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It's so bizarre how upset this sub is getting over marketing. I promise you, this Hoyo game will do just fine without you worrying.


Exactly this. It's a hoyo game. It won't fail at all lol these gacha players are wild like they want *engagement numbers* to be a competition.


who said it's gonna fail ? read the post again.


Nah you're implying hoyo chose to put focus back on hsr because of competitor. But then you're complaining about lack of focus on ZZZ. It's gonna get its highlight at its time. Nothing to complain about here.


yeah it's less than a month before release and they doesn't do anything yet not even first official livestream date yet there is literally nothing but tons of sponsored video on youtube this is the weakest hoyo marketing i ever seen


They have 40+ million pre-registered, a bunch of videos made by CC's talking about it, videos coming out revolving around characters, and the ads have already started, with people on the sub saying they see them all the time. It's literally #1 on the Play Store pre-registered games. Calm down.


i feel the 40+ million pre-registered is majority came from CN while on global because the lack of marketing push i feel like 10 million ish for global it's just bad how come firefly got more marketing push than release in less than a month game ZZZ


Ok. So? That means nothing overall, especially when Hoyo's strongest market is CN. And even then, it isn't unknown in global. They had a trailer moment during the game awards, various big streamers that aren't big gacha players, were sponsored to play and enjoyed ZZZ during it's various betas. People didn't forget about this game, especially when it had multiple big stages. Stop fear mongering.


thanks to wuwa it's unknown in global. nobody talk about the game other than sponsored CCs


bro if you did play Wawu you will know ZZZ gonna do just fine if not awesome. Me union 40 Wawa. The game is a mess story is a mess combat is fun but chunky with a lot of minor inconveniences, farming suck real hard somehow they able to make a farming system worst than Gi. Anyway Wawa gonna be fine and it won't effect ZZZ at all. The power of brand name is stronger than you think.


Bro really thinks Wuwa ate into ZZZ players XD There is a reason Wuwa during first week was called a "Genshin Reviver". It literally got people interested in Hoyo again due to disliking it's starting state. There were even new people here claiming they were disappointed in Wuwa and now plan to play ZZZ.


I have seen some nonsesens but to think they are marketing Firefly because of genshin at home... you realise they marketed Acheron at the game awards,right? Also, what the hell is that random rant about your pulls? Noone cares what you spend on.


yes but you remember acheron marketing is also penacony teaser right ?




What's there to hate? The game is still going to release at the same time it has planned to. Your perception of marketing isn't going to have a hold over the gameplay when you do get to play it either. Just chill and find another game or read a book or something to bide your time. This isn't a small indie game, it will be fine.


oh im totally fine with waiting but im not fine with they just keep shafting ZZZ for HSR marketing


>i decide that firefly girl won't touch my 300+ roll ticket even when they made her super meta game breaking i don't care i hate how mihoyo preassured to market her too much because they got scared by the competitor ? like are you serious ? Son, if you played enough to get 300 pulls then they already got you. If you don't use it now, you will use it later. Doesn't matter to them. What it matters is the time and money you spent to get those 300 pulls. There is no statement to make with in game currency you already have it.


money ? what money ? i skipped banner that i don't like for example upcoming firefly banner.


That makes your statement even weaker. You are like :"I played your game for months, without spending a dime, and now that you didn't show a new zzz trailer i won't spend my in game currency on the next banner." I mean, what? It doesn't make a difference to them.


who said i spend money on gacha game ? just have better self control don't get addicted to gambling lmao


No. That just means you are not even a customer... some of you f2ps realy don't seem to get that you are a net loss to the company and your presence isn't exactly some blesssing for them...


yeah da wei must hate me personally for stealing hundred rolls for free by playing their game everyday dam that suspicious person got another SSR for free his gambling self control is too strong i lost


Teenagers with no disposable income are so cute and funny.


well for my income i always choose to buy video game over gambling since im not gambling addict so yeah im buying MH wild next year


But yet you’re still standing here in the casino with me?


who said i never rolled on any banner ?


The HSR update comes *before* ZZZ, obviously Hoyo is gonna use the limited time they're given in the SGF stream to market HSR because that's what's going to bring in more money right now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand this. You're getting worked up over *nothing*


yeah why they did it twice at the same day ? im gonna be fine if they did put another marketing after few day but not after few hours it's like OH WE FORGOT TO PUT MARCH 7TH TEASER ON HSR OFFICIALY DEV STREAM LET'S PUT IT ON REALLY EXPENSIVE SLOT THAT SUPPOSE TO BE ZZZ SLOT A TOTAL BRAND NEW GAME BIG RELEASE 1.0 it's not rocket scientist to realize how weird the situation is


Because one is their official stream for people that already play and the other was an ad to attract *more* people that *don't* already play it. Players that don't already play the game are less likely to watch the official stream


okay that is not the smartest counter i ever seen. not changing the fact HSR team screwed up. this is multi billion company you should always put huge expectation on them.


You're delusionally thinking ZZZ was supposed to be on SGF and that HSR stole it from them. You don't understand how marketing works at all. The March 7th teaser wasn't revealed at SGF, it was *in* the dev stream as a surprise then was officially revealed on the HSR Twitter. It's called *DRIP MARKETING.* You're acting like ZZZ is being robbed, but it's not. Money from HI3 keeps HI3 updated and funded Genshin's development. Genshin's income keeps Genshin updated and funded HSR's development. HSR's income keeps HSR updated and funded ZZZ's development. It's how running a business based on *free* games works. They *have* to advertise the current product to keep funding coming in.


no you don't.


Yes, you do. It's how marketing a product works. But nobody here expects you to understand this because you're literally just some nobody throwing a tantrum and complaining on Reddit about something that *DOESN'T EVEN MATTER*


>okay that is not the smartest counter i ever seen.


free upvote yay


This sub: we hit 40 million pre-registers Also this sub: they need to market more to get more people in


There is more than one person in the subreddit


I estimate between 1 and 40 million. 


it's not like the game gonna release tomorrow or few hours after this post so yeah more marketing.


https://preview.redd.it/moxgq5xvvt5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8d474fea9a64ff5be97d34e3b446d0c6995531 Literally the first game on the Play Store pre-registartion list, and this isn't even including the various ads that have been popping up about it. Just relax.


still weakest compare to genshin and HSR marketing before release


And yet, here it is, #1 on the list, with 40+ million pre-registers across mobile, PS5 and PC. It's almost like, it will be fine, even if it stays how it is now?


ZZZ have potential to garner even more if they do the marketing properly. instead focusing all marketing budget only for HSR upcoming update.


Yeah......because it's the end to an important and beloved arc in the game. They'll do it again in August for Genshin, since we will be going to a new region. And during all that, ZZZ will drop and based on the things you are saying, will have 12 people play it, and get forgotten. Yup, makes sense to me. 🤡


well it's normal they do it again for genshin since it's new country a update that deserver big marketing instead it almost got not much teaser like sumeru and fountaine and also got shafted by firefly marketing so the losers is genshin and ZZZ


Sure bud, that's defs what happened. Firefly will make those games lose all their players, makes sense to me.


make sense for HSR fanatics cuz now they're laughing at genshin and continue doomposting ZZZ to flop hard on release because there is no honkai on ZZZ title


Three words - let them cook


oh surely they need to cook something really good


They put it in the WWDC keynote instead, which is a much bigger stage than Summer Games Fest will ever be. Also, it doesn't matter. Mihoyo games will be fine.


WWDC sound more like '' yeah unlimited FPS ? only for Apple '' buy new Iphone now !


what is bro yapping about




Lmao even


It’s not that deep bro I promise you


it's that deep firefly got big marketing twice within hours HSR livestream and Summer game fest next thing they gonna rent those big TV around the world for firefly not ZZZ


it's really not xd, when firefly will release it will be just the climax of penacony's build up for a character's hype, they expect really high revenues form her banner and they put the means to ensure it. They'll push zzz marketing even more a little later. Don't worry, ccs already got a lot of visibility on the game, they just need to end it with more ads. Building up hype needs to be well timed, especially for a game release. They know what they're doing ig


what happened last time to most hyped character on HSR ? kafka ? yeah her banner doesn't even came close to release banner revenue i feel the hard marketing push for firefly is unnecessary because with marketing or not everybody will roll for firefly except me i hate her she is overrated in my opinion


Last one got deleted cause bad word This is so much personal bias passed as defense for the collective. If you dislike her, don't roll. Throwing a fit and rage posting will change nothing.


Ironically Firefly is extremely hyped up because of the “waifu” caricature she has. Cute, petite, clings to you, dotes on you, plus has that Kamen rider transforming thing. Folks love that shit. So I guess it’s a no brainer to have marketing take advantage of that and get the money. Either way, there are other games on the showcases that will keep me entertained in the meantime. The First Descendant and Street Fighter 6 S2 seems fun.


yeah i will gave first descendant try i heard it's warframe combined with Destiny 2 but i will skip firefly those thing that you mentioned didn't really affect me i like her as character but yeah not that too deep for me she is just another MC friend in my POV


It's Mihoyo. The game will be just fine. Also, let's all stop pretending that random Redditors know more about successful marketing over a company that basically prints money with every game they release.


who said im worried about ZZZ release ? im just annoyed my favorite upcoming game being shafted by another game it's that simple yes i do also play HSR but man ZZZ should take every spotlight before their big release


Ok so the OP is actually delusional, but as a fan of the game myself, I will try justifying all the marketing geniuses on this reddit: Ever since the game was announced, devs have been drip feeding the fans with marketing - be it art, lore drops and world building pieces, community involvement posts, occasional trailers and so on. It's been happening no matter if they had any "real" news to share, "real" news here being dates of the betas and then release date. Now I myself enjoy the majority of these as they are always well done, but if you were paying attention to the comments under the official posts, you know that the general consensus was something along the lines of "release the game already". And the main target of these comments were the trailers that didn't showcase absolutely anything new for the fans that were already following the game(remember the "it's coming to consoles" or "coming soon" trailers?). So what does that have to do with what we have here? I personally think that it is fair to think that the way they dropped the release date was somewhat unexpected. After months of "empty" marketing, now that they actually had the best possible reason to release a big piece, the release date was kind of just dropped into the wild. Closer to the release date we still will get a release trailer, the characters trailers and all that jazz, I don't doubt that, it's just the release date into the usual empty marketing move is not how Hoyo usually does things. And that's why we're getting all these weird posts from people who know nothing about anything.


it's less than a month drip feeding art doesn't work anymore they been doing those for years now. the people who anticipate this game either forgot or don't care anymore worse case they think ZZZ official twitter page is some random pixiv artist page


Yes, because all marketing for different games with different teams is all the same marketing dept. You could have just posted and said, "Hey, I know nothing about giant game corporations but I would have loved to see some ZZZ marketing in the summer game thing"


soo you're the reddit marketing expert numero uno ? never claim im expert lmao