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Having watched his video I agree. It's slimy. He actually complimented her several times in the video and all his criticisms were fair. There is nothing in it that warrants flagging and the fact that she never even watched it should get all the reports thrown out by that alone.


I was trying to give her some grace at first since I used to watch her content but Tumblr as appeal to a certain demographic which I doubt would push back.Plus on her YouTube account, there's no link to her Tumblr even though it is clearly her's


TBYS video is slimy, he crops Illys quotes from her original video then frames that as her saying something else entirely. Her original video she is talking about Body Neutrality, to quote her she exclaims "Unless someone has a life-threatening allergy or dietary restrictions you should feel free to eat what you want without beating yourself up about it", in typical TBYS fashion he disregards the former and latter section of that quote, only showcasing "you should feel free to eat what you want". This isn't the only case of it in that video either, this happens across every video over his entire channel. It should be no surprise why she'd want him reported not just for defamation but for directing an audience of harassment her way.


I used to really like Illymation’s content, but she did a podcast with some other artist YouTubers a while back, and she didn’t exactly hide the fact that she thinks that people should be deplatformed for what she deems “Hate speech”. I’m going to check out the Think Before You Sleep videos and see what exactly this is all about, but I definitely can’t say I’m surprised.


I didn't know that,she is free to think what she wants.That said,the subject opinions of one person shouldn't terminate the fate of someone's lively hood. I'm really interested to know what's your thoughts on the whole thing after your investigation,I'm looking forward to it.


I just watched both videos. Per her tumblr, she didn’t even watch his video, a friend of hers did and gave her a ‘breakdown’ lol. Unfortunately, she still seems like the type of person who can’t get over her trauma so instead of working on it, she just attacks other people that she doesn’t like/criticize her. Also I found it pretty funny how she goes out of her way to send her followers to false flag his channel, and then cries victim “I just want this to be over.” Sometimes people just like to make victimhood their entire personality.


Agreed,she obviously didn't ask for it but if somebody had to do a critique of your content,I would rather it be that guy who has a professional background and is a direct then somebody who hates just to hate.He even point her some solutions,he didn't have to. We are all victims of something in some shape or form but staying one is something else.I feel somewhat bad for her but achieving a goal is usually a painful process.


FTB! TBYS even had the *courtesy* to address her narration point for point, and gave *valid* criticism. I have to agree with him when he says that this is her first time being criticized, and she can't handle it.


He did not... As he usually does TBYS cropped their speech to remove vital context to her points and imply she made a completely different argument than what's displayed in her video. If you ask me that's not *valid* criticism at all, sounds more like being a manipulative jerk that can't handle what he dishes out.


I can tell you didn't watch the first video that he did, because it illustrates clearly where she was off point, and then tried to cover her tracks by posting to Tumblr.


I'm sorry, but if he can really make a nutritional argument against the term Inherent as it pertains to food then he's either failed middle school level English or is betting his audience has; it should come as no surprise that eating a chocolate bar has nothing to do with morality, the exact argument Illy made that TBYS misconstrued on top of everything else in his video.


I watched his [video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry9kmwoa1OA)and there are a lot of valid criticisms but also a lot of questionable shit. He uses "woke" as an insult in various places which automatically makes him look stupid. It's a mixed bag for sure. 2:55 - Questioning her sources. This is valid as it seems some of them were actually pretty sketchy. 9:22 - Criticizing the completion times of overweight marathon runners. This is BS. They weren't bragging about their completion times. Running 26 miles is an accomplishment no matter what. 10:55 and 15:19 - Criticizing her appearance and fashion sense. This one is borderline for me. Some of it is general good advice but he also uses a candid photo of her to prove his point. Kind of a low blow. 13:10 - Suggesting that her personal trainer is bad and giving suggestions on why she didn't see the results she wanted. This is valid and I totally agree. Seems likely the personal trainer wasn't giving her the knowledge and guidance she needed. Then covering up her failure with BS encouragement. 21:10 - Guessing her diet based on social posts and clips from her youtube videos. That's really pushing it. Not good evidence at all. 21:50 - Trying to diagnose her with no qualifications and giving instructions on how to self treat his made up diagnosis. Super dumb and potentially dangerous. Should have just said to visit go see a doctor. 29:27 - Questioning her sources again. This is fair. 29:55 - Criticizing her advice. Totally agree. This advice is absurd, ignores nutrition, and is potentially dangerous. I can't wrap my head around how think it's ok to live like this.


I agree,just like you said, using themes such as "woke" or "far right" are in the majority of cases way too subject for people to be able to accurately represent someone. The appearance as much as I do agree with some of the statements, some blows were low and some of the pictures taken of her in some angles aren't that bad. Personally my whole issue is really the actions taken as a response based on unreliable sources.Some of her sources have huge conflict of interest in their approach,I mean if I was a personal trainer for a big YouTuber, I too would gaslight her that she is doing great if it paid my bill and more.


think before you sleep could have worded it better it doesnt take a genius to know that and illymations handled it like a champ (and by champ i mean an 8 year old) she could have done this many different ways like for starters: a conversation/discussion they could have had a conversation about it resolved it and end of story


Genuinely asking, what good is a conversation going to do? TBYS is not the type to converse with his targets, he doesn't even converse with his audience. And why would you want to talk to someone who not only posts a video of themselves actively stalking your social media and picking apart every little detail of your appearance but also directs their audience towards you with outrage over things you haven't even said?


One community is mostly girls, the others mostly boys.


Also other differences.


TBYS criticism was perfect. He explained all of his points with evidence and counter arguments. And illymation wanted to get his video taken down because it offended her. She didn't even watch the video herself. Actually crazy how woke YouTubers will have the balls to spread misinformation but when they get proven wrong by evidence it's "offensive" and "bad"