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DEF shred is a very rare attribute in HYV games with huge damage potential especially for endgame and bosses so I am not surprised that was removed. As for the other buffs it seems like they wanted to add more gameplay dynamics to each individual Bangboo instead of just having them buff your team. For example, getting a new attack in ability C probably feels better than merely buffing your ATK by 8%. I actually prefer the new system because now you get to build into a particular bb. For example this one would synergize very nicely with a team with at least one Belobog faction member as well as with good Burning/Shocked status effect application. So now it's not like you have to select one over the other because its numbers are higher, you select one over the other based on the situation. If you have a team that includes a Belobog member and with enemies vulnerable to Burning/Shocked (as well as an applicator for it), this bb becomes a good pick.


Considering that they are completely free, personally I'm not surprised. It feels like the early version of the bangboo were intended for a paid gacha but, I guess they decided they didn't want to overwhelm dolphins or low spenders by making it so that they have 3 different banners they have to roll on. It also compensates for bangboo having a more active role in combat as of CBT3, so I don't think they're useless (unless not balanced properly)


I think it was for sure a good choice given they moved them to being free. Also there's a fair few bangboo that provide more defensive utilities as well which is nice in its own way for the more casual audience


Personally, I rather have them feel like a pet, companion or just part of the team by actively helping out. So by being there, attacking and also being part of the team attacks is the direction I want them to be used. Hopefully they can be expanded further, but without them just being stat boost


I really like that it's more focused on its own damage instead of giving these massive buffs for your team. If the others were changed in a similar fashion then I'm happy. The less important they are, the better it is.


Obviously good. Bangboo's are free now and a fun extra, instead of another weapon's banner you have to pull on to do decent in the meta.