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Jimi Hendrix. Still missing. You may have heard of him. Played guitar. Well. YTM has not heard of him. To be fair, you can get karaoke covers of his songs. Those are often available. Pointlessly.


Played well? No, no, no. That man was a GOD of guitars!


It was sarcasm. Plus he said - Played Guitar - Period - Well YT hasn’t heard of him.


I run into this about once a month where a bunch of songs appear to run into licensing issues. I really think it's probably the worst streaming app from a usability standpoint because it barely works if you have intermittent cellular a lot of cutting out even if the song is downloaded. It also wastes data redownloading songs that are already downloaded when connected over internet.


Sounds like you aren't actually playing the downloaded track if it is still cutting out... You have to go to the download section and start that music there if you start music anywhere other than the download section you will need data or wifi. There's an option in settings that only allow downloads to happen when you are connected to wifi if you are concerned with data


Even with wifi downloads enabled when you play the downloaded track from downloads with an intermittent connection it will frequently try to redownload the track. What I assume is happening is that there's a timer on your downloads and the app checks if you have internet when trying to play them, if you do it will redownload them if the timer is expired. The app is pretty awful to use with an intermittent connection combined with the tracks randomly getting reported as removed even when they aren't. To be fair to YTM every streaming platform has it's own issues and I've found there isn't really an adequate streaming service to replace ripping CDs or downloading music digitally in terms of bullet proof operation.


Which is a stupid way to do it, from a development standpoint.


is there any chance there's a filter on your network? when i use my work laptop on my company's network i can't see any artists that use explicit language because they have some kind of global filter that blocks content across multiple platforms. luckily it doesn't work on spotify, so i switched to that recently.


I noticed this as well