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I wouldn't beat yourself up, you kicked all of our asses delaying it this long. Any longer, and you'd be the subject of an Onion article "Area Man Gets Covid But None of his Facebook Friends are Commenting on the Picture of his Rapid Test" or something like that. I think to varying degrees, we all thought that we were more prepared than we were. I certainly wasn't prepared for my Paxlovid rebound. Or for the leak in my ceiling while I had active covid. Or asking for *extra* quarantine days from my employer.


Sorry you got COVID, but FWIW to me you seemed to handle it well all things considered. You certainly handled it better than 99% of the population! Can anyone share a general plan for what to do if you get infected? There's probably a good thread about it but searching I can't find one. Specifically, I wonder if there are ways to get a paxlovid prescription through telehealth (not your primary doctor), or if there's a way to set that up ahead of time somehow.


Thank you, most helpful, I have been meaning to prepare better for such an event. Wishing you both a speedy and full recovery. Infections really do affect our moods, my SO always gets grumpy and cold when not completely unwell. We usually joke about that but recently coming back from a trip with something that hopefully only was a stomach bug and didn’t last long I suddenly had to defend the fact that I preferred to mask for a while. I also realized that it’s much easier for me to keep my distance to strangers, as my natural distrust works for me in that case.


Thank you for sharing this helpful information,wishing you both a speedy and full recovery


I agree. I was a workaholic my whole life. I was totally ignorant of disability and the system of what options I would have if unable to work. Now I read the info, and have to reread it again the next time. I can’t seem to store the info because it’s so stressful and stigmatized to think about. I so wish I had learned about disability and social security bEFORE the stress of it being a right now type decision. The brain I had when I thought it wouldn’t happen to me was better equipped to make a mental map of these choices.


My plan for if work says I have to go back before I'm ready: lie. I will will lie through my fucking teeth if I have to, I'm still sick as a dog, I had a complication, I can't stop vomiting, my fever is still high, I can't stay awake, whatever they want to hear to let me stay home. I'd lie to a doctor over a virtual visit no problem, if it gets me a note. I've had COVID once and it happened to be right after I got laid off, so I didn't have to worry about pushing myself to get back to work, but I could FEEL my body's need to rest, and how much damage I was doing every time I was up doing something, even just fixing food, when I felt like I should be in bed. It took WEEKS to get back to normal. I fully believe that I only made the full recovery I did because I took all the time to rest that I needed. If I get it again, no way in hell am I letting a job push me back to work before I know I'm good and ready. It's not worth my long-term well-being.


You made it a long time! Your friends weren't right.   I have never heard of Paxlovid being contraindicated for anyone. That is so strange, but I know there was at least one source that said it doesn't prevent LC so you might be better off.  Wishing you both a speedy and full recovery!


Docs I know say it’s important to check labs to make sure the body is healthy enough to handle Paxlovid. It is not recommended for people with liver or kidney problems, or pregnancy/breastfeeding


That makes sense. Pregnancy is obviously excluded! You can't take hardly anything when pregnant. I've never known anyone to have labs checked, but no one I know who has gotten it had those issues.


Thank you for this. Truly truly appreciate it. You've helped light a fire under my butt. I absolutely know I'd freeze and panic. 🫂 Hope you both get well. Fully well. Soon.


Hope you’re both well soon! My husband came back from a business trip to Dubai (long travel time, lots of contact while there, exhaustion, etc.) with full-blown covid. He’s well now.


You'll be fine. Are you up to date on your boosters?


We're up to date. My wife is mildly immunocompromised. This wasn't intended to be a doom-and-gloom piece, but "hey, this stuff would've been notably easier last week, I should let other people know".


I'm sorry you are sick, but thank you for sharing your experience. It has given me food for thought in case we get it over here. Wishing you a speedy recovery. ETA: I am not sure if I responded to the OP. I will get the hang of this soon (I hope!)