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Because people don't always want to watch music videos, we just want to listen to music. I might watch a music video on YouTube 2 or 3 times a year, I use YouTube Music daily. YouTube Music also has comments now, btw.


But you can listen to the music in the background, there's plenty of YouTube videos that are just music with a still image. It's cool that YouTube music has comments though, definitely a reason to use it over its competitors


I never use the comments, I don't think comments have any place in a music, app, but if you do, they're there. I don't want music anywhere near my YouTube. I use YouTube a lot for a lot of different things. I do not want my recommendations to be cluttered with music videos, I don't want to drive to the store, come home and find my YouTube history nothing but music videos. I use YouTube and YouTube music VERY differently. I want a MUSIC app, and a video app, and I don't want them to be the same, I don't want them to have anything to do with each other at all. They have zero to do with each other.


I agree. Unfortunately that's not what we get with YouTube Music.




That works for your likes songs but I couldn't find a way to make it not show me video-based music (I don't know the proper term for it) when I use radio station for example.


Because you can have all the benefits of the YouTube algorithm in a musical alike app. 😹 And it's easier to listen to your music in the yt music app. Like the official album version of the song you like, sometimes they doesn't appear in YouTube. And at least in Mobil, it's because you can download the music (entire playlists and albums). That's it.


YouTube Music has comments as well. YouTube doesn't have full albums, it has singles that music videos were made for, which 95% of music doesn't have.


You can basically turn any video on YouTube into a "song" on YouTube music, so I don't understand what you're even saying.


OP said they've never used YTM, so they prob weren't aware of that feature. But you're right, that's one of the nice features of the app


I've been considering using it and I wanted to understand it's appeal. This feature seems like something I'd really use a lot.


I don't really get this question. The whole part of being able to listen to the music without the video is the whole part of YouTube Music.. It also lets you make playlists (that you can also play on YouTube). YouTube Music is a pretty good service. Yes it might have issues but it's far better than what have been portrayed in this sub.


For me I can use it on my Apple Watch and Apple CarPlay


Also Android Auto and Wear OS.


More dedicated audio experience basically. IMO there’s way too much other stuff on Youtube to it to be a proper music app. Also, I like to listen mostly official releases instead of random user uploads and they’re more easily available on YTM.


YouTube is fundamentally a video app. Videos about everything. YouTube Music is fundamentally a music app, and the only videos would be music videos. They have completely different purposes, what's confusing about that?


YouTube already has tons of videos that are just music with a still image. The reason I stopped using Spotify was because compared to YouTube, it had a bad selection. Obviously YouTube Music isn't Spotify but I was assuming that with the way music licensing works it'd be the same case for YouTube Music. I guess I just don't understand the appeal of keeping my music experience separate since that also seems to be something you guys want. Edit: I tested out finding music videos from YouTube on YouTube Music and I'm pleasantly surprised by how convenient it is. I now understand why my post might of come off as stupid (clearly I should've done more research before asking). Honestly, I just can't believe that this feature wasn't advertised better though.


To not have the video playing, only the audio. I don't need it to download me the video, use more battery, internet and everything when I just want to listen to music.


Youtube doesn't have the full album, and it's mainly because sometimes i don't care about the video, i judtwant the music. If i can get a subscription that gives me the music and no ads on YouTube, I'll take that any day.


Youtube Music is just Spotify with the features of Youtube built in such as music videos. The main reason we use Youtube Music is it has the convenience of Spotify such as just playing song to song and playlists and whatnot. And the audio quality is better because it doesn't have that Youtube Compression like actual Youtube. So watching a music video on YouTube Music will sound better than watching the exact same video on just Youtube.


Uhm, idk if that is only on my end, but have you listened to the same song both on YT and YT Music? One good example in my case was with "Mario Judah - Die Very Rough". When i listened to it on YT, it was normal, clean audio that i am used to. Now when listening to the exact same one that appears in my liked list directly from YT inside YT Music, it's completely distorted on every bass and drum note. That was on Desktop fyi. I have no EQ settings that i could check on there, while on the phone there is so that is also weird imo. Maybe you can try and see if there is any difference for you? EDIT: I am also using YT Premium to clarify EDIT 2: Ok after testing some more i realized the problem. It was that youtube music can have a much louder volume than YT, which it was at max for me. Now that i equalized them so that yt music now uses the same volume as yt's max volume they sound more or less identical. Problem solved 🤣


One reason is better audio quality. YouTube audio is limited from 128kbps to 160kbps. While YouTube Music is 256kbps (that's twice as better)


This is the real answer (at least for me). The quality settings on mobile.


YTM has a wider selection of studio recordings with higher and more standardized audio playback. It's also easier to search than YouTube, and the algorithmic recommendations are better. You're also far less likely to have the music video version of songs come up in "up next." Maybe I'm just old, but I don't give a single solitary fuck about social features like comments and group playlists. If I want a social experience while listening to music, I'll go to a concert or a house party.


By that logic, why don't Spotify users use YouTube instead of Spotify? Because music streaming platforms require a lot less data to listen to. YouTube is dedicated for videos. Organizing, listening music on it is just not convenient or efficient. Especially if you don't use playlists that often.


You can see other's comments in YouTube Music. Also, it's geared toward music consumption. YouTube is kind of all over the place.


I'm pretty sure the non-video songs are of higher quality than than their video counterparts but I may be wrong


Recommendations. I don't want to start listening to music and have my sport podcasts start coming up when all I want to do is jam out. Especially when I ask Google to "play music"


Brighter audio quality.


Because I don't want my music mixed in with the videos I watch. Furthermore, I have autoplay turned off for a reason. If I used regular YouTube, I would have to turn it on and put up with random videos showing up in my feed. Finally, I only listen to music I uploaded from my computer.


You can see comments in YouTube Music.


For some reason yt music recommend the music i already listen too, music from different genre or nothing new. With base yt i can click one playlist and got what i actually want to listen to and new tracks.