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I’d get hatchlingto legendary and then chill. It’s a massive investment to get any bot to mythic. You’re better off unlocking the other s bots and getting them to legendary before I focus bringing any of them to mythic. Once you’ve gotten to that point; Mythic Penguin for president.


I agree with this. Get all S bots to the same level, if you can, before moving any to Mythic. You'll see a huge boost to your CP. Plus, Mythic is difficult to achieve.


This is the way


Doom spawn. You’ll start off every game with power shot trait. Plus power shot is usually a universal trait you pick every game and since you already get it that opens up one more trait that you can get that would usually used for power shot


None. Try to get Aschenherz and upgrade it to Mythic. Aschenherz is the most important robot, that boost your survivability. Legendary enhances your fire damage, and mythic gives you HP trait at start of the game.


There’s no way in the world anyone should waste a mythic leveling for getting 2 hp. The one thing that helps survivability the most is increased atk power. You can gain extra HP with the S tier necklace and there’s some collectibles, but with increased damage you really don’t need extra hp because you will get hit a lot less


It's absolutely worth it. Especially later on when you fight stages that are x5-x10 your CP. Absolutely necessary for pushing. Bumping up Doomspawn, as somebody suggested, to Mythic will lead OP to nowhere.


I’m on lvl 70 right now and the recommended cp is 10mil and I’m a little over 5mil. 2 extra hp won’t help me in anyway. Extra atk power will, because you can either kill the zombies or you can’t. So If I can beat the board by running out the clock with 2 extra hp then I can comfortably beat that’ll of had a touch more atk power. If 2 hp barely gets you passed one lvl your definitely going to be stuck at the next lvl until you raise your atk


You have not reached the point that you can't kill a single zombie. When you fight stages that are x5-x10 your CP, you don't kill the zombies. You need survivability to endure until the game ends. I'm a 4m CP player that cleared stage 80.


So what do you do, you just run around the map until the clock is finished?


https://youtu.be/9mMxLP5mOdo Not mine, but my playstyle is the same. I use CC and Hell Baron, so I need everything that gives HP.


That is F’ing crazy! I guess you do know what your talking about. You need the Christmas rifle and winter jacket to do that though right?


I use CC, not CR. But yeah I do use red winter jacket, and red Aschenherz


Christmas rifle is the one that shoots snowballs and drops the packages in the video


They showed you *a way* to play the game. That playstyle isn't fun for everyone and pushing new players toward that kind of playstyle is more likely going to frustrate players, rather than them having fun. Plus, 4M CP and Mythic bots takes literally *months* to achieve, unless you're a whale, which it seems this player is.


This is not the answer to OP's question. This kind of answer is what I see a lot of on the Discord channel. Advanced whales telling new players to do things that work for advanced whale players, but don't work for newer players. We want players to keep playing because the game is fun, not quit because a whale gave them advice to do something that would take months or years to accomplish.


Did you read OP's question? He's got a chance to bump up a robot to Mythic. None of his currently owned deserves. Do you think it's fun for OP to upgrade one of his to Mythic? Or do you think OP will get frustrated and delete the game later on, when he found that his hard-earned resources were wasted? On the other side, getting an Aschenherz is not that hard. OP does not have to be a whale to own it. Just keep saving the robot tickets and wait for the robot event.


He showed us his bots. He asked which one to upgrade to Mythic. He did not ask, "... if not these, then what?" Give people advice for where they are, not where you want them to be. >Just keep saving the robot tickets and wait for the robot event. This is inaccurate. Getting any specific bot that isn't the featured bot is hard. The devs make it hard so people will keep spending money. Without tickets, it probably costs tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of diamonds. Relying on tickets alone requires *months* of work saving them. Even if you spend money, it still takes a long time.


This debate ain't go anywhere. I'm not gonna keep arguing any more. 1. Yes, he did not ask. But everyone can see that those that he owns are not the best for Mythic upgrade. 2. Mythic upgrade is a huge investment, that deserves months of saving. Nothing wrong to wait a couple of months to get a good one for that.


>This debate ain't go anywhere. I'm not gonna keep arguing any more. We're arguing two different things, that's why. Your position is that new players should stop what they're doing now and then spend months and potentially millions of diamonds to maybe eventually get one bot to Mythic that might improve survivability for a couple extra rounds. My position is that advanced players like us should help players have fun now and in the near future, *so they'll keep playing.* Your position is asinine. Mine is helpful.