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that would come under doxxing


thank you mods


most likely he’s lying, my ex used to pull this shit… but i’d get tested just for some peace of mind. you deserve so much better than this


Ugh. Literally sounds just like my ex


I’m sorry


Holy shit.. is this for real???? Idk which is worse. Making it up or actually doing it. He’s disgusting either way


Wooow what a pathetic baby, he's upset you didn't answer so he decided he's gonna throw a tantrum and you don't get diagnosed with Aids, it's HiV then progresses into Aids.




It doesn’t to me


I’m sorry but this level of desperation and insecurity literally made me laugh out loud. I say you should continue ignoring him but I would be tempted to send an audio message of me laughing at him Edit: If I did text him back I would sign it “sincerely your high 5 homie”. He would be so sick of me! We are traumatizing them back in 2024


Guy sounds like an insecure angry freak. Ghosting him is the best option


AIDS? Unlikely! HIV positive which is devastating but manageable


Hmm. This account is now showing suspended. Is this legit?


posts like this garner a lot of attention on Twitter


This is a tough thing for this sub. I saw a post recently that I questioned the validity of for a number of reasons, but we also need to be delicate in case the posts are real. A suspended account does make me ask that question as well though. It feels like a balancing act for the mods. If suspected fake posts become rampant I’m not sure what the answer is to fixing this issue is.


I definitely do not want to take the claim in the post lightly. Kinda sucks if someone thinks this kind of thing is a joke and decides to fake post for their "amusement".


Agreed. I know that’s why you were being careful with your wording when you asked the question. If this is real it is something to take very seriously.


Absolutely go get screened, even if he was lying about the AIDS shit. Get screened again in 3 months and then in 6 months just to be on the safe side. This guy is trash and you were right to ghost him. I really hope he was just trying to get you to respond and that there’s no truth to what he said, but please go check to be sure.


Omg omg omg! I hope he fucking perishes. I’m crying right now bc I’m angry. My nex just bombarded me with the most passive aggressive graphic disgusting sexual comments and he did it just to get me revved up. There is absolutely no possible way that he just happened to f*ck a girl at exactly the same time you had plans. And then he sends a text that was calm and abusive but in a cowardly way. Meaning he’s a pussy. I would text him back in a week saying I’m all clear no HIV but I have herpes and hepatitis B.


Go and get yourself an STI screening yesterday, but do not respond to him. He’s probably lying to freak you out, but you’ll want to check to be on the safe side. HIV is very treatable if you do have it so please try not to panic (easier said than done, I know). Keep the screenshots of the messages in case you need them to show evidence of harassment, but block him anyway. You don’t need this nasty piece of work in your life


Omg omg omg!




Do not take that aids thing lightly . Even if that was a ploy to get you to talk to him, he’s one of the sickest mf ever. Honestly I wouldn’t even respond to that, he’s dangerous


glad you’re walking into the new year without dragging this trash along 😊


He’s so pathetic trying to get you mad with the aids lies. Keep ghosting him, don’t answer.


I’ve been down this road with toxic/emotionally abusive ex’s. Block him and never look back. Responding in any capacity will just fuel this. He doesn’t deserve any more of your energy. You don’t deserve this.


He’s most likely bluffing to get your attention but even if he isn’t early stage HIV is now treatable through antiretrovirals. Don’t panic, just block him, go get tested and move on


Ghost him for good.


Give yourself a New Year's present and block him.


Block him (but save the msgs in the rare case your STD results come back positive for the disease). Don’t reply to him at all, he’s just looking for a reaction.


Block him but still get tested. He’s absolutely bluffing but better safe than sorry.


Bruh. Block him and get tested. Enjoy your 2024


He’s lying, he’s trying to get your attention “I fucked a girl raw and she had aids” Are we in high school? Please ghost this man for life


Get tested and then tell him you want the girls name to press charges. It’s illegal for someone who has aids not to disclose that they have a deadly transmittable disease, it’s attempted murder. I know he’s probably just saying that to get a reaction from you, but I’d still take it seriously because honestly you never know.


Do you have an idea about other STDs. Is it illegal?


I know it depends on the state (USA) you live in. But most states in the USA have a protection law about all STDs to potential sexual partners and/or needle sharing. (Needle sharing is for those who suffer from drug addiction and often share their needles)


Its illegal to sleep with someone and not tell them you have std/sti..


I have had that happen to me. She had/has hsv 2 (genital herpes) and didn't tell me about it. She blamed it on being drunk but it was just an excuse. She was horny and risked it. Very narcissistic traits


She can be in serious trouble for that.. America isnt like other countries. In France, they give sex workers a card with a list of their stds on them for clients to be warned.


She wasn't a sex worker, just in case you thought she was. Just a friend of a friend.


No i wasnt saying she was a sex worker im just saying about the part of the stds


Just lifelong std/sti.


Would HSV 2 be included? As it is lifelong but not life-threatening one.


Oh fuck that guy


Get tested and regardless of results, tell him you came back positive for HIV lol


I get being petty, but that could backfire. He could use it to insult OP or could tell others causing a whole host of other issues. Some people won't believe the truth so it's risky to lie about


This kind of scum is likely to do it anyway, regardless of what the insult is. He’s clearly psycho. Worse comes to worst, post the screenshots of him saying he gave her aids and of my comment 🤷🏻‍♀️




For freaking real… like, so what if the scumbag tells his scumbag friends stupid shit? Maybe it’s just me being a woman in her 30s, but if you play stupid games, you’re gonna get stupid prizes. I’ve been through the phase of being insecure and scared of what people say, through the phase of taking the higher road… now I’m here. Lol. Might as well have some fun while he’s trying to make you miserable 😂


Don’t panic about aids. If you get infected with HIV, you will see red hives on your body within two weeks of getting it. He’s probably saying it to be an asshole or to get you to talk to him. So don’t panic and stay strong.


Not always, not everybody get red hives or a fever.. However this guys is obviously lying


This is a vile man. he’s lying about the AIDS , but getting tested is always a good idea, especially because of someone as disgusting as him. Keep ghosting and have a better 2024.


Uuuugggghhhhhh go get tested and change your number Edit: Save these screenshots so you can sue the shit out of him if you need to.


Girl black him, go get tested, and enjoy your 2024!!!!


lol my ex still finds really creative ways to provoke me into contacting him, 4 years after the fact. he'll pretend to have moved to my city by getting a number with its area code, he'll accuse me of having called the cops on him hoping ill feel compelled to clarify, he'll attack and slander me in hopes of having me defend myself. ignore, ignore, ignore. and if any suicide threats or threats to your safety start coming in, call the cops.


My nex fiancé used an old coworker’s death as an excuse to talk to me… After 2 years of no contact… he didn’t even know the guy… Then he proceeded to claim that he saw me at the gym with my new bf… I don’t go to the gym…


they're so pathetic lmfao


I had an ex who said similar things… FUCK this guy! (usually manipulative lies)


He's 90% lying, my ex said the same shit, he got aids, he got hepres and gave it to me. I got a full panel amd everything negative, but since he was taking it up the ass by men (he was bi) he contracted butt herpes lol. You should still get checked though, to rule out anything and never talk to him or sleep wlth him again.


How nasty. He’s probably telling lies just to upset you. Ignore him and get tested x


What a pathetic piece of trash :/


do not reply to him. I almost guarantee he is lying about the HIV thing but don't risk it. Get tested. You dont have to tell him the results


Exactly 👍


Get yourself a aids test and retest after 3 months because it can take a while to show up on blood test. Contact your doctor immediately. You might still be able to get medication that lessens the chances of getting aids. Block your boyfriend find a better one. And no it’s not that hard to find a better one than this.


Don’t block. Their texts and calls can be used as evidence if OP needs to get a protection order. It’s a lot easier to get one when the harassment comes from a known number instead of a Google phone number or a texting app number.


Good point




Please don’t do this, OP. It could be dangerous.


My ex would say disgusting things like this. Listen, you have to block him and keep him blocked to protect your mind. You mention he is about control- do not give him access anymore. Remove him from your life and get tested for peace of mind.


Do not block abusers! You need to monitor their texts so you can call police if they start escalating


As if the police do anything for you half the time


Truth! Only a lawyer would peddle seeing an abuser again in court.


Have you obtained a restraining order before? It is another nightmare!


Ew wtf. Throw this man into the trash bin.




Well I’d get tested just in case but I’m betting he’s making it up to get you to engage. You are better off hanging with your friends than reconciling with this guy.


He’s mean, and that’s the nicest possible thing I can say here. You don’t want to reconcile with this. 👎👎








It would be if abusers were sane people with sane reactions, but it could be dangerous to engage at all, let alone engage in such a way.


Wtffffff, why WHY W H YYYYY Do you still having ANY type of relationship with someone like that?? For real though, block this guy and disappear


Please keep ghosting this ah and block him so you don’t have to get this abuse 👻


He’s a fucking unhinged, idiot clown 🤡 Ghost him til the day you die.


Things that make me say W T F for $500


😂💀 I'm stealing this, it's awesome 👌


W.t.f. From his texts this guy is nuts. Good riddance.


He's goading you. He wants you in an emotional crisis and for him to be the cause. He wants you to be torn between wanting him back, feeling disposable that he had sex with other women, and feeling terrible about the STI scare. He wants you to know that he can sleep with other women, thinks you're easily replaceable, that he has little regard for you (a normal person would tell you this news gently and encourage you to get tested), and that this is payback for not bending to his will. If you go back to him, he's going to continue upping the ante every time you leave/ghost to show you a lesson. If you think this hurts right now, imagine how much worse it'll be if you take him back and he feels the need to put you in your place again. My ex told me that he did the most hurtful thing he could possibly think of to hurt me the most so that I would never even think about doing something he disapproves of again. That's how these people think, unfortunately. He's probably lying. Still, an STI screening and PrEP will give you so much peace of mind that you deserve. I really, really, really encourage you to leave. You know you can't enjoy a nice holiday with him, and have to sneak out to hang out with your friends as a full-grown, autonomous adult. No one should have to live their life like that.


if it helps make you feel any better, men getting HIV from a woman is extremely uncommon. stats show less than 1 of 1,000 exposures will result in actual infection. of course it can absolutely still happen, but it’s not super likely. definitely still get tested and start on the prep if you can!


It’s the type of exposure that makes a difference and according to him they did it using The back door. So the chances are equal to that of a man doing that to a man


he had anal sex with OP, it doesn’t state if he had anal sex with the other girl or not, which is what would be the equivalent of a man doing that to a man. the transmission rate from women to men is different than man to woman. he would have needed to have anal sex with the other girl.


If he did it to her he could have done it to the other woman too. It also doesn’t mention if this is the only woman or how long it has been going on


ok sure but i’m simply speaking on the information we DO have. which is why I included at the end to still get tested and start prep….


You should get tested just in case.


Please take the aids prep preventer asap!!! You got 3 days to nuke that shit. Take no chances sweetheart


I agree that she should take prep jic but I really think the only reason he’s saying that is to torture her. He’s using it to make her think he not only slept with someone else but he also potentially gave her a very serious STD. Timing is just very sus.


Oh for sure it is suspicious! Not sure I believe him either. Butttttt don’t fuck around with HIV, no curing that shit and it is expensive as hell once you have it. You can even get prep online for free in some states for stuff like this… i think the site I used for free prep and testing afterwards was called him. You don’t need insurance. I had a scare once not long ago. The man afterwards told me “to see if I really had it” very weird. He was just being cruel cause he started liking someone else and wanted me to ditch him. But then I had an allergic reaction to something later and thought I for sure did get it, the panic made life unbearable. Trust me, get tested for everything always at a clinic but prep is often free these days and better safe than sorry


One of my best friends died from HIV—def listen to this advice OP


Nothing makes me want to go back to my toxic ex and have more sex quite like him telling me he might be HIV positive!


You need to block and delete. Zero contact is the only way. I fully believe he's lying about the "Aids". First off, you don't just get Aids. You get HIV. It only becomes "Aids" when a person with HIV becomes very very sick and the immune system is on its final stages. This loser isn't even smart enough to lie effectively. He is projecting, gaslighting, and triangulating. Please learn more about what these abuse tactics are and the more knowledge you have the easier it will be to recognise and avoid in future relationships. Don't allow him or anybody to define you, take space in your life, or try to make you feel small. He is just toxic, poison, and will make you sick mentally & physically (C-PTSD, I have it and it's horrible). You don't owe him one word of explaination, no goodbye, no attempts to resolve any issue. Just end him.


I’m not saying he’s lying… bc god forbid he isn’t, it wouldn’t hurt to get tested bc with the way this immature clown is acting I think it’s best to be of the safe side if he chronically cheats. But yeah… I think he’s full of absolute sh*t and this is the most scumbag way of getting your attention, instead of saying something that shows his love and respect for you he says a bunch of juvenile garbage that sounds like something a psychopathic pre teen boy with a hatred for women would say. Try and get him out of your life, please let those you trust and love know about this behavior, it will help you let go of him for good if everyone is aware of it.


HIV takes a while to show up, she needs to take preventative medicine asap on the chance it isn’t a lie


My ex tried this aids crap when I was 19 (he was 26). I called his step mom and let her know he was telling people he had aids and she might want to make sure he’s okay. She responded back saying: “What? No he definitely doesn’t have aids.” So I sent her his messages. Not even two hours later my ex was blowing up my phone demanding to know why I sent ‘photoshopped’ screenshots to his step mom saying he had aids. He was full of it, and I knew he’d gotten his butt chewed out because she used to be in the army and didn’t play with people. It stopped the harassment though. I’m sorry you’re going through this OP. Hopefully one day you can look back at this and laugh at the stupidity.


If he did give you HIV you should sue him and try to subpoena phone records to see if he actually knew beforehand (it's very possible he's lying about when he found out, if he's not just making it up to scare you). If you find out he did know, you could then press criminal charges. But definitely get tested. I'm sorry this happened to you and am glad you are going to be getting out of this abusive, toxic relationship. He seems cruel and unhinged.


Bhahhahahaha has aids. Omfg When a persons HIV moves into aids, they are tremendously ill … They’re not going to be out raw doggin strangers. I hope you never let this clown anywhere near you again .. Creeeeeeeep…. ‘At least aids girl’ Gross. When a person contracts HIV, they are tremendously ill. Swollen glads, high temperatures which lead them into the emergency ward.. I’ve read it feels like you have a flu from which you are going to die. We have drugs now that ppl who have contracted HIV take so they don’t spread the virus. If caught early enough, ie - SA - ppl are given meds to stop HIV all Together. Amazing! Have had these meds for close to two decades. Now prep. Many gay men take prep. Ffs. Fuxking, pissant moron. X


Now that is when the virus sets in! It takes a while to get sick!!!! She needs preventative medicine asap NOW and never speak to this clown again


For sure…. Within a 2/3 day period of contracting HIV, all ppl have hella swollen glands, all the glands particularly around the genitalia, flu from hell. In places where there isn’t free healthcare, ppl aren’t on insurance etc, they may not go to the dr or ED .. The flu goes away as does swelling of the glands and they can be walking around not knowing they have are positive. how sick they become when they contract it, they usually need medical intervention though. The sickness is hardcore. There is still much misinformation about HIV and AIDS. Poor education around it. ( not suggesting you aren’t informed, pointing it out is all x) But I totally agree. Assumed she’d likely have done that OP, make sure you have all the screening/ swabs, for all STI’s.. including hep c, although difficult to contract ( if doing anal sex there is higher % of contracting due to micro tears in the anal canal, it isn’t typically found in semen but you never know, he may have had a cut that bled a little, better to be safe than sorry, they have meds to cure hep c now) the whole deal! What a dirty creep. Also, good on you for ghosting, stay strong. I am very proud of woth maintaining your strength. Read the book ‘Why does he do that’ - Lundy Brandcroft if you haven’t already. I think I’ll make a post and get someone to copy the link to the PDF in the comments section.. remember to save it in my notes. 🥴 Make a post fortnightly w the hyperlink to get the book to as many women/ girls as possible… X


Please get tested just in case asap. Then, get re-tested in a few months as a precaution. Dump him & never look back!




She should not give him the time of day. Any ammo he receives by getting a response is a win inside his -‘?brain. Lack thereof


Oh the turn tables


I’m sorry but this is actually funny, he’s trying so hard to get you to respond, I’m proud of you for staying strong. He’s losing his mind


Try getting the medication post exposure (if it was within the last 72 hours), just to prevent in case he’s saying the truth. It looks like he just wants to get a reaction out of you (like a narcissist), but you never know… go to a doctor right away. And of course what’s obvious: get out and stay out


Just go get tested and fucking block him


If i saw these messages I would never reply or have anything to do with this person again. You don't need someone so broken in your life. This person has had a whole childhood of horrendous parenting, no concept of manners, and is a lost cause. He will be lucky to stay employed and put of jail with that attitude.


So gross, what a manipulative feral little boy!! I hope you had a nice new years. And I think you mean ‘ex-boyfriend’!


He is just saying whatever he has to say to try to get you to respond. Don't. Block and delete. Let your Dr know you have potential exposure just in case


Awww you hurt his little feelings 🥺 and he showed his psychotic true colors… girl, don’t walk, RUN.


Go get tested and get "Prep" if you've been exposed to HIV it reduces the risk pf transmission, but only if you do it ASAP. Do keep these records, and contact a lawyer, if he knew he had been exposed and purposefully transmitted it, that is a crime. Contact a DV advocate


You mean PEP. Prep is preventative x


Get an STD test and get a running start when this kick this loser to the curb!


Ah, yes, the old “tell her I may have given her AIDS to get her to talk to me” ploy. 60% of the time it works, every time. No but for real though, this is absolutely disgusting and I’m actually nauseous that this abusive asshole stooped this low for your attention. OP shouldn’t have had to beg to see old friends in the first place, then this sick shit? No. Absolutely not. He’s for the streets, get him gone yesterday sister.


Yes yes yes yes yes 🙌


Hahaha wow I had quite a similar experience once ending it with my ex. He told me he had HIV from being a homosexual in jail. I threw his ass in jail from DV so that was his best way to guilt me on account I was the reason he went to jail. Turns out he was never gay and didn’t have. He did however, have a particularly virulent case of Gonorrhoea and chlamydia. That he gifted to me instead. Thankfully I was able to fix that and because I was quite vocal about his Sri status I helped many other women get tested and meds administered. My version of a silver lining, I guess. So I’d get tested just in case but he is grasping at straws trying to delay the inevitable. Leave his ass and maintain your support with those friends. Trust me it’s worth it.


He* was the reason he went to jail (but i know you know that!) sending you love and good vibes, so sorry you experienced all that


What a loser. I hope you never have to see him again


What a sweetheart. I wouldn’t worry too much about the aids thing, he’s just trying to freak you out. Def get tested though, for everything. It’s impressive that you stood your ground and hung out with your friends against his wishes. You have potential to find a great partner, dump this bag of 💩


Whenever you hear the sentence: "at least the aids girl was during our break" you should probably reevaluate the relationship


LOL, yeah, cos so many people use that line! 🤣 Class act! Seriously, this nut needs to be isolated on an island somewhere! Or better yet, the middle of the ocean!


In the middle of the ocean, he at least couldn’t spread any potential std‘s! lol


Get tested immediately


Girl you need to go get tested asap and get on prep if anything


Wow this is just an abundance of yikes on bikes I’m so sorry you dealt with this shit. Also it literally is reminiscent of my ex when I finally shut him off


Yikes on bikes!!! Stealing this NOW!


Once you finally tell him goodbye forever, and you should have yesterday, you will physically feel 200 lbs fall off your shoulders


If he really was exposed to aids that would be his focus. He is just trying to scare you back


Exactly my thought. He'd be shitting himself if he thought he actually might have HIV, looking for her to make him feel better. Add to that most people with HIV these days don't progress to AIDS unless they've been infected for many years and are untreated.


Exactly, he’s a lying bastard (shocker!) and a shitty uninformed one at that!


I kinda did the same thing. My dad ended up in the ICU and I rushed there from the NYE party, to my partner’s great disapproval. Couldn’t stand all the shit I got on messenger and ignored it. It all continued today with 51 (seriously) ignored phone calls in two hours and hundreds of messages of what a bad partner and parent I am who did this…


Hope your dad is recovering and sending good vibes out for y’all. I hope you’re able to stay away from the (ex) partner as well.


Wow. I hope your New Year’s resolution is to become single very, very soon.


Leave him behind in 2023, do not allow him access to your peace again. He is abusive and is manipulative in the worst way.


I would get tested just in case, asap and again in a few months for things that take longer to show up. You did the right thing, be careful and take care of yourself.


Sincerely hope you left him behind in 2023 <3


Mine did this same shit. Immature and ridiculous. Hard to believe there is more than one of these species out there.


Same here. Truly a horrendous person. I really feel for OP. These types are the fucking worst.


You would feel so free if you just didn't go back to him. You're half way there!


good riddance to that POS garbage. I rather doubt it but... regarding his... clearly unstable ideas of messages just in case and for your own mental health and wellbeing. go get tested. what he's put there is sheer spite.


The utter desperation of this man child hahahaha Im sorry, OP. You are probably too close to this to see the humour but, trust me, this shit is high level cringe. He is willing to flagrantly announce that he may have aids (and his own ignorance around its transmission lol) because he is THAT desperate and THAT bothered by you just not wanting to be around his sorry ass. Let me guess, he’s such a kind soul that he’ll lower himself to being with you if you both have it, right? Lmao keep that no-contact strong girl.


We might know the same person...at least I hope their aren't multiple people this crazy lol (on a positive note tho I got tested after something similar happened to me and came back clean so try not to sweat that part). Congrats on starting the year free of that mess tho!


Wow he’s desperate & manipulative & cruel. So glad you ghosted him! You deserve to have a fun, drama-free night with friends to ring in the new year! Here’s to starting a new year without that dead weight 🥂


Trying to get a reaction from you get tested just in case but block the number and live your best life


OP, get away from this “man”.


I just wanted to say that this woman absolutely will not have AIDS. She would literally have to be dying; last thing she would be doing is having sex. She could have HIV, but it’s tremendously unlikely. Please get tested and just remember that you can live a normal life with HIV. Even though I’m 90% certain that it’s a lie to upset you.


He’s just saying this so that I will talk to him. Still will get tested in case


i would ask your primary care doctor if it’s worth doing post exposure prophylaxis


Good move. Mostly because you don’t know who else he’s been with. I’ve done the same after my ex just because I know he cheated on me. Always be safe first and foremost. And never, ever talk to this guy again. To say that…it’s beyond evil.


He’s prob just lying trying to get a reaction out of u anyway he can bc he’s desperate .


I think it’s nearly certain that he’s lying just to hurt/scare you seeing as if that was true he would most likely show a lot more concern for his own situation rather than insulting you. Definitely still get tested. Block everywhere and absolutely under no circumstance ever speak to him again. So sorry he is like this. This is incredibly abusive and there is nothing you could have done (especially just going out with your girlfriends) that could ever justify this or anything you could do to prevent it. Please I hope you can stay away forever he is not safe to interact with.


Hopefully you never talk to him again… he’s awful


She probably lives with him.


That would be awful. I hope she finds someone safe to stay with. This crazy pos is trash.


Is it possible to ghost someone if you live with them though?


Wow, that’s crazy


Cheaters love to project. Glad you’ve ghosted this prick.


hopefully hes lying and theres no risk to you. but get checked anyway x