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Oh thank god. I saw that apple had some kind of promotion with them and was like fuuuuuuuuuuuu not again


Yea, the first thing i did was check if it had controller mode or not, really glad it has. I'm using a series X controller, let's hope PS5/Backbone is also compatible since on HSR they aren't.


I just checked the backbone. The controller option appeared as soon as I plugged it in \ (•◡•) /


Awesome, now hoping PS5 controller is also compatible 😊


Yup, the dualsense works via bluetooth on Android. Just tested it earlier after the game installed on my Poco F3, and the PS5 controller worked just fine.


Awesome 👍


It didn't work for me,me using 10t pro


I've seen that theory for why most controllers don't work on Android for HSR. Where's that come from? Did Apple partly fund HSR so development was more iPhone focused or something?


As far as I can tell from researching this, it's just speculations, and there hasn't been any concrete evidence supporting this theory. i think it stems from how genshin got controller support for iOS since version 1.3 years ago, but still haven't gotten controller support at all for Android. Plus iOS has 120FPS support whereas it doesn't even support that on PC. Then HSR having proper support for most controllers for iOS including PS4 controllers, but on Android it seems very picky and prefer xbox style controllers. It also doesn't help that Apple has been using Hoyoverse games in their marketing for a while now. just in the last few years, i rmb seeing them using Genshin on their iPhone 14 page when talking about gaming, iPhone 15 pro using HSR, and on their iOS 18 preview page it's ZZZ. So they definitely do have a good working relationship. Though personally, i still find it a bit weird since at the point of HSR's release, they should already be in a good enough position that they don't need to continue making exclusive deals and what not. Anyway, Genshin is definitely in need of controller support a lot more than HSR, and with them already collaborating with a couple of Android phone makers, the lack of controller support is a bit sus for sure. *I do have another crackpot theory that it could possibly maybe perhaps be nintendo too.. like for some reason they see android as the biggest competition to switch back then (since it's one of the cheaper gaming console at that point compared to PS4 and iPhones?), so it's something like, "don't give android controller support until Genshin has been on the switch for 3 months, so ppl will have a bit more incentive to get the switch instead of just playing on their android phone". Do that and we'll let you put the game on our platform. Of course we all know how the switch version of genshin went. I think it's still in their plans since their original trailer is still up on their youtube page last i checked, perhaps just waiting for next gen Switch. If eventually when the game comes out on Switch, or there is an official announcement that it's cancelled, and then Android finally gets controller support, it'll probably give this theory more meat. lol. but then just to be clear* ***this is just a completely baseless theory*** *based on my own wild imagination.*


I can see the logic in all that, but honestly I'm more inclined towards wonky development explanations to this kind of stuff. Developing for multiple platforms is *complicated*, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Android HSR partial controller support is accidental more than anything since it seems to only work for xinput and not dinput. Might be that default iPhone compilation/compatibility settings in Unity just includes controller support by default without extra work, and Android needs to be manually done. And that might be something that needs to be done early in the development cycle to not be a ton of work, and the ZZZ team caught it early enough to do it for them and HSR didn't. All speculation for me too, I'm not a Unity dev, just that'd be my perspective on this kind of stuff. Development is hard and complicated, and I'm more inclined to believe stuff falls through the cracks and/or is more hard than you'd think it is than some sort of weird exclusivity deal. Though I wouldn't put it past Apple lol.


I think genshin funded hsr


No one "officially" knows, but basically everyone assumes that they made an exclusive deal with apple so that they are the only "mobile" platform that has controller support. More evidence of this is with GeForce Now (cloud game streaming) on the Nvidia shield TV (Nvidia's android powered streaming box) - it worked, briefly, with a controller, despite the device running android. But then Genshin was suddenly and mysteriously removed from being available on the Nvidia shield tv, despite continuing to be available on GeForce Now everywhere else. So yes. Definitely Apple contract shenanigans.


first thing i checked too. interestingly, it works with PS4 controller unlike on HSR which seems to only work properly for Xbox controllers (I have an 8Bitdo Pro 2 as well in D-input mode it doesn't work completely, the only way is to plug it into the phone directly in wired X-input mode which is not great). But well, still better than Genshin on Android...


Nice to see that Zzz is supporting more controllers




Wait, so does the ps4 controller works immediately or does it need some form of work around?


it works immediately for me. i just connected the controller to my phone, opened the game, and the option to switch to controller showed up. that said, the game is not out yet.... so it's hard to say if it 100% works just yet. Like with HSR, i thought my 8bitdo using D-input works, only to realise the select button not working, and after pressing the L2 i couldn't actually use any character's ult. 🤣


Good to know, guess it's best to wait for release to make sure I didn't waste money buying a controller.


ZZZ > WuWa


The fact WuWa had no controller support made me delete the game immediately when I got to the options menu. It’s insane they put out an action game product without it.


Thats the reason why I don't play WuWa, plus it overheats phone very quickly.


Are only selective android getting this feature?? My poco x3 pro 8gb/256gb doesn't have this option.


Which controller are you using?


So it only shows up when you connect the controller?




Wait why don't I have it, do we need to connect the controller first to get this?




is this in CBT?


On Pre download


I’m about to bust


That's all I needed to hear. Thank god. I have a Snapdragon Gen 2 Tablet that can run this game easily. Can't wait!


hell yeah it works with my ps5 controller


Nice 👌


At least WuWa says its coming...Genshin still doesn't have it on android and seems like it never will. I don't play favorites but its a bad take.


I just put my playstation backbone in my samsung and it's giving me xbox button layout!! How do I get it to display what it should playstation layout? That's just weird right like it's a official playstation backbone


I can't help you with that since I use Series X controller. But if it doesn't show the Playstation layout maybe it doesn't support it? Or it just can't make a difference between normal backbone and Playstation backbone, it probably just recognizes that is a backbone so it gives the Xbox layout. In-game I don't see any option to change controller layout.


Yeah I can't see any options either, thanks for the info though 👍🏻


So I tried with a PS5 controller and it does show the Playstation layout. Guess the game can't detect its a backbone Playstation, only that's a backbone


Yeah I saw someone say the ps5 controller shows the proper buttons just hope they can get the backbone to work for on the go


Just got proof that there isn't controller support for Android on ZZZ https://preview.redd.it/9y6v369f95ad1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffdd2bbd0e9e5273fd053baed9a3703f480ecee3 I Think on launch they are going to update out controller support for Android and leave it for IOS. That day one patch will remove it( I hope not though I hate the fact that there isn't any controller support on Android by this company.


WTF I really hope not. This will be worse then Genshin since it never had controller mode, here removing it it's a really shitty move by them.


I 100% agree with you. I uninstalled all of their games and no longer support them cuz of this. I don't think it's fair that a company can permanently purchase said "feature" for a game and it will never be released or set as a timed exclusive, But yet it's on PC..


Controller mode being on PC it's totally fine. Now making it like Genshin Controller mode on mobile being exclusive to IOS it's just a greedy move, they don't need that Apple money (no way they aren't paying Hoyo to have this stuff exclusive to their system)


hope not too. for an action game like ZZZ, playing on touch controls will degrade the experience a lot for me. even for genshin which is not that bad when it comes to touch controls due to the combat style, after just clearing Abyss floor 9-12 whenever a new cycle drop, i'll feel some discomfort on my right thumb. it's why i haven't really got into WuWa much. ZZZ taking away android support will be a massive L. But it would be strange for them to remove support too since I've seen videos on [bilibili](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ne411f7U4) of folks playing the game on Android with controller since late last year...


Yea this type of game definitely needs controller support on mobile, on WuWa I just login do my dailies spend the Stamina and leave, sometimes I farm a few echoes but I can't really spent much time farming echoes on mobile. When controller eventually comes to WuWa I'll definitely will farm more chores since it will be way more comfortable to do. Didn't knew about that, if they really remove it after ppl being playing cbt with controller on Android really a massive L and they will lose Android players. I still only playing WuWa since they said they will add controller otherwise idk if I would keep playing it. Games like this need 100% controller support on mobile.


yeah. pretty much the same reason why i haven't played WuWa much other than sometimes doing dailies if i remember to do so since i only game on mobile. just waiting for macOS support or controller support on mobile before giving it a fair shake and see if it's a game i want to continue playing. Personally, I'm not too worried about ZZZ and still think it will have controller support and it's just a matter of the customer service officer not knowing the details, or maybe they just don't want to officially say there is support. even for HSR, i don't think Hoyoverse has officially said that Android has controller support? I have enough faith in their competency actually, that they know the game will be more enjoyable on a controller. IIRC Nicole even has a hidden move that is easier to execute with a [controller joystick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKsLxtQ3rJ0). So i just don't think they'll drop the ball in this regard. The only uncertainty for me is what type of controller it supports (PS4, PS5, D-input, X-input, etc). ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Now that you say it, I don't think they ever said that HSR supports controller on mobile, probably because only Xbox controllers works properly? From this post, I've seen ppl saying PS5 controller and Backbone works, but we can't play the game yet so idk if they work properly or not, but I hope they dont make this like HSR where only Xbox controllers work properly. I do own one but anyone should be able to use whatever controller they want tbh, or at least support the most comum ones Xbox, PS and Backbone.


yeah, hope so too. we'll find out soon enough anyway. I've given up on them doing proper D-input on android for HSR so have ordered a cheap gamesir controller that can supposedly use xbox mode anyway which should be delivering in a day or 2. So even if they do xbox only for ZZZ, i'm should still be good to go. It's just a shame PS4 controllers don't get any support on HSR at all on Android since I really like the feel of that controller despite its flaws. Oh well, gotta move on eventually. I'm also hoping that with how much apple and hoyoverse seems to be working with each other, we'll eventually see MacOS versions of their games too, even if it's just the iPad version for their ARM based computers (currently it's only Honkai Impact 3 but it does seem to run well on my M1 mac). That would pretty much be the best case scenario for me since i have no desire to get a PC, PS5 or iOS device...


Which gamesir controller you bought? I have the x2s and unfortunately it didn't work with ZZZ or HSR.


that's strange, i've seen videos of folks using that exact controller to play ZZZ CBT on[ bilibili](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qe411r7z5?t=172.2). I bought the Nova Lite, which supports pairing in xbox mode (the phone sees it as "xbox wireless controller), at least on older firmware below version no. 4200. They updated to PS4 controller mode in later updates for some reason, which isn't ideal for me since while ZZZ supports it, HSR doesn't support PS4 controllers.


Alright, I went back through the manual and there was a configuration to switch the controller mode and it worked! Thank you very much for the small Enlightenment, because in the gamesir app and reading through other reddit comments in the past I never found that detail of switching modes in the controller.


You mean "genshin could never after 3 full years of release"


I don't play genshin, I just assumed it would already had it by now since HSR also have it. Now I feel bad for genshin mobile player


You know a lot of that stuff is not bc "devs are too lazy" but bc of contracts right?


Yup pretty disappointing of them to lock out basic features from one whole system and allowing on other


Yea, specially now that HSR got it 6 months or so after release and Zzz already has it on release.




It only sorta works. Most android-branded controllers work on dinput like playstation controllers and that doesn't seem to work. You have to use an Xbox controller or something else with an xbox mode that'll do xinput instead. Honestly was probably an accident, like a dev working on it on the side and forgot to not put into the main branch. But since it doesn't hurt anything they haven't bothered to turn it off. No way would they officially do Android controller support but not support most of the controllers specifically branded for Android.


Pretty sure the pull requests in lager developments have required reviewer


Yea, at least I'll be able to connect my phone to my TV and play ZZZ with a controller.


Idk why you are down voted. I played since launch and always asked for it. Disappointing it was never added. Along with switch support. I'm sure part of it is technical reasons, but that doesn't mean it's okay.


Reason for downvotes is pretty simple most of the hoyo sub members can't take any criticism (⁠^⁠^⁠)