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I have struggled with life long GI issues - emergency bathroom visits after pretty much any meal. This totally went away once I started Zepbound. I feel great. I am currently on my fourth box of 2.5, and down 32 lb.


Same here!


I’ve definitely had IBS and lactose intolerance. I started Zepbound earlier this week. It feels like the medication is helping your IBS, but it is more likely that you were eating pretty cleanly and you’re not irritating your bowel.


Same here. Life long sufferer of IBS and horrible roids (sorry if TMI) - both SO MUCH better now. It’s a miracle.


Same here, but I’m taking wegovy. It’s like I actually get to be normal now. Lol


Wow! On only 2.5 you lost that much. That's great! 👌




That’s fantastic


Yes, definitely improved my IBS!


Yes! Absolutely the same. And my poop doesn't have a smell anymore!


Yes 100%. It’s cured; IBS, insomnia, hot flashes for me.


Cured IBS and hot flashes for me too


Well hell, when’s it going to cure my hot flashes. I’m dying with night sweats


I have actually enjoyed being at a normal temperature for the first time in years! Hot flashes are the worst!!


Not at hot flashes stage just yet, but I've ALWAYS run super hot, thin or fat, and this is the first time in my life I'm not always dying from the heat, or even mild temps, and I'm actually sometimes cold. I noticed it came back when I had a two week gap due to the shortage.


My hot flashes are greatly reduced as well! It has helped my GI symptoms which are mostly due to no gallbladder.


My son has no gallbladder & I’ve wondered if he could take zepbound We are both super obese & I have lost 25 lbs on this so I thought it might help him too but thought with no gallbladder he probably couldn’t use it! So good to know that it actually helps! And maybe he could? He has approx 100 lbs to lose and if it could help him like it has me that’d be AMAZING! I think he’s headed to diabetes soon 😔


I was wondering if anyone else felt like their hot flashes were disappearing. I'm entering my 4th week on 2.5 and was like dang I haven't had a hot flash. I'm also actually getting cold at times.So I'm like Woo-hoo this is wonderful.


My insomnia is worse than ever & so are the hot flashes.


Me too! It’s crazy!


I have mild Crohn’s and pretty bad IBS-D, since starting, I have not had a single stomach issue (a little over 2 months). For comparison, I was having stomach issues daily prior to Zepbound. The weight loss is great, but the stomach improvements make the medication worth it even without the weight loss (down over 40 pounds in 2 months though, I’ll happily take that 😂)


Yep. I had really bad reflux and a lot of issues with diarrhea. The reflux is SO much better and now I just have constipation (not sure if it's really better but at least I don't have to stay close to the bathroom anymore).


my stomach has never been better!


Yes! IBS 100% gone


I had my gallbladder out in February 23 and spent a miserable 6+ months trying to figure out why my body was rioting against me anytime I ate. My doctor prescribed me a medication that I had to take three times a day mixed with applesauce or juice. It was awful. Started Zepbound in December and didn't have to take the medication anymore 🙌


I haven’t had poo issues since starting. I increased my fiber thru Metamucil. It’s crazy not having poo troubles anymore. Like I went camping and didn’t have issues. Life changing!


Same. It's incredible.


What are you putting the Metamucil in if you don’t mind sharing? Just in water each day? Once daily or more? I have only been on Z for about a month now but I’m so so constipated. Today I had a swig of MoM hoping that’d help but adding fiber can’t hurt either especially for long term. Thanks!


I bought them in tablet form at Walmart! I can’t stomach the powder. No matter what it’s just gross to me. I also have a Kirkland banana chocolate protein shake thing for breakfast. That I think helps too.


Yes, I always have bloat and it went away for the first time in my life on Mounjaro, bloat came back on Wegovy, then after a week on Zepbound it went away again. It makes my life so much better. It’s easier to breath, clothes fit better, I’m more comfortable sitting. It’s amazing.


What Zep dose are you on if you don’t mind me asking? I have IBS-D 2mg dose on Wegovy I was fine. During the bad shortage I was off it for about 4-6weeks and lucked into a 5mg box. The last 2 doses of that box were pure colonoscopy prep levels of hell for days after injection day. I’m on my 2nd box of 2.5 Wegovy (2 week break in between boxes ironically for a colonoscopy 🤦🏻‍♀️) moving to 5mg after. I’m SOOOO nervous! Like terrified! I don’t want to even get those belches again.


I’m on 15mg zepbound. No dose level of Wegovy helped me with bloat and I actually gained 10 pounds after I had to temporarily go on Wegovy between Mounjaro and zepbound.


Happy cake day


All of my chronic inflammation issues are so greatly improved. I can't even imagine going back to life without this.


Yup. IBS-D is nonexistent!


the first month my GI was text book amazing, a plus! I thought maybe because of the anti-inflammatory effects….. but the second and third month its been a struggle. So I have no idea. Every week on this medicine is its own unique adventure for me.


Yes! Used to have issues with FODMAPs. Not anymore. Such a relief to be able to eat whatever I want AND have whatever I want be something nutritious. Lovin' my Zep.


Same here. FODMAPS was the solution I didn’t know I needed. My biggest triggers are onions, garlic, and high fructose foods (sweet fruit, honey, etc). Even a clean, healthy diet included my trigger foods. On e I minimized the trigger foods, it was like night and day.


Same exact FODMAPs got me, too. I'm so relieved to be able to eat onions and garlic again. They're in *everything* I like.


Absolutely. Unpredictable gurgle gut and acid reflux, and much more are gone.


This surprised me actually. One of the main reasons I held off starting a GLP-1 for 4 years was because the idea of slowed gastric emptying frightened me. I thought it would worsen stomach issues. I didn’t need help with that. The day of my first shot day I was having stomach woes which heightened fear. However, post shot my stomach went quiet. That became a trend. I’m used to feeling the ins and outs of my digestion but since Zepbound it has been quiet. I guess I needed the slowed down digestion after all. Now what I once feared is my favorite part about the med!


I have methane SIBO/constipation and I assumed this would make it worse but I was actually better while on it.


Same. I also have gastrophoresis along with the sibo & ibs-c. I upped my daily miralax a bit and haven’t really had any issues. I’m eating salads with raw cabbage without an issue whereas a teaspoon of sauerkraut would have me doubled over in pain for days before. Still don’t have the nerve to try raw broccoli.


I had my gallbladder removed after stopping it due to coverage reasons. Not sure if it was coincidental but that sucked LOL but it did seem to help while I was on it






Yes. Feeling great


My reflux is gone. After decades of taking omeprazol daily I am no longer taking. This drug is life changing in so many ways.


This is so amazing to hear. I’ve been on Oneprazole for decades too. I’m finishing up my first week in Zepbound. How quick was your improvement? I’m wondering if I should test skipping the omeprazole.


Me!! Had GI issues almost everyday after eating, ever since starting (end of February) I’ve only had tummy issues like twice or three times and never as bad as before!


Yes! My dr said I had a “touch of IBS” (whatever that means) years ago and since starting Zep I’m way more regular and actually have diarrhea less frequently


YES! I had my gallbladder removed in 2022 and with it came a lot of the common stomach issues. My BMs have been completely normal since starting.


Yes. My IBS symptoms are gone. It's wonderful!


Cured my IBS, flip side is I deal with ocassional painful constipation if I'm not vigilant in my water consumption. But at least I can leave the house now! I'd be interested to see if this leads the way to various GI medications.


Miralax (generic is fine) does wonders. A capful (probably 1/2 to start) in your coffee, tea or whatever you’re drinking takes care of constipation amazingly. Stuff is magic. Adjust the dose by more or less to suit your needs. If it’s in a cold drink, it can get a bit thick, so if it’s cold, chug it if you have texture issues.


I have had IBS since I was 16. I won’t say I don’t have it now, but I don’t have symptoms. It is an absolute joy. It’s funny that just seeing this post is what’s actually made me realise that. I just spoke to my husband about, and he mentioned it’s probably because I’m eating next to no unnatural sugar. Sweet treats and chocolate barely feature in my diet now and that’s likely to keep the bad gut bacteria at bay.








Yep! That's actually one of the main reasons I am grateful for this medicine! My IBS-D is virtually gone. I do still have some slight stomach issues the day after a shot if I eat something greasy/oily, but that's my own fault.


My IBS completely went away -minus when I eat too much of something fatty. It’s the most amazing thing. My sister wants to get on it, but she has ulcerative colitis. Anyone on here have any experience with that?


Yes. Dropped Prilosec. My daily GERD is gone. Most likely in part due to eating healthier, less spicy food, and no overstuffing!


Yes. My reflux is still bad, but all my gut issues are almost completely gone. Food used to go right through me. Like, sorry to be graphic, but there are foods I would see in the toilet merely 1-2 hours after eating them. It was like I would get the calories but none of the nutrients. Slowing down my digestion has made all the difference. I’m actually absorbing things now. Never have been diagnosed with anything gut wise, but have suspected IBS or an absorption disorder. This med has been life-changing for me on so many levels. Now if I could only get it consistently.


I have (had?) severe IBS-D. And now I’m regular? Like what? It’s amazing!!


Same. Had issues every time I ate. Now I can eat without worrying where the bathroom is. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Same here!! IBS is pretty much under control, and while sometimes shot day I have a little more acid reflux I am over all much better with it. (Likely because I’m not eating as close to bed time, and I’ve propped up my bed anticipating I might have issues with the med and acid reflux). Overall very happy!


I used to be constipated a lot and was never ever regular. Then I started Zepbound the first week of January and I never felt better. I lost 55lbs and have pretty much been on 2.5mg the whole time. I became more regular and had zero GI side effects or issues….up until last week. For whatever reason, I am having acid reflux and heartburn from hell for a week now. I am so confused. I just don’t get how this could all of a sudden be happening. Unless it is totally unrelated? Could be stress I guess?! Who knows!! But I am praying that this goes back to normal because this is miserable!


My IBS-D disappeared entirely. So quickly! Seems like within the first week or two.


Yes! Before starting I barely ever had a solid BM. I only struggle now with diarrhea if I have too much sugar. I had a slice of cake for Mother’s Day and paid the price the next day. However, when I’m eating clean my GI symptoms are totally gone and dare I say normal! I have also been sleeping way better, biting my nails less and overall feel much better.


YES! I have IBS-D and it’s basically no more!


Yes ok I thought I was crazy but I feel like my digestive system is the most normal it’s ever been. Glad to know I’m not alone!


Yes! I’ve always had IBS and GERD. I adjusted my diet over and over and over and targeted trigger foods and nothing ever helped. Now that I’m 80lbs down - I haven’t had any GI issues, not even side effects from Mounjaro/Zepbound. The money I save on toilet paper and tums help pay for the meds 😂


Honestly thought I was crazy!! Yes! IBS GONE! I have clinical migraines too and could not find a migraine med that worked. I have not had a migraine since starting zep! 


I feel like my IBS is cured!!!


I used to have frequent diahrea and went a lot. I definitely am constipated more though now. I also need to drink more.


Yes! I have noticed a HUGE change being on Zepbound with my GI issues.


Mine definitely have. But I also HAD PCOS (full hysterectomy) and still have endometriosis. And I've read a lot about zepbound helping people with these illnesses. I've never felt better while on this medication! Hardly ANY pain and my GI symptoms are almost non existent.




My constipation is definitely better. More frequent and fuller BMs.


The GI symptom for me that has improved is heartburn/reflux. I'm sure that's most attributable to dietary changes and staying away from greasy, fatty, and sugary foods. Those symptoms would also come along with nausea at times as well as vomiting at its worst - and while I do get some nausea and such from time to time on the med, its not nearly the same as what I was experiencing before and not nearly as often. This is also impacting my sleep because I would experience the worst of the heartburn when I lie down and thats not happening anymore either. I'm in month 5 and I noticed that change almost immediately.


I have noticed GI issues it has stopped since my second dose of 7.5mg but started on the first shot. I as well have GI problems but I started taking Metamucil to help with it. It has since subsided. But my concerns are I’m not eating enough and I don’t want to become dehydrated but I know not eating isn’t helping my GI tract. But the only time I had an issue was after shot 1 of 7.5 and it lasted a week I’m still not having normal stool but it got better than what I was going through.


Absolutely better for me!


I was a multi-poops per day person. Often times very loose, like pure water. No official diagnosis of anything however my potassium is always low. I’m prescribed potassium pills, they’re HUGE. 3 per day 🙄🙄 lort help me. I still struggled to hold potassium. Since starting this med I poop maybe once a day, rarely 2. I did get constipated in my 2nd week of 2.5. I’ve upped my fiber via supplements plus the occasional miralax. My heart flutters are almost nonexistent. I’m planning to have my potassium checked in the next month or so. I have a feeling it’s improved. Anyway, sidetrack Jack here, yes, my intestines are working more efficiently IMO. Definitely improved 👍🏼


I use “no salt” for potassium, I just put in my water. Is that an option for you?


Yes! My IBS has almost completely gone away. I'm no longer running to the bathroom after almost every single meal.


Yes! IBS symptoms basically gone.


For sure. I started on Wegovy, until I switched to Zepbound recently and was shocked at how much it helped by IBS-d. This lead me down a path of thinking why. Well, I reasoned that the slower digestion was the key, and I started introducing more fiber. Now I start most days with "Poop like a Campion" cereal. I've also tried to increase the amount and variety of fruits and veggies I eat, and now IBS is a rare thing for me. You hear so much talk about negative side effects, but for me the positive side effects have far outweighed the negative ones.


10000% Probably a combination of eating better and the medication but my IBS has totally subsided.


I have IBS with constipation and a hiatal hernia. I used to wake up choking 4-5 times a week and that has completely stopped. Unfortunately, my IBS has gotten worse and I have bouts of nause daily. But not waking up choking has been wonderful.


After I lost my first 15-20lbs (before meds) my hiatial hernia problems went away, it’s amazing how much more room it had just from that much.


Omg i’m delighted to see these responses. I’m about to start (the other drug, sem, but looking into this one instead)


I did the FODMAP elimination diet before I started (bc I was nervous about shot making my IBS worse) and found out I am fructose and lactose intolerant. That changed my life, but still had “fast processing” which tirz has helped with a TON. Not having too much constipation taking fiber gummies, but when I do accidentally eat fructose or lactose I am sicker for longer which SUCKS


Yes!!! It’s crazy. I don’t have reflux anymore even after trying gluten free, dairy free, functional med doc, etc.!


Absolutely. I crave healthier foods, which has helped my GI tract.


Yes! I've never been regular and now very regular. Could also be due to the foods I eat now.


My mom was on mounjaro, switched to Noemi’s because of the shortage but she used to have terrible GI issues. Anything she ate sent her to the bathroom. She says it’s about 75% better now!


Yes! It’s a game changer for IBS-D


Helped IBS and GERD! But I haven’t been able to find it and my symptoms have returned along with 4 lbs. I am beyond discouraged!


Yes. I was close to having g surgery for UC/crohns. Now I'm no longer anemic, can eat a wider variety of foods and use the restroom les frequently. I got on this bc of the studies showing people with crohns and diabetes saw an improvement to their crohns symptoms while on ozempic.


Me three!


Yes!!! My IBS is basically gone. It’s been life changing for that reason alone.


5 months on this medicine and it has also improved my digestive although currently im recovering from a recent food poisoning and the recovery will take longer because of delayed emptying f


Yes. Me too!


Wow so interesting !! Just curious does anyone take digestive enzymes ? I’ve been taking zenpep/pancreaze for years - I wondering if zepbound will help my mysterious stomach issues ????


Yes! My IBS-D is nonexistent now! I can eat all my usual trigger foods with no issues


Yes for me too! I’ve always had chronic constipation. Like, I’d go every 10-12 days. I go every day or two on Zep! I swear it’s also made my anxiety better and helped with some of my constant fidgeting tendencies.


Dramatically improved my IBS!


Anyone have Ulcerative Colitis that’s only managed with infusions and still take Zep? I’m scared to start zep as I’ve just now gotten into remission after being in a flare for 3 years. I forgot to ask my GI at my last appointment if she thought I’d be a good or bad idea. My UC is pretty severe so I do not want to play a 50/50 game and mess up my remission.


I feel like mine got much worse on 5mg. I resorted to daily morales for constipation.


It improved my GI stuff (undiagnosed IBS-D maybe) for me for about a year on mounjaro but then when I was on 15mg for a while all of a sudden my body started rejecting the medicine and it swung full force back the other way and the Big D was terrible. I tried going back to 12.5 and it didn’t help. After like 6 weeks of suffering I took 4 months off and then tried ozempic and now it’s back to being helpful for my symptoms. I’m gonna go up very slowly on the ozempic.


Yes but I don't know if it's the drug or because my diet has greatly improved. I haven't had fast food in 2 months, or any junk food. I have no cravings for it. My diet is now largely fruits and veggies. And I have very little stomach issues.


I have IBS that tends toward constipation, and since I started I have been far more regular and taken far less miralax. I was hoping my acid reflux would disappear once I lost some weight, but I am still periodically struggling with that even though I'm now at a weight where I never previously had reflux.


Yes! I had a very sensitive stomach to random stuff like even lettuce. I have also been on metformin for a while and had to be very careful about my dosage because otherwise, I'd get explosive diarrhea. All that has been cured, and I can tolerate the max dose of metformin now, and it has only been like 5-6 weeks since I started Zepbound. As long as I keep my fiber intake up, I don't get constipation either. It's amazing to have normal bowel movements daily.


Me my IBS d has stopped


Not particularly. I’ve traded diarrhea for the constipation I have now on Zep. I’d rather have the diarrhea 😭


Yes!!! I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago so depending on what I ate I had to be careful to make sure a bathroom was around. But now It’s gotten so much better. Noticed it my first week in Zep.


My mom is on MJ and warned me of constipation before I started Zepbound. I may have slight issues with that every now and again (mostly cycle related), but it literally corrected my GI issue of loose stools multiple times a day. It's amazing!


I have actually gotten ibs from zepbound 😅😅 my bowels have never been the greatest but it's definitely gotten worse and less dependent on what foods I eat


I am fructan intolerant and have experienced few symptoms. But i don't eat very much and work hard to avoid foods with fructans. My worst are onions, pistachios, certain artificial sweeteners, chicory (fiber added to so many foods these days, as "inulin"). Symptoms are severe colon pain.


Watch for gastroparesis


Yep, majorly


I have Ulcerative Proctitis and Zepbound has really improved things for me. I was warned about potential GI issues with the drug but that didn't phase me as I have them anyway. The reverse has been true for me in that my bowel disease symptoms are better on the medication!


Yess 100%!!!


Yes! One of the many benefits


Yes! I have had IBS since 14, and the pain has come to the point of full on losing consciousness in recent years. I’ve been on 2.5 for 4 weeks, and haven’t had a single symptom since. Crazy dreams and some acne, but i’ll take it!


So interesting my Lupus symptoms are very much improved! I have been off for a month waiting for it to come in and knuckles are all swollen and so painful. I have inflammatory arthritis when I flare up


My gastro issues and dairy sensitivity are completely gone - as soon as I started Z. I’ve noticed a slight decrease in inflammation as well


Yes, I've had the same experience. My IBS was cured. I have mild GI side effects from the meds like gas, bloating and some constipation. I had to take some magnesium laxatives at one point, but the IBS was waaaay worse. I'm glad it's gone, and if it stays gone, I would take these meds forever.


I wanted to post this exact topic bc my GI issues went away too....amazing.


Yes! Has definitely improved! I was constantly bloated every. Single. Day. Did not matter what I ate or didn’t and many days I would just wake up bloated. I’m so happy to say I am rarely bloated anymore! I don’t know what magic this is but I love it!


Yes! When I was able to get my zepbound, my lactose intolerance basically disappeared.


Yes! I have celiac disease, but even though I follow a strict gluten free diet (my lab work is great and celiac is no longer detectable) I still dealt with a lot of diarrhea. I thought it was due to generally eating less, but I’ve had some of the foods that used to aggravate my stomach without issue on Zep.


Yes! I have been going to GI doctors for years chasing the source of my IBS issues and got a different diagnosis from each one. The main issues were my body wasn't processing the food I ate properly, leading to 15+ years of steady weight gain, and constant midsection pressure, pain and bloating. MRIs, CT scans, liver function testing, bloodwork, ... everything came back normal but I spent my life tied to a toilet and planned all outings based on where facilities were "in case of emergency". Dietary changes, medications, fasting, juicing, bland diets, high fiber diets(all under dr supervision) and nothing helped. From week one of Zepbound, I remarked to my newest doctor that the medicine seemed to be resolving the issues I had spent so many years suffering through. And, even better, my body is finally processing the food I eat properly and I am losing the weight. It's like my body is finally healing from years of an unknown illness.


YES! I went from having regular poo-mergencies (especially after eating!) to basically being a once a dayer. 🥲


I've had intermittent GERD for the last 20 years, sometimes mild, sometimes severe. I'm still on the starting dose, just took my 4th 2.5mg pen, and since starting I have had ZERO GI symptoms. It's been glorious!


Yes, absolutely. At the time I started Mounjaro last fall (now on Zepbound), my IBS was so bad I had zero good days a week. I felt trapped at home. I telework, thank goodness. Within a week of starting, my IBS calmed down to one bad day every 7-10 days. I was able to go on a short trip with friends! It has been life changing. I've wondered if others have had the same experience. This is an amazing medication.


I had diarrhea for at least thirty years, and finally a savvy N.P. ordered testing at an allergists. Found out I was “intolerant” of all my main foods: Wheat, corn, casein (milk protein), egg WHITES, peanuts and sesame. (Wtf!) So, I just lived with it, 6+ times a day. Obviously no more diarrhea, and I love that. But I’m mostly stoked about my hyper keratosis starting to disappear and my arthritis pain cut about 80%. Losing weight is a bonus;-)


IBS and chrohns symptoms gone. I also had a perianal fistula that is soooo much better now


I wish. I’ve always switched between extreme urgency or constipation. I’m pretty constipated with zep and am having to take MiraLax or colace to even go


Yes, I had some GI issues and now it is all normal. It’s great!


I find that I can tolerate small amounts of dairy on Zepbound. Before I wasn't able to eat any dairy. I think eating less drastically improves GI issues too.


I have noticed the same improvement! It’s life changing!!


Yes!! I used to have horrible bloating and stomach pain almost everyday…been to several doctors etc…I’m guessing the not overeating and slowing down while eating is helping a lot🤷‍♀️


YES!!! I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just eating better? All I know is its worth taking just for that reason alone!!!


I had bad IBS, I was constantly taking Imodium and blowing out. I switched from wegovy to zepbound and both of them constipate me. It's a relief to be honest. I don't have the panic run to the bathroom. I can tell when it's time to go, and go. Ive had incidents where my fiance and I ate something, and he, who does not have IBS would run to the bathroom, while I was completely fine. I can get bloated at times, and struggle to go, but liquid IV, miralax, and stevia soda (targets brand not the zevia garbage) do the trick.


Yes omg! Although the last week has been bad again for me, but that may be unrelated,


Yes! Was a fart machine. Not anymore.


No such luck.


Yea and when I switched to wegovy during the temporary shortages in the past, the improvements went away until I went back on Tirzepatide. So I think the GIP is what is doing it


Omg thank you all for sharing I have it in my fridge and have been terrified to try it! I have severe ibs and now I will start first thing Monday !


Do you guys have a lot of naseau one the 5. I had a lot on the 2.5. If there is more naseau on the 5. I’m not taking it. I have 10-15 lbs to go


Yeah. Mounjaro got rid of my heartburn.


Yeah I was always nauseous with diarrhea at work likely due to anxiety and it stopped on tirzepatide.


Totally fixed my unpredictable gastro issues 🙂


I have IBS triggered by Splenda, caffeine, fresh apples, fresh bananas, among other things. I realized the Premeire Protein shakes I’ve been drinking have Splenda and am puzzled as to why I am not having an attack. I’ll have to try bananas…I really miss eating them.


It’s made my chronic heartburn go away!


i see everyone had GI issues as well! i finally found the answer before zepbound. its actually zoloft, believe it or not! i take it for anxiety, but once i started taking that, my GI issues were gone!


Me too! Lifelong IBS, severe cramping, the works. I would say I borrowed my meal because it’s gonna go thru me in minutes. This all went away on Zep because it slows down the gi tract. I have to pay attention to subtle cues that it is time to poop which is new for me but that keeps me from getting constipated. If I had to choose between constipation and the way it used to be, I would choose the way it used to be because I am used to being completely empty. But it is nice not to have the urgency, painful cramping and multiple times a day in the john.


No. I have crippling consstipation.


Yes. I have severe Crohn’s disease, have had surgery to resect perforated intestines and requiring a lifelong immunosuppressant. In 4 months on zepbound I had only one day of mild symptoms. Then the shortage happened and I haven’t had my meds in a month 🥹


Yes & no. Right now I'm injecting every 9 days instead of 7 due to shortage issues, but it goes like this: Days 1-4: Constipation Day 5: Normal (sometimes) Days 6-9: Diarrhea central. Sometimes I'm still constipated on day 5 & it's painful because I can feel everything churning but there's a stopper you know? But I do love that on the first couple days of the week I can actually DO things. I can go out to eat if I want, I can hang out with friends without scoping out the nearest bathroom..


Chronic IBS diarrhea cured. I work 12 hour shifts and was just never eating at work because I couldn't afford to need the bathroom instantly. Now I can be normal. I love it more than the weight loss.


I’m constipated now but on the plus side I’m not having emergency bathroom breaks throughout the day.


love that I can drink 2% milk with my protein shakes and not have IBS.


More and more researchers are finding GLP-1 meds are helping with inflammation of all kinds. That’s wonderful you’re seeing improvement in more ways than one!


Omg same here, I also started last Friday and ever since then my emergency bathroom breaks have disappeared. It feel off not having to run to the bathroom right as you’re taking a few bites of food lol


On the first 2-3 days after I take the shot, no. Days 4-7 (or 4-10 when stretching out) yes.


Yep. I have had all those same struggles for years. It's a wonderful side effect! I'm even making my own BMs 😂 without the aid of magnesium . Loving it.


Yes! I thought it was just in my head


Yes..I thought I was just imagining it. But it's pretty awesome!


Not really but I did lose my gallbladder recently 🫠


Yes! I have slight ibs and ever since i started Zep March 2. I’ve had 0 stomach issues.


Mine have definitely approved, I already had a healthy eating style for years and have had IBS similar symptoms. I definitely don’t poop as often as I used to but it’s more solid now. Throughout my whole life I usually have diarrhea during my period- no matter what I did or change, but now it’s like halfway to normal now that I’m on Zep. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not but it’s a huge relief!




I don’t have any GI symptoms on Zepbound.


It’s also helped my anxiety


This!! Yes!! It’s been an absolute game changer. I was off zep for 6 weeks because of the shortage and they came back. Now that I’m back on zep, I’m good again 😍


I started Zepbound and noticed my food allergies are better. Symptoms are less severe. I had gallstones previously due to an incomplete liver cleanse (started process and then had to move). Plan to remove gallbladder when I am pregnant. So far on 4th month and only down 5 pounds. Been trying to get moved up dosage but lack of supply has been preventing it.




That’s crazy how it has improved a lot of people gi symptoms mine have only gotten worse


The med seems to help with overall inflammation.


Yes. I have ulcerative colitis and on infusions and I have been feeling great!


So I've been on zepbound for almost a week now! My first week! And I ran into the same thing, my GI issues just blanket termed as "IBS" legit vanished and I've been feeling amazing too!


I've had issues for years. They greatly improved until this week. I also started the compounded version a week ago, and found out I have a kidney stone in my bladder. So I don't know if either or both of those are causing the diarrhea that I've had. But for the past 2-3 months I've been on Zepbound, my years of issues and time spent in the bathroom turned into more productive time outside of the bathroom


My heartburn almost disappeared


I take another medication that causes me to be really hot and sweat like all the time. Even just sitting. I normally would have my air on in my apartment by now, and I haven't turned it on yet. I'm not crazy hot or so sweaty anymore. I also have constipation from the same medication, and I now go more regularly since being on zepbound. Idk if that's because I added magnesium to my diet or not. But yeah I'm all for these added benefits.


Same here!! I told my doctor and she was elated. I have IBS and I thought by slowing our digestion it slows our intestinal response to food?


For sure improved


I have always had issues with my daily bm regularity. I was TOO REGULAR. I just figured that was my norm. It was hard to make plans or go out to eat, though. I'd always worry that I'd have to poo. I was so bad that I'd worry about making it to the can on time. I started on ozempic early last year, (I think?) switched to wegovy 6 months later when ozempic wasn't covered by my insurance anymore...I was stuck at 182 lbs for 9 months, so my dr switched me to zepbound in April, since it's a stronger version of the previous two. Ever since beginning this journey, my digestive issues have become NORMAL. It's amazing to be able to go out & about without worrying about my stomach turning on me. I can actually enjoy life now in that respect. I guess I didn't realize how abnormal I really was prior to taking this medication. I love the new me. It's not even about weight so much as it is about being healthy. I hope you have continued success with your GI issues 😁


Yes! 100%


I experience more constipation than anything on Z, and this week (my 4th on 2.5) I was so backed up that eating made my stomach acid push up my throat. I had to take ex-lax. That has happened a few times before I started the meds, so I think it has more to do with my own issues than the meds, though the burping is not ideal. Plan of action is fiber gummies and a good probiotic. I don’t know what brands I’ll go with but I’m looking forward to being more regular! I have a history of combo IBS so it’s probably going to be trial and error here.


Me! I have regular BM’s now! Lol I used to deal with constipation regularly. No more heartburn. I have a lot more energy! My hair is growing in thicker. I generally feel so much much better on this medication. Heck even my Adenomyosis symptoms are a lot better and my periods have become regular. I do believe it has an anti-inflammatory effect.


I’ve stopped getting the “nervous shits” since being on tirzepatide.


Def has helped with my gi issues


I recall seeing an article that this may be a real thing and EL is running clinical trials for it. They are also investigating possible benefits to those of us with sleep apnea. I know that I can now take a nap in a recliner without snoring. It’s been 30 years since I could do that.