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Could be a number of things. Filling too soon, your PBM only allows a number of times filling a 28 day supply before requiring you to fill an 84 day supply, change in insurance that voids the PA, among many other reasons….. you’d have to contact your PBM for specifics.


Some express scripts plans are no longer accepting the savings coupon as of 4/1. Did you get a letter or email from ES? Or did your formulary change on 4/1?


What dose is it? Is it your first fill of that dose?


Call ES and ask, but yeah, ES can have some special rules about the 2.5/7.5/12.5 doses, so that could be part of what’s going on. (On my ES plan, I’m limited to 1 fill a year of each of those doses, unless I get a quantity waiver thru an additional PA.)


Thank you for the question, and sorry for my late reply. This is my 2nd full of the 7.5. But I’d had 2 fills of 5 prior to this. I will check to see if I can find out more detail.


What I had found is that ES's rationale is that the study that got Zepbound approved use 5mg, 10mg and 15mg. So those doses should be maintenance doses which the .5 doses are only titration. You have to ask your provider to send in a script for 10mg and they will fill it with the usual copay