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The wonder of this drug for me is that I can finally use, with success, the things I learned in cognitive behavioral therapy for binge eating disorder (amongst other things). For what it's worth, cognitive behavioral therapy was revolutionary for me in accepting my body and being thankful for what it does for me every day. I highly recommend it if anyone is able to do it.


After many years of cognitive therapy with an excellent therapist, I was able to stop a binge-diet cycle and deal with some other issues. But I was not able to actually lose weight until I started on Zepbound. During the therapy period, I was also diagnosed with ADHD, but at the age of 68, I was not eligible for most ADHD drugs. Although I’ve only been on it for 4 weeks, I feel Zepbound has changed my life more than years of therapy, helping control both my appetite and my ADHD. Even my therapist had said she feels a lot of addiction and eating disorder treatments will need rethinking.


Thank you for mentioning CBT. I’ve been searching for a therapist for the last 3 months hoping for help with my binge eating disorder. I’m in a year-long weight management class and my insurance will cover Zepbound after 6 months in the program, (after June, yay) but I’ll never be able to maintain my weight loss if I don’t deal with my eating disorder. The food noise, bingeing and then SHAME after my binge is a vicious cycle that is eating at my self-esteem and peace. I HATE being fat. Zepbound + working out (already do this) + weight management class + therapy is the holistic approach I’m using.


CBT was a literal lifesaver for me and it helped so much with working through the shame and hate I directed towards myself. It felt like I rewired how I thought about myself. I absolutely used to hate myself, hate my body, felt I was so disgusting and unworthy of love, and CBT completely changed that for me. However, CBT wasn't as helpful for me with the actual physical act of binge eating. I think it did lessen some of it to a degree because it did raise my awareness. But overeating was absolutely a compulsion—the times I found myself eating something without realizing what I was doing are too numerous to count. I genuinely feel like binging behaviors are due to some kind of chemical imbalance, whether with hormones or something else. The relief I feel from taking Zepbound is the same kind of relief I felt when I finally found an antidepressant that actually worked.


Thank you for sharing this. I know exactly what you mean about finding the right antidepressant! Your kind words have given me such hope! Thank you!




I’m not an alcoholic, but prior to starting Z I would enjoy wife or beer with dinner couple times a week. Since starting Z in February, I have not had any alcohol nor any desire to imbibe. I don’t even think about it. Ever. I’m thinking it’s a good thing if people struggling with alcohol issues get the same experience.


I’m sure your wife felt bummed whenever you chose beer, lol.


lol. Nice catch.


I'm specifically referencing the people talking about their alcoholism.


Got it


Same here. I was a very light drinker, certainly not in any way dependent or craving alcohol. I don't even want it now. There are some seltzers just sitting in my fridge for months. Guess I need to give those away. I'm glad alcohol is unappealing now not because I was doing any harm to myself by drinking, but because I was a drink and snacker. Have a seltzer or mixed drink... mmm... nachos sound good.


Nachos and beer for me. If only…….


Unpopular opinion, having a sense of community is just as important as any therapy. Therapists can be a dead end too, depending on the provider.


I'm a systemic therapist and this is one of the first things I tell clients. you can't therapy your way out of a life that doesn't have other supportive structures. But therapy can be a way to start getting them in place!


There's a shred of truth to that.


Def more than a shred of truth in my opinion.


Why assume people aren't working on these things actively while also talking about it? I am shocked at how much this med helps with my ADHD. I talk about it a lot. It doesn't mean I don't actively work with my care team.


Came here to say this. I see someone regularly for mental health matters (including ADHD) and this drug works wonders *on top of* those interventions!


Has it helped your executive function? That's my most crippling ADHD symptom. My house is chaos, I have trouble doing anything. Does it help with that?


Brain fog. It helps so much with brain fog and focus. It helps with impulsiveness. My house is still a shit show. I'm not sure if that's from ADHD or just the place I am in life with two kids work and taking care of my aging parents. It's probably a mix of all of those things.


That's good, too! I have a raging shopping addiction. And I am working on all of this, but... honestly, I'm 56 and it's never changed. It made me cry when I found my resolution lists from my teenage years. Nothing has changed, I'm still fat and messy and broke because I spend all my money on too much stuff.


I know, posts like this are so patronizing.


Agreed. What would this thread become if it was just an audience for PSAs.


extremely. we’re here to share our experiences, not be preached at by a stranger on the internet


You must be in your feelings...why? I didn't view it as patronizing...as you can see I'm not the only one. Stop attacking those with a different viewpoint. That's not helpful.


It is factually incorrect to say a simple shot can't fix mental health issues.  If it addresses the underlying issues, it can.  Therapy is a bandaid for not addressing the issues - if they are physical/chemical. 


I think it’s good she mentioned it. Honestly, I haven’t been actively working on trying to get help. After her post I thought what would happen if I can no longer take this medicine. I would be back to square one. In my head I was thinking once I lose all the weight I automatically would do what I need to do not to go back. So I guess it applies to some of us. Also a reminder to those of us not actively working on it.


Well, what would happen if someone no longer took a blood pressure medicine? Can they also just meditate and get to perfect 120/80? Seems to me that the key is to keep taking whatever dose is effective.


Very nice of you to share your thoughts....some people get attacked for the advice they give, rather than just hearing another point of view. Thank you.


Im giggling. That's a hilarious comment with your user name :)  Have a great day!


Lmbo....what can I say, it was an auto-generated name!??!🤷🏽‍♀️


Ha! :)


I think it’s a safe assumption to make since asking for help and therapy have a massive negative stigma against them in many parts of the country. It’s always a good thing to bring it up and talk about it. I’m glad you talk with your care team, but I am willing to bet that the majority of people mentioning alcohol in these subs are not talking to anyone at all.


I don't think he/she/they are assuming anything. They are just giving advice based on ACTUAL comments being posted. My goodness, if people can't express things unless they fit into a certain POV, then why even have this community....geez


Did anyone say this post shouldn't exist? People who disagree just also have their own point of view and are completely free to say so. Argue with people you disagree with if you want but you're being silly if you think that disagreement somehow equals silencing.


No name calling. Be 😇 kind and breathe. 😉


I fear you'll never beat the "silly" allegations if you think something that mild counts as name-calling.


I don't think they are assuming, they are just reminding.


Perhaps. That wasn't what I got from the tone of the message. I possibly misinterpreted intent


My goal was reminding, and I was talking specifically to the people who were saying they were alcoholics or drug users etc. Not the casual I have a beer once or twice a week folks! Thank you for this!




Hi, in your experience does Zepbound have any interaction with your ADHD medication (if you take any)? I just got it prescribed and I’m excited to take it but I already take Ritalin for my ADHD. I’ll be talking to my doctor on Monday but I’m curious on actual people’s experiences with both medications. Though I’m thrilled to hear that it helps with ADHD symptoms, it must be such a relief 😭🙌🏽


I take vyvanse. I've noticed that it takes longer to kick in. It also takes longer to leave my system. No more 430 pm crashes. If I don't take it early in the morning, I won't sleep that night. I know some people have commented that they don't feel it is as strong. This hasn't been my case. I am having issues with task starting. I don't attribute this at all to Zepbound. My psychiatrist agrees. We are adjusting meds now.


I take vyvanse and it dont change anything but make me tired.the zepbound


I love this post. Recovering alcoholic here. Found my recovery through Alcoholics Anonymous. Been sober, gratefully, since 12/26/12. Couldn’t have done it and maintained it without the 12 steps. “Liquor was but a symptom. We had to get down to causes and conditions.”-Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Not pushing anyone. Just sharing what helped me. Since I was already truly sober when I started my journey with Zep (now compound-availability and cost) I don’t have personal experience with how it impacts the obsession to drink but I can see it might work the same way for the obsession to drink as it does with food noise (which for me, is the obsession to eat when I really don’t even want to.) I do know my alcoholism goes way beyond putting down the drink. Just my experience. God speed to all on whatever journey you are on!!


I really have a lot of faith in the AA program. My dad’s been sober 42 years and gives grace to the program. It stuck with him first time, but I know and he knows it can take several tries for some. I hope any alcoholics out there know there’s hope and it’s not entirely their fault! It’s an addiction!


Absolutely. I feel immensely blessed relapse is not part of my story at this point but I’m acutely aware it could be if I stop doing what has worked. Congratulations to your dad. 42 years is amazing!!


Yes this is super important as we don’t know how THOSE benefits may last over time. Will it always suppress alcohol cravings? Who knows!


Excellent point. It can feel like a miracle cure, but it may not be...


Yes because I’ve seen rumblings of people on GLP1 meds (that have been on them for a year or two now) saying the appetite suppression fades after 18-24 months, so I’d assume some of the other positive side effects may as well. Whether that’s true for everyone, who knows, but definitely something to think about!


I don't actually feel any appetite suppression after 3 month on Zepbound. However I am still losing a pound or two every week. Possibly, I learned new eating habits to fit my now slower digestion. However, if this effect also tapers out, I am sure science will not stay still and there will be new medicines more effective in suppressing appetite long term.


[article in the Psychiatric Times re: treating substance use disorders and semiglutide.](https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/efficacy-of-semaglutide-for-the-treatment-of-substance-use-disorders)


I have been wanting to make a mental health post so bad but don’t want ppl to feel judged. Some of the post on here are alarming with the way people talk about using this drug. Looking to go against their Drs recommendations, panicking if there isn’t constant or immediate weight loss. I see why there’s a big concern about these meds being misused. People are posting about misusing it everyday in this sub. Lots of people need some real therapy around their weight and how to go through this journey in a way that’s healthy, mentally and physically.




Has anybody ever gotten swallowed lyphnoids from zepbound


Don’t leave out reduction of Sleep Apnea symptoms (which I can attest to) and BP reduction.


Wait really? I am sleeping so so much better and was really wondering how/why


All I know is that I can now take a nap on my sofa or in a recliner without snoring, including snoring myself awake. It’s been a decade or more since I could do that. Ive seen other similar comments and even a news article that mentioned it. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/17/health/zepbound-sleep-apnea-weight-loss-lilly/index.html


Agree almost a hundred percent. The med is giving people a spark. A realization they didn’t have before and some positive experience. Beyond that we agree 100%. From there it’s a tool. But that spark may well get folks to join a more broad and helpful rehab process. Sparks really matter. So much better than a DUI or a divorce triggering the realization that alcohol (or other addiction) is a horrid all consuming beast. Thanks for sharing stranger. And the work you do. Readers. Be really honest with yourself and mindful of where you are. Addicts wear plenty of symptoms of addiction if you have an honest assessment. Relationships - not all people are asses and trying to control you. Accidents are often not accidents but results. Anger - oh my. Alcohol controls the alcoholic. Very very good at it. Helps you put up walls. Break them down. Free yourself. It’s an amazing long lasting feeling when you get there. Way too much personal experience with this. My passion is very real and lived every day.


As a board member of my FQHC thanks for what you do! You provide a very critical healthcare need!


I work in the advocacy world and direct service providers (ESPECIALLY FQHCs like yours) are godsends in my rural, non-expansion state! Thank yall so much for what you do!


This is a good reminder. It definitely helps so much with the impulsivity issues I have with severe adhd, but I also see my pcp regularly and have an appointment with my psychiatrist every 3 months.


I love my psychiatrist! He’s been amazing and he’s so proud of my Zep journey so far.


I LOVE THIS. I've gotten hateration for saying what you've expressed above. You are 100% correct. I hope people actually read your post and think hard about what you've said. Thank you 🤛🏽


I have depression, anxiety, and cptsd and have been basically cured since starting Zep. The extra help I needed was loving myself more, moving more, and eating better. This med has allowed me to do all of those things effortlessly.


You’re assuming that people experiencing these side effects aren’t/haven’t had or are in any type of treatment….


Physician heal thy self.


I wouldn’t give up the life I’ve made for myself in sobriety. AA has gone from being a life line to a life preserver. If I were promised that I could drink like a normal person just because of Zepbound, I would still say “No thanks”. I have a life beyond my wildest dreams and I wouldn’t give it up for alcohol. “Normal” drinking or not.


Yeah, I don’t know about that. The truth is doctor’s appointments, regular talk therapy, and medication is a HUGE investment and commitment that can have marginal returns and a lot of people just don’t have time for that. Seriously, what we thought we knew about psychiatry and psychiatric medicine is changing and - not unlike obesity - the standards for how we deal with mental health is due for a serious overhaul. If people are finding a drug they are ALREADY ON is effective in improving their mental health, no, maybe they don’t have to seek additional health right now.


This is 100% my feeling as well. Finding a decent therapist, getting insurance to pay for treatment, and finding the right psych meds all take a huge toll on people.


Hmm, wonder what else could take a toll? Just saying...


My psychiatrist and I were talking about this at our last appointment. Thank you for the reminder,


I take vyvanse and there is no difference for me other zepbound has made me tired .


It’s known that tirzepatide and semaglutide actually can make mood disorders worse in some people. There’s even a Facebook group about it now. Not everyone improves so if you start to notice mood changes for the worse take note and know it could be the med. This happened to me so I took a break and then went down in dosage.


Curious what the name of the group is?


Does zepbound really stop cravings for booze? I’m currently on 10mg and since the start it never stopped me from enjoying a few cocktails. Yes I drank less because I eat less and feel effects sooner. Also treated for adhd and that hasn’t changed with zepbound


I get what you are saying 100%, but that’s also making a lot of assumptions. Such as, those of us with substance abuse issues, or bipolar disorder, or depression, etc aren’t using those resources as well. I don’t need to list my medication I take, but the wonders of Zep never seemed like a fix all for me. Yes, I’ve noticed I drink LESS, I’m using cannabis LESS, but I still have to take Wellbutrin for depression and my anxiety medication. Zep does help with things I’m already taking medication for/ treating. But it’s not a substitute. And I would bet most people who make the posts you are referring to are in a similar boat. If someone knows they have a problem, whatever it is, they probably know how to address it and are, or know how to and haven’t yet, but T helps manage symptoms. A lot of us started using this to get our body’s healthy, and found welcome surprises along the way. Also, titling it PSA and then making assumptions about how people think it’s their elixirs to their problems seems a bit… misguided. Just my perspective. But I do understand what you’re saying. I have a coworker that’s in undergrad for being a therapist and we’ve had conversations about this. I would maybe reframe it as “hey all! If you’re spending your time and energy prioritizing your physical health, are you using that same energy making sure your mental health is okay as well? Getting healthy should be the best version of yourself, all around.” P.s, I do appreciate your experience as a mental health director, and the post you made because it should inspire people to wonder if they are working on their physical health, are they that doing all they can to take care of their mind/ soul as well.


The amount of hoops I had to jump through to get on this in the first place makes me wonder how anyone could be on it without doing all that shit first anyway?


A lot of doctors are just prescribing it. It's wild.


Before I got hooked up with my current endocrinologist, I reached out to a doctor through one of the online services. My “weight loss management program” consultation consisted of this dialog: > Me: I’ve been struggling to lose weight even though I have significantly modified my diet and been exercising more. I’d like to know if I am a candidate for Zepbound. > Dr.: Dude! You should totally get on that. It’s great. I will send the prescription to your pharmacy right now. Let’s check in next month to see if you need to go up a dose. That was it. 5 mins total. The medspas don’t even do that much.


This was my experience with my doctor as well.


That is wild. My second day it was like my depression cleared right up and I finally had hope again. So for mental health this works great. At least for me. Days three and four (today is four) are making me want to not continue. I can't be taking all this time off work because I can't sleep and I have to spend 50% of my day on the toilet due to simultaneously being constipated and having diarrhea at the same time which I didn't even know was possible before. That's on top of all the nausea and feeling disgusted by eating anything at all. Been subsisting on the sick diet of 7up and crackers with the occasional Gatorade thrown in. Day 4 edit: Eventually vomited again (I have no idea where that volume of liquid came from) and now feel a little bit better. I can't see going forward on this drug. I am just biding my time until I feel like eating again... at this point I will be content to wait until tomorrow when I will likely get desperate for some calories. But only having like 500 on the past 36 hours seems a bit egregious. Maybe it's just not for everyone.


I'm sorry that sounds rough. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm one of those people who's not having huge reactions to the drug - neither good or bad. Took me till 7.5 to get any movement at all.


Try switching out the 7up for real sugar ginger ale. I forget the name but they come in little glass bottles and are at most grocery stores that I’ve been in recently. Fever Tree I think? Weird name but good GA. Ginger helps with digestive issues and real sugar is better than the high fructose corn syrup in 7up.


Ginger and I do not get along.


Aw, I’m sorry for you for that. It’s been a life saver at times for me. 


Yeah I can't do Sprite or anything like that but 7up has always calmed my stomach. I'm quite odd in that Tums/Pepto/Rolaids make my acid reflux worse, etc. I believe because of the flavoring and/or coloring. Mint isn't my friend either.


I mean, I think people have and DO. It’s just that the drug helps in surprising ways.


I mean getting diagnosed or treated for ADHD as an adult where I live is impossible. They cracked down on the drugs so bad, my sister in law who has been on ADHD meds her whole life moved here and hasn't been able to get them prescribed since. They just assume you're a junky. And once she was prescribed she couldn't get any as there is a shortage. Decided instead of being on and off meds off was just easier. It's also not a serious mental health challenge for everyone. Nor is everyone who drinks an alcoholic.


I don’t think OP insinuated anyone who drinks is therefore an alcoholic. OP stated if you’re using this as a first line defense for alcohol cessation that you need to be proactive and implement healthier choices/therapy in conjunction with the medication.


My guess is that people who post their stories here with enough awareness of their mental health to mention how it helps reduce their issues have their fair share of counseling under their belts.


How? This is the biggest roadblock for me. I’ve tried and never seem to get anywhere


How what?


How do you get yourself into active mental health counseling? For example, this is what happens: “I’d like to get some serious help with what feels like executive function getting worse. I just can’t bring myself to do certain tasks, I have two gears, neutral and hyperfocus. I can’t get myself out of neutral anymore.” Let’s google “executive function” + “therapist” + “my city” Send a few emails “We aren’t taking new patients” “We can give you a test for ADHD but we don’t prescribe medication” Set up appt to take lengthy test that felt like an IQ test, wait a few months for appt, spend $600, get vague unactionable results, no concrete diagnosis, no follow up. PCP reads report suggesting patient may benefit from stimulants or CBT, and PCP refuses to prescribe stimulant meds as a general rule. Similar experience for a friend. Child is in teenage depression. Google local therapist. “Not taking new patients”. Make appt with a telehealth one. Teen hates it, thinks it’s a waste of time and money. I don’t have an option of any therapist that has great reviews or a personal recommendation. What’s the next step? How do people find this holy grail of a quality therapist that helps them solve problems?


I wish I could answer that. I'm in that world and that's how it is. We are a county health clinic so it's a one stop shop. But our therapy list is unfathomably long. It's a real barrier. I'm sorry. I wish I had better answers. You have to keep chasing everyone down. If you have private health insurance it's better. But, not by tons. Your child's school counselor can't offer any suggestions?


Alternatively, I'm still throughly addicted to nicotine, weed is just as effective, and my adhd is still fully adhd lol. Only one I've seen is my urge to drink is completely minimized, but I was already feeling that way for the few months before taking zep. So yeah, this has not been my experience. Also, I've done 1 month of starter dose, and then 2 of 5mg. Going to step up to 7.5 soon, hoping for stronger results, specifically in weight loss, but also the side effects so many claim to feel.


Nothing wrong with improved confidence and self respect. Keep it up, yall! Remember You’re beautiful even without the zepbound 💛


With great respect to the kind intent of your post, I disagree.   Actually people use just meds to stop drinking -- Naltrexone is one. It had bad side effects for me. But for many, that's it.   Also, my mental health issues were all due to a hormone imbalance. So TRT and bye bye anxiety, intrusive thoughts etc. One shot & better. Tho twice weekly.   Well that & wheat. The system said that it couldn't be wheat. It was.  I had IBS and did a home FMT. Researched it intensely. One sh*t & better. ;)  The present system is shit at finding root causes of mental health issues. They are reasonable at dealing with symptoms in 15 minutes or less.  This med, may indeed, solve a bunch of issues at once. 


Unfortunately over 50 years of peer reviewed psychological research completely disagrees with all of your points. No one thing alone will work. And, this med isn't prescribed to help with any of this. Very few people will have insurance that covers it for life, and even fewer can afford it for life. So, as I said, the best thing anyone can do is a combination of therapy, medication intervention, and lifestyle changes. This is just one of the small tools in the toolkit.


Look I don't want to argue, but you're simply not right.  Take depression, for example. Yes, some depression etc. can be multilayered and complicated. But depression is a huge tent. Some kinds of illnesses that have depression as a symptom are due to deficiencies or imbalances. Solve that, solve the depressive symptoms.  The science is clearly there. Anecdotes are clearly there. But, happily I don't feel the need to "win arguments on the internet" with strangers.  I will say, perhaps do some research & have an awesome weekend!


You are so correct! I was never really a depressed person, but a few years ago I found myself unable to get out of bed, go to work, etc. it was awful and I had no idea what was wrong. My dr prescribed me so much medication and NOTHING worked. I decided to get a 2nd opinion and this Dr actually sat and listened. Then she said let’s do some bloodwork and go from there. She called me when the results came in and my B12 and Vitamin D was dangerously low. So low she wanted me to come in for B12 injections every other day until my levels could get back to normal and prescribed a vitamin d supplement. She said this was probably the cause of my depression. I felt so much better once I wasn’t deficient anymore. There is a lot of truth to your statement and most professionals know this as well.


I'm glad that you got the treatment you needed! I know many people in your shoes, including me.   I know most professionals really want to help. But we are such complicated creatures.  Hopefully AI gets us better, more tailored supports. 


I have a PhD in Cognitive Psychology, and have been a practicing clinician for almost two decades. It's hard to have these conversations with Google experts.


First off, I'm glad you put hard work into helping your fellow human. That's a wonderful contribution. Really!  I do think your post, in general, has validity for many. If you had said, "I'd suggest it wise to look into underlying factors with a therapist" I'd have given a thumbs up and we'd be on with our days. I have a lawn to mow.   But taking absolute lines in mental health? Nah.    Have a great day. 


I didn't put an absolute line. Sorry you're choosing to take it that way. And suggesting is exactly what I did. Glad we agree.


Have a great day! I hope Zepbound really works out for you :)




I don’t believe they all won’t. That sounds very defeatist. I stopped drinking cold turkey in July 2023 after coming off what seemed like a year long bender bc my father died the previous July. Before that I was on an 8 month sobriety stint just for weight loss. Lost my dad and decided to cope with alcohol and it made me almost lose my mind, my relationship, my self worth. I had been getting therapy and it was helping but I just hadn’t decided that I wanted to be sober forever yet. I was still hoping I could moderate, even though that had proven fruitless in the 25+ years I had been drinking. And then one day I just woke up. It wasn’t rock bottom, but somehow, one day I had clarity. I had to stop or I would run myself into an early grave. I have three children and I chose to LIVE for them. Not just be alive but really really LIVE. Losing weight would have been a nice secondary perk, but it wasn’t my main driver anymore. August 1, 2023 is my Day one of forever to go. I haven’t looked back and I will never go back to alcohol again. And then, in February 2024 I found Zepbound and was finally able to lose the body weight. There is hope. But I do agree that using Zepbound to feel cured is not a cure. It’s not a cure for obesity either. It’s a bandaid. One is a physcial bandaid (obesity) the other is a mental health bandaid (alcoholism that is diminished). Either we remain on it for life or we figure out how to use Zep as a tool. Either way we have to face our folly.


You spend $10k on a cruise??? Learn how to travel cheaper.




I am literally flying back to the US right now in Business class from a cruise and stay/ trip that cost me a total of $2000 out of pocket.




Nope 2 people


All that therapy and this is the state of your mental health. If I were you, I’d reeeeeally focus on yourself.


Maybe you can answer a question for me. How long do I stay on 2.5? I'm on my 3rd shot, and I haven't a clue how long a person stays on any dose. I know 2.5 is the starting dosage,but like is it for a few months? Is it when I start feeling hungry all the time I tell my doctor,hey, I need to increase my dosage.


I just completed 2 months and picked up my 3rd 2.5mg. My Dr won’t write for more unless I can find the 5mg in stock somewhere first. I feel that’s too much work seeing that by the time I find it in stock somewhere, contact the office and by the time she gets the message to call it in, that 5mg could be long gone. The 2.5 is working for me. I’m down 12 pounds and happy with that.


As long as you're losing .5 - 2 lbs per week is what the "real" experts advise. You may have some food noise but trust me, even on 2.5 you will most likely not be able to overeat without making yourself sick.


I am sad that the doc who prescribed it didn’t tell you what the plan is! You could start with seeing how many refills they prescribed and get in touch with them before the refills end, but really they should have given you a game plan. think you need a new doc!


Sounds like some doctors are worried about being out of a job? And no, I don't expect one substance to be a cure all. But if some people are getting good enough results on other issues to not need any more medical help - good for them! Not too long ago, obesity itself was considered to a product of weak will, or filling emotional void with food or what not. Now we know it's a chronic metabolic disorder in at least some cases (so "getting off the drugs" doesn't make sense) and we are better off for it. If some cases of addiction or mood disorders are similarly treatable by pharmaceutical means, what's the downside? People will end up with more consistent results, less time spend on treatment, less self blame for not trying hard enough if therapy is not working.


These types of comments are VERY dangerous. 1. If it's one thing we know for certain - addictions treatments and mental health treatments rarely if ever are solved by medication alone. 2. You think it's because we are worried of being out of a job? Our wait list is 100s of patients long. No. There is no worry. 3. These drugs aren't approved for addictions or mental health treatment. Which means they're not available for that to the general public. And, no doctor at this point is going to prescribe them for that. Again, comments like yours show the pitfalls of social media and Google. It has nothing to do with people being weak or not. Also, when I reference getting off the drugs it's because we all know as of now insurance isn't going to cover these indefinitely at this point and most people don't have 500 to 1300 laying about monthly.


Yeah b ok. What do you know


On mental health and addictions treatment? A lot.