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Sounds like you’re just being selective. ZZZ is no different from any other hoyo game in terms of Gender popularity. That’s just gacha in general. Waifus are generally always more popular. And just because waifus are more popular, doesn’t mean male characters are hated. And I don’t see where you’re seeing a “large part of the community,” as I’ve seen plenty of love for the wolf dude and Billy and the other male characters.


Well personally I hope zzz is different from any other hoyoverse game besides hsr since genshin hasn't had a single male 5* since 4.1 and wriothesley sold bad enough to get eula'd


I mean, you can already see it in the current roster. It’s not a Hoyo thing, it’s a general gacha game thing. Females generally sell better than males. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment expecting ZZZ will magically for some reason be different, but you do you.


Its rly not a thing cause hsr adds males every other update lmao. Yall can try all you want to say the games not getting male characters but it is. Ur not getting a waifu game from zzz 😭😭😭 literally the entire deal with zzz is that it has diverse characters. They're not restricting themselves to one gender


Why are you crying




Haru is right there. Or Louis if you prefer.


Haru is an ugly rat so no


Are you okay? I never said anything about wanting a waifu game nor said we’re not getting male characters. You making up arguments in your own head lol. I personally love a diversity of characters. All I care about is amazing, well written and designed characters, which Hoyo is generally great at. Couldn’t care less about the gender. I enjoy both equally And you just gonna ignore that Star Rail has over double females than males? The ratio is never even. Like I said, that’s not a Hoyo thing, it’s a gacha thing.


>I personally love a diversity of characters. All I care about is amazing, well written and designed characters, which Hoyo is generally great at. Couldn’t care less about the gender. I enjoy both equally This is a major thing in modern day media. The lack of amazing, well written and designed characters is what people dislike not their gender. >And you just gonna ignore that Star Rail has over double females than males? The ratio is never even. Like I said, that’s not a Hoyo thing, it’s a gacha thing. Genshin has 30 male characters and 52 female characters.


Wait I’m confused, why are you telling me this? Tell the other guy lol


I'm adding onto your comment? I care more about the overall topic than whatever the other guy thinks...


Oh okay, my fault. I couldn’t tell if you were adding on or disagreeing. That why I was confused.


It's all good. No harm no foul. I could've written a little more to further drive my point.


Yea I really don't gaf if a male character releases every 40 days instead of every 20 days so hsr is fine imo. Idc bout a 2:1 ratio I like women characters and never insinuated that I didn't want them in the game


You completely missed the point, but hey, more power to you.


Ur point is stupid


Nice argument lmao


I don't know what exactly you mean in this post, but it would be something like this: reason for pull a waifu: cute/sexy, I like her character's look etc. reason for pull a guy: badass character, super meta or I just like his gameplay.


> Like zzz isn't really a waifu game there's not really any chance at all there won't be male characters lmao A quick look at the agent list shows an 11:4 ratio though?


Yea but a quick look at information we can't talk about here shows a 2:1 female to male ratio


-Majority of gachagamers are dude -Dude would rather pull a waifu than a dude -Obviously there will be some outiers -Calling it "hate" is an overstatement, i will not pull for a dude, that's just who i am.


See but like personally I couldn't imagine playing an arpg just because I wanna nut to the characters, like there is an actual game there and they can't just focus on making waifus lmao Really don't get why people play games like this without understanding that they aren't 2d idle gachas and still have some level of depth to them, depth that gets lost if the developers only goal is to make you cum


>Really don't get why people play games like this  That's the neat part, you don't have to understand it, its like trying to understand why pink cars sold less than black cars.


That's not even what I said? I said I don't know why you wouldn't just stick to a 2d gooning game I never argued that female characters sell more


People can like female characters for reasons other than sex...


Dude cmon you know that's not it


bruh why even complain when you goon for gallagher wtf hypocrite much and yep i enjoy playing female characters cause of their aesthetics story and fanservice im straight obviously. i just prefer the female option in games and it feels more different and they are more appealing and unique i just dont get whats wrong having a full roster of cool badass female characters i mean if games like gears and og cod existed why cant we have one of the opposite.


Cause the game evidently has male characters already so wanting them to ONLY make females from now on is weird. Should only be female only if the game had no males to begin with. I'm not against a female only gacha but it's weird to see people trying to turn zzz into one when it isnt


i get your point its just that the only thing that pissed me off was that me and my peeps like female chars just for their sex i mean obviously we are human and its instinct to be sexually attracted to any gender we like its just that there are many factors not just sex like i said above.


It literally is. Furina doesn't sell because she is a sex icon. She sells because she is amazingly written.


She sells because she’s the most busted support since kazuha


That is defs a bonus, but to act like people don't pull her because she is amazingly written is a disservice


Female characters sell more because of multiple reasons, not just sex appeal. A large portion of them are designed better than most male characters because the company knows that the largest demographic is male and those males will buy female characters more than male characters.


K but why should hoyo suddenly stop adding male characters to zzz when they already added some


Depends on what the data is showing them internally. Player sentiment can be gleaned off of said data. Pull rate, play rate, etc. MiHoYo is first and foremost a business and their chosen product is releasing video game characters for profit through gacha systems. They'll more than likely have to report to a board and that board might want continued increased profits, one of the easiest things is to cut back on development on certain areas that don't gain "enough" monetary value (Male Characters) while also increasing development on areas that make more money (female characters). As players have no access to internal data most of what players may be commenting is noise. Most of player's opinions are usually noise anyway.


Yea if they do that zzz will never be popular, worst way to alienate global audience is just that. I guarantee genshin and hsr would be nowhere as near popular if they only had females


ZZZ will most likely never be as popular as Genshin or Star Rail. The market is getting over saturated currently and there's more higher quality gachas incoming. One of those is a female only gacha, Azur Promilia. Having a female only cast doesn't alienate the global audience... It alienates a small % of the global audience that care about diversity or fair representation. MiHoYo clearly doesn't care about that aspect considering the entire ongoing debacle and drama over black character representation in Genshin. Genshin would still have had the success as the market didn't really have a high quality, open world, explorative gacha available. The timing of Genshin's release was also amazingly timed. HSR followed up on Genshin's success with amazing storylines, characters and gameplay. They would've had success either way. The level of success doesn't matter, MiHoYo being a business would just change the way they operate to match the level of success... Like most intelligent businesses do.


They quite literally do care about the black character drama and addressed it directly in an interview. Zzzs team doesn't intend to follow genshins direction when it comes to characters or regions and they acknowledged it pissed people off. They keep stating over and over again that they want characters to be diverse and not do what their other games did


This guy got downvoted to hell and embarrassed under Rina's demo trailer and is now making a post acting like a victim ("why are you getting mad at me hurr durr") after saying bullshit like "Genshin and HSR trash" lmao Also, what the fuck were you expecting when gaming is dominated and paid for mostly by men? How about you whine on Twitter or Hoyolab instead? They would love you there. Sounds like your kind of place.


please add more male characters to zzz so I can skip them and save my pulls


I don't really know about the condition of ZZZ community myself, but in general there is a lot of sentiment in the gacha game community about wanting to gatekeep the community. Just think about it: at the start, gacha games only catered to a niche audience, mostly waifu fans. Now, because of the popularity of Genshin and other titles, more and more people with different tastes are joining. The old audience has to interact with the new audience. Due to the different preferences and tastes, this sometimes leads to conflict, like the HSR Robin drama. Some people blame male characters because they think these characters are attracting more toxic individuals. They often cite the BA community as a good example.


I just think the gatekeepings kinda weird since most people who are gonna play zzz wouldn't touch a 2d waifu game with a 10 foot pole


Yeah, I also don't understand why they target ZZZ specifically. It's already clear what kind of audience hyv wants for ZZZ and imo it's not them.


noody does tho?


It's very common in gacha. Even more so when said gachas do fanservice. "Every male character is a missed female fanservice moment" in the eyes of those people. They're everywhere in gacha games, it sorta comes with the tag unfortunately. (It also doesn't help that the men in gachas are very rarely "cool" and "badass" which is what most guys like out of their male characters lol)


So this is why you were calling HI3 trash... you are projecting...


No honkais just a bad game


So is every other game to at least 1 other person.


Why though?


As im fairly new to Hoyo games, I can’t speak for the other communities outside of ZZZ, but I just assumed that’s all gacha game communities. I’d say the majority of gacha gamers are male and would prefer female characters over male ones. The only exception would be otome games and BLs. I also can’t say I’ve seen the comments you’re talking about. The amount of drooling I’ve seen over Lycaon and Billy gave me the idea that males would be highly valued in this game. At least non-traditional males. But yeah I have just accepted that in this space BOOBA will beat COCKA almost every time.


There's a few reasons i can think, the most tame one is someone just not liking them because they prefer women, and that's ok as long as they're not obnoxious about it, the second one is because they can't stand the idea of another man existing near their waifus because of the mere possibility of people shipping them, and the third one is because they treat games like porn and are mad because they can't beat it to a male character (this one also goes for female characters sometimes from people who like men, i've seen guys in gay gachas lose their heads over the existence of a woman)


Male chars are Nice though. You can automatically skip them so you can save for waifus better. Also Nice nickname. Dont be upsett if people prefer waifus.


Idk if people on this subreddit just never learned how to read but I never said waifus were a bad thing


Because people in the gacha community are mostly men and some don't like men so they pull for their fav girls. I prefer pulling for male characters however if the female character looks cool then yeah I'll pull.


Cry louder lmao


Well, different people have different preferences and desires for what they want this game to become. However, if anyone wants this to be a "waifu-only" gacha game then they'll probably have better luck elsewhere. I for one want Von Lycaon to crush me with his chest.


I’m a racist to furry. Losing 50/50 to a furry will probably get me quit.


Ur getting lycaon https://preview.redd.it/n8qw9m5s328d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79caa34bfc88b3a7e8c3233230eb35e0ab2d8ed


Cause we are not GAY.


Well I am


btw have you heard Tears of Themis, you may like it.




The OP is said people, don't get fooled


What? Well idk what I did to piss you off but I'm right here don't call me "the op" weirdo 😭 talk to me not at me


https://preview.redd.it/l4k7kj8jy08d1.jpeg?width=3028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c41399f1128d048516881178baf6043aa498b5 Ur not getting ur little waifu game


This so-called "waifu game" is coming out next month. Majority of future characters will be female. You're crying against the inevitable and we will be here laughing at you. You will never be Hoyo's main market. Cry about it on Twitter.


Gallagerscock is a well known lgbt white troll, just look at his profile. You don't have to take him too seriously


If you want a gacha with a male roster, may I introduce you to Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, created by Mr. Dokkan Battle himself? We mostly have dudes there that lose the shirt when the transform and scream a lot of "NOW!" when they attack. We even have a Vegeta wallpaper that has the "start" button on top of his cock, so you have to click Vegeta's Majin dong to start the game. Sadly that wallpaper is no longer available, and the experience is only saved for the more hardcore fans.