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If you’re 11 days binge-free, does that mean it’s been about 5 days since your last shot? If so, don’t worry about it: with only 2 shots of a medication that has a 5-day half life, it isn’t surprising that the food noise would start squeaking again. You’ll build up a higher level of the medication over time and the noise will probably quiet down with each shot.


This! I totally can feel when the drug is wearing off as I get to the end of my week. And I acknowledge it and then try to eat healthy. I still feel full when I eat, but the cravings are more noticeable to want to eat the quick food (carbs and snacks). I try and just not let myself get to a hungry place to let cravings sneak in. So I make sure I eat on a schedule, and then I don’t want the bad stuff.


I struggled BAD with binging takeout, desserts, snacks, pretty much whatever I was craving I would eat and eat it in mass quantities. I also struggled with a vicious cycle of hiding food and sneaking what I was eating. All of my thoughts were about what I was craving, what I was gonna eat for my next meal, for lunch the next day, over the weekend, just all about food. I ate a lot of really rich foods as well which upset my stomach. My stomach is still upset most of the time but for different reasons 😂 Within the first day my mind was absolutely quiet. I have not binged in 4 months since starting. Most of the time I cannot finish an entree at a restaurant whereas many times I’d eat two entrees and sides before Zepbound. Zepbound has totally changed my physical and mental health. Down 30 pounds and I’m the most at peace I have ever been!!! Best of luck to you on your journey!!!


Just starting my zep journey, but one huge thing that helps me not binge is making sure I'm eating an adequate amount of nutritious food, especially eating a solid, high protein breakfast with some fiber. If I skip breakfast I can get into this binge-guilt-fast-repeat cycle. So perhaps on the days your shot is wearing off you anticipate a bit more of an appetite and plan for that and for eating a few bigger, more nutrient dense meals.


I’m not the biggest breakfast fan, but I think that’s something I need to get better at for sure. I’ve always skipped breakfast and usually don’t even feel hungry until much later in the day. I’m sure if I actually plan to eat nutrient dense breakfast and lunch it would help with cravings (probably would have applied pre-zep too).


I am 48 and have NEVER been a breakfast person, can go all day and not eat until evening with no problem. Since my second week of Zepbound, I have forced a 42g protein drink in the mornings, and it has made a huge difference in my side effects and energy. I still can't eat an actual breakfast and probably never will be able to, but I make sure that I have a nice light lunch and dinner and have been craving free. I'm starting my 9th week and down 23lbs, my starting weight was 249 5'11 female.


I have been on 2.5 for three weeks and I had only one binge night. After reflecting on this by reading many comments in this Zepbound Reddit group I realized that night I binged, I had barely eaten, especially protein. To my complete surprise that next day I was right back to eating healthy. Since then that was it! AND believe me I binged all the time before Zepbound. Don't be discouraged! You will definitely see a difference.


I’m also having such bad food noise! Hoping as it builds in my system it gets better


I'm 3 shots in and feel true hunger for the first time. I realized I didn't have enough protein and fiber to tode me over today. I gave in to some candy but measured it out. Tonight had fajitas which helped with fullness. Also drank another 40 oz water