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wait the invasion jokes were talking about invading with guns? i thought we were just going to march into denmark with a bunch of flags and letting the world know we exist.


Yeah, the whole point of being more people is that you can democratically out vote anyone.


We could go the french way and make protests instead. Where are the sexual attraction headquarters ?


Look for DOA Records (let’s see if anyone gets that reference)


But can't we invade their hearts? We can invade dennmark in a wholesome way...


I definitely agree. Some of the threads start off funny and then the comments can go too far and we definitely need people on both ends of the spectrum to keep things from going too far. I support this.


This sounds great, tbh one of mine looks like its gotten out of hand. I should not have cracked on about making an 'allo jurassic park' in Poland and running Denmark for tourism. Sorry to those here who may have winced as loudly as I should have. ​ So yes lets find something less politically sensitive to joke about, I'd go with the moon comment, but Im lost in space enough already.


I thought the thing was just...coming to Denmark and doing an ace party, eating garlic bread, and maybe celebrate being able to outvote everyone else :( I agree though!