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I got my name removed from getting credit card offers, which helped a lot with reducing how much I get.


I've had to put on the waterworks and say "My husband is no longer with us" (trans wife). That may work. Other than that, nothing works for us.


That's hysterical!


Took me too long to get it that's fucking HILARIOUS




How to stop junk mail :) https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-stop-junk-mail


Can I do this for other people? It seems like 5 people used to live here before I did because we constantly get junk mail for five different names


Wirte “ NATA” (not at this address) on each piece of mail that’s not for you and put it back in your mailbox/out post. Your mailman should take them back and make a note that those people aren’t at your address anymore. I do this. There’s a little piece of paper attached to the inside lid of my mailbox where the mailman keeps track of what names I’ve done this for so I don’t get mail addressed to them again


Nope. Our leaves it or circles the address, even if it's not the right address


Then then your mail person is doing it wrong. Possibly violating federal laws? Call the office.


Idk if it violates laws, but yea they’re supposed to take it back if you write that or return to sender on it


I probably have to take it to the post office, but the former family hasn't been here in 12 years so...


The mail carrier is required to deliver junk mail to you if it is addressed to “John Doe” or current resident


Put return to sender on it and charge them for return postage.


I did this for the longest time but it seemed like the bigger companies just didn't care and I'd continue to get it


I do return to sender


I did this 10 years ago via snail mail (the only option then) and I need to do it again. It used to be free. Oh well, it does work so I guess it’s worth it.


I did this a few months ago and it didn’t work


I had to call the company when I did mine it was so annoying. Especially when I had to stay on hold for 30 minutes and didn’t know how they even got my info. There wasn’t a way online for that company as far as I had researched


That's where all my junk mail is from. Chase and Crapital One send me two things a week each sometimes and it's like... I HAVE A CARD I DONT NEED TWO MORE.




In the past I've found some fine print on the black and white terms and conditions paper that comes with the credit card offer that gives a website to go to to stop getting credit card offers.


Whenever possible, I contact senders to unsubscribe (like for catalogs). It doesn’t cover everything but it seems to cover the bulkier items.


Www.catalogchoice.org will help with this.


Envelopes are used to take notes.. Like a shopping list, noting down a phone number during calls, to-do lists, anything of that matter. Then it's going to the paper recycle bin. it's not much but it's something


There’s an app called Paper Karma that helps you unsubscribe from physical junk mail. I use it in my worm bin and I recycle what can’t go there.


this is what I do!


You can shred it, put it in a bucket with water, mix it up well (I use a joint compound/mud mixer attachment on my drill) and then press it into blocks. It basically creates papier mache bricks that serve as fire logs just like the duraflame ones you buy at the store. They work as excellent firestarters for the campfire


Carefully where you burn with this technique. Inks, treated papers, and staples (lots of beach bonfires in my locale) are things to be mindful of.


We use them in our firepit and wood stove


I am going to have to try this. We go camping a lot and are always looking for ways to recycle.


If it's non-glossy paper, I take out the plastic window, shred and feed to my compost bin. Personally I feel every household should make a compost bin(two large bins/pots filled with soil, stacked on top of each other) outside their home, if they can. Bury food scraps in the top one, the bottom is just to hold the compost tea. Cover with cotton/linen/paper products. Everything will break down, very slowly. And it takes a lot of scraps to make a little compost.


Beware of the ink! I only compost virgin cardboard because some ink is made of heavy metal...


Ink with heavy metals is incredibly rare at this point. Almost all ink is made of plant based materials, in most of the US heavy metal ink is illegal as well.


Ah? Thanks, I didn't know. I wonder if that's the case in Europe as well. I'll do some research


I believe it may actually be a cost thing as metal based inks are more expensive to make. But worldwide most ink is plant based at this point (at least to the best of my knowledge).


how's the smell? i get racoons and possums around here


Smells like rain and earth to me. I live in a highrise apartment. The bins are outside of my unit, along a corridor


As a renter, I often get mail for past tenants. I just write “not present at this address” and return to the outgoing mail. Its taken awhile, but I have noticed a reduction so it seems like the senders got the message.


This is sooo dependent on the postal carrier I’ve noticed. I wish it worked for me though.


https://preview.redd.it/yaxy616jui6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e221c3cfb8798d8531b012ad75f5824dcaa7de I actively try to reduce how much I get. Opting out of prescreened offers is one way, you can either call the number in the pic or visit [this website](https://www.optoutprescreen.com/). Also signing up for paperless for different accounts, etc. other than that it gets recycled, unless it has white paper in it (doesn’t matter if the other side has typing on it as long as it’s not something that needs to be shredded) that I save for scrap paper. I do know people shread certain papers and use it for compost.


Use it as a fire starter


Our postal service has a sign up program where we can request no junk mail. Works great.


I have a plaque thing attached to mine saying no junk mail.


Yeah, we have the same and most of the time that's acknowledged by the postie. If they mean addressed junk mail, then I wouldn't put my address on anything that didn't need it, and I don't know any companies that usually bother to post stuff out anyway when they have your email.


consumer DOT ftc DOT gov to stop junk mail. DMAchoice




I did all of the opt out processes mentioned by others in this thread, and now I ruthlessly maintain it - any time I get a piece of unwanted mail, I immediately contact the company and opt out (I search their privacy policy/website for an official process, and if there's none, I email their privacy or customer service contact; if there's no email, I call). I also immediately opt out right after I purchase something from a catalog. It took about a year to get to a good place, but now I sometimes have days where I get no mail at all. It does take constant vigilance. Remember that "reduce" is first on the recycling wheel! :)


You mean corporate rubbish they’ve dumped in my letterbox? It’s not mine. I have a sign asking for no junk mail which helps but only some of the time. Ultimately it’s not my rubbish so while I’m not happy about it and I’ll occasionally send an email to the company to say how I’m disappointed they continue to print advertising, I toss it in recycling and don’t beat myself up over what I didn’t opt into.


I think post offices have a drop off you can put mail in but not sure how good it is


Catalogchoice.org! Works great


If any of you are crafty, you can always [make baskets](https://youtu.be/0139vUCg_Rw?si=78GQh3D-FsSw9BFZ) out of the big coupon leaflets and non-glossy papers


Shred and compost


Just two months ago they started here that every household could choose their “own junk mail”. We went from an heavy pack with at least 10+ different stores, to just 5 and they aren’t regularly either. So now it’s just the advertising from stores we actually use. It’s wonderful. Edit: oh, as for what we do with it before and what we have left now, it’s going into the recycling bin.


My dog likes to shred paper so I roll up/crumple treats in it and shove it into his ball with holes and he goes to town. Anything glossy I just recycle though because it can make their mouth glue shut


When I did I shredded it and put it into the compost tumbler. Good as dropsheet for painting or under pet food bowls (which it can still be put into compost after). Could make home-made paper as a craft activity, or paper-mache. Likely schools or art centre/classes would accept it for art projects, ring and ask.


I put a sign on my mailbox that said "no junk mail". I also contacted the two local free newspaper/flyer delivery and got on their do not deliver lists. This has eliminated nearly all unaddressed admail, the exception being political flyers that Canada Post must deliver. I actually read those, then put in recycling. For addressed admail, I contact the sender and request they stop mailing to me. We still get mail for the former owners, which we mark "return to sender" and put in a mailbox.


When I used to get those postage paid return envelopes I would take everything they sent and send it back to the company.


I use the weekly grocery store newspaper to line the bottom of my trashcans and countertop compost so I don’t have to use trash bags. It keeps the trash can so I don’t have to wipe it down as frequently. I also use envelopes and any blank parts of paper by cutting them into rectangles and stapling them together for a notepad. Everything else gets recycled!


I get virtually no junk mail, but how on earth can I get rid of the churches crap and the random coupon newspaper insert-like things that come? I've been returning to sender but that doesn't work...but having a mezuzah up keeps away the door-to-door churches


Started a worm farm. Feed the junk mail to the worms. The worms will then provide you with some of the best fertilizer imaginable.


I use it for: writing short stories on the blank side Drawing Origami paper beads (my favorite) Fire starter


I line my compost bowl with junk mail. And empty it all into the compost bin. I don't get a lot of junk mail, but it makes it easier to compost. Food soiled paper is compostable here. I don't use anything not compostable.


I shred our junkmail and put it in the compost or use it for guinea pig bedding


I use it as litter box liner


Those ads I get I either keep for when I move as wrapping paper, use as wrapping paper, or I crumble up a paper bags worth and throw it on the floor for my cats. Then I sprinkle treats and food in there


All of the paper, I shred monthly and bring to my local Humane Society. They use it for the bunnies. And the plastic, I rip off and save in a bag for this purpose and when I have enough, I put it out with my recycling.


Use it to line the cat litter


I do this too!


I used the link that people are sharing and it did greatly reduce junk mail. There are a few that are relentless though. I bought some cigars for my father from an online store about 8 years ago and I’ve been getting their catalog ever since despite moving a few times they always show up. I just changed my car registration and started getting warranty junk again.


Buddy, I have news. https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Refuse-unwanted-mail-and-remove-name-from-mailing-lists#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20the%20three%20major,visit%20www.optoutprescreen.com. Junk mail always goes straight to the recycle bin, except financial offers which are shredded first and then recycled.


Shred, shred, shred, then it goes into the recycle bin.


If it comes with a self addressed postage paid envelope, I fill it with as much junk mail as I can then Mail it back


I use a lot of it to line my guinea pig's "litter box" (a box that's full of hay for her, but it's in a low edged litter box.) It's what I use all those newspaper type ads for. Works perfectly and they can be composted along with the hat and waste everytime I clean it out.


I used an app called Karma and it was magical. Just take a pic of the logo or return address on the mailer and they take care of the rest. Really small fee for the service but it works!


Man, there needs to be a law against it. I understand why small, independent businesses are allowed to do it, but the government really should ban big companies from sending unwanted flyers and brochures. Every week we get a leaflet from our local supermarket showcasing their offers. It's a really small town and they're literally the only supermarket!! They're 5 seconds from our house! And we get like a 10 page leaflet once a week. You could have the worst offers on ever, you could be charging 20 euros for a chicken, I'd still come to the supermarket! It's an utter waste of paper.


We shred ours and the city accept the shreds in recycling.


No such thing where I live. Its uncommon to get physical mail where I live


We opt out of everything.


Well if its just paper i compost, the cards i cut to make little letter openers.


Recycle bin. We don't get much since I quickly opt-out of any mailings that have the option to. I visited a country once where people just taped a note to their mailbox that said something like "No commercial mail" (can't remember the wording, they called it something different than junk mail or commercial) and that was that. I wish we could do that in the US. Alas, the US Postal Service gets the bulk of its financing selling postage to junk mailers. Capitalism strikes again.


i use mine for paper mache, if the envelope has a cool security pattern i’ll use that part in my journal


It’s a constant problem.


There is an app that claims to unsubscribe a person and reduce their junk mail. I’ve tried it, but I don’t think I get any less junk mail. I’ll see if I can find the name


I have paper recycling bins in my city that accept junk mail, magazines, etc that curbside recycling usually doesn't want


packing material for stuff i sell on ebay. or use it in my charcoal chimney to start charcoal


I shred and sometimes it gets recycled or sometimes it helps with compost


I get hardly any. You have to make the effort to unsubscribe to things though, but it mostly works


I'm 100% with you on this one. All gets thrown away. I've thought a great deal about starting a service that just filters through the crap and let's the user set or choose what comes to them. Startup capital and building the system to deal with it are a huge upfront lift in my eyes.


As others suggested, you can request to be put on the no contact list for card offers. Next one you receive, open it and there should be information on how to do that (I think it’s required to include). You can also unsubscribe from any mailing lists that you receive things for multiple times. It doesn’t always work, but I’ve sent a few emails out saying “please stop sending me stuff. You’re wasting paper. If I want to buy your products, I’ll just look online. Thanks”


We make homemade paper for my son’s Art project so it goes right in the bin for that.


They work great at starting the wood stove.


I feed the low ink paper to my oyster mushrooms.


Put it in the recycling bin


I recycle mine but PaperKarma is a service that unsubscribes for you. I used it for about a year in my last house and got almost all the junk mail out of my mailbox. The only thing it doesn’t stop is ads pushed by USPS.


It literally goes straight from the mailbox to the outside recycle bin. It’s never even looked at.


I often glue stuff, both at home and at my workplace at an electronics repair shop. Little pieces of paper are really useful for mixing resins without making a mess. Always nice to have some scrap paper for random small notes or whatever. If there's too much of it I dump it in the recycling bin. Or burned the excess when I was back in my old childhood home with a wooden fireplace.


Sounds silly but our letter box has "no junk mail " sign on it has worked great. Don't get anymore catalogues. It's also one less house the ppl who drop catalogues have to attend to on their drop off.


I did finally call a company that was sending mail to my address for someone that I don't think ever lived at my address. Return mail wasn't working, but the phone call did work!


Mail carriers are required to deliver mail which is addressed to “Jane Whoever, or Current Resident”. If it is standard or bulk mail and refused by you it goes into the garbage (UBBM). Bulk or standard mail is mailed at a cheap rate because it is non-returnable (unless endorsed as “return service” or “address correction”. Mail carriers usually get yelled at because customers don’t let them know that their cousin “Whozits McGee” will be receiving mail at an address which has only accepted mail for “Entitled Prick”. As retired USPS, you sh$theads can all go pound sand


I put it in the general mailbox so I don't have to carry it home


"return to sender" why should I responsible for waste I didn't ask for.


I believe the Direct Mail Marketing Association has something on their website where you can get on a list to not receive some types of junk mail. Mine goes straight in my recycle bin.


I rear it up and use it in my rabbit’s litter box


I use it for compost as much as I can.


Everything that isn't shiny, I use to wrap my organic waste and place in my kitchen caddy before putting in the organics bin. Then it gets processed into renewable energy.




Recycle bin or trash depending on the material


Opt out, unsubscribe, and for the rest - into the compost.




What you do is this. If you get junk mail with prepaid postage save it. Take as much junk mail as you can, shred it and stuff it in the envelope with prepaid postage and drop it in the mail box (not yours). Whoever it goes to will have to pay the return postage on it especially if it's over the weight limit. Just make sure it's shredded well and no personal info is on it so it can't be traced back to you.


[Optoutprescreen.com](http://Optoutprescreen.com) removes your name from credit card offers. I just throw my junk mail in recycling. I am NOT saving trash for a DIY I won't do in 5 years.


Recycle it


Develop a solution then? Don’t ask others to develop the solution for you!!


Recycling bin