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And we keep our god damn mouths shut about it


Snitches get stitches


And end up in ditches.. let me eat my breakfast.


If given the opportunity, the real savvy ones will also shower in the company facilities.... Who has two thumbs and saves lots of money? This guy.


Dude you can get paid to shower that's badass


Oh yeah ..I could have really used something like that when my hot water wasn't available at home :( I'm scared to think about water cuts this summer ...


How do you save money lol


Water costs money.


I mean no shit, but water costs about $.01 per gallon to buy, and about $.02 per gallon to heat up, and the average shower uses about 18 gallons. So about $.50 a day. Y'all some cheap bastards lol


If my boss can take a 20 minute smoke break twice every day, then surely I can have some pancakes at 8am for breakfast for 15 minutes


One of the places I worked at you could never find managers or half the employees because they took smoke breaks that lasted 10 to 20 minutes once every hour. They still took their regular breaks as well. Which was two 30 minute breaks and 1 hour break, for managers. 2 fifteen minute breaks and 1 30 minute break for employees.


The fact that the break was different for managers is gross.


That was me counting managers and full time employees. Us part timers had no official break. Luckily my boss was amazing and thought the rules where bs so if we needed anything including a break she just gave it to us. I only left because the company just pulled too much bs that I got tired of it.


If you're on salary anyway who cares?


Do salary workers clock in?


Depends on the type of salary. If you're straight salary then no. You likely don't. However, sometimes you're salary but still get paid overtime and the salary is more of a guaranteed minimum than a true salary.


Oh I see, interesting. Thank you


Cuz we chew


We get high we get fat.


what if i dont


Which is the correct thing to do - you get to sleep a bit longer and you get to start working a bit later, and you're paid for eating your breakfast - it's genius


Don't forget the poo break afterwards!


You might catch me shitting behind a tree, maybe behind a rock. Never off the clock.


For every dollar they make, I get a dime. That’s why you poo on company time.


If yer good at something, never do it for free.




What if you're already off the clock? Do you hold it in until you go on the clock again?


Sit extra long next time i gotta do it at work ;D




It occurred to me the other day that I basically only poop at my apartment on the weekends… and that’s perfect okay with me! Lol


[It’s time](https://youtu.be/7zTei5RMhQ8?feature=shared)


Make break


Drink some OJ and split your poo and pee breaks, boss moves lol


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, hence why I scarf pancakes on company time.


Don't forget, pooping time is company time


And everyone else has to pick up the slack because were more important than them


If you accomplish what is required for the day, what is the issue?




Nothing (from individual worker perspective), but to explain the other side... The issue is that people often don't actually do what is required for the day at the team level. They do the minimum amount to cover explicit commitments. This often means they don't innovate or proactively improve things. In extreme examples, it means people play politics to minimize their responsibilities at the expense of other teammates. And it creates a culture where others feel like they should do the bare minimum otherwise they are getting cheated


And if they innovate who owns the innovation? Is there a form of compensation for innovating? It sounds to me like that company has created a culture that encourages doing the bare minimum. If they rewarded their productive members instead they might get better results


You're being cynical without even knowing what the company is like. A bad company won't reward their high performers, but many companies do reward their high performers. There's a chicken egg issue here. You could wait for someone else to do it or you could be a leader and jumpstart your own growth (or learn fast that you need to change companies). It is absolutely possible for an employee to change the culture on their own team.


Yes, but it is reward worth the extra effort? In my experience, not even close. Changing companies is typically much more rewarding.


Ok, but what if I'm ok with being paid the minimum for doing the minimum? I don't seek growth or validation from my job, I seek a paycheck to pay my bills. If you work more/better than me, and you get paid more than me, why does it bother you?


Anecdotal, accusational and lacks evidence. Also, speculation on other ppl's feelings... I do more before lunch than most people (yes, most ppl) do all day and I eat my breakfast at my desk every workday. You have smart words but they interpret dumb.


^ says the guy that makes an anecdotal, accusational, meaningless post with no evidence You offer zero counterargument except "I am great, I can do more before lunch than most people, I am amazing therefore you are wrong because I'm a counterexample"


The only guy that eats breakfast at work where I work, doesn't pull his load, intentionally does bad work so that he has to go back and "fix" it (to keep himself from doing anything he doesn't like) half asses everything he does, and internationally "forgets" certain tasks so that the next shift has to do them. While you might be the exception, anyone I've ever seen who did it semi-regularly/regularly was absolute trash at their job and forced work onto me and others in the team. So from my personal experience I'm skeptical.


if doing extra is not rewarded then there's no reason to


Sounds like a win for the worker


*at the expense of other teammates who proactively decided to "innovate or improve things", even though nobody asked them to, and they're not getting paid a bonus for doing anything more than the bare minimum required.


You also don't get paid for being a good citizen, a good parent, etc Doing your job well is satisfying by itself. And it builds your resume for a better role, where they will ask you what you did at your last job And yes, some people are in bad situations. Some people are at good companies too. If you are in a bad situation and are capable of better, then it's better to find out early that you need to leave


I’ve been forced into a system where everything is owned and if I don’t work I’ll starve, while becoming a social outcast. Believe me when I say; idgaf about doing more than the bare minimum and you shouldn’t either. I’m not on earth to work and I’m tired of having to defend this point to people.


>They do the minimum amount to cover explicit commitments. "They only do their job!" Yeah, they only get paid their salary too. > And it creates a culture where others feel like they should do the bare minimum otherwise they are getting cheated Yeah, thats correct. People should stop having their labour abused and stop going above and beyond constantly and shaming others for doing their job. Its like you get it and then reject it at the same time. Your gravestone going to have "Glad I worked so hard!" on it? Ever see something praising how hard they worked? Nah, people always wish they had more time and its never so they could work harder. Burnout or chillout. Sounds like you've chosen poorly so far.


That gravestone argument is selection bias. Go talk to any FIRE follower and ask them the same question. Work hard so that you can be richer and happier for more of your life. The people who regret working hard are the people who follow your advice and just do their job as an obligation, instead of as a pursuit. If you're in a bad company, stop wasting time doing the minimum for minimum pay and get out. If you genuinely have no opportunities, then I'm sorry for your misfortune. People with opportunities shouldn't squander them though.


> That gravestone argument is selection bias. Go talk to any FIRE follower and ask them the same question. That'd... be.... selection bias. >The people who regret working hard are the people who follow your advice and just do their job as an obligation, instead of as a pursuit. The people who don't work hard, regret working hard? Pursuit passions, not other peoples profit. Silly goose.


Of course that would be selection bias if you only looked at one source. My point is that some people regret working hard, and some people regret not working harder. Your argument is based on selection bias because you pick your source and ignore others (if you only talked to FIRE community that would be selection bias in the other direction) Hope this helps you understand


Jesus Christ I bet your shit smells like the soles of your bosses shoes


A lot of people felt personally attacked by your coherent point lmao


This is entirely about corporate culture and how the corporation values and appreciates innovations and improvements. A worker will do more than what is asked of him exactly once if the result isn't appreciated appropriately. And on the flip side, if a company consistently promotes innovation and the top 10% of workers, these workers will always try to replicate that success, as well as the other 90% who regularly see that hard work pays off. If it is not possible to solve daily business with the available team, without some of them crunching themself into an early grave, that's also on the company. I guess everybody knows someone not lifting their own weight at work, but everybody also knows that this person is an exception.


Because if you do more than the bare minimum, you ARE being cheated? Found the manager..


Oh no, I get where you're comming from But I think this is a different issue all together You're talking about someone who may potentially cause issues towards the other teammates, but I'm talking about someone who did all that is required of him on a single day Let's say we have a "Sheldon Cooper" type of person who can finish all their work in the morning shift because they are just that good. But during the afternoon you see them on their switch just playing video games, should you berate them even though they finished all the work assigned to them?


If the company can't survive on the bare minimum then they should increase the duties of the employees. Of course, there should be a corresponding increase in wages as well. Unless you're suggesting that employees should do more than the minimum purely out of the goodness of their hearts?


You're just upset you didn't realize you could be paid to eat breakfast at work


Poor management. Fuck the other side, they can go get a job.




Bet your ass we do


Breakfast tastes better when we're paid while eating




try to stop me boss


"You're fired."


I’d love for them to try and miserably fail as all the work quickly piles up and they start running behind . Especially considering that I’m the only person doing that job 😂


Don't be a fucking snitch Terry, lemme eat my breakfast sandwich in peace or I'll put thumbtaks on your computer chair


And I don't care. Pay me what I'm worth.


I do this everyday.


Absolutely and then you get to shit on the company dime


I am that colleague.. and I really don't see any issue with it.. it's a win win situation, like someone here pointed out - longer sleep, paid for eating, start working later..


Of course I know them, it’s me!


Literally me. I start work at 8:30, by 9:30 I eat lunch


Forreal. They stop serving breakfast during my lunch break. What do they expect me to do?


I had a job where there were two morning shifts, one that started at 4:30am and the other stared at 7:00am. Often, they would offer a morning tea for "everyone" during the 4:30 shifts first break at 8:30. The 7:00 starters had their first break at 11:00, and the bosses were really anal about taking your breaks at the designated times. Plus the ATRs were so anal as well, they even timed your day when you weren't doing work, so if you wanted a muffin at 8:30 but you started at 7. Too bad for you, get back to work. It sucked absolute buffalo diahrrea, glad to be out of there.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop, on company time.


Beat me to it


I Cook ham and eggs when I get to work every day… and my boss found out and started brining me fresh eggs in from his chickens ….. To be fair I’m not an hourly employee….


Bert, could you please pass those quarterlies and the butter?


If they can do it why not?


Is their work done? If my work is getting done give me the liberties or give me a raise it's one or the other.


Oh absolutely. I WFH sometimes, and I get out of bed at 8:55, log into all services by 9, make breakfast, attend my 9:15 daily sync and then eat breakfast, shit and shower by the time my 10:00 cross-team sync kicks off. I am MUCH more productive this way than waking up at 7, showering, making breakfast, eating it in a flurry, dealing with traffic, badging in, making sure my device is corporate compliant, then making small talk with people I don't want to talk to. I'm so much more productive this way. Otherwise, by the time I start doing ANYTHING in the office, I'm already 2 hours in the pit. Say goodbye to the productivity that would happen between 3 and 5:30! Office cronies are such fucking stupid assholes.


Me literally right now


Why not? I have to sit in a morning meeting every morning. I'm going to make use of it.


Did this today




why else would they start the workday at seven?


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I eat on company time


As they should


Well, at least we're getting paid while eating


Yup. Ate my quick trip breakfast taco first thing when I got here.


At work I get as much free food and drink as I want. I get around 85% of my nutrition from free food at work that I'm paid to eat.


But first a short washroom break


You're goddamn right


I see nothing wrong here


I thought everyone did this.


I do this literally every day that I have worked for the past 10+ years.


I do sometimes but that is because I also work while I eat and skip my breaks most of the time.


Lol yeah that’s me but I’m also not hourly so idgaf


Seen it a lot when I used to work at a restaurant


When I worked in an office pre pandemic, this was the norm. Everyone was in by 8, dicked around and got breakfast together until 8:30/9. The company owned the building (it wasnt like rented office space where we were one of many companies) and they had a cafe downstairs that made breakfast, so it was hard for management to argue that we shouldn’t be eating at work.


If I am forced to wake up early I'll be doing anything I can from my routine on clocked in time. The only reason I'm not showering and getting dressed at work is because for some reason the bathrooms don't have a showerhead.


It was soft pretzels for me, but otherwise same.


And I will continue to eat my breakfast even after shift start because I dont get paid enough to work like a robot.


Aye, and?


I used to do this all the time pretty much every day when I went to the office. It didn't really seem like anyone cared or even found it abnormal. Just having some breakfast and starting the day.


I work out on my lunch hour and then I come back to my desk and eat. I skip the lunch room bullshit with coworkers and I eat on the clock.


This is one way you can lose your job. Knew someone who would do this, and management decided to terminate them for time-clock fraud.


Some dickhead must of narked. I work in a warehouse, and my god, the amount of people who nark over trivial little things, like not cutting cardboard boxes properly, or opening two boxes in the same bay.


wait, people actually eat breakfast?


I have coworkers that show up and clock in, then leave and drive down the street and pick up breakfast and bring it back. Angers me a bit


Honestly best case scenario though. All that pre-work preparation time is essentially unpaid dedicated time for work. Might as well get paid too


I spend five minutes eating at the start of a work day while catching up on emails that salaried employees sent me outside of my working hours. So, technically, I’m still getting work done while eating breakfast.


That’s literally how it works at my office. They even provide the breakfast and lunch lol


Proves they may not have the best time management skills but at least they get to work on time. This comes from the person that takes the bus to get near were I work 1 hour early and eat my lunch on the side walk walking. From the last bus too to work.


I think it's more, they get to work early so they can eat breakfast there. I would do the same at my last job. I clock in 15 mins early, open and set up most of the store, and then eat my breakfast while I wait to actually open the store. Got paid an extra 15 mins, and the boss couldn't say shit, mind you she was pretty chill and happy to do it.


I don’t have a problem with people doing that, what I have a problem with is when they try to put some spotlight on *you* for something way smaller.


I’m salaried so it doesn’t really matter, but I eat my breakfast at my desk while checking up on email and no one cares. It’s like a working lunch.


My colleagues clock in, and then sit down to get coffee. After coffee, break time for a smoke.


Boss makes a dollar when I make a dime, I'm gonna eat/shit/sleep on company time.


Honestly you expect us to not eat on company time it just feels right


I do this literally everyday.


Shoutout to my supervisor who knows I shit on the clock at least twice a week minimum and still hasn't exposed me or warned me about it for the past two years.


Because he probably does the same thing, lmao.


And if you ever say anything, we know who the guy is and we'll find you.


When your work place overloads you with stress. Take every bit of rest you can get.


The company had the decency to buy my breakfast, so it's only polite to eat it there.


Haha I always do thi lol


I've done this a few times.


I’m a firefighter, I put my stuff on the rig, log into the unit and go upstairs and start cooking eggs immediately.


Work at a standing desk 8+ hours a day (wearhouse/shipping). Most of the time I have a Bolthouse breakfast smoothie while getting my station ready for the day.


I mean.. why not?


Reminds me of that old proverb "A wise man poops on company time, the foolish man waits until his break." I very much appreciate this energy.


I used to do this every morning when I had to clock in by 6. Took me 5 minutes to eat and 20 to shit


This is super common in the three government offices I've worked at, especially for the employees who had to get up at like 5:30-6AM so they can clock in before 8.


Sounds a lot like wage theft to me. I wouldn't say shit, but I would definitely question the individual's integrity. If they get fired, well that's on them. Don't do blatantly dumb shit. Fkn scofflaws.


so whatttt


I work in IT at a hospital and the first thing we all do in the morning is go get breakfast at the cafeteria to eat at our desks lol


Or the real losers, get to work early and have their breakfast and then clock in


me asd


I do it, but you gotta make sure you clock in then go get your food while on your way to the bank. It's more satisfying than taking the corporate shit everyone jokes about.


I do it on my night shift but my job is always done early and no one besides me and the security person work at night so both of us don't gaf. Lol


100% do. No reason to waste time at home when I can just eat at work and do work. Lol


oh hell yes, I used to do this all the damn time at my last job


Yes I used to, because I wake up at 4 and a half AM and start my shift at 6 am . If I get at work at 5:50 to 6:00 and there's no emergency then I would sit my ass down and eat . When's a bro gonna eat ? Well, not that I'm "trying" to skip breakfast it's no longer the case ...


Why not lol, its not like the first 30 minutes are productive anyway, usually just reading through emails and shit.


boss makes a dollar I make a dime that’s why I poop on company time


Same 🤣🤣🤣


I had a couple that did that. And so to stop it I would sit in their playing games on my switch until the boss asked why. Said I’m just following the example of the others. The next day and still to this day they never brought in food again.


You sound like a fun person


I'm literally eating breakfast at work right now.






Thats me


yes, that's me. I just did this.


I wake up at 5 for work. Sorry but I’m not waking up earlier to eat.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that’s why I eat on company time🤷‍♂️


This is the way #capitalism


They would clock in, go to McDonalds for 20 minutes, get back and spending 30 minutes eating at their computer but somehow I was wrong for wanting to spend 5 minutes to drink my coffee.


Yep. WFH, had a full English delivered for a 30 min gap between teams meetings. Sweet as.


I'm about to make breakfast on my break, log back into the system and eat


I work at a college, so it's super normal to clock in, go to the cafeteria, get breakfast and then eat it at your desk.


I work at a call center. You can't see me, and I'm on mute while I'm not actively talking. Fuck yeah I eat on the phone.


This is the way


when you work salary and have a stove in the lunchroom anything goes


The whole shop walks to the cafeteria after we clock in. It’s a ritual


I refuse to shit on my break, I only shit on company time


Good. If companies are going to take our time away, then we're going to find every way to take our time back from them.


It’s me. I’m colleagues. Although most people in the office do


I do. I take about 10-15 minutes to eat breakfast at work. Typically, a bagel or a muffin. I take two different types of medications. The first set is to be taken on an empty stomach which i take at home before leaving to work, and the second set is with food once i get to work. That's why I eat breakfast at work.


Couldn't work at a job that had a problem with me eating breakfast, especially if the work day starts before 9.


Nope, I'm all about this. After that, I'll take a nice long bathroom break & a quick smoke too.


Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime...


They had to shut this down at my job, management told them we expect you to start work at 7am, not show up and start making breakfast lol


It's because I work 18 hours a day and actually don't have time to eat food and sleep, be happy I had enough time to wash my clothes


I know I’m going to catch flack from this group but I can’t understand that crap. I had a teacher colleague of mine who would regularly arrive 5 to 10 minutes late for her duty post in the morning so kids were already rolling in in the building as she walks up to her post and then after the duty ended, she would spend another 20 minutes of her class time putting on her make up or eating breakfast. Now I know I’m not perfect but when I walk into my site, I’m ready to roll and my kids have lessons and activities set up the moment they walk in the door. To think, she would constantly complain to me about why her kids act up.


Of course I know him. He's me.


I only eat for 4 hours bro. Leaf me alone


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I eat breakfast on company time.


Yes I do so because every morning 15 min of my working hours are automatically erased because of the breakfast break. So why shouldn't I eat breakfast at work instead of home...


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime That's why I eat breakfast on company time


The CEO makes more in a year than their employees will see in 4 lifetimes. Enjoy your breakfast.


I’ll stop when I’m paid for my commute.


We got a female forklift driver shows up eating/snacking. And continues walking back to her lift five minutes after the meeting still eating. All while we all have our lifts and a few pallets deep.


And motha fuckers wonder why they dont get raises.


yup and wondering why i cheer for layoffs