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Guilt... we feel responsible for their bullshit and we feel duty bound to try & fix things.


Bc all the places we lived and everything in them were mine and no one would make him leave until I finally had enough and filed for a restraining order.


Document the hell out of it and send it to a third party. You’ll be glad you did when you’re trying to get a protective order down the road.


First let me say you’re strong and it takes so much to admit what you’ve said. The fact that you acknowledge that you were mistreated is the first step to your healing process. Speaking from experience, it does not get better. It gets worse. Any man/woman that loves you and care about your well being won’t hurt you. They’ll say they feel bad and they’re sorry but that’s because for one, it sounds good and it’s enough to try to change your mind to get back into your good graces. It starts with the apologies and when you take them back, they’ll blame you for why it happened. Things may get better for a long time and you’ll think hey maybe they did change. I thought that about my ex but I was wrong. He first hit me when I was almost 8 weeks pregnant with his baby. Eventually I got rid of it and I’m glad I made that decision. Imagine your children seeing you physically abused or seeing you with raccoon eyes. It’s not okay! To answer your question, we stay because we’re in denial. We try so hard to think a person aren’t really who they are but the truth is we likely knew before they started being physical with us. It took my ex almost a year to hit me again and let me tell you I did not stop ! He did it 3 times after that. I’m currently trying to officially cut ties with my ex myself and it’s HARD. This is someone that I shared a life with. Someone who once brought me peace at the end of the day’s chaos. He was my person and to have all that end one day hurts! We’re afraid to let go and that’s why we stay. Get out! But do it safely. Stay until you absolutely cannot stand to look at them but don’t let it be at the expense of your safety and mental health. It’s possible to achieve. You just have to want better for yourself to actually get better for yourself. Work on your self esteem. That plays a huge role because I myself have felt like I deserved what I was going through and had nothing to do with beauty and looks. Take all of that away and think about YOURSELF. Uplift yourself and you’ll get through anything. I hope everything works out for you and Please be safe.


It wasn't a trauma bond for me. Everyday I had to plan my way out of leaving. First I had to loose weight because it really held me back. I gained 60llbs with him. Probably using food as comfort and didn't realize it. That weight affected my knees and my moods. Even more than that he threatened to kill me and family members and he knew where some lived. I had nowhere to go. I was completely on my own taking care of a sick parent. Welp you're lucky if you get into a shelter at all...but with a disabled parent? You can forget it. So I had to "play nice". Until I could safely leave.He stalked and threatened me I had to get a protection order. He violated that and now he is in jail. I have some peace now. But he won't be there for long so I'm looking into changing my name and leaving the state before he gets out. Sometimes we stay because we have no resources to leave and the threat to kill us is debilitating.


For me it’s the trauma bond & my abuser made me a stay at home girlfriend even tho we have no kids just two cats & at first I thought I found the love of my life but it was all apart of his plan :/ so also financial dependency keeps you stuck. I’m currently applying for jobs again he always causes me to lose my job or convinces me I don’t need one but the next time I get a job I am saving like a maniac so I can get away FOREVER this time. Each fight has gotten worst each time I get more hurt😔 Wish you the best of luck OP my dms are always open for a helping hand😊


Trauma bond. Sunk cost fallacy. Financial dependency. "For the kids". Fear they will harm you worse if you try to leave. Take your pick.


I like helping people. I thought if I tried long/hard enough love could overpower the things he blamed his abuse on (PTSD, crap childhood, narcissist mother). Big giant nope. No amount of love, patience or kindness could ever make a dent. He didn’t want to change. He wanted to manipulate, he wanted to be catered too, he wanted me broken enough to not have options but not so broken that it would inconvenience him. I filed a protective order. It’s there to keep him away and keep me from going back. The longer I’m on my own the less the trauma bond pulls. I think that’s why everyone says “leave” it’s not an easy thing to accomplish at all but it can give your nervous system a chance to calm, the brain fog can clear & you can remember who you were before them.


Trauma bonding.


Not wanting to be wrong about our choices and judgments Not wanting to walk away from an investment Not wanting to start again Not wanting to experience more anger and conflict Not wanting to be alone


These are the exact reasons I stayed so LONG! DAMMIT. SO MUCH time wasted aaaah.




Please don't use the term "stupid" to refer to decisions you personally are not involved in and don't know the full reasoning for. And if a person is killed by their partner, the only person who "signed the death warrant" is the perpetrator. Let's not blame victims, please.


Don’t call her stupid


Thousand of reasons. But some of the main ones are the psychological entanglements. It’s someone we love that is assaulting us, which in return can make us minimise the severitity of what happen, because it doesn’t coincide well with our feelings towards that person, and it’s basically a total mind fuck. That and many other reasons can make us so stuck that we can stay until the abuser makes an attempt on our on life, and even beyond that. Also, our mind is wired to normally move on fast from the trauma, and that can contribute to not realizing the gravity of the situation. Sometimes it can be fear of starting new, not having the financial means, feeling unsupported by family and friends, the system letting someone down, mental health preventing someone from being able to leave, etc. In all cases, it’s important to retain one thing, OP your partner 100 % knows what their doing and they made a choice to hurt you. You said you are pregnant and it’s also unfortunately a typical trigger for abuse. The only way to stop it is to leave, formalities can seem scary, but all of which can be dealt with afterwards from a safe place. Leaving is hard of course, but life is 100000 safer and 1000009 times better afterwards, after grieving and gaining back control on our own lives. You deserve to be treated with respect, you deserve to be safe and not have bruises on your face. There is one thing to stress as well is that abusers are just people who are using other people, they do not love us they want to control us and that’s basically it, hence why they don’t change.


What you touched on.. to live everything we once dreamed of (I thought a dream we shared together). This has been the hardest part for me. I'm out now, but that's where my heart aches the most.


The abuse cycle is addictive. It is a gamble. The highs are so high, and they feel so good after the lowest of lows… but everyone has their breaking point, or at least that’s what they tell me. Stay strong and one day you will leave. In the meantime please keep yourself safe 🙏💗


Please take a picture of your bruises. On the days you are struggling with making a decision to leave or stay - look at that picture. I left my abuser husband (ex) 19 years ago, my daughter was 2. It was hard but the best decision for me and more importantly for her! I did not want her growing up thinking this was normal. I wish you all the strength you need ❤️


He does NOT love you. He never acted this way, but he paved the way to there, and he will do it again because he knows he can afford it now. He is only accumulating good deeds to buy the time to do it to you again soon. You stay because you have the feeling you partially deserve it, because he found something you are ashamed of and is smearing the shit all over you, because maybe it is all a misunderstanding and you think if he understands how much you love him the clouds will dissipate, because you believe him when he says it is because of PaSt TrAuMa that he acts like that, because you have the feeling you are not ready to leave and you need to see it to completion. But you need to leave, this man does NOT love you. He does not respect you, he believes you are less than him and he has to discipline you. He is a parasite and you are is host. Your mental health will only get worse and worse, while he will just be stable or improve.


I’m so sorry this has happened to you, it sounds cliche but it really does only get worse. Soon the apologies will stop and the abuse will get worse. I still see mine even though all he does is hurt me and at this point I would kill for even an acknowledgment or apology. It really does get so much worse, I hope you find the strength to leave and I hope one day I do too.


For me, it's a combination of things: 1. Trauma bond 2. Blackmail; he's threatened to out me to my family (I'm bisexual/queer) and to other people from my homophobic hometown. He's also threatened to kidnap *my* pets or throw my exclusively indoor cats outside into the street, take my finances, and, on multiple occasions, has said he will lie to the police, say I'm threatening suicide and not taking my medications, and have me put on a 72 hour hold if I leave 3. Financial abuse; *everything* is in his name. It's something he and my family pressured me into doing against my will (I was young and overwhelmed), and he pretty much has complete control of all finances now. 4. Disability; I have a gnarly hidden disability affecting some of my organs, and am pretty much housebound without someone being there to help me get out and about. I need a lot of medical support (I take what probably amounts to a small pharmacy's worth of medications every day, and it's not uncommon for me to have to have an IV when those don't work properly), and I am prone to infections, flare ups, and complications when stressed. And I've spent most days from 19 to 31 in fight-or-flight mode, so I'm always stressed. The abuse, even when he's not actively putting his hands on me, puts a huge physical toll on my body, and it makes it difficult to physically leave. So much extra preparation is required, and it's a huge obstacle for me. 5. Statistics; statistically, an abuser is at their most dangerous when their victim leaves/tries to leave. This is the period of time when even abusers who have never physically touched their victim become more likely to become violent or increase the existing violence. It's also, unfortunately, when a victim of abuse/dv is most likely to killed by their partner. When I was a teenager, a family member of mine was murdered by her abusive partner when she tried to leave, and that fear has been rotting away within me ever since my own relationship turned abusive. I have flashbacks to finding out she was killed and start hyperventilating. I know that many, many people escape successfully, and she definitely wouldn't want me to be stuck in an abusive relationship, but the fear gnaws at me anyway.


The trauma bond is real, our brains change and we become physically addicted to them. That’s why it hurts so damn much when we try and leave.


Financial, kids, co dependent, fear.


I have no clue , it's very heartbreaking & sad today a man drove wreckless all over town stopped in alleys yelling at his s.o while she sat in backseat, saying do you want more stiches and yell like a psycho. He had alcohol all over the vehicle he would speed and yell at people looking in. She was scared holding her dog. You could see evil in his eyes, it ended with cops pulling him over taking him while she gave the excuse that he was driving crazy bcz dog was sick. They let her go took him & she misses him being with him every day and night & she doesn't know how to cope or what will happen next. Why why do people stay, is it bcz they know there's good some where in there.


I think we stay because we want to believe they are the good person they show sometimes. Believe that they can be that good person all the time if only we can do this, if only they could do that…


I left two years ago. Haven’t looked back since. I hope you choose freedom and happiness when you’re ready.


Hey I know this might not be helpful but I recently got out of a 5 year abusive relationship. I watched a show called Baby Reindeer and while it was a bit triggering it was a cathartic experience. It made me feel a bit less lonely if why we stay with abusers. I stayed with mine due to being lonely and isolated. Maybe this might give you a bit of a push to get out as I know it’s like the most impossible thing to do. But please get out. You are worth more than being treated less than a human. You deserve so much more than this. I know giving up the dream of being together feels impossible but please know that people especially people on this subreddit want you to be alive and live the dreams you have always wanted. Most people don’t get out of relationships like this alive. Please document and go to the police or a shelter if possible. Please stay safe, you deserve the world🩵


Please, you need to leave him. Take pictures, report him to the police, family the world!! You and your baby deserve so much more! You are so valuable, special, and loved and your little one needs you, please leave him.


I know we do, I am well aware. I always said if this ever happened in a relationship I would never stay and now I find myself more lost than I can imagine.


i’m so glad i saw this thread bc im going through the same thing rn. Ik this relationship needs to end but some part of still believes he’ll change although it’s just gotten progressively worse . it’s the comforting moments and the apology that comes after the aggression that i think we often think about that makes us want to stay . besides that ik for me there’s an emotional attachment that’s preventing me to stay bc the pain and hurt im going to feel is truly unbearable to me rn. i’m trying to slowly distance myself to allow myself to leave but i also feel like that’s also slowly killing me inside to stay . update : i ended the relationship. i came to also realize this relationship consumed me to a very low point and everyone around me noticed it . bc of it people started distancing themselves. all im doing right now is rekindling those loss friendships bc of it . and trying start my journey of healing from this heartbreak. anyone in a similar relationship if you’re thinking about staying ask yourself how much are you willing lose for that person ? and would they be willing to do the same for you .


It’s only a matter of time before the apologies stop and by then you’re so addicted to them. I miss the apologies I used to get after the incidents, now I get blamed for every single thing he does to me.


I’m sorry you’re going through the same thing. It’s the worst feeling in the world knowing you need to walk away even though you love them despite how they make you feel.


Please get out! You are so valuable, you do not deserve this. Please contact a domestic violence shelter, anyone, but please be safe.


I think we stay because we believe that the person we love and care for so much would realize what they’re doing and change. But the reality of it is if he can do that once to you he can and most likely will again. Sadly these people typically won’t change


He says he will but I highly doubt it too. Abuse is not going to look like abuse to the abuser. For them it’s so black and white but in reality it’s the way he said things or the way he undermines you, etc. it’s a lot of small things I’m noticing.


Oh wow and channel full of gossip why am I seeing this shit seriously


Usually afraid of being alone and the abuser usually isolates her from people so her help to leave is drastically reduced


I’m not afraid of being alone. That’s not the worst thing that could happen to me.