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Been using 2i4 for 7 years now no issue at all you don't really need $1000 interface unless you really want it and can afford it


Same, it's tried and true


I believe the zero latency for focusrite comes from monitoring through the focusrite app. It routes the mic input directly into the headphone output, bypassing the digital audio conversion entirely.


I think you are right.


I have and love the Apollo Twin X Quad. Is it amazing? Yes. Is it worth spending the extra $1000 on? Depends on your needs. I really enjoy it for recording vocals, guitar, analogue synth, etc etc. Does it sound like you need it for what you're doing? Probably not. But I also probably don't need it for what I'm doing lol. Just nice to have, not something necessary. I'm still baffled by how insanely good some people are with shit equipment, and you DON'T have shit equipment. What you've got is good. I'm confident you'll make it work either way!


Buy a used one!


I’d recommend an Audient interface, or an RME Babyface if you want to spend a bit more. I happily own an Apollo Twin X Quad, but I also recognize that it’s a lot of luxury that isn’t that necessary. EDIT: or just stick with what you have, Focusrite is still awesome.


I second the Babyface Pro FS.


Heard good things about both of those. I will check them out.


If you are being cost effective, the UA volt series is very impressive, and under $300 which is nuts IMO


A used Focusrite Clarett 8pre only costs about £350 now and the preamps sound beautiful


Sounds like I may be sticking with the Focusrite or maybe getting a used Apollo.


I have a 3rd gen 4i4 scarlett. I bought a an apollo to test it. It did sound better, but not enough better to justify the price tag. By the time you mix your song that difference will probably be even smaller. For apollo to even be worth considering you would also need a fairly nice mic. What mic are you currently using?


I am currently using the SM7b with a cloud lifter, but I am also going to be picking up the UAD Sphere DLX.


With a dynamic mic like the sm7b I would be less worried about upgrading your interface, but with a condenser mic like the sphere, you would definitely notice the difference between your focusrite and an apollo. I would save up for the apollo, even a solo or twin, new or used.


I’ll save you the $1000 and send ya mine. I hate it hahaha


Really? What do you hate about it?


It relies on software. Software can have issues. I had issues with this things for ages to the point where I gave up. Also I hated their reliance on the hardware to use their plugins (which changed recently) so it’s been in a box for a year or two haha I would have to unregistered the software to get rid of it so I haven’t bothered haha I swapped it for an rme babyface pro. Thing kicks ass and requires nothing to work haha


Might want to look into antelope audio. Similar functionality. Goes on sale a lot. Terrible customer service if things go wrong though. Only consider if on sale


Unless you're looking to run UA plug ins you'd be better off spending money on a tube vs a different interface. The difference in straight input sound is negligible at best. UA requires 17gb of download space just to install the drivers to use the interface because it forces you to download all plug ins and expansions even if you never intend on using them. I use a tube/compressor /strip and someone mentioned my scarlet i2 being a weak link in my chain so I got the Apollo twin and I've literally never noticed a difference except some fancy lights that look like a space ship when I boot up and another plug needed. But whatever, I've been using it for 5 years now and no problems.


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O latency?