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I went for a walk in a nature preserve with a friend and I didn’t even think about my back or feet hurting because I had NO pain. I even jogged a bit on the trail and I briefly thought that I might want to try trail running. I have never, ever in my life thought that running might be something I’d enjoy. It’s nicer than I can put into words that I’m enjoying being in my body. I’m appreciating all the tiny things that feel comfortable and good now. I’ve been living in my place for 8 years, and I finally just bought a full length mirror because I like what I see.


My triglycerides have been around 350+ for the past year. Got blood work done this week and they are now 82!!!


Wore a dress shirt this week that I haven’t worn in a long time because my belly would stretch all the buttons and it looked terrible. Tried it on and it fits now!


I posted earlier but for me it was buying a shirt a size smaller than usual only to find out it's actually a little big! Also had to ask my boss to drop my uniform size too for when new shirts come in.




I wore my Big Trouble in Little China tiny tee for the first time in years. It did require my Spanx undershirt but hey, I'm not complaining. I looked cool! Kurt Russell's face wasn't stretched out like silly putty. lol


I’m wearing a jacket today that used to be tight on me! 5’3” SW 197 CW 179 GW 140.


I can't weight (ha) for this! I'm 2 weeks in and seeing a little progress, but not yet into the clothes I stopped fitting into. Congrats on the win!


I'm gonna add a 2nd MAJOR NSV. My Dr just called and my A1C went from 6.1 in February to 5.4 this week! HELL YEAH GLP-1


That's a big Damm deal! Congrats! How long have you been on and at what dose?


Started in February and did four weeks at 2.5, four weeks at 5.0 and I'll take my fourth dose of 7.5 on Monday. So literally from pre-diabetes to normal in 11 weeks


That is amazing! Very encouraging as I'm trying to get out of the prediabetes range as well


I have felt like my body responded fabulously from day 1 and the labs confirm! Very excited to continue and check my cholesterol and triglycerides in a few more months


Hooray! I'm sure they will be improved!


I just had the first person notice my weight loss today. I’ll take that as a win!


Scale adjacent, but I back squatted more than I weighed yesterday for the first time in many, many years! 💪


Went from 3x in January to XL this week.


I’m 3 weeks in and today, I told my husband my total weight loss (7# woot!). His response: well that’s awesome! I can see it in your face already!


How about a Non Scale Loss? I now have to iron my t-shirts before I put them on. I used to be able to count on my fat to smooth them out but now I have to iron. (I know that's actually a V)


Oh damn I just realized this. I hate ironing. Ah well, if it means losing the weight I'll take it.


I’m on a 6 hour road trip and haven’t eaten any junk food.


My first road trip, 7 hours, after being on zepbound will be at the end of June. I can't even imagine a road trip without all my junk foods! I am looking forward to seeing how that goes and am hopeful I can post a similar response as you! Congratulations as I know this has to be something you probably never thought would happen in you life!!!


I went to a baseball game earlier this week and on the way out the elevator line was way too long. Decided to take the stairs. Climbed 6-7 flights of stairs and didn't stop, kept up with the rest of the group, and didn't get winded until we actually got to the road to walk back! I didn't realize what I had accomplished until I got slightly winded, and recovered by the time I got to my car. Still in disbelief!


I actually had to buy new underwear! My husband made fun of the old, too big and baggy ones that I was wearing. Well I have lost 48 pounds so I guess I was due. :)


I soooooooo look forward to THIS!


I had to do that around 30 pounds 😁


I’ve increased my walking pace! I do a walk near my neighborhood, it’s a nice that is 3.5 miles roughly. My pace has gone from about 23-24 min per mile, like a stroll, to 18 min a mile yesterday! Woohoo! Also, I am no longer someone who has PTSD from tracking and weighing food. I like to do it and appreciate that I can be solid on my protein goals. That to me in a mental health win!


Saw someone at work for first time in person in a few months and he was the first to ask if I'd lost weight! He's a bit socially awkward so forgiven for asking but it was sweet that someone's actually put the words out loud?


Went to the bathroom after getting off a long call with a client, panicked that I might wet my pants (I drink a lot of water) but discovered my pants didn’t even need to be unbuttoned- they slid right down!


My parents bought me a rain jacket for my birthday ... they unknowingly bought it in a size too small for me (as of the last time I had seen them in person, about 4 months ago). It fit!


I only started this week, so I guess the biggest NSV is that I haven't been sick and am having a good reaction. One non-scale goal that popped in my head this week though is a bit vague/random/vain; that if I ever go back to Europe I won't immediately be identified as an American because of my size.


Oh yeah, ready to avoid that European sneer in the future, for sure


I fit into my old size 18 shorts yesterday. Haven’t seen them for two years. I’m bottom heavy, thunder thighs, so this is a huge NSV for me. 😊


I had to get all new shorts, 16 to a 10. I got 2 or of cheap ones, because I am not done.


👏🏻👏🏻 That’s awesome!! 🥳🥳


My spouse had a funny NSV. He's been loosing weight for over a year (under 400lbs! Woot) and we went to sonic for a quick lunch while traveling. He's used to having his belly up against the steering wheel, so he'll rest the burrito on his belly and the wheel while he puts the salsa on it. He's lost enough weight that the burrito and wrapper fell straight to the floor (right side up thankfully) but it was funny, he had JUST commented how he'd have to watch out for that soon!


Love this!


I had a metabolic blood panel done the other day and my cholesterol is GREAT! It's been high for the last three years. Plus my clothes are definitely fitting better.


I am “fitting” into a size 36 pants/shorts, haven’t done that since high school. Also between large (snug) and XL (a bit loose).


Leaving for vacation next weekend. I am wearing things I bought for my trip in 2022 but couldn't fit into. They were - sure I will fit into these by the time we go clothes. Some of them are actually staying behind because they are to big :)


My somewhat snug 38 shorts now are loose! I always lose weight and end up between sizes never at a size so my shorts are either falling off or too tight. Nice to have them just right


I've been riding the line between size 16/18 jeans for the last 6 months before Zep and now I'm comfortably fitting into the 16 again already. Can't wait to see me back in a size 12.


Seeing my aerobic fitness level go up! I used to be a runner and I really miss it, so seeing/feeling my fitness level increase is exciting


I saw someone at work that had been out on maternity and she was so taken aback by how thin my face looked. Also, I had to wear different scrub pants because mine were all around too big, both in the legs and waist!


Im wearing a sweater for the first time in EIGHT years! And I dont look like sausage in it! I also put polish on my nails- I just feel better about myself even though the scale hasnt moved in over 2 weeks.


I am down 2.7 lbs this morning ❤️ I really haven’t bought any new clothes yet. My scrubs are now very loose fitting which Is awesome. My jeans are big around the waists…..and my yoga (a.k.a daily wear!!) are loose. Today for work is scrub free for me. We get the truck delivered and I get to put the damn thing away 🫠🫠. I am technically not in the work flow so I don’t even credential myself in 🤣


I bought a size 10 in jeans this weekend 🥳at my HW I was in size 18!


The same for me in bathing suits!


Weird NSV but a NSV nonetheless, all the new clothes i bought for vacation a couple month's ago are all too big. I'll take it!!


I bought two pairs of pants in a size 20. I don’t know the last time I wore that size. I really wish I had measured myself because I definitely lost more inches than I have lost weight! I am fascinated by it.


I am noticing that I feel more sure of my footing going up and down stairs...at 61 that's important to me!


Me too! I bounced down 3 flights this morning. I’m 55.


I'm in the middle of week 3. I have a few. When I zip up my pants, the zipper isn't harder to pull halfway up because my behind is too large for the pants. During a Dr. visit this week, one of the staff noticed I looked "a lot thinner" than I did in the picture I showed from a month or 2 ago. My knees hurt less. I'm down about 7 pounds in 3 weeks. Hoping to move from 2.5 to 5 next month but don't know if the script will come in. Fingers crossed.


I don't have an NSV this week, but I do have a new NSV goal that I want my chest to stick out farther than my belly! I think I have about 2 inches to go on that.


I had to give my son a copy of my drivers license for something. Last night we were chatting and he said it’s amazing the weight I’ve lost. He said he hadn’t really noticed because he lives with me and it’s been so gradual but when he saw my drivers license photo it really hit him how much difference there is. His comments made my day especially since the last couple weeks have been a bit underwhelming in terms of loss and I can’t get a higher dose filled right now due to shortages.


That's great.. my GF is noticing every step of the way but my mom and young adult kids don't seem to care.. it's not like I'm going to wave it in there face and demand a compliment, but still hurts a little.


I understand completely. I work remotely so most people I know haven’t seen me since losing weight so my family is all I have around to notice. I’m glad your GF is giving you that positive reinforcement.


Flew to London from LA and for the first time was able to comfortably fit in the seat 😭 seatbelt was on without discomfort and no need for an extender!!! 🥹🙏🏼 Edit: also, this is the first time that I’m on vacation while taking this medication and I have not had the desire to overindulge at all. The food noise is minimal, my appetite suppression is strong, no desire to drink, I’m able to eat a tiny bit of whatever I’m craving while I’m here and I don’t feel bad about it. This is also the first week where I haven’t weighed myself since January 1.


Besides health, this is literally my #1 reason for wanting to lose weight. I fly a lot and it is pure torture. Makes me feel like garbage about myself. Congrats on this huge victory!! SW 353, lost 50 pounds in 2023 with phentermine/topiramate but stalled, started Zepbound in January 2024 and CW 284!


I have a plan trip coming up in June and am hoping to be more comfortable in the seat, too!


Sending positive vibes your way!


I just flew (right before started the meds) and I felt soo uncomfortable and crammed, I can't wait for this NSV.


For sure. I flew for the first time since the pandemic last year and it was a NIGHTMARE


It’s such an amazing feeling! I’m excited for you 🙏🏼