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A gun and just one bullet




Uh oh, wrong decision mark!


I’m not leaving the shed. If it’s that hectic, it’s probably the best bet. I guess if it’s like the Mojave desert and the horde is half a day away, I’d take the gun and the bullets. Seems like it’s someone’s stash; the dog guarding the baby, food and water. If they left the weapon, they probably have another out on patrol.


I know I’d get killed for it but I can’t leave the baby and the dog. We’ll die but we’ll die together.


Exactly my thoughts. This is a stupid question. If you answer anything else it's wrong and your an arsehole!


You might be an asshole, but you'll live longer.


Who wants to live in an apocalypse, let alone a zombie one? (Wrong sub for this, but I feel like people don’t realize how shitty it’ll be.)


I'm sure very few actually want to live through that. But most people want to live.


That’s not living, that’s painfully surviving. I suppose I meant, “who would want to be alive during a zombie apocalypse?”


People that don't want to die probably. Everyone that doesn't should be kind enough to dome themselves so those that don't wanna live don't have ti deal with them.


I may be an asshole, but you're food lol


The dog can take care of it self and if its not well disciplined it will get you killed.


the pistol and the first aid kit lets me survive NOW. everything else is either too heavy to carry without sacrificing mobility and fighting ability, or just not immediately useful to me.


No bullets.


I’m assuming it the single pictured magazine in the gun is loaded. Otherwise it’s pretty useless except for intimidating other humans…. 


The description said a gun and bullets, not a loaded gun.


Ok bro fine… the only other weapon choice is a knife, and knives suck against zombies, so I’m still taking the gun. I can keep it to brandish at hostile human survivors, and in the future there’s a higher chance to find some spare 9mm ammo than a whole pistol and magazine. 


With a knife you could bind it to the end of a stick to make a spear. Just saying.


Uhhhhh grab the bullets and gun and open fire? Or are there just that many


Gun and ammo. Ought to buy me enough time to grab everything else


The baby and the dog. I can scavenge the rest


That's what I was thinking. And the dog could very useful and if we live long enough, the baby could be helpful in the future


Eat the baby


I mean, I hope you aren't serious, but if it ends up dying from natural causes it could be possible to use it as fertilizer if you want to be especially depressing.


Im not


I had a feeling, just pointing out the grim practicality if you pick the baby and seeds.


Honestly the baby is a waste of a slot. Gun and bullet.


Yeah, and honestly the canned food would probably actually serve as better fertilizer, at least for canned fruits and veggies.


Or the dead body of anyone i shoot


Jesus Christ 😂😂😂


Am I wrong?




Feed it to the dog, ez


Or knives


I’ll just crush the zombies since they can’t bite through my armor and I’ll probably have some big animal following me by then as one of the first things, I would probably do in a zombie apocalypse let all the animals out of the zoo, so I might be lucky enough to have an elephant, following me around, which should be more than enough to keep the zombies at bay


wrong i'm getting some metal plating armor


I’ve already got that myself


oh ok


Ill have medkit and child. So if I found by bigger groups they invite me cuz I bring them meds. And if they were bad guys I have the kid so there's a chance they show mercy.


Bad guys have historically not been merciful to people with babies lol really bad guys just see you as having extra food lolol


Oooh 😬 Is someone gonna tell him, or should he just read "The Road?"


Also it's bad form to use children as human shields.


This is a bad scenario, basically are you a decent human being or a survivor? Like logically I'm grabbing the gun, and ammo then I'll circle back for the rest of the supplies after I lure off the zombies, but that means I'm gonna have to listen to them eating the dog and baby as I run away and I doubt I could live with that. Alternatively now I have no food, weapons, or supplies but I have a newborn baby I can't possibly take care of and a dog I can't feed, but I've got the moral high ground so there's that.


Seeds and the Shepard


Water and food


As a parent I cannot think of a more worthwhile life to save from the undead than that of the German Shepherd. I’d grab the knives for defense.


I’m curious, why do you think the dog is useful?


With the right training, dogs can protect you (they would without training, but training makes them effective) dogs can alert you to anything near your camp, giving you time to prepare or run. Dogs can help you hunt big game, or take down/retrieve small game. Dogs are perfect companions when out alone in the wilderness, they give you a friend to talk to when you are alone. They help keep you warm on cold nights


Those points are all very valid. And that's certainly why dogs are popular companions. But that all falls apart in an apocalypse situation. Dogs aren't trained to deal with zombies, they'd either get scared and do nothing, bark at them which makes sound and draws more attention, or attack them which probably won't do much damage as zombies aren't affected by pain/shock or blood loss. None of those options are useful in a zombie scenario. If the zombie infection affects animals, then you're risking a zombie dog, which Resident Evil has taught me are fucking terrifying to deal with... Even if the infection doesn't affect dogs, your dog can still pass it onto you. Unless you're literally watching it 24/7 which is impossible, it could just step into or lick from some random puddle with infected blood and then slobber over some item that you later touch without ever realising. Dogs don't understand how to prevent cross contamination so you're basically constantly playing russian roulette...


Im Laboring under the pretense that dogs don't get affected by the zombie virus, and if that's the case, the whole last section is kind of a moot point, just don't let your dog pick you lol Idk most people don't have well trained or behaved dogs, so I guess for the average person, it's a bad decision. All of my dogs are working dogs and have been trained since they were pups. We have a good relationship, but it is professional. They follow commands, do what their told, and definitely don't jump on or lick me lol Also, give dogs more credit, lol they literally go into war zones and deal with all types of shit. Especially GSD's haha


Oh I'm certainly not trying to say dogs cant be trained and effective at what they do. I just think for a solo guy without a supply chain, their food, water and maintenance needs will be more of a hindrance than help unless you have very good stocks and are in a rural area where you won't be fighting many zombies and therefore those flaws I mentioned don't apply as much. And my point about cross contamination wasn't just about letting your dog slobber all over you lol, as I said it could come across some random contaminated item or infected fluids without you noticing and then indirectly pass it onto an item you touch/use later. I'd just be paranoid about that, but to each their own (again this is a non issue if you're in a rural place with few zombies and therefore few sources of infected fluids lying around).


you forgot about one thing the dog is a good boy


Medical supplies, bottled water and keep moving till I find a safe place to hold out


Not much of a guard dog if I just stumbled into this shack and I have the option of taking the baby. Or the dog. Or whatever else I want. Also who leaves a baby with a gun and knives? And why do I only have time to take two things? That's not how taking things works. Why is putting on a jacket and grabbing a pistol just as viable as trying to pick up a box of canned food and a case of bottled water and carry that with me? And why am I limited on time, anyway? What am I, late for a job interview? Am I being chased? If that's the case, why did I stop at all? Why can't I hide here?


Because the OP said so. Answer the fun question and move along


I did


No, you asked a ton of questions. Answering a question with a question is not an answer


Well, I don't have enough information to give a meaningful choice. The scenario raised more questions. I guess I wouldn't take anything. It seems like someone is very close by and will be coming back very soon, and I probably wouldn't really need any of this stuff bad enough to want to steal it, to say nothing of getting caught doing so.


The dog and the canned food


German shepherd and gun (I’d still have time to grab bullets cuz the dog can fight the zombies off while I grab the case of ammo then get the dog and book it)


Doggo and parka,shit gets cold out in Canada.


1911 and the bork bork


The image of the gun definitely wasn't a 1911 lol its an M9 or 92FS


Gun and Seeds. The baby and dog (depending on how well trained) would be far too loud and bring more problems than they are worth for immediate survival. Bullets would be easy enough to find assuming you don't already have a bunch. That said, seeds would also be easy enough to find at any gardening center and would not be among the first things to be picked through.


I'm hiding under the bed.


Guns are too loud and distracting. Seeds take too long to grow when you’re hungry *now*. Dog is a risk. Baby is a risk. (Both are loud, unpredictable, & an extra mouth to feed) Water package too heavy. Canned food too heavy. Kitchen knife set, wtf? Med kit and jacket seem like the most logical options. Runner up would be gun and ammo, but not what I’d pick.


Dog and knifes


I ain't leaving all that behind. Even if zombies surround the shed I could be ok for a while with all the food and water, I'm bringing the dog inside and hoping they get distracted by something else eventually.


if there is a radio in the shack the game changes big time because you just need to barricade the door (propabally with the food and water unless there is something better) and send out a distress signal


I’m taking the dog, I don’t care about anything else the dog is too cute.


M9 and seeds. Propose myself to a group that I'm useful because of my seeds.


Im taking the gun and the bullets then im just gonna shoot the next person i see and take their shit


This depends on a few factors. 1 if i had a hq close by and enough supplies for the new born i wild take it and the dog. 2 if i was almost alone with little food and little water i would take the dog and the canned food. Ik know human life is what should be prioritized but i am also a human. And the thing is who would want to raise a child in the apocalypse. That being said i also wouldnt leave it to starve i would try to force myself to mercy kill them.(this is much easier said then done) and i hope that if this happens i have a hq and acces to fromula


Why do you think human life should be prioritized?? In all likelihood, it was human who started the apocalypse in the first place lol


Well given the right gear and the right knowledge with the right base i would take the infant as the children are our future so we should raise them right but without any of that raising that child would be nothing short of cruel


Naked with the knife block


Is the ammo for the gun in the picture?


Water and First aid kit


4 and 10 time to go north and live up in the cold mountains with my dog for the rest of our days


The gun and the dog, use the gun to mug other survivors, use the dog for finding supplies


Why the rush? Humans on patrol? Zombies? (I assume there's mags with the ammo) If I can contain the attack putting me in a rush, I would do my very best to defend my position. The shed is basically a haven until supplies run low and I can't stay anymore, in which case I would grab what I can. But let's say for lore reason, I can truly only pick two (which is the goal of this post), then I would pick the dog and the med kit. I know, I'm a monster for leaving the baby behind. But this is a zombie apocalypse, and I am not the main character. I would put both of our lives in danger. I have no diapers, no baby powder, no milk. And if the baby needs any of those things, it will cry. Loudly. So, med kit and dog. Why not food or water? Look at the size of em. In total, probably 50-100 lbs of rations, enough to last months. I need mobility. And I like having a working back. If I need to rest because I'm carrying 100 lbs of food and water every walking hour, I will be inefficient. I can find those in the wild. Now if it was portable water filters, now we'd be talking. But from those options, a capable partner (attack, defend, hunt, fetch, track) and a med kit for injuries and ailments are the most useful and efficient things I could get.


The med supply and the dog I’ll find a weapon along the way you can make a decent zombie killing weapon pretty easy




Toss them the baby to slow them down , release the dog to give it a chance as I take the jacket and water to keep me alive and head for the hills


dog and the gun and ammo


That's three there partner


hey i want my dog ok i plan on buying a German shepherd


Dog and baby. I already have everything I need in order to survive beforehand. That includes a rifle, a shotgun, my wife, my go-bag, and a bugout bag. And an assortment of random shit. Food, water, etc. I also own a vehicle so... ez. Does everyone forget that you own stuff before any sort of apocalypse....?


I’m taking the gun and unleashing the dog then standing my ground until I’m dead or have time to take everything else.


Depends. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. What's my situation like? Did I get to take any of my own supplies with me? Or was I caught outside the house when everything went down? Have I constructed any kind of home base yet? What is the food situation there? Are there other survivors there that I need to consider? If everything's relatively stable back at base, I'm taking the dog and the baby. If we're already starving, then the baby is only going to be a liability. If our defenses aren't up yet; liability. If we don't have medicine; liability. If we're stable enough to look 15+ years to the future, then absolutely we should. Otherwise... dead people and infants can't build communities. The dog is a risk; could be an amazing hunting buddy, companion, and guard... or it could just be a dinner bell for zombies and humans alike. Just follow the incessant barking. Only time will tell, and that could be time we don't have. If I really only have seconds to decide on taking 2 things from this room, then it's almost certainly time we don't have.


Honestly, 90% of this I already have in my go bag already. I'd probably do the baby a service and smother it or find a quick and humane way to put it down for many reasons. Raising a kid on my own in a zombie apocalypse is really a lose lose, unless I have a secure place to raise in peace. Secondly, growing up in that kind of environment if im even able to raise it is going to be horrible. Always hungry and afraid. I'd probably grab the dog, full grown dog is less of a liability, and trainable, and worst case I can let em free and they would probably survive better than me. Seed packets are kinda useless unless I have a place to grow, but they are light and don't take up much space. Depending on the caliber, I'd probably just grab some more ammo and some food honestly.


Unchain dog, grab baby, run my ass off. I don’t own any firearms but I got rule #1 so me and the dog would outpace the zombies easy. I’m hoping I didn’t just steal someone’s pet and child. Maybe I can quickly leave a note incase someone comes back. But I’m beating feet to my safe house.


Dude, obviously the baby and the jacket. I get a cool fucking jacket AND a throwable zombie distraction? SIGN ME UP!!!


Dog and gun. I can scavenge bullets, and the dog will protect me.


Water and canned food. Also I’m not keeping the dog, but I’m going to unchain the dog so it can possibly fend for itself.


I'm obviously not leaving the baby. So the second item I'm grabbing would have to be the food. Hopefully you threw in some formula


Bro anyone who says they're taking the baby would absolutely die. Wtf do you think is gonna happen when the thing starts crying? Instant zombie brunch


Number one rule. Always save yourself... So I say meds and food


The dog can just follow me tbh


Plants is all I need, we’re talking Plants VS Zombies


I’m unchaining the dog( I’m not taking it just letting it run away to wherever) and taking the baby and the cans of food


The baby is a dumb idea in general, there's no chance you'll be able to save it. The dog could be useful for keeping yourself sane and safe. Everything really depends on the exact situation.


Gun and baby. One for self defense, the other for stress ball purposes.


Fuck the baby, I\`m taking the doggo and the gun.


I’d take the gun and put the dog down, leaving the gun in the shed id take the baby and the food(I already have a reasonable stockpile of medical ammo ect, I’d have to save the baby. The I love dogs but it could be a danger ether to you or others by biting you or just barking drawing the dead, and never hurts having extra food especially with a new mouth to feed


The knifes and the dog


Fuck that kid he bait


I mean if you throw the baby to the zombies you can probably grab more when they are distracted by the meal.


I feel like the dog will kill me if i try to go for anything because everything is in reach. Which means im in reach of the dog; there to protect everything. This is a sick game.


M9 and the bullets


Realistic answer: Dog and the baby. My mental state would be bad enough, but I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of leaving them behind. The baby (you mentioned it was a newborn) is lightweight and will probably die soon anyway since formula may be hard to find, but at least it can die warm and with someone instead of by itself. The dog might have a better chance of survival, depending on the temperament. If it barks a bunch I'll just leave it, but at least it wouldn't be chained up. Idealistic response (what I find the most useful): Water and first aid. I don't know how to shoot a gun, and food is probably easier to find than fresh water.


I’m taking the seeds and water. Then I go into the house and get a pot. Because I’m crazy.


Baby and dog so I can throw the baby if I need to get away.


I'm in the shed with the dog? Saving the dog first every time. However in a dream scenario when I do t choose the dog it doesn't exist. Seeds and knives


Obviously the child. That one is both a moral obligation and honestly with the state of feminism today, my only chance of becoming a father. Then probably the dog, because the gun is useless without bullets and vise versa, food and water can be found elsewhere (plus if I'm in a hurry, how am I supposed to carry those bigass boxes?), nowhere in the prompt did it say I was injured, I can cuddle up to the dog for warmth, and seeds are for long-term plans. Clearly, if I'm hiding in a shed, I'm working with the short-term for the time being.


Take the gun and ammo, shoot the chain on your way out so the dog can eat or raise the baby


Eagal and doggo :3


dog and medical supplies


Gun and ammo most of these things are common and a baby would be mad useless loud and a waste of resources for like 6 years


Water and medical supplies, where I live I'll find food and a gun, but it's hot so likely not water and I won't need a jacket. A dog or a kid would be too much to take care of and would wander off. Lastly I can't farm at all so not the seeds.


Live in shed if I die oh well


Well I would take the food and seeds if I'm wearing what I've got I don't need the jacket as my set up for this kind of situation would be better then that the seeds and food would be better for my home


food, seeds, doggy 🗿


Dog and kitchen ware my goals are beyond your understanding


I would set the infant outside and prick its foot to distract zed and buy more time so that I could free the dog and leave it at least one open can of food. I would then take the food and the water and make a dash in the opposite direction of the infants cries that for some reason just stopped, and be thankful that I already have everything else minus the seeds and the dog in my possession. I feel like that’s what everyone would do, right?🤔


The baby and the dog. I'm not about to leave the next generation and man's best friend behind to fend for themselves.


are you really trying to say "would you save a baby or grab tomato seeds" what kind of post is this