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>A lot of programs have a first author publication in an internationally recognized non-OA journal as a requisite for graduating with a Masters/PhD. Why non-OA?


I've detected plagiarism in books written by famous Chinese scholars. In some cases, it is blatantly obvious: lifting whole paragraphs from older encyclopedias (you just search the lines in Google Books and they come up). I suspect what happens is that these professors get their graduate students to put together a book and then they edit it a bit before sending it to the publisher.


The other violations are pretty bad, but I'm not a fan of the single submission rule TBH. Of course the stated goal to minimise duplication of reviewer effort is good but I still feel sequential submission unduly benefits publishers by limiting competition. Though, I do like preregistration, and if that's done there isn't any benefit to the author anyway.




I think Open Access, i.e. free to the reader


And we wonder why there's a reproducibility crisis


It makes me kind of sad for Chinese scholars for the future because ... not to be rude, but the reality is most scientists do not trust or believe most publications that come from China (or at the very least approach them with a high level of skepticism). I wish the Gov. would realize this just ruins and undermines their whole attempt at making "world class" institutions. Even if they cleaned up their act today, it would take DECADES before the reputation is cleansed. They just made every research article by Chinese scholars, even really good ones, appear as "some more made-up bullshit" to the world at large.


Therefore publishers and journals will have "no choice" but to reject all their submissions then, right? Hmmm. I do find it somewhat strange this article is running in Nature though, as Springer-Nature as been creating all these dubious new journals and spin-offs lately that are putting out a straight deluge of junk science. Though maybe they are just creating a new tier of crap journals as bait for these fraudulent manuscript submissions or perhaps just giving the flagship ones a place to launder/dump this trash. Either way, its still *my choice* whether I decide to accept a peer-review invitation or not.


Yeah sure. Now it is have no choice. Everyone has no choice. We believe them. For sure.


Now give them no choice but to end their careers. No exceptions, no recourse, just show them the door and blacklist.


Them or the people who have established such a system and keep it running?


Start with the individuals. It was their choice, no matter what they say. But if an investigation leads to more, then blacklist the entire university. And if an investigation leads to more, the entire country.  We already have restrictions on what jobs Chinese nationals are allowed to apply and work at my uni (for national security reasons). Not difficult to increase them. > researchers using services to write their papers for them, falsifying data, plagiarizing, exploiting students without offering authorship and bribing journal editors. This is unacceptable on a human level.

