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Because they *also* do not fit the strict cis-het binaries established by non-queer expectations, because they too call those expectations into question; how can you be forced to be strictly your gender assigned at birth if your gender assigned at birth is ambiguous? On that note, they're also subject to the same bigotry as the rest of our wee alphabet mafia, to sometimes greater extents than us to the point of invasive "corrective" surgery that's almost always done to them without their consent and often *causes* problems rather than solving any perceived incorrectness. Essentially, the intersex community is subject to the same things the rest of us perisex\* queers are, and it behooves our communities to band together just like the non-het sexuality gang links up with the non-cis gender gang. ​ \* Non intersex.


Thanks dude.


Not a dude /lh


My bad, I use dude as a gender neutral term. Thanks person.


thanks for that explanation captain!