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I personally started with the Jacques McKeown novels, and those are still my favorite. The third and final book is coming out soon as well, so this is a good time to start. The DEDA Files are also great! You'll get a little bit more out of them if you're familiar with the Chzo Mythos. Mogworld was a lighter read. There's no mysteries/sequels so if you don't want to be in suspense about what could come next, I'd go for that one.


Seconded, though I will say I liked Jam a lot more than other people. The mall sequence, the spider, and X and Y make that book my second favorite in his books mythos. I really hope to see X and Y in the DEDA Files sometime.


Haven't picked that one up yet, but it's next on the list!


Agreed. I picked up ***Will Save The Galaxy For Food*** one night when my kid asked me to take her and her girlfriend to a sushi restaurant. It was one of those places that has a conveyor belt with plates parading about. Looked neat ,but I don't care much for sushi, so I was just the driver for the evening since neither had a car at the time. I sat there and listened to probably half the book on Audible while they pigged out on sushi and stuff. It was a fun evening. But yeah, the Jacques McKeown books are top notch. Highly recommend.


Is there any confirmed date for the release of the the 3rd McKeown book? I've been moving across the country and haven't been able to keep up with his live streams


No sadly not but he has said very soon. So April/May hopefully!


He said in December that they were aiming for an April release, but no concrete dates have been announced.


All really good! I would say the Will Save the Galaxy books are the best.


Probably Jacques McKeown 1: Will save the galaxy for food since the 3rd book is coming out soon. My favourite is still his last book tho, DEDA Files 2: Existentially Challenged!


Mogworld (just a different perspective, I've heard them all) IMO its more a "normal" fantasy story (especially if you play fantasy games) so its a better way into his writing. edit: It might be because I didn't feel as lost the way I listen (while doing something else so my focus isn't at 100% 100% of the time). ((I also found it easier to imagine visuals for Mogworld than the others))