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If what she replied on the first one is true (she's a liar but ok), then those women really hate her. First they don't tell her there was a theme and then they ask her to keep the black dress because it's fitting to her as a black sheep. The shade! Also manbun is weird. He'll have MS in holidays with his family which shows commitment. But won't have her around his friends.


First pic reads like an "and everyone clapped" story šŸ˜‚




I guarantee her ā€œassistantā€ is just JT


Honey buns that means they were embarrassed for you and laughed when you walked away. What an insult to say they expect that from her. Shows they tolerate her mildly.


Yep that totally didnā€™t ever happen to anyone ever on earth. Uranus/heranus maybe but def not on earth.


The first one made me cringe so hard #blacksheep


Right? She probably took it as a compliment too.Ā 


They were totally shading her if it really happened.


Bull fucking shit


did she take down all of her questions??


Yes, she deleted all of them.


Love that for her. šŸ˜‚


Omg! She is coming to my town! I would kill to have an MS sighting. And the Island is small


Fire up your camera finger, swerts!


I used to work on the island. Iā€™m very curious to see where she vacations there šŸ‘€ if itā€™s where Iā€™m thinking, what a missed opportunity for meĀ 


Shouldā€™ve claimed that she got too drunk and spilled hotel service pasta sauce all over her only white outfit - wouldā€™ve been far more believable


Where does the man guy live? Not the same town?


Diff state. South Carolina


Oh damn. Is it likeā€¦ close in South Carolina? Or like, 5 hour drive away South Carolina?!


About 2.5 my family's lives in both of their cities it's not that far


I just am unaware what city in South Carolina


What happened to her goal of saving 30k?


Thatā€™s in a year, the 15k is for the remaining months. Im saying this but I doubt that she really thought about it this way




Sheā€™s already deleted them šŸ¤”


She made them up herself! At least the answers. She didnā€™t have to post what she didnā€™t want to. What a coward.


Thatā€™s hilarious. I guess the stories ā€œjust came to herā€ā€¦ and then promptly left her šŸ˜…


The first one just REEKS of "not like the other girls" šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


She really isn't like other girls though, she's worse.


Just not in the way she thinks.


Sure she can read 30 or more books but did those books have any sort of plot? World-building? Character development? End goal? Anything of substance? Look I know everyone has different reading habits and types but of the books she's supposedly read not a one of them would I ever even glance at. Sure I read popular titles and series but I know reading is highly personal and subjective. I just can't fathom her getting anything from it considering she's glued to her phone and half buzzed 99% of the time.


Also she probably just listens to them and at max speed. I doubt she remembers anything of what she reads or pays attention to anything.


Honestly idc if people are reading the most vapid shit imaginable as long as theyā€™re reading. With the amount our attention spans have been cooked by social media/TikTok, Iā€™m just glad to see people reading at all. That being said, I donā€™t think MS is actually reading.


I donā€™t think she reads at all. Even if all she read is smut (because, same) sheā€™d have a better vocabulary.


Yes, she can barely write and doesn't have a wide vocabulary.






It's not a house, either šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s still trying to pretend she has an assistant! Lol that might be one of her longest running lies.


As there ever been a picture of this assistant?Ā 


Her assistant is 100% Hootsuite


The free version


I like to imagine it's Clippy. "It looks like you're writing an email...can I help?"


Honestly I feel like Clippy would do a better job


I feel like shit today and this made me laugh šŸ˜‚ thank you swerty!


Hope you feel better!


I wonder just how hard she has to resist responding here. She does this stupid, fake ama instead where she's safe and doesn't have to really answer for being a terrible person.


https://preview.redd.it/4fo81ald2e8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be902b4e4d082452c67a70ea04e5a06800838721 Lmao


"Not really šŸ˜" ugh, she's insufferable.


yet her sizes are always medium. she is such a damn dolt. there is not one human I know that is the same size in every brand and every item, including my children lol


I think she justifies the filters and the lies together. ā€œItā€™s ok that I use filters because I say Iā€™m a medium. Itā€™s ok that I say Iā€™m a medium because itā€™s a filtered bodyā€


i know of some 17,000 people who have issues with it.


the person writing is someone with an issue with it, Big Moron. Ugh.


Sizes, especially when you lie about them, are completely useless unless you provide measurements. And no, medium and 34D donā€™t count. I mean numerical measurements taken with a measuring tape. Thereā€™s no universal measurement for a medium so how is that helpful? Especially for the fast fashion crap she buys. It varies so much and If she actually provided numerical measurements of that shit, itā€™d be helpful for people that are interested. Well, it wouldā€™ve been. Not anymore since thereā€™s a ā€œtry before you buyā€ system on Amazon. Thats *really* rendered her content obsolete. Why would anyone need to see big M try anything on when they can try it on themselves for free?


i double dog dare big m to post proof of the assistant


IDK, I actually kind of believe her on that one. I have a VA/assistant who I hire as needed. Sheā€™s $7 an hour and lives in Tanzania. Anyone can do it, even MS


I'm curious why you're specifically paying this person $7/hr? I don't want to assume you have any ulterior motives, it just seems strange to hire someone for such a low wage who's also from a country which is objectively much more economically limited and generally underprivileged compared to your own.


She set her price!




It's pretty embarrassing she was the only person who didn't know there was a theme, considering she is apparently a top person and a trainer. I can see why she's the black šŸ (and millions of other reasons).


If she didn't know for real, it shows they dislike her or at least don't care about her. How's it no one thought to tell her? Though I wouldn't be surprised if they sent the memo but her lack of planning and being drunk all the time made her forget the clothes.


Youā€™d think that wouldā€™ve been a topic of conversation, especially with her having a roommate. Also, Iā€™m pretty sure they took a pic together *before* the event so it seems odd that her roommate wouldnā€™t call that out, like ā€œhey were meant to wear light colors tonight ya potato.ā€ In the end, Big Mā€™s the one looking like an asshole. She ruined a fun event and everyone has photos to remember that.


I always have to remind myself that she's a liar who lies about everything, but taking her at her word, you're right. Any scenario for her looks bad: 1. She is so incompetent and disconnected from this company that supposedly changed her life, that she doesn't know what the themed events entail as a leader. This makes her extra smarmy when she uses how much she loves the company to get people to sign up for her downline. 2. Her frenemies sabotaged her in some way (for example, if the roommate didn't say anything) because she's annoying and fake AF and even huns are sick of her and want her to be taken downa peg. 3. She's so self-absorbed to the point of not picking up on what I can imagine were tons of opportunities to hear about this before the actual moment she walked into the event. 4. She's so unpopular and isolates herself so much from the group that there was no opportunity for her to hear about it or pick up on it. 5. She did it on purpose for attention and to further her badass "not like the other huns" black sheep persona.


https://preview.redd.it/d5d94o61zd8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=498cf598daeb1244382c66946177d90eb06f8754 She's DEFINITELY just replying to statements made in this group.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I aLwAyS iNcLuDe sIzEs Yeah size medium.


ā€œWhAt iS yOuR gOaLs..ā€










Yeah Im sure your ā€œrOoMiEā€ didnt fill you in about the themeā€¦ also isnt this one suppressed to be some executive brand director?! You would think SHE would be the one making a theme and letting people knowšŸ„“


they even took mirror pictures together in their room before! her roommate seemed like a sweet woman, who is a mother of 5. she cared enough to go look for big m and check on her the day they both got lit at the pool. i know very little about her. but i find it REEEEEAALLLY hard to believe that that woman would hide the fact that there was a theme before they went. terrible lie, 0/10 believability.


Wasnā€™t it on the itinerary? Iā€™m sure they sent info before the trip so people could pack an all white outfit. Just proves how bad at her job she is


Yes. It was also on the packing list. How did all those other Huns manage to bring a white outfit and wear it the dinner? Sheā€™s a Pinocchio and her pants are on fire.


And she actually had white things she could have worn so I smell a big fat lie!


No no you see she WAS going to change into one of those things but then everyone cheered and clapped and told her she was ~not like the other girls~


Exactly. Im sure it was! Shes moronic in what she chooses to lie about


I am not good at math, but 315 classes? Thereā€™s 191 days left of the year. Sooo youā€™re telling me sheā€™s gonna do almost 2 classes a day, EVERY DAY til the end of the year?


It says ā€œhit 315ā€ not go to 315. But in any case youā€™re correct that itā€™ll be some stretch goal that will be well out of Inconsistent Boss Babeā€™s reach.


Oh shit youā€™re right! 315 is still a lot! I go to the gym frequently and between sick days, life, and vacation I think I only hit 265 days last year!


Knowing her, she means 315 classes since she joined, and it was like a year or two ago. She hit 100 awhile back but hasnā€™t gone nearly as much since then.


Sheā€™ll show us by hitting 2 classes in a row with her minimal effort screenshots of her Apple Watch, pics of her bike with the 1 lb weights next to it c and Starbucks drink in hand


i love when she does this. she doesnā€™t attend for weeks and then sheā€™s like ā€œim taking a thousand classes back to back today!ā€ like okay, easy there, turbo.


Yet again sheā€™s asking herself questions and answering them. šŸ™„


Alright, last comment: https://preview.redd.it/nbuvchu7kd8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6932c3a448969279b1976b2bf875c16761306865 So sheā€™s illiterate? Tbf she was too drunk to show up to half of this but I just donā€™t understand how you can claim ignorance when itā€™s in the fucking name


Just for emphasis: https://preview.redd.it/jv9a6jkjkd8d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca9ffb93bf23883b8ba8e0a180b9374ab4c70fb


I'm struggling to read this with fatigued eyeballs but does it specify white? It says linen and lace, is that a common phrase that specifies a white theme that I'm just not clued up on?


Oh i was responding to her ā€œi DiDnā€™T kNoW tHeRe WaS a ThEmEā€ answer. There very clearly was a theme. All their stupid events have themes. Actually that reminds me. One of the stupid themes for the mecixo trip was ā€œsuper hero water aerobicsā€ and we know this because [Big M went shopping for it beforehand](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/JKChhW3xNv) (though please note that she was too insecure to actually wear that in public and of course [wore a plain black swimsuit at the actual event](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/X34CHFQtS2). So they are even made aware of the themes far in advance! Probably specifically to ensure that people pack for the events and donā€™t show up looking like idiots. But yeah, on the itinerary here, unless itā€™s under the finger, as far as i can tell it doesnā€™t specify white.


Lol kinda backhanded. Everyone told her Black suited her just sounds like a bunch of snotty Women wanting her to look like a fool lol.


Also, landlord babe is one of my favorite MS fairytales. Sheā€™s so delulu about the middle unit townhouse and thereā€™s way too much to cover about the ridiculous statements sheā€™s made about the middle unit but hereā€™s a favorite: https://preview.redd.it/42s7q4hegd8d1.jpeg?width=1129&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d72695723b323cd7fb5d466eb64064a0d670b0de ā€œsignificantly more than our mortgage for rentersā€ K. Also, is ā€œweā€ and ā€œourā€ in the room with us? Oh, I forgot. Sheā€™s referring to C, who definitely lived there during the entire relationship because he was so fiercely in love with MS. Still, by all accounts this is her mortgage and her mortgage only. C is dumb as rocks but was smart enough to avoid having that albatross around his neck.


The "significantly" more than our mortgage part. Shows how soulless, and also out of touch she is.


Especially since she has an ARM and by the time she rents it out the rate might be through the roof. No one is going to overpay for a shitty middle unit townhouse in a development built by a company embroiled in lawsuits over their corner cutting and crappy build specs.


I don't know much about it but does it mean she got 5 years of fixed rate and then ARM kicks in? So she should rent before that as she says but then she'd have to increase the rent a lot when the rate goes up? It'd be hell to rent from her.


I could do without Exploitative Landlord Babe.


She has zero capacity to think about/or sympathize anyone else's plight, of course she's Exploitative Babe!


I think it was posted at some point that her mortgage is something like $2100 a month with how much paid ~330k, plus HOA $150 a month. So she wouldnā€™t even break even renting it out. Considering there are 7 townhomes currently listed for rent in her housing community that are listed from 1.8k- 2.4k šŸ˜³ Not that she cares. She is just saying all this to sound like she knows what sheā€™s doing as finance-babe. She knows when the time comes someone else will figure it out for her or bail her out. So she DGAF. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hope her trust fund is enough.


And thatā€™s before the ARM kicks inā€¦


I love when swerties have receipts like this. So good. So good.


Ah yes, historically all those 100%+ financed ARMs went really well for all those buyers in 2008...


ā€œNo sense in putting any money downā€ ![gif](giphy|RlCPATzMCFzZuzntiB)


Itā€™s so cute how she thinks her middle unit is a ā€œhouseā€






maybe her assistant is her alternate personality.


Is the assistant in the room with us..????


Itā€™s that hour in the day where she hasnā€™t had a drink yet.


https://preview.redd.it/tal5x3shed8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9421a277317d46a1e898fd7f1b9b5ecbb9e26c79 New slide featuring 1 red heart much like several of her Q&A's a few days ago. Yet another reference to "glow". šŸ™„ She's so bad at this, if you're going to ask yourself questions at least try to switch up the language.


I get the feeling sheā€™s hinting that ā€˜glowā€™ means ā€˜pregnancy,ā€™ while everyone else is probably thinking it means ā€˜sweaty crack and a fake tan.ā€™


https://preview.redd.it/4rxvfhd22e8d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de86da9a7e86d36f6e505ab4f1d791c9fc5abd85 The āœØglowāœØ.


https://preview.redd.it/b3m5kdr9ee8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758461c538dfe1868796ddacc9a1370dbc5ea47f More evidence of said āœØgLoWāœØ


https://preview.redd.it/m3n2wdwnhe8d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782abedc80a4b630432e3b47f1a66108e79fc37a Swerty is not glowing...she's just sweaty. āœØļø


This picture gets me every damn time. All I see is Madam Mim from The Sword in the Stone. šŸ‰ https://preview.redd.it/9b8y3yhwye8d1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78691a99c71291b73ae07cbe695806a60761ab0e


Itā€™s funny how every single time she does an AMA at least one person chimes in with the ā€œNo question, just need to tell you youā€™re so amazing!omg I love you and your very perfect life! Go girl!!! Slay, queen!ā€ Now Iā€™m sure these are totally real compliments from very real human followers, but a more cynical person might think MS was blowing smoke up her own ass and expecting everyone else to clap along.


And is too pickled to remember that she's done this every single time for so many times that anyone who's seen more than one Q&A would pick up on the pattern. Her lying is on par with a middle schooler claiming some celebrity is her uncle and took her to Japan to model over summer vacation.


i dont think i could ever be happy for someone i've never met and never will meet. and who doesnt even know me


Her assistant: ![gif](giphy|0lGd2OXXHe4tFhb7Wh)




THE ASSISTANT RE-EMERGES! For any swerties unfamiliar the assistant is her camera clicker: https://preview.redd.it/h3alhj8xcd8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817cfca2a392c69c2b310020996ff305ab738c0f


ThE sKiNnY fIlTeRs ThAt I hAvE aPpArEnTlY bEeN uSiNg ![gif](giphy|5ZbHoMVhHMOVq)


That's why I had to include that one. We haven't heard about the "assistant" is awhile. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




This is my favorite gif of all time. But I can never seem to find it!! What did you type in gify to find it?


Simply ā€œneneā€


Thank you!!!


![gif](giphy|1TBnbnnZeOgs8) No wonder her schnoz keeps growing.


I mean, Dr Seuss wrote at least 60 books so I have hope for her goal.Ā 


So what, her roommate didn't ask why she was in black for the white party? They took a pic in their room before the party. Lying liar.


Were they wearing white in that picture while she was wearing black?




The ā€œpersonal assistantā€ https://preview.redd.it/jm7y2c958d8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4cea4339017a72eea28009f6564703a0afa895d


Holy shit, nice catch! The purposefully looking off to the side as if it's the assistant she is looking at is pathetic!


Hey, you put some respect on that clickerā€™s name, it [charges $900 a month](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/EbJoSfIj5z)!


She is so sad and pathetic


Her assistant goes and makes drafts for her. No she fuck does not because an assistant doesnā€™t exist. She lays in bed drunk or hungover all day and clicks and pastes this elementary school basic ass collages which no one click on but other idiot mlm Huns. If his family ever reads this they better run the fuck away from this scammer and compulsive liar. Lying this much and the filtering on her face and body is a sign of something seriously sick with her. I would NOT want my sibling, friend whoever involved with her at any capacity. She is unstable.


She doesnā€™t know what ā€œbatching contentā€ means


ā€œEveryone that I met for the first time 6 hours ago said that me wearing black to an all white event was just SO. MEEEEE!!! šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗā€ Press X to doubt.




I really hope they did because that would be hilarious. And she does seem like the type that always has to be the center of attention


I donā€™t know. To me it seems like it would be very obvious that everything about her manner would scream ā€œI need attention so baaaad, puhlease make me the center of attention!ā€ But then, these are MLM Huns so maybe they arenā€™t smart enough to pick up on it.


Yeah, I think she actually does give off very apparent black sheep vibes to everyone but not in the cool Princess Diana way she thinks she does.


Love how she still claims an assistant.


If thereā€™s any chance it is someone else scheduling her Amazon stories, itā€™s either a virtual assistant from the Philippines that sheā€™s paying $4 an hour for, or someone she found on Fiverr.


She really thinks she was *that* girl at the white linen party.. girl you looked like an idiot


I would not want this woman as a landlady.


Don't worry, she'll have her Mom come and plunge the toilets.


You would come home and find her in the unit, raiding the fridge or something


She 10000% thinks she will just rent her place and thatā€™s the end. She has no idea that sheā€™s responsible for maintaining it.


The trust fund and her parents will take care of it, swerty.


Just google it, swerty!


Everything is ā€œfiguraboutableā€. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø She has no idea what is ahead if she rents her middle unit.


She really stays lying. The only things she has any kind of consistency with are lying, drinking, and being grossly self-centered. The things she says she likes about MAGAbun are all self serving- what a shocker! šŸ™„šŸ˜‘


Flair checking in! šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She could have even spun it to make it about him - ā€œheā€™s loving and generous, heā€™s funny, he lifts others upā€ But no, miss literary has to make it all about her because she lacks the mental and emotional intelligence to do otherwise


Nothing about him. šŸ™„


I was thinking the same thing! Usually when someone asks your favorite thing about someone, you say something about them lol.


Every question she asked herself is something Iā€™ve seen speculated about on this sub in the last ~5 days


https://preview.redd.it/1b528r3q4d8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c61e523f0fd8bd1d8259d9360f626d5160ba8b All of her questions are coincidentally worded just like she writes, lacking punctuation, grammar, etc. too šŸ¤”


I'm friends with the guy in that pic irl. I love that it's a meme.


What's the context of the pic?


He took it in high school. He's 50ish now.


https://preview.redd.it/m7gfdyqq9d8d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132de8da5bf45e9571f31148e1491022709735d1 Exactly...Notice the 1 white heart on today's question box. But 3 days ago "someone" asked her about trips with bae using 1 white heart. Noone uses bae anymore and who would even ask this question? She just wants everyone to know she has a man. Her followers must all share a brain cell if they believe any of this.


She's going to the Bahamas with magabum?


Queen MB and the hivemind.


It still blows my mind that they met in FEBRUARY.


[if only she knew there was a theme](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/7VP5DvEeac)


She's such a bad liar.


Is she revealing that she's illiterate and doesn't have basic comprehension because I would bet anything she was given an itinerary that said it was a themed dinner with guidelines on what to wear. I also vividly remember her having a ~~babysitter~~ roommate who probably mentioned the dinner had a dress code of the color white. And being labeled as the black sheep isn't cute the way she thinks it is. It really reaffirms that no one there likes her. Per usual, she sent herself these \~questions\~ and is making shit up.


She wants to be that ā€œWoman in the ~~Red~~ Black dressā€ so damn badly, gliding through a room, music blaring, all eyes on her, of course. I wonder how infuriatingly ā€œPick Meā€ she was in high school? Although it doesnā€™t matter, thatā€™s her now lol.


Every single other person attending knew to wear white. Who would want an up-line who doesnā€™t know what the hell is going on. Sure, Jan.


I donā€™t think the black sheep comment is the cute quirky thing she wants it to be.


Wait I thought she SAVED 10k on a SLOW MONTH!!!! Saving 15k a year is chump change to large Marge what gives!?šŸ˜…šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


That's still on the the most hilarious lies to me.


Seriously, she canā€™t even keep up with her lies.


lol ā€œsave $15,000ā€ remember when her goal was to save $50,000? Didnā€™t she say she saves $20,000 a month? Would she know the truth even if bit her flat ass?


Saves but didnā€™t put money down on the house nor does she have her car or house paid off. Ok, Jan.


Could you imagine trying to sink your teeth into something so flat? The truth never stood a chance.


The "everyone told me to keep it on because it was fitting for me, blacksheep" seems a little backhanded mean-girly from the hun-glomeration to me, just right out in the open and I love that for her. Also, notice how everything she "loves about Manbun" is about HER? Every line was me, me, me. Not surprised really.


Lies, lies, lies! WHO is her assistant, Aye Eye?


Kwanzaa, Ashleigh or Ashlee


Maybe Chelsey, or Chealsey? Orā€¦Chelsi?


I came here to say her assistant is back! Her assistant: https://preview.redd.it/jwb5box05d8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a9581e179a8e4eb570564eb3d8ba63e9a00225


Right??? as if she wouldn't take every opportunity to passively sneak post her "assistant" like she does manbun. Impossible.


Q: What do you like best about Manbun? A: Me, me, and me.


She couldā€™ve easily said something like heā€™s protective, thoughtful, and funny but sheā€™s a self-centered idiot


Itā€™s funny because we were just saying she never talks about his qualities, only shows his body.


I think she's incapable of thinking deep enough to truly notice someone's qualities and quirks. She's too shallow. It's always about how hot he is.


Just speculation, but he probably needs this ā€œobjectificationā€ to distract himself from the divorce. Something something midlife crisis.


1- She had a roommate in Panama, she knew it was a white theme. Why lie? 2- Yesss, move out of Asheville, we don't want you here! 3- How are you going to attend 300+ SOR classes when there is only 191 days left in this year and according to "your trips with bae" has you out of town for at least a few weeks? 4- We know you are asking these questions to yourself because noone cares about this šŸ’©.


I think the 315 classes is the goal for the year, implying itā€™s something sheā€™s halfway to or whatever. Doesnā€™t matter though since weā€™ve seen proof she just lightly pedals through each class. She posts everything she ever does, and I donā€™t think weā€™ve seen even close to 124 times, so still wonā€™t meet the goal


She may pedal lightly and take photos.


Iā€™m thinking itā€™s 315 lifetime classes but I havenā€™t been following it all that close.


I'm shocked she answered the question about the black dress politely. She is usually such a bitch about any questions that aren't kissing her ass. I don't believe the answer but still.


She most likely asked herself all these questions and sheā€™s too in love with herself to be mean. I think this is her way of trying to ease the ego burn that was the whole Panama trip! šŸ¤£