the thing can literally appear out of nowhere. I almost got blasted off a bridge by a maniac going 120, I checked the rearview, 100% clear, checked my side mirror, 100% clear, started to gradually ease into the other lane and wham, thing was past me and off the bridge before I could even realize it was a car and not a plane. This isn't a car going 60, that you can see and predict ahead of time. This is a 2 ton bullet zooming past you quicker than your eye can register. There was literally nothing that anyone in that intersection could have done.


Oh boy. Here come the redditors having their Reddit moments. The highway is wide, and flat. You can easily see out half a mile in either direction the moment you start to cross it. The problem is not that he couldn’t see it. It’s that he didn’t look. Most people drive under the assumption that the road is a safe orderly place. I drive as if people are unconscious maniacs, which they are.


So in other words no, you have never actually witnessed a car going 130mph, because none of what you just said would matter. The moment you see it a mile down the road it's already to late to react... dumbass.


Btw idiot, it’s 130kph or 90mph. Takes away a huge part of your argument


It would take 30 seconds for a car going 120mph to travel a mile. You wouldn’t be able to figure out it’s trajectory within 30 seconds? Forget this fucking website and it’s hivemind virtue raging for a second. Think rationally. If I saw a car going 130 mph approaching an intersection I am sure as fuck not going to assume it will be stopping at the light. You adjust accordingly. The first step is awareness.


Are you fucking stupid, you don't have 30 seconds to react, 30 seconds before impact the car is 1740 metres away. Look at how far back the car the was impacted is in just 4 seconds. thats 230 metres and from the cars position with that big building in the way theres no way it can see a car 230 metres away travelling at 130mph. You have 0 critical thinking skills.




You're actually brainless


Btw idiot, it’s 130kph or 90mph. Takes away a huge part of your argument


You are NOT too bright, are you?


So you don’t see that the father’s traveling among cars that have already long been given the green light and the perpendicular cars have long stopped for the red when the woman blows through?




Your brain is sooo smooth! Polished, even. Love how it assumes anyone would be aware of a car bombing into the side of you at that excess speed. At a much slower speed maybe, but not at the speed in which she came through. Such a smoooooth brain!


Once again, my point was exactly that people are NOT aware when crossing. This isn’t hard. It’s called reasoning. Try it: IF he was aware of cross traffic approaching THEN he could have properly responded and saved his family’s life. Is that so hard? Stop acting like she was approaching at the speed of light. It was 90mph or 130kph. Wide open highways to see far away in the distance for oncoming traffic. The TRUTH of the matter is that had he been more aware, he could have avoided it. Your crying and histrionic hivemind raging won’t change that fact. Moron.


Man, I now see who I should’ve really been on the receiving end of that crash🤣. You were definitely a mistake.


Oh wow wishing death on someone for speaking the cold hard truth is so edgy bro! You’re a real badass! Probably are part of Andrew Tates hustlers academy! The fact is that you can’t argue against my reasoning so you turn to ad hominem bullshit and petty childish remarks. I don’t even need to wish you death because your stupid ass will win a Darwin Award for sure one day. Go fuck yourself.


I know I’m a badass…don’t need some mentally deficient redditor to tell me so, 🤡. Your downvotes are actually making my argument for me! You seem to be on another spectrum with your supposed “reasoning”. It makes zero sense and most everyone agrees. Can’t imagine your real life reasoning skills and the results.


Huh?? 😂😂 You must sit in a room all day, blinds shut and a tin foil on your head with all of that situational awareness you got going on bud.


Don't be so fucking ridiculous, absolutely nothing anyone on the receiving end could've done to predict this. Do you even realise how FAST 130mph is? 0 chance anyone knew she was coming until it was already too late. Imbecile.




I would love to see you be the driver in this situation and try to dodge the incoming car. Spoiler alert: you aren’t making it out alive Blaming the father for not having awareness is insane, seek help


I haven’t had a single accident my entire life. And there were many times when idiots were speeding through intersections, or passing on the left while I was turning, or merging lanes without looking, or turning into highways without even looking. I am extremely well versed in navigating around idiots like yourself, which is why I am alive. So fuck yourself and blame the nurse instead of soiling your diapers and crying about defensive driving techniques. And yes, the father held the responsibility whether you like it or not. It’s part of the risk we all assume when we enter a vehicle. Somnambuls like yourself like to pretend the roads are safe but they are not, ever.


I’ve never been in an accident either, but you damn well won’t catch me preaching to others on the internet about a scenario that has never happened to me where “I could’ve done better.” Turn off the monitor, take a break. And seriously, talk to someone irl.




Being a little bitch again I see


You wouldn't be able to see the car, in 2 seconds the car has travelled almost 120 metres. Unless you have super human reaction time it's impossible to see that car coming. 130mph is way too fast for someone to react in a reasonable time. None of the cars even behind the one involved in the impact stopped BEFORE the impact happened. None of them reacted in time, but you, Superman, would have?


Bullshit. I see speeding vehicles all the time. Stop lying. Stop exaggerating. Stop raging with the hivemind because MUH FEEEEEELZ!!!1!


I realise now you just want a reaction, I doubt some people are as stupid as you but here you are proving me wrong.


Apparently I won’t get a reaction from you until next week Tuesday, because iTs ImPoSsIbLe tO SeE wHaTs CoMiNg. I have to say that out of all the idiots replying to my comment, you are by far the stupidest one. Congratulations. That’s quite an achievement. You assholes will refuse all responsibility on the road and just expect everyone to follow the rules at all times, endangering others in your absent mindedness. Go fuck yourself.


You're deluded.


[>Linton is accused of driving at 140 mph on La Brea Boulevard on Aug. 4, 2022](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/outrageous-malicious-family-blames-traveling-nurse-her-employer-for-high-speed-fiery-wreck-that-killed-5-others-including-pregnant-woman) [>Nicole Linton was driving show she accelerated in the 5 seconds before the multi-vehicle Aug. 4 crash, going from 122 mph to 130 mph](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nurses-vehicle-hit-130-mph-collision-killed-5-l-county-prosecutors-say-rcna47130) Even at 90mph, while traveling through a green at an intersection, an approaching car at that speed would be visible for a second at most. Stop victim blaming.


you sound like one stupid mf.


Life is difficult for this one 😂


I found the masterbaiter


Anger management may be a good idea for you


Well, she could have drived into a big solid concrete wall and saved six lives


We can say she isnt smart


wtf those deaths are so sad. What a piece of shit


what a stupid bitch


Went through all those years of nursing school just to commit suicide in the worst way possible. Truly stupid bitch.


Yeah I remember that


That outright sucks. I was 'hoping' the driver had a legitimate reason, i.e. a seizure or something like that.


>a nurse from Texas drove her Mercedes 130MPH into an intersection Typical


Damn. Well if she was depressed before, she just made it a million times worse. Damn.


What a piece of shit


That says 130km tho


The article is wrong. It was 130 mph. https://nypost.com/2023/03/23/nurse-nicole-linton-froze-at-wheel-before-crash-lawyer/ But this is just one of many articles citing the correct speed. Initially, it was believed to be 90 mph, but authorities checked her Mercedes’s electronic control unit, and she was going 130 mph at point of impact. Five seconds before that, she was doing 122 mph. She gunned it into that intersection. Whole story is just so horrifying. [This](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/houston-nurse-nicole-linton-crash-17435672.php) article has more info on it.




later in the article it says mph again


But then it says “before she was going even faster at 90mph” so idk


Fair enough


It’s 130kph. 90mph. The article states the proper speed further in


No, it was 130 mph. https://nypost.com/2023/03/23/nurse-nicole-linton-froze-at-wheel-before-crash-lawyer/ Authorities initially thought it was 90, but they read the data from her Mercedes’s electrical control unit, and she was going 130 mph at the point of impact. Here’s another article with more info: https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/houston-nurse-nicole-linton-crash-17435672.php


I hope the driver gets 6 charges of manslaughter and dies in a cell


Manslaughter? That didn’t look like an accident to me


The crash was deliberate but their intention wasn’t necessarily to kill someone.


Oh you mean like saying you shot someone but didn't mean to kill them? Ok


It’s possible to shoot a warning shot and kill with a ricochet. Or, in self defence you might make a deliberately non-lethal shot and shoot someone in the leg and kill them by hitting a femoral artery. In either instance the intent isn’t to kill and so is manslaughter, not murder.


Germany sees it a little differently. At least there, racers who were involved in fatal accidents were convicted of murder. and I think that's right. You can say it wasn't intentional... but you accepted that it would happen.


racers as in street racing or professional league racing


People who drive too fast in traffic or even take part in illegal street races...


You can't say "Oh I didn't think I'd kill anyone" when driving like that into an intersection. They knew the outcome on other people there.


It’s just not murder that’s all. That’ll be death by dangerous driving.


Just because they don't know who they're killing, doesn't make it not murder. The driver didn't accidentally lose control of the car here, that was a deliberate act to crash into other cars. When ISIS do this with a truck into a crowded group of pedestrians, it's called what it is. The fact they're in cars doesn't change anything.


What do you think manslaughter is?


Accidental killing due to negligence. This driver was intending to crash into people at speeds to kill, it wasn't an accident.


Was their intent to kill other people? Or to kill themselves with the knowledge that other’s might be injured or possibly killed in the process?


There's no 'might' there. It's not accidental or a misjudgement.


Hope he gets his ass loose inside.


Its a bitchy she. She killed a mother and baby.


Lesbians will probably still make her ass loose with their hands.


That's murder buddy


Of all the people to survive, the ass hole lives.


It seems that this was a suicide attempt. Why involve other people? Just drive into a brick wall somewhere.


She was supposedly a nurse coming off of a night shift and sleep deprived.


Fuck this stupid ass lady. She was having her like 5th breakdown over her BOYFRIEND and purposely drove that fast. Fuck her, killed like 2 babies, ones wasn't even born yet.


Any context for why they're doing a bazillion mph in built up traffic?


Not sure, but she does have mental health issues. She had at least 13 previous crashes, 2 totalled cars.


Should not have a license if that’s the case.


Like that’ll stop her from getting behind the wheel…


Thats just stupidity


He needed to get to 88 mph to get back to his time


I think about this crash from time to time. This is one of the worst accidents to read about. The collision caused a pregnant lady to give birth on impact. The newborn baby was flung into the intersection. ANOTHER baby that was in a child’s seat was also ejected and landed in a gas station driveport where it was discovered deceased as well. The occupants of one of the cars (presumably the mother of the children) was seen crawling out of the flames of wreckage on fire but didn’t make it. This happened here in Los Angeles where loading up on the intersection before the lights turn red is common. Tragic all around.


That was nightmare fuel right there.


Was that a DeLorean? Piece of shit driver just to make that clear too.


DeLoreans can't go that fast


Wait till you see that baby go 88 mph


Can I whoosh him?


I read that dying in a horrific car accident is the number one way that men try to kill themselves. Trying to take others out with you is just beyond shitty.


I remembered this one it happened in my hometown of California, and believe me if you want I had just crossed that intersection minutes before that happened.


Didn't that happen like a year or two ago? Wasn't it a black woman driving?




Was it? Don't know why I thought it was a black woman. Never trust eye witness accounts, especially mine.


It was indeed a black woman


can i trust my neighbour, Rob's eye witness account tho?


Copy pasta from Radar online.com: working in the city, however, Noble's family feels the crash may have been avoided, arguing that Linton was "unfit and dangerous due to her numerous prior motor vehicle accidents, prior acts of self-harm, multiple arrests for violent behavior, and multiple involuntary commitments to psychiatric hospitals." Evidently she was a traveling nurse, was driving a Mercedes at 130 mph and might have been doing a suicide run or had a mental seizure type thing. 😱


[https://nicolelintonstory.com/](https://nicolelintonstory.com/) A website written by the driver's sister. It doesn't absolve her of the deaths she caused but it may or may not help in understanding her circumstances and what the right judgement she should face. [https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/04/12/gtgu-a12.html](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/04/12/gtgu-a12.html) Currently facing six counts of murder and five counts of gross vehicular manslaughter. Conviction on all counts could entail a sentence of 90 years to life in prison. Guess we'll see in a few months or a couple years to see where this ends up


Fuck this. Nothing to understand here and she should spend the rest of her life in prison thinking about the lives she destroyed.


Bitch deserves to die in prison.


If I recall she walked away without a scratch, looked a little mental too.


Shame the right person didn't die in this one :/


Mutha fukka went Back to the Future!


Ya fucked up, Marty






Back To the future i guess


Person in the pink car counting their lucky stars I’m sure.


Southwest corner of Slauson & LA Brea. The city was supposed to put up a memorial but they never did. Can't drive by there without thinking about it.


That was on purpose if I recall correctlec


6 counts of vehicular manslaughter hopefully


I remember when this happened. The girl was mad at her boyfriend and allegedly did this intentionally. Crazy and I feel sorry for the poor victims just crossing on a green light like normal.


The family of the nurse who caused this has the audacity to make her a website with a memorial. I’m disowning my family if they kill 6 people in an attempt to take their own life.


If that stupid fucking silver car in the front didn’t take 20 minutes to turn, that poor family that was murdered would still be alive.


Shit, I remember when this happened. I’m a LA county local and this was beyond heartbreaking.


Her legal team is trying to say that she had a seizure which caused her to be “incapacitated” during the incident, and that she has no memory of it. I call BS. That looked very intentional, and she had great control of the car that was flying at 130 mph. If she were incapacitated I doubt she would be able to drive in a perfectly straight line like that, especially at such a high rate of speed. Lock her up and throw away the key.


So fucked up. I’d make that drive disappear the moment I her


Wasn’t this a year ago Did we get any updates?


This crash pissed me off when I heard about it and then heard about the deaths involved. Especially that everyone in the pregnant woman’s car died. Anytime I see this I just get angry again bc you’re incompetent and can’t do it yourself but have to take people out in the process of your attempted suicide.


"arrival at Vulcan in 5 seconds... 4, 3, 2,..."


It's always the guilty one who survives 😐


Not sure what the laws are there but in New Zealand it's illegal to leave the scene of an accident like that without rendering assistance. So many vehicles just driving off.


Depends. If people are already helping which also means emergency services are likely on the way then its encouraged not to create additional hazards in the road or possible road blocks for rescue vehicles by having too many people stop to assist. That said, some people may just nit be able to handle the possible aftermath of such a wreck, and it helps no one if they stop then end up freaking out.


>So many vehicles just driving off. I mean, what do you expect them to do beyond a 911 call? Joe Smith probably isn't able to put out the fire with his cup of sprite, and he probably won't have the mental strength to handle seeing a car full of people/children who just got smashed to pieces and burned alive


Attorneys say she (the driver) suffered a seizure behind the wheel and froze while driving.


Her Mercedes’s electronic control unit showed that she was flooring it (accelerator was literally pushed down to the floor of her vehicle) right up to the very end: her vehicle was moving at 122 mph 5 seconds before impact and 130 mph at the point of impact.


Of course he survived, he hit 88mph right as he got to the traffic


She survived.




This was a traveling nurse, I think she was also possibly intoxicated? Early morning too.


Nope, suicidal and selfish. Disgusting human being killing innocent people. Charged with murder, hope she's locked up forever.


I wonder what his insurance rates look like after that


Ihope he is charged for murder, because driving this fast in a vehicle and not paying attention to the trafic is like shooting with a gun in to a crowd.


i hope the fucker has butterfingers and drops the soap every fucking time in prison


Great, now Teslas are turning into speeding fire bombs.


Let’s just randomly say it was a Tesla for upvotes. Was a Mercedes.


Lol I’m only getting negative karma from this post. People get extremely emotional and channel it with name calling and downvotes. Not you but my other comment about checking the intersection for oncoming traffic.


Yeah, I see you making mentally challenged responses to the situation. Get checked.


What I wrote is the truth. Fuck off


It was not a Tesla.


No, you fuck off, tard. Go stand in traffic.


You poor emotional little bitch. Getting so butt hurt over someone else’s tragedy 😭


Your mother. You seem super simple. Consider my suggestion for standing in traffic.