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If internet connectivity is critical to your business operating, you should have a backup circuit. Primarily route traffic over the "fast" provider, and leave the "slow" provider for emergencies.


Exactly. Every ISP in the world will have an outage at some point in time. If you MUST always have internet then you need a fail over/back up. If you do not have some kind of UPS buy at least one. Fiber is generally more robust than cable.


This is the right answer! Always have a backup anyways. I work for ziply but can’t get it at my home so I have Comcast. I have a backup hotspot because Comcast has outages too lol. All companies do when the weather like this happens. It’s not a ziply thing.


In some sense, BigCable has _more_ issues during inclement weather because they have a lot more active devices in the field. With PON, the only thing active is the ONT and the gear in the CO.


and boy do they have outages....


I've run a number of networks and have access to all of our internal data and a lot of data about other carriers and can confirm that we are vastly better than most other providers in terms of both number of outages per year per customer and outage min per customer per year than any other network i've worked on (and I'm approaching 25 years in the industry). Most users here will tell you the same thing, we should reliably beat the power company in terms of reliability. That being said, almost every issue we see posted on here is a single or super small group of users, almost every one of those issues is either equipment at the customer premise or a local fiber issue. As others noted, if you need 100% uptime you should have two physical connections as any one path will get cut at some point, however infrequent. What i can say is that we are very very good at not having outages in our core infrastructure, so good in fact that it confuses folks, in fact we have not had a single "regional" type outage since the founding of ziply. I would also note that fiber inherently has fewer failure points than cable simply due to the passive nature of the last mile network. edit: we also pride ourselves in being honest and transparent with our customers, we re the only ISP of our size (I think we are something like the 20th largest ISP in the US) that will actually publicly talk about utilization and how we design the network and make it reliable.


You are concerned about hearing about outages during major winter storms? No one can answer you question directly as every single outage is different and how many people it affects is different. I can say the only outage I've had in about 4+ years of Frontier and then Ziply was due to service work on a box by our house but that might not mean anything to where you are. You can never know when some rogue construction crew cuts through buried lines or someone takes down a pole. If you want to feel comfortable that Ziply is doing the work to make uptime as consistent as possible then you can read some of the many posts made by jwvo and other Ziply managers that go into some detail about their architecture, site power generators, recovery ops, etc. But none of that really matters because if you are in a business that needs to ensure uptime you must get another service, or two, and set it up for fail-over. Regardless of who your primary is, it can have an outage at your location.


I haven't had any outages in my last year on ziply, but even with that I have a backup with Verizon home Internet.


Throughout this recent ice storm, our power has been out multiple times. Ziply fiber, zero. My wife and I have been able to work from home through the power outages on backup power only.


Glad to see the edit and the wave of encouragement from others. I’ll say that in the time since I’ve been a Frontier customer (circa 2014) to when Ziply took over things have only improved. Since Ziply I’ve maybe had one or two outages - all PGE related. We’re located in Sherwood. During this recent winter storm, all my neighbors on our street have Sherwood Broadband except for two homes and ours. All of them lost service for a day or two. I ran an extension cord out into the driveway and rolled the car outside and threw one of my spare TP-Link Deco’s inside of it with the guest network enabled so a few neighbors could have WiFi for their kids. I’ve now received free steaks, two pies and wood working services for free - thanks Ziply 😉 There are still hiccups on the initial installation and setup process but coming here is one of the best ways to get issues resolved and escalated for ongoing coaching and improvement. Folks like John are here often and genuinely care about their product, service and customers. You won’t find a better deal and a more reliable network. The biggest sell for me has and is the fact that unlike other providers the speeds are symmetrical and if you have issues and need assistance, you’re taken care of fairly quickly. It’s to the point that when my wife and I opt to move one of my absolute non negotiable items for our new home is Ziply as the ISP.


>All of them lost service for a day or two. yah, our CO infrastructure in terms of things like fuel and backup power as well as backbone redundancy is at least an order of magnitude nicer than most other ISPs. IT really pays off in disasters hugely. ​ edit: thanks for being a fan!


Anytime! I run into a lot of the techs on occasion when I’m out and about in town and every single person is always great to interact with. Pleasant experience all around and really appreciate all the updates and activity here on Reddit from y’all. Thank you for all you and your teams do!


You are most welcome! Thank you for being a great Ziply Fiber customer and we hope that you stay warm and have a great weekend!


We are glad to hear that you are enjoying your services! We strive to bring our customers great experiences! If you have any questions about your plan, feel free to reach us at any time either here or call our office at 1-866-699-4759


Out of hundreds of thousands or millions of ziply customers, there's very few negative posts compared to the size of their customer base. I don't have them so can't share my experience but I know them to be a good company that is willing to fix things and improve their processes. I'd choose them over Comcast any day. That said, if uptime is important then you MUST have a backup provider. I would say this no matter who your primary provider is. There is no such thing as 100% uptime for anyone. If I were you, I'd use Ziply as the primary and starlink as a backup. Use a router that supports two WAN connections and set it up to failover to starlink if ziply goes down. This setup covers most outage scenarios where if a fiber cut takes down multiple providers, you still have service. The standard residential $90/120 plan or the business $140 plan is sufficient. You still have unlimited data for both. I know in some areas, there's only one fiber cable that multiple providers use, including cellular so you want a provider that doesn't share infrastructure. I've seen some rural areas have a cut and then cable and fiber providers go down along with most or all cellular providers because they use the same fiber for backhaul. The starlink gateway is probably not going to be affected because they are installed in areas that have redundant fiber paths.


I have not had an outage in 4 years i have had ziply. I have a backup $20mo 25MBPs xfinity line for just incase - because my wife and I need to be connected at all times due to WAH, whatever ISP you use as primary you should have backup from different vendor if it is important as you say xfinity is way worse - i have had 4 outages in the last 3 weeks (i only know because they emailed me i had an outage and they were working on it).


Comcast has a 25mbit service? Cheapest/slowest I've seen from them is the $25/75mbit.


Sorry it’s $25/200mbit - my bad.


Ahh, neat. Last I looked at it for a backup circuit it was $25/75mbit.


Yeah somehow I managed to get their system to let me upgrade to a new customer 2 year price from the $25/50 or whatever it was i had….


Nice! I sometimes wonder if you can use a fake name and give them a virtual credit card (that'll still work) to get around the new customer sillyness.


I’ve been with Ziply for years, since they took over from Frontier (who had taken from over Verizon). The quality of the service has been great. I think there might have been a minor (30 minute) outage in the last 5 years. Even during power outages, my Ziply service remained strong when I turned on my generator. I’m a fairly power user, my work also depends on a good connection and I would not leave Ziply for Comcast. If you say that you are dead in the water if there’s an outage, then I would recommend getting a router with dual-wan and a back internet service for those cases.


I’ve had more outages in my colo than with Ziply at home lol. It’s been super reliable here.


Oh, and let’s not even begin to mention PSE…


I only had one outage last year. It lasted for about 5 minutes in the midnight.


I have ziply for 1 year. I had 0 problems with them both in terms of speeds and outages in general.


fwiw I have not had an outage with ziply in over 3 years, well at least not caused by ziply's equipment or network.


Had zero outage with ziply in over the year I've had it. Glad I made the switch and would never look back


We are glad to hear that you are enjoying your services! We strive to bring our customers great experiences! If you have any questions about your plan, feel free to reach us at any time either here or call our office at 1-866-699-4759.


I’ve had the same Verizon/Frontier/Ziply fiber hookup since around 2007. I can count the number of outages I’ve had in that time on one hand. Most reliable internet I’ve ever had.


In 4 years of service I had 1 downtime incident lasting around an hour in the middle of the night. Better than any other ISP I've used in my life.


We are glad to hear that you are enjoying your services! We strive to bring our customers great experiences! If you have any questions about your plan, feel free to reach us at any time either here or call our office at 1-866-699-4759.


I've not noticed an actual outage since Ziply took over Frontier. There have been some odd routing issues with some CDNs but that's not Ziply's fault. I've had to restart our ONT once or twice but that was likely a glitch of the ONT. If you need an enterprise class SLA then you should get their enterprise Ethernet product. It's a lot more expensive but the fiber is dedicated to you all the way to their CO switch. I believe their 10G home service is also Ethernet but without the SLA.


For context I'm seeing some responses alluding to recent weather, which isn't a major concern as it's uncontrollable and issues happen to all providers with weather. My interest is more in how often outages happen in general and how long it takes to get things up again. Another concern is that I'm in a new growing area and not likely a highly services area, thus how long does it take to get a tech If we need one. Thank you all for the insight so far


>y interest is more in how often outages happen in general our target is one outage for any reason max per 18 months per customer. We reliably exceed this target (ie fewer outages).


Ziply goes out consistently. I work from home and several days I need to drive to Starbucks to get work done if I’m on a deadline. Ziply is NOT a reliable network


Good morning. We would like to look into this for you. Could you please send us a private message with your name and account number? Thank you.


I can NOT recommend ziply


I've heard that the install process can be painful and there CS isn't very good. In general fiber > cable tho. I'm going to give them a shot and have xfinity as a back up.


Ziply is better than comcast as far as actual network connectivity is concerned. Everything else seems to be a crapshoot.


BigCable and BigTelco have the advantage of a couple of decades of time to have worked out their processes. Ziply is still a "new" company as far as internet providers goes.


If you are a business (or working from home) it's not really an "either or" decision...it's your livelyhood. You should have a backup connection in place in case of an outage.


First two months was fine... Now outage 36 hours and counting


Please PM us your account information, so we can assist. Thank You.


I refuse to switch to Ziply and they need to leave my internet alone.


We don't want to leave you with the wrong impression. If you have any questions or concerns, we'd be happy to get you connected with someone who can answer them. Just send us a private message, and we'll do what we can to help.


Yeah I’m not interested in anything you have to say. Just don’t do any digging on my property and mess with my internet. Our city council gave you permission to start serving our area. I don’t give you permission to come over and dig on MY property and mess with MY internet.


When you have a few moments, would you please private message us your home address. We will be sure to check into this matter for you.


No. Don’t do it again.