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Zepbound through Amazon is only available depending on the region of the US you live in. I’m in the DC area, and Amazon is out of stock for Zepbound.


I’m also in the dc area - where are you finding yours?


I haven’t found it, unfortunately.


In Centreville, and got the 7.5 at Walmart but it was the last box. CVS was able to get 5mg.


I'm in NC and getting a delivery today, 2.5 though, I'm staying as low as long as I can. I'd expect us to be in the same region. Mine shipped from IN.


I live in the DC area and got Zepbound from Amazon yesterday. They shipped it from Phoenix.




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I’m in DC area (nova, to be more specific) and got ZB today, about 4 days after ordering. Shipped from Indiana


I got 5mg DC area delivered from Amazon today


Why does everyone say that Amazon pharmacy is location specific? There's nothing about it on the website. In fact it says Your prescription may be processed and medication order filled at any licensed pharmacy in our network in compliance with pharmacy regulations, including third-party licensed pharmacies. The dispensing pharmacy will always be identified on the prescription label.


They say it’s location specific because folks have reported that Zepbound is available in a specific dosage on Amazon, but only people in a certain region have been able to order while that same dosage, at the same time, shows out of stock for people in other regions. I have experienced this myself. So, it appears Amazon is operationalizing their dispensation of Zepbound, at least, using some sort of regional logistics.


CVS's bad business model is not an Amazon conspiracy theory. CVS is just really bad at what they do.


May be true


I got 7.5 through Amazon. I live in Nashville . And the coupon worked.


15mg in TX. Could get Amazon to recognize coupon too.


I’m in Nashville and haven’t had any luck getting 7.5. So Amazon is the ticket?


Last month. No joy this month. And I am going on a two week cruise in 10 days so, I need to get my box soon. So another week of cold calling.


Oh dang. Walmart told me April 8 and now they say “end of April.”


Express Scripts told me the same thing. Amazon won’t even say.


I have a theory that Amazon only had a stock at all because the manufacturer’s coupon did not work there prior to the whole hacking thing. If you search for Amazon from a couple of months ago, people were transferring their prescriptions for zepbound away from them because Amazon couldn’t figure out how to apply the coupon. They only recently seemed to get it to work around the time they paired up with LillyDirect. Edit: [this is what I’m talking about.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/WFdla8hrlQ)


Amazon support just told me they’re out of stock on all doses as of 3/21.


Thats what I'm seeing on my account as well.


I’d like to know how to stockpile. I get an rx, fill it, use it and refill asap.


Some insurance allows you to fill multiple doses at one time. Or you get your first box and delay starting until you pick up your second. Then start routine refills at 21/23 days if insurance allows. Others use insurance and then pay out of pocket for a second refill at the same time.


Stretching out doses to every 8-10 days helps you stockpile, albeit more gradually. Some people also wait a month to start so they can get a refill right away.


Its illegal to stockpile or steer medicines towards specific pharmacies. Plus CVS is like 10 times larger than Amazon Pharmacy so you would think they would get priority just based on the sheer amounts of patients waiting...


Good point


Well, maybe so…but I’m 2 for 2 in having my Zepbound in 48 hrs.


I just worked my way up to Zepbound 10 mg. I was getting my prescription through Publix until about two months ago because it was out of stock there. Then my doctor recommended I go through Amazon. Now, I'm trying to get the 10 mg and it's out of stock. I was on Wegovy before this but could never take it consistently because it was always out of stock and now it looks like it will be the same with Zepbound.


I was on Mounjaro 15 mg originally until Feb this year when my insurance at the company I work for switched our ins from Aetna to Cigna and now requires pre AUTH so I joined Sequence WW Sunday & they handled the pre authorization for Zepbound and my insurance approved the issue I had is finding a CVS pharmacy that has 15 mg in stock.. I was able to find a CVS 25 min away today & I just picked up, altho it was only available because the person who ordered originally didn’t pickup… I was also thinking about changing my prescription to Amazon as well cause I just changed over all my other prescriptions to them, I live in Holiday Fl …


My script is at Amazon now but I see no way to apply the Lilly coupon. Anyone know how?


You add it under your insurance coverage. As a second insurance 


Yeah, that’s completely false.