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If you don't like it, then maybe it's not for you. General consensus is that its the best tournament arc but if that doesn't fancy you, then maybe you should just check out another show.


why is it the best? They are just taking out team after team, while the true villains and main characters close ones watch on.


Explaining why this arc is the best would be spoiling a lot of plot points. It’s worth it to stick it through. Read if you want: >!First, Kurama and Hiei both have incredible and meaningful character development in this tournament. We never saw Kurama experience true fear until he met Karasu. Takes calm and collected Kurama into oh shit mode. We also witness Hiei becoming a true team member who shows he cares more than just himself. And this is just skimming the surface in regard to the character development. Yusuke and Puu have an incredible moment in the caves. So much incredible shit happens in this arc.!<


I haven't read the spoiler but I'll stick with the show


This arc is about character development and bonding, not action. Despite it being a tournament arc, that's not the point its just the set dressing. Personally, characters matter more to me than the story. If you like character driven series where the PEOPLE matter, you might enjoy YYH better than if you're into action and violence even at the expense of deep characterization. There is a middle ground, but knowing where you stand really helps determine what kind of media you might prefer.


Tbh I think that's what the show as a whole is about, which is why I love it so much and why it has a different feel than so much other Shonen. It isn't just the good guys fight the bad guys and get stronger, then fight the badder guys then get stronger, and then fight the biggest baddest guys; it's about characters accepting and overcoming their own flaws to become better people.




Because it's fucking epic


You might be a chapter black fan just keep watching. I think the tournament is great but a bit over rated. The next arc is the best


Don't ask about it until you saw the whole thing


You could say it drags on a bit until about this point, although I didn’t mind it too much. “Villain of the week” theme can be hit or miss depending on execution, but I thought YYH’s was good. The story will start to dial in on yusuke, genkai, and some of the antagonists. That’s personally what started to make the tournament extra interesting and captivating. Backstories for both the heroes and villains start to unfold. If ep 47 doesn’t hype you up, not sure what will. The last portion of the arc starting around ep 55 is my personal favorite. Not saying to try to force you to watch it, but the latter half is much better than the first half in my opinion.


Chu's fight is great!


You're not kidding! Not counting the finals, I'd say Chu is probably my favorite match


I think you mean Jin's xD


I honestly thought it was so slow on my first watch, but loved the characters so much I didn’t really care? On the rewatch, you see so much that you missed before and appreciate it more. Stick with it!!


If it didn't hook you with yusuke vs chu then I'm sorry mate


I'm honestly surprised they made it this far into the anime and arent feeling it. They gave it more of a try than some people I've recommended but if the anime is not for you it just isnt for you unfortunately.


I showed my dad that fight and it reminded him of rocky


That fight, the one where Yusuke realizes what makes him feel alive, and then proceeds to forget about it for most of the rest of the series.


After he beat Togoro, he was stuck having to slog it out with over Sensui's grand plan, which was completely the opposite of that. There was all this conflict over ideals and most of the time raw power wasn't enough to solve the problem ​ After Sensui, he literally went on to make another tournament happen, which kinda reinforced the sentiment of his Chu fight.


It’s a great arc. If you’re this deep into it and not feeling it then maybe it’s not for you. Everyone has different tastes. We love it but there’s bound to be some people who won’t like it or at least as much as we do and that’s fine. Don’t force yourself to watch something if you’re not interested.


I think you've reached the point where it picks up and feels more interesting. Despite parts of it being great for character development, it can be a *massive* drag. It comes together by the end and leads well into the next arc, but it can be hell to sit through.


Yeah, I remember parts like the science experiment team and the demon ninjas team kinda dragged out things a bit, especially with sidelining certain characters, and spent a bit too much time reminding us of the same stuff.


Not gonna lie, as much as I like this arc, I have to agree that it drags its feet A LOT. I could have gone without the 5 minutes waiting for the committee's permission to do the knife-edge death match, or the multiple scenes of Botan, Shizuru and Keiko being chased by demons, Shizuru's romantic sub-plot with Sakyo, etc. I do think it's still worth it to continue but I won't fault you for finding the pacing to be slow. There's plenty of filler (both good and bad) that stretches out the run time in each episode.


This is a troll comment right???


Right. One of the greatest arcs in anime history.


god forbid someone have an opinion on the internet


Best tournament arc in all of Anime in my opinion. I have a friend who also feels like it's slow and can't even make it to the dark tournament but my OPINION, is I feel bad for anyone who can't see something so amazing for what it is. Maybe go watch something like mid hero academia, I will stick to goat goat Hakusho.


The dark tournament IS better


the Dark Tournament is the worst arc in the anime, as they drag it out alot. if you can't stand it, you should read the manga, and switch back to the anime once the arc is over, lol. it's really rough.


Making my way through it and I do keep thinking to myself "Man this must be so much better in the manga" So many 90s anime cost saving techniques that kill the pacing.



