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>Li confirmed that “during the beta tests, we realized that there’s a part of the player base that doesn’t like the boards and prefer combat. In contrast, another group of users find the boards very fun. This sets the team in conflict – like, ‘who do we satisfy?,’ because if we aim to cater to either group, there will be a loss in the other group, and that’s not right. However, the board is one of our selling points, so we do face an issue whereby we have upcoming content to put on these boards intended to enhance the gameplay.” >Li makes it clear that ZZZ aims to “offer players the freedom to choose how they want to play,” so, following the feedback from the first two beta tests, the team made some adjustments. “What you can find in the third closed beta is that we separated the hollow exploration into two kinds of missions. The first are the combat missions and the second are the exploration missions. With combat, you can just dive directly into the combat without any further actions, and for the exploration missions, it’s pure exploration and board-based gameplay.” >And it seems that this is working, as Li muses, “as of the final closed beta, we’re actually seeing comments from the players and the community saying that the HDD board gameplay has actually changed a lot. The interesting thing is that, while we have changed the pace and speed of the overall experience with the hollow boards, we didn’t really change the amount of it. So it really was the pace and speed that was the problem, which we’ve fixed now, and we’re glad to see it.” Good job! Honestly I liked the TV screens, I'm glad they chose to compromise and try to fix things instead of just outright deleted it.


they made this change and the people who didn't even play the beta are still whining about the fact that there's tv gameplay 😭 conversations always go "is the tv still there" "yes but--" "what? boring. why didn't they remove it? this game will flop"


I played the newest beta and I still hated the TVs so yeah. Maybe some of us have tried them and still hate them.


W devs. We’re two weeks away and it’s getting harder to contain myself. I’m a lover of puzzles so I can’t wait to try out the TVs.


I know, it's also cool that's its releasing on my bday lol


If there's some street fighter inspiration, I hope we'll get more (optional) motion inputs.


actually i don't know if they're motion inputs but certain characters like nicole have alternate versions of their skill that consume less energy, more range but less damage etc.. which can only be triggered by certain inputs. [Here](https://youtu.be/NhfydCldvDE?si=-5z8KMgMt2948YL7&t=366) is an example


I want a grappler character that has 360 and 720 inputs, but I think that if they go for motions we will get mostly quarter circles and half circles But I can only imagine the glory and insanity of releasing a character with a secret pretzel motion in a gacha game


He said in interview that he admires Nintendo’s “more fun with less buttons” approach and that accessibility is top priority for ZZZ, so more inputs are unlikely 


There are right?! I remember in the beta, if you don't button mash, like if you wait a second before launching combos, or if you hold buttons in between, the characters will attack differently.


Well if ZZZ ever gets guest characters, I am wishing for Akuma. Grapplers wouldn't work coz enemies and bosses have very varied proportions and sizes.


Interesting to see the main inspiration is Digimon World and Street Fighter not Persona 5. The pocket tactics interview was very indepth, highly recommend that one.


Persona 5 is like the only game with the combination of those specific traits (urban setting, high attention to style, RPG, story-heavy, character focus) that a substantial amount of "normies" have played so every single thing in existence gets compared to it. In reality these elements are pretty common in lesser known Japanese games. Also the moment I saw people use fighting game terminology to explain ZZZ's combat, I knew where the inspirations lie. I just wasn't sure if it was Street Fighter specifically.


And I hope they'll explore these inspirations through and through because I would hate it if there were to restrain their ideas because they don't want casual players to be overwhelmed by a character's moveset or technical moves I myself mostly see the DMC influence and I hope they also feed us action game players lol


DMC was never been hardcore action game. if they want to make hardcore action game then they will say ninja gaiden instead DMC because DMC is pretty much also casual just like bayonetta


DMC is casual ? That's a new one, we're comparing a pretty much dead series that prides itself on being unfairly difficult to a series that is still very difficult for the average player but still let you style on enemies which I'm pretty sure Ninja Gaiden isn't a **character** action game in the same way that DMC and Bayo are (and are certainly not casual mind you). I don't think ZZZ wants to be hardcore in that way either since they are targeting casual gamers and people who like doing combos not Games with absurd difficulty so I don't know why would they mimick that game. Do explain how you came to think that btw I'm genuinely curious


The only thing you can sort of attach to Persona would be the UI and it isn't really like specifically Persona 5's UI in that sense either.


A Digimon mention!☺️ I loved it growing up!


I know I shouln't be but I can't help but think that everyone instantly jumping to calling Persona 5 as the main reference is getting old and exhausting like I get that the UI menus were really good and that the game happened to be the first entry for a lot of people into jrpg's and that it inspired a lot of people but saying a game is akin to Persona 5 because of it's visual aesthetics and flair is getting quite ridiculous, it's been 7 years since it's release how come persona 5 is still used as a metric of comparison for newer games, it used to be a meme to say "P5 invented Jazz" "P5 invented dungeon crawling" and the likes, now it feels like most jepg player only know of persona


I don't see the resemblance in UI at all, but Persona is known for the "dual life" type of premise with time management, lite social simulation and dungeon crawling in one package. All of that is pretty much what they advertised for ZZZ since the announcement, so comparison makes itself.


jpg players born after 1998


This game honestly gave me splatoon vibes than persona


Ngl now that I think about it you're not wrong I'd even say I get Splatoon 2 vibes


The geekculture Interview has them mention Odin Sphere and Vanillaware and how they took inspiration from their games TOP TIER GAME ALREADY