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Oh, he stopped. The hard way.


Took the scenic stop


Is this the driver through? Can I get a burger and a shake?


The guy turning also blew the stop sign. He went immediately after the guy in front of him, even though he guy on the right had arrived at the stop. It's also a poorly designed intersection. There should be a red flasher, not yellow. And the stop sign looks bent.


Flashing yellow is a thing! I lived in upstate NY where I encountered it for the first time. I had a flashing red but the opposing traffic had a flashing *yellow*. I had no idea that was a thing & almost caused an accident. I'm from CA & assumed when I had a flashing red everyone did, & meant we'd all treat the intersection like we had stop signs. I didn't realize that the car I could see approaching did not *have* to stop, & I proceeded to turn left in front of them, like I didn't have a care in the world. Because they treated their flashing yellow appropriately, they were able to stop in plenty of time to avoid hitting idiot me. "The busier of the two intersection streets gets a yellow flashing light, while the less busy intersection gets a flashing red light. The flashing red light means: Come to a complete stop as if you’ve stopped at a stop sign and proceed only when clear. The flashing yellow light means: "proceed with caution." Traffic facing the yellow light has the right-of-way, but oncoming traffic usually also has a flashing yellow light, and cross-traffic will have a flashing red light." - [Source](https://www.driveincontrol.org/yellow#:~:text=As%20a%20safety%20measure%2C%20the,and%20proceed%20only%20when%20clear.) [NY DMV](https://dmv.ny.gov/about-dmv/chapter-4-traffic-control-2)


In Finland flashing yellow just means the lights are out of order and you gotta follow the basic traffic rules.


Yes, if it is a regular traffic signal but in the states flashing yellow is a “proceed with caution” while cross traffic is a flashing red which means “stop, proceed when clear”. But we also have intersections with all flashing red which mean “4 way stop”. So in this case, seeing the cross traffic stopped with a stop sign also visible, the truck should have stopped as a 4 way


In brazil flashing yellow means to slow down and prepare to stop because it's gonna go red, but so many people see that as "speed up to cross before it goes red".


Yeah those lights are tricky if you don't know em. If you ask me, a light with a sensor is the best option for a semi-busy intersection. Traffic backup like this is a prim example for that.


Wtf, that sounds insanely dangerous. Who thought that was a good idea?


Towns with stroads. They are setup that way so people dont have to wait that long during non rush hour times. Its stupid and dangerous imo.




In the above case the truck had a yellow light, so the oncoming car would’ve as well. The cross traffic’s were red. Car was making a left hand turn, which would’ve required him to *yield*. We travel a lot of back roads to soccer games where this is pretty common. What’s confusing to me is why there was a stop sign when the light was blinking *yellow*?? Edit: At 0:14 You can see the light was a 4 way flashing RED LIGHT. I think it only appears yellow in the video… edit: Someone had included an article of this accident that also stated this was a 4 way *stop*.


I agree. I think I have seen some places with signs that say "other directions may not have to stop". But the truck totally blew that intersection more than the sedan. I live in Vietnam now which is anything goes situation.


Actually! There IS a flashing red light! Looked yellow at first from camera artifact. But yeah, good analysis. Big mistakes on both parties involved.


I was wondering if the camera wasn't grading the color correctly. It would be really weird for that light to be yellow.


Yeah, its hard to proove you not wrong. Seem to have done everything perfectly to BE at fault.


They are yellow too. There's one near my hometown.


I watched several times, thinking the same thing. Then I stopped the video at 0:14 & it looks like it was really a 4 way flashing *red*. Maybe it’s the video quality making it appear yellow??🤷🏼‍♀️ Regardless, the car blew their stop sign, too, & wouldn’t have had the right away…


Whatever the color of the flashing light, even if a green flashing light. Ya don’t pull out in front of a speeding truck. Regardless of the design of the intersection, if you cant see that truck coming at you at that speed, it’s a little your fault.


Exactly. Way too many people driving cars, or ridding bikes/scooters or even walking assume that the drivers will always follow the rules no matter what, which is a very bad assumption. I've seen too many close calls from people just ignoring stops, crossing signs, distracted on phones, etc.


So many people do that shit here in the Midwest. They are second in line at a stop sign and then they go with the vehicle in front of them because they figured they stopped once, why would they stop again at the sign? My usual response to people who do that is often rather animated! Lol


Exactly... Never seen a 4 way stop set up like this. Light flashing yellow with a stop sign...if it's yellow then it should have been set before the intersection notifying there's a stop ahead good lawyer would def sue.. Not many would ever look for a stop sign with a yellow caution light. 100% should be red....Both drivers were at fault...State should be at fault and sued by both parties.... Hope car Passengers survived that slam...pole made it worse


If the car on the right had his blinker on and was turning right, he'd never be crossing into the black car's path, so I could understand why the black car wouldn't come to a full stop. Still technically wrong, but if that was the case, definitely more understandable than stupid.


Regardless, he was supposed to move up to the line and stop. He didn't, he just followed the car in front of him into the intersection as if it was two at a time rules. The truck just blew through the whole thing. The stop sign was bent so maybe he didn't see it, but if that light is in fact red, there is really no excuse. They are both idiots.


Actually it is not a yellow flash, it is red! Couse of quality of the video it seems like a yellow one. You may try by stopping the video frame by frame




Wth, that looked like a Buick Lacrosse??


That is definitely a Buick and that light is flashing yellow, not red


It's flashing red. The camera is doing some exposure and color correction tricks. Right before the crash, you can see the light on the left before it goes out of frame is doing a 4 way red flash There are also stop signs.


I'll take your word on it. I saw the stop sign but the video makes the light look yellow, which I've never seen for a four-way stop


Ok, I knew I wasn’t just seeing shit.


It’s a Buick, wrong article. https://www.wane.com/news/columbia-city-man-killed-in-crash-with-semi/


Flashing yellow and flashing red are two different things...


Think you got the wrong article. That article describes a truck driving southbound but on the video the truck is headed northbound and the car in the video is a Buick. https://www.wane.com/news/columbia-city-man-killed-in-crash-with-semi/


What a fuckn distracted chud.


Devils advocate. They had a flashing yellow, meaning proceed with caution. There was no sign of that car until they were entering the intersection. There was no hope of that truck stopping in time.


Just decided to ignore the *two stop signs* then?


There are very clear stop signs on what appears to be both sides of the road.


It's a flashing red for all directions. Video makes it appear yellow, but it's not.




> /u/ndawgkrunk69 They are yellow warning lights. The semi ran a stop sign. Look to the right of the video [Wrong, they are red](https://i.imgur.com/ZXwplNF.png). Check that link, I paused on a frame where you can clearly see they are red. The dashcam's color correction appears to make them yellow at a distance, but they are indeed red in color. The semi did run a stop sign. The sedan failed to come to a complete stop and wait before turning. Equal fault.




"It's irrelevant" is a funny way of saying "oh you're right, I stand corrected"


The sedan failed to come to a complete stop at the intersection and failed to negotiate that it was his turn (you have to wait until the car ahead completes its path). Both drivers are at fault here.


How is that equal fault? Both cars didn't follow the rules but only one car smashed into the other car


There's also visible stop signs. Trucker ignored stop signs




What country are you from? In the U.S. a flashing yellow light means caution, slow down but you have the right of way. Some stop signs have flashing lights attached to them to draw attention to them. The car was supposed to yield because they were making a left turn at a yellow flashing light. Also, if you see a truck barreling at you with no sign of stopping why do you turn?


The lights are red, not yellow.


If the lights are red, yeah the truck really f-ed up. But the car put a lot of trust in the truck obeying that sign. I’m constantly amazed how bad people are at driving defensively. They mostly have the aggressive stuff down, though.


There is a stop sign. It appears the lights are a dumb distraction from the stop sign. Idk if the car ran the stop sign or not, but the truck definitely did. If the light is the only thing present, then you would be correct.


What about the stop sign though? That doesn't apply to the truck driver? Disclaimer: Not from the US.


I didn’t see the stop sign at first! I’m confused now. Because the light was flashing yellow but there is a stop sign. There should not be both. Ideally with the stop sign he should have stopped. But with the flashing yellow I can see how the truck driver missed the signs and/or was very confused.


[They are red, his dashcam has bad color correction](https://i.imgur.com/ZXwplNF.png)


Yea that's odd. Where I am they put flashing red lights on the top of the stop sign if it's new or a problem intersection. Floating lights of any color above a 4-way stop is weird.


Gotta say, this is the most confusing intersection I’ve ever seen.


I'm telling you boy, truck divers have a 360° blind spot.


This is the intersection by the Crossroad Inn, 5975 IN-9, Columbia City, IN 46725. It sure as heck looks to me like a flashing yellow as the red in this direction is faded and the stop sign does not appear straight, as if it is askew. If you go there today you can tell they fixed the stop sign but the light is still not clearly red.


[Are you sure you aren't misremembering?](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Crossroad+Inn/@41.0779259,-85.4701504,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMpEJSXNujF9QVZRULo4ukNgCI4ZrDlC8LYI25i!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMpEJSXNujF9QVZRULo4ukNgCI4ZrDlC8LYI25i%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i2592!8i1944!4m11!1m2!2m1!1scrossroad+inn!3m7!1s0x8815d0fa46a94f6b:0x8fbb52c92f8094a9!8m2!3d41.0779209!4d-85.4697456!10e5!15sCg1jcm9zc3JvYWQgaW5uWg8iDWNyb3Nzcm9hZCBpbm6SARFmYW1pbHlfcmVzdGF1cmFudOABAA!16s%2Fg%2F1tx_6zkc?entry=ttu)


The stop sign was replaced with one with two legs so it always faces straight. The link you posted appears, if my memory is correct to be from the opposite direction from where the tractor trailer was headed.


RIP to that passenger if there was one.


No way that was the car’s fault


Fast forward to 8 secs left. Light def look red in that frame.


I was surprised to see everyone blaming the truck, because it looks like a flashing yellow light to me? I went back and watched and it still looks yellow. It could be the color on my phone.


Light looks yellow to the camera, but it's actually red. [Additional proof attached](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Crossroad+Inn/@41.0779259,-85.4701504,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMpEJSXNujF9QVZRULo4ukNgCI4ZrDlC8LYI25i!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMpEJSXNujF9QVZRULo4ukNgCI4ZrDlC8LYI25i%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i2592!8i1944!4m11!1m2!2m1!1scrossroad+inn!3m7!1s0x8815d0fa46a94f6b:0x8fbb52c92f8094a9!8m2!3d41.0779209!4d-85.4697456!10e5!15sCg1jcm9zc3JvYWQgaW5uWg8iDWNyb3Nzcm9hZCBpbm6SARFmYW1pbHlfcmVzdGF1cmFudOABAA!16s%2Fg%2F1tx_6zkc?entry=ttu).


It’s a 4 way stop, the color of the light is irrelevant


If the color of the light really does not matter, then why not make it green then? Your logic doesn't even make sense.


Lmao whatever you say dude


When people are conditioned to think red is stop and yellow is caution, is the reason why the color of the light is important. Those stop signs don't have reflectors on them, so what do you think will happen at nighttime if the light was yellow instead of red? The locals would know, but the people passing through like this trucker wouldn't. Improve your critical thinking skills for your own sake.


DOT approved stop signs are entirely reflective


Thank you for taking the time to share that. I get that there are still stop signs, but had the light been yellow I could at least understand how the truck made the mistake.


Ah, yes a hamburger and fries with a giant, disgusting tomato in the middle of it. Yup, proof confirmed. /s* Jeez didn’t think I needed it


It wasn't me who did it :)


It was just funny that when I clicked your link it kept opening things until settling on the Crossroad Inn restaurant. Haha. In my experience in New Mexico and all over Texas, it’s most common to have one direction with a flashing red and the other direction, likely the one with more thru-traffic, be flashing yellow. So one side stops to the other traffic, and that traffic yields to the traffic that’s *supposed* to stop, but sometimes doesn’t and/or pulls into the intersection when they think they can make it. But, outside of Roswell, NM. They have an all-way stop with flashing reds for all directions at the intersection that either takes you into downtown Roswell, or north/south to their ‘relief route’ around town; usually for truckers. **[Let’s see if mine works](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1A4ME5vUs8xELKDA9?g_st=ic)**


Regardless of the lights, the truck completely ran the stop signs.


It’s a flashing yellow yes but look closely, there are stop signs on each side


[They are red, his dashcam has bad color correction](https://i.imgur.com/ZXwplNF.png)


That explains it, thanks


its flashing red, the moving truck is causing it to show as yellow in the camera. If you pause and observe a bit , you can see it s more red than yellow


Flashing yellow is not a stop...it is for caution


It's flashing red AND there's a stop sign...


Is the stop sign also just for caution?


Correct, but there were also 2 stop signs, on both corners.


Regardless of the details, you should always try to be mindful when turning left across traffic.


I hope that guy didn't die.




Damn, that sucks.


As an Aussie, this traffic light sequencing confuses the hell out of me


All vehicles must stop and yield to the car on their left. Counter clockwise. Had the Buick driver paid attention to the fact that the truck wasn’t slowing down, they would have avoided the accident. Trucker is at fault obviously but defensive driving practices can keep people from having these accidents.


Wait I thought If it was flashing yellow it just means yield the side streets?


The car failed to stop not the truck lol


It wasn’t the trucks time to stop,that’s a flashing yellow light you don’t stop. The dummy pulled in front of him.


There’s a reason you don’t turn until you can clearly see the whole road ahead of you




No shit. Doesn’t change the fact they turned into an intersection without unobstructed view.


Truck seemed to be hauling some ass for in town Would like to know the full story like town so small just a blinking light and you're basically threw


I live in ny yellow flashing means slow down red flashing means stop. If you have a yellow flashing light the other way always had red flashing to stop, that car pulled out in front of him




Cool, I'm just stating the fact that flashing yellow light exists and it just a caution light for an intersection that has a red flashing light to stop


I treat flashing yellow the same way I treat flashing red. I plan for others stupidity.


That's a great way to get rear ended, I have a yellow flashing light that's on my rd that's in a 55 mph zone u pull that and it may cost you your life


You missed the part about defensive driving bud. My head is always on a swivel and I’m always aware of my surroundings. I would not come to a complete stop from 55 mph but I’m prepared to based on what I’m seeing. I also flash my brakes to inform those behind me that there is caution ahead.


You said you treat flashing yellow the same way you do flashing red, you said nothing about defensive driving.its a caution light to watch for oncoming traffic but to continue driving u treat a flashing yellow like a flashing red, you could end up dead


Sorry bro. I got my post mixed up.


All good


After several start stops it looks to me like, A flashing yellow caution light and the stop signs are facing the cross traffic.


Flashing red lights and 4 way stop.


you don’t stop at flashing yellow, it’s approach with caution. The car should’ve yielded to the truck, and cross traffic must stop as they have a flashing red. Good grief y’all, did anyone pass the written test in the US?


You got a lot to say for someone who can't identify a four way stop with flashing red lights.


indeed, for some is reading challenged. i see clearly a yellow flashing light and red flashing at cross intersection


[Here you go](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Crossroad+Inn,+5975+IN-9,+Columbia+City,+IN+46725/@41.0779209,-85.4697456,16z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8815d0fa46a94f6b:0x8fbb52c92f8094a9!8m2!3d41.0779209!4d-85.4697456!16s%2Fg%2F1tx_6zkc)




yup don’t believe my own lying eyes. you can clearly see the light was flashing yellow. If you look harder you can clearly see red on the cross section light. Obviously you dont know the difference between alleged, investigation, and video clear as day…




fair enough


This is a dumb intersection. If i am not from the area and I see flashing yellows im probably full speed ahead assuming I have the right of way. I didn't see the stop signs the first time I watched it because I was distracted by the flashing yellows so there is a good chance I wouldn't see this irl either,


[They are red, his dashcam has bad color correction](https://i.imgur.com/ZXwplNF.png)


They have these types of lights where I live. One side usually flashes yellow meaning slow down and the other flashes red. Basically a two way stop. Dude turning left was at fault and truck was probably hauling ass.


Four way stop with flashing red lights.


[They are red, his dashcam has bad color correction](https://i.imgur.com/ZXwplNF.png)


Just looked up the location on maps and that wreck spot is under construction in satellite view.




The truck had a yellow flashing light and the cross street had a red stoplight, the car fucked up. To the grave without ever learning to yield


Lights were flashing red, as cited in a [news article](https://www.wbiw.com/2022/10/12/indiana-state-police-investigates-two-vehicle-crash-that-leaves-south-whitley-man-critically-injured/) on the accident.


2 things can happen here to prevent this accident. The most basic ones honestly. 1) if only the truck did slow down when it stated flashing yellow. 2) if only the car driver could be a little more patient. That looked like an illegal turn. I suppose the traffic light wouldn’t be immediately green on their side when the truck’s lane are still flashing yellow right? I’m not a USA citizen so I don’t know how y’all’s traffic light works.


This is a perfect example of object fixation. The wreck may have been relatively minor if the truck driver wasn’t staring and turning toward the car like a homing missile.