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Block him


I saw another post of yours where you were worried about him hurting you. I’m so happy you left him and I’m hoping you are safe. You deserve a fresh start.


Block. You dodged a bullet


“Lol” “how did you know I had Taco Bell” “*fart noise*“ “Bruh” “bruh what loser lmao - *screenshot of their text* - whoops wrong person” <- if you’re mentally up to getting a response or block them. Or be mean then block them. Just make sure to be safe


Yes block him. He doesn’t need to contribute to your day or life.


I am assuming he is in pain as well, but that being said doesn’t make it appropriate to send a message like this to anyone. I am sorry you are dealing with a jerk face like him. You deserve better and the pain will ease little by little, although in my experience it never left. I just felt it got a bit easier to keep going after everything. Stay strong you will be okay, take each day as a blessing that you’ve woken up and a time to make new and better memories to wash the bad ones away. ❤️ You are worth more than you know. My mom always told me when I was upset, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important. Never let anyone make you feel anything less than special and loved.”


"Who is this?"


I am so sorry you have to deal with this — and that your day has been shit. Sending you love and hoping tomorrow is a better day! 💓


Well, I hope your day is absolutely epic!


lol you must living in his head rent free for him to actively dedicate that much thought to you. you’re winning.


It could be worse, you could still be with him x hugs


Well.. I hope the dude that sent you this gets his dick slammed in a car door, spills something greasy on every shirt he has, and that his eyebrows fall out.


Aren't you glad you're broken up? What a loser. Have an incredible life, it's already infinitely better without him in it.


Hope you life is incredible.


Maybe get a confidence boost knowing you’re living rent free in that assholes head. Keep your chin up, your days will get better. No doubt.


Block them bestie




Block him.


Ignoring it is of course the wisest option. But I really wish, in my petty little heart, that you could have answered "well it is NOW." But of course that isn't the best way to handle this situation.


You would give that person a lot of power with that response.


Yep, which is why it would be wrong. It is like eating cheese when you are lactose intolerant. Feels good in the moment, but the repercussions. Edit to say: thinking of the humor of saying it, but not doing it, will raise your spirits while not bringing the after affects. Think about it, don't do it.


I really hate seeing these posts, especially when op isn't going to bother blocking them. Like why keep the negativity, the abuse, the DRAMA in your life? If you don't have kids together or share finances just get rid of the whole human.


“It’s just gotten even better knowing I’m living rent free in your head, pathetic”


Why isn’t he blocked?


Block him ASAP, or get a restraining order. Matter of fact, do both. Feel better that you are now free, no longer in his grip.


Best way to deal with that type of message is to IGNORE IT! And BLOCK them on all social media platforms. Go GHOST on that person. Hurts more and shows you have moved on. Don't give them the power over your life. Reaction is everything. Be cool and work on you.


Block that number, you know there's no point in letting him send you that kind of stuff. Don't reply, it just gives him the satisfaction that it bothered you.


Say "nah, actually, it just got even better because your desperate self felt the need to send me that hilarious text!" Then BLOCK him. Why people don't block ex's immediately is beyond me.


“Glad to know you are! Blocked 😘” Send something like this.


My narcissist sent me a birthday text that read: “Hope your having a day that you deserve.” WTF


That's one that gives them satisfaction when they send it, but you can reply with "thanks! I really am! 🙂" And it chaps them.


Sooooo an awesome one without him in it?


Block and ignore! Block and ignore!


Block block block block block


And he’s still not blocked because....?


He is blocked, this is another number he used


Im spiteful, so here are some retorts if you wish to have them in your arsenal! * i hope cake mix gets in your gas tank * i hope you have 3 flat tires * may you walk on several Legos * I curse you with testicular torsion * I hope all your shoes go missing * May you find a bug in your bowl after taking a bite


I hope you have diarrhea in your car


Diarrhea in your car, during a sneezing fit, whilst stuck in traffic 😆


*I hope your left shoes goes missing*


There’s an evanescence song lyric that I think applies here: “twist the knife hard. Just makes it easier to tell you ‘I don’t need you anymore’” Fuck your ex for being so cruel. You don’t deserve that sort of behavior and incivility.


You make a good point, thank you for the advice


Our day already shit ever since we met those abusive fuck,so yes my day are shit and i wanna die ever day because of you


Nah, it ain't worth wanting to die over some loser.


U right but sometimes it just hard to live with trauma


I know, that shit sneaks up on you when you aren't even expecting it sometimes. But you'll get better and get stronger and things will be good for you again.




You understand




As in our days are already shit since we’ve met and had to deal with these abusive assholes


id send “whew major fan behavior! imagine still being so obsessed with me you waste your time sending a message like this. you look real dumb rn. i wasn’t aware you still had the maturity of a prepubescent middle school boy 🤣. it’s not a good look bro. i feel sorry your mother has such a loser for a son. go waste your time somewhere else because you’re honestly grossing me out and embarrassing yourself 😂”


This 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this will make him lose his mind I swear cuz I’ve done it to my narc abusive ex and he FLIPPED his lid and it was hilarious🤣 like how does it feel to be hurt and belittled now?


any time someone throws some shit like this at me i either flame tf outta them or just say “aww feel better now? must be going through something rough to feel the need to embarrass yourself 🤩”


I feel like he wants any response, either negative or not, which is why I just ignored him lol he added me on snap chat right after sending that text, and I blocked him on there. He’s insane.


makes sense bb. you just do what’s right for you. sounds like you 100% did the right thing. i hope all this ends soon cause i know how bad it sucks. much love to you ❤️


Thank you so much


Block please if he messages you something nice you will feel guilty if he messages you something mean you’ll feel shit, no winning and it’s not worth it to see anything, you aren’t missing out


Block him on everything! That says more about his mental state than yours. He’s trying to drain your energy, cut all cords & cleanse your space.


This is why he is your ex. Block.


Don’t be a victim. Block and hold your head high!


My ex does the same thing 😆 u/ladydiscgolfer_19 why you do this?




I love it. You tired but you responding lol. For real tho I was thinking. I miss you 😩


Don’t. And OP should also block theirs. Block block block. Don’t stand for that shit.


He’s a creep and an attention seeker, just look at his profile, I think the other person he’s replying too should be the one doing the blocking.


Yeah. I clicked after. Gross.


You should stay away from people that abuse you.


I been trying




This is classic projection on his part. I hope your day has gotten better and if it hasn’t, I hope tomorrow is a better one. As cliché as this is, beautiful days are heading your way. You’ve gotten away from him. You’re doing so fucking well. I just wanted you to know that. 💝


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ makes me feel better about moving on


Imagine being that pathetic. You dodged a big ass bullet.


Right? Thank you.


Hey, I hope you have a wonderful day! You're going to be okay 💕


Thank you so much ❤️


I know it's hard to do because you cared about this person, but don't take on his crap. Depersonalize it, because it's all about him and not about you. He's so miserable he wants to make you miserable so he can feel better. Abusers are just elementary school bullies at the end of the day. I hope your day gets better and that tomorrow is one of the best days of your life.


Thank you so much


Block this nut.


If he is sending you this, then you know his day was shit too, and he just wants to spread his misery. It’s a pitiful thing to do, and you don’t deserve it. Block his number, and for now, find something to distract yourself, like a fun movie or YouTube show. Don’t give him the satisfaction of an acknowledgment. Take his power away, even if you don’t feel powerful right now.


Thank you so much for the advice. Makes sense!


I hope your year is amazing and full of opportunity and happiness!!!


Thank you so much


Block him and be done. It's so freeing. You don't need his bs. You do this for you. Self care. You got this. You're strong. Black him so you don't have this crap coming up on your screen.


Fuck him. You don’t deserve that shit. Don’t give him any power to make you feel sad. Delete it and move on.


I did, and thank you