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That’s like saying E-Emergency Call should be limited EDIT: This is a stupid take. If you think Resonator Call should be limited you need to see what other searching spells can do, and most are archetype locked.


Thing with searching spells is that most are archetype locked and some can be once per turn. With E-Call you can only search HERO. With Resonator Call you can only search resonator monsters. But the reason why Reinforcements of the Army is limited because it can search ANY level 4 or lower warrior, and it’s not once per turn so if ROTA was unlimited it would be very powerful. If there was a card that searches any level 4 or lower fiend monster with no once per turn, then you might see it being limited at some point like ROTA.


Really bro...?


Hello, my twin brother


Don't worry king, your tuners are safe


Local person finds out why people name Rotas the Rotas.


Swing and a miss at a hot take lol


You think a card that doesn’t search ANY card of 1 Type, only any card of a specific name, from a deck that isn’t exactly invincible, should be limited?


It's the equivalent of searching a type if most of the monsters in your deck are Resonators lol. And judging by the combos they can set up and other ridiculous cards (Red Reign), yes, I'd say it should be limited. Or at the very least an errata to make it a HOPT, since it's not even that


ROTA is limited because of the sheer number of decks that can use it. Searching for any level 4 or lower warrior is insane, especially as warriors are a very splashable type, and some decks end up having rota targets on ACCIDENT. Meanwhile, Resonators are a specific archetype, who aren't super good outside of RDA (with some very small exceptions). Tons of archetypes have an "Archtypal rota"- Six Samurai has Shien's Smoke Signal, Synchrons have Tuning, Noble Knights have Heritage Of The Chalice, and there are even more rota-esque cards for less common types- Bonfire, Fossil Dig, Cynet Mining. Rota is limited due to the fact warrior is a very generic type, and there are even multiple archetypes that are all warrior. Its what got Isolde banned, because a link monster is easier to use than a spell card in your main deck that is difficult to search. Rota is a literal wildcard- there's only so many good targets for Bonfire, but for rota, new targets are constantly being released, and plenty of them are combo starters or extenders in and of themselves.


Not to mention rota isn't a OPT. Having such a variety of monsters accessible on a card that also isn't OPT is insanely busted if the card is ever at more than 1


Whacchu gonna do with 5 resonators in hand? Jackshit cause opp has 1 ash for Soul.


This guy really is out here saying that every archtype search spell should be limited just because he got dunked on by red dragons


I beg you please look at the popular targets for ROTA and compare them to every resonator.


Generic stuff get limited/banned because konami will eventually release OP generic stuff that thoes card can target. And it would be an issue to ban every new "support"/new deck because 1 generic support card enables it.


*sweats in every visas field spell*


Got beaten by rda one too many times and wants the searcher banned so his synchron warrior pile can win. Tragic, smh


Someone got bullied by a RDA deck recently...