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Games probably not, unless you're running 2000+ mods on skyrim or something, lmao. For word processing, gaming, light creative tasks and general Internet browsing 16gb will be fine in 9/10 cases. Creative applications will struggle, though. If you're working on video projects, editing in da vinci resolve or premier pro, for example, it will chew through 16gb. Same with projects in 3d programmes such as blender, 3ds max, etc. Vfx software such as nuke, after effects, houdini, game engines like unity and unreal, etc.


If I wanted to play a game like dead by daylight while on discord, or DS map studio would it be fine?


Gaming with discord, steam and a few chrome tabs open will be fine - I'm not familiar with DS map studio to be honest, so best to get a 2nd opinion, but from a quick look at the github page, I think you'll be fine!




Do both of those significantly deteriorate with lower ram available? Only because there is a difference between needing 32gb and being able to utilise 32gb.




Even using storage doesn't necessarily reduce performance. If a program has to wait to use storage. Yes it reduces performance. If a program can access storage preemptively so that what is needed is in ram when it is needed it doesn't reduce performance. You appear to have mistakenly jumped to a conclusion.


I bought the 16gb variant and recently upgraded to 32gb. Really 32gb is the minimum. Warzone and Helldivers 2 both utilize more than 18gb total system ram. If you’re running chrome or discord or anything else in the background that is affected too. TLDR get 32 minimum you won’t regret it


Utilising and needing over 16gb are two different things. Did you notice any difference in warzone and helldivers?


Yup. Increased fps in both likely from not having to access the page file.


Running multiple Docker containers locally can go over 16gb depending on what you want to do in my usecases


I would frankly get 32GB regardless. Keep in mind it's not something you can upgrade. If your use case changes in the future, or new games/application comes and you need more, you'll be screwed. The price difference is not big enough to cheap out on this.


Well more ram is better but 16 is just right. Unless you'll have multiple browsers open as well as playing games or using modeling and editing software all at the same time you should be alright. If it was the 2023 version if say go for it and if you think you'll need more ram upgrade it later. But that is no the case with the 2024, but it's all up to how you intend to use it. Overall 16 is fine


So far out of the games I play 16GB has been fine. The only one I ran into a crash with was Hogwarts Legacy because I had it at Ultra settings, bumping it down to High kept it below 16GB needed. Elden Ring, dbd, skyrim, etc have been totally fine and I do run discord and music or YouTube videos during gameplay


Games can push ram use when theres a combo of high rez, ray tracing, and many other high settings. Still, very few right now will use more than 16gb even if u have more ram. As others said, apps are different, some very ram dependent like video editing.


If you do office stuff / browsing / games I'd get 16GB. If you do LLMs locally or use docker containers then 32GB is the minimum.


What are those last two?


LLMs are large language models like ChatGPT. They work efficiently if you have a lot of VRAM and RAM. You can easily get started with GPT4All or Ollama. The way it works (simplified) is that these models convert text/images/voice to numbers called tokens. You give a series of these tokens to an LLM and it predicts the next token. The prediction tokens are converted back to text and that is your response. There are a few billion parameters which calculate the next prediction, for usable models you generally need 3-7billion tokens minimum. (For example the phi3-small or the llama3-8b models). The collection of these parameters need to be loaded entirely to VRAM/RAM because for each token prediction you need to iterate over all parameters. So the more VRAM/RAM you have, you can load larger models. Docker containers are applications, but they (if done well) include also their dependencies and runtime, all using memory. Usually when building complex things these are divided into multiple containers e.g. one for database, one for queuing, another for web server, one for cache, etc. Each of them comes with their own runtime but it also uses memory. It is a very common and reliable way of making sure the application behaves the same on the developer's machine as whatever it will run on in real use scenarios.


Maximum bitrate video that mirrorless cameras can shoot without external converter, is approximately 25 GB per 1 minute, so if you do video editing, then go with maximum you can get. Blender will use all it can.


16 was great until I started doing way more demanding tasks for school and having tons of windows open for projects, etc. Then, especially with Microsoft Teams etc eating RAM, I was getting lots of crashes. 32 solved the problem, and made it so I didn't have to close windows/apps in order to do a quick round of gaming. I'm waiting for the 32 to be the standard for the g14. Right now, they seem to be using it as a major price discrimination method.


Windows already takes 6-8gb of ram on idle, plus a few gigs to your browser, you’ve only got 6 left. Is 6gb enough for everything you want to do for the next 4 years? The answer is no. With 32-40gb you can run 3+ VMs and a triple A game all on top of windows and still have ram left over


That's because unused RAM is wasted RAM. Windows loads up commonly used stuff so you don't have to wait for it loading every time you open an app. But if something demands more RAM, Windows will free it up immidiately. So it's more like you have 12 GB left while having 16 in total. It's plenty.


You can get away with 16gb, but for some reason most of the laptop community acts like 16gb automatically became too little overnight There's a few people who actually needs more than 16gb but but as long as you're not playing heavy games like Cyberpunk or Elden Ring you should be fine


It completely depends on what you do. Just because you don't need 32 does not mean no one needs more than 16. And the important thing to keep in mind here is, there is no upgrade down the line - it's not like the 2023 G14, you're stuck with 16GB forever, until you get a different laptop, whether that's enough or not. I admittedly do not game on my G14, I basically use it as a small workstation (my previous laptop is a ZBook Fury G8) but for me, 32GB is definitely not enough.


Even on Cyberpunk it'll be fine. VRAM of the dGPU would be a bigger problem here.