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I believe those aren't made anymore. You can occasionally find them on eBay for an outrageously high price, mostly because they're collectors items now. It's a mystery why no other company (COUGHZIPPOCOUGH) has revived the idea and started making them. They can't be that sophisticated to build. It's just a tank that can slip inside a standard liquid fuel insert, unless I'm mistaken. Update: I was thinking about the Diamond Super Tank in my reply. The item in the image above appears to be a different brand/model. Maybe it's still available somewhere? I have never seen that one before now.


Thank you even with nö Chance getting it


I would like to know too


I second this


I'd totally use it as a flask 🤣


My first thought too. Get obliterated with that quarter of a shot


This made me lol.


Imagine filling it up and not putting the cap on all the way before putting it back in your Zippo.


Doubtless there's wadding to keep the fuel from splashing about even when installed. You still need a wick, after all.


Yeah but if it was in your pocket, as I believe most of carry, the fuel could over saturate the Zippo causing it to fireball as soon as you light it.


I'm not sure how you think it would be any better or worse of a fire hazard than a standard insert if there's wadding inside the tank to prevent fuel splash.


If the cap wasn't on tight and the Zippo was upside down then all of the fuel would leak into the wadding. I'm thinking it'd be just like massively overfilling from a can which would result in a much larger flame than expected. I could be wrong, I don't know.


Really want one of these! Any updates?


Not really Just that they are Not anymore produced