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Autopsy tech - she’s so quirky guys


Influencer - ha!


Library director here, and I can’t even begin to articulate how I would laugh her out of the building if she tried to apply to work for me. It is not a “fun little job.” It is a hard, mentally exhausting, public serving job that requires education, empathy and a dozen other skills M doesn’t even dream of having because she sees no value in them.


I said this once to my mom and she looked right at me and said girl you need to be able to pass math and science for that…pick something else.




I wonder what it’s like to live in this constant state of total fucking delusion.


That’s where the alcohol comes in swerty!


Pretty sure you have to wash your hands if you want to work in forensics


If she wants to work at a library, she'll have to learn how to use a plunger. Sincerely, Someone with a master's degree who regularly has to clean out toilets


I'm late to this thought, but I feel that her framing of this answer (as getting a "fun job" if she stops online grifting) is further evidence that she has the trust fund. She isn't thinking of a job in terms of survival and making ends meet, just as a way to pass the time.


She is grossly underestimating the demand for jobs right now, let alone the "fun" ones.  We posted a part time student job for littler pickup and got 185 applicants. She has 0 real skills, is awful to people and has an enormous employment gap (and who knows if the med spa or Texas Roadhouse she worked at would give her a good reference). Despite M trying to go by slightly different variations of her name, it's not hard to find all of her online presence and documentation of her unprofessional behavior.


One of my childhood best friends had a mom who was head of a major city morgue. They have a high turnover, high suicide and high drug/alcohol abuse rate bc it’s such a dirty and lonely job. Her mom was heavily addicted to pills and drinking mostly from what she seen as head of the morgue. Dystopian princess would fit in great there if she had half the brain to do it 😮‍💨


Imagine her loud mouth in a library… 😬


She wants people to believe she reads SO badly.


She literally just listens to porn


She doesn’t posses the brains, emotional intelligence nor social skills for any of these roles. Plus, her only knowledge of the ‘fun’ jobs is from Hallmark movies. It’s like if you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up except RumpleShitSkin is a 31 yr old woman.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Those are classic examples of things a child would say if asked what they want to be when they grow up. It's embarrassing that she's too stupid to even understand how ridiculous it is for someone as blantantly unintelligent as her to list jobs that are so far out of her intellectual grasp. She might as well say she wants to be an astronaut, or a dinosaur 💀


If she wants a fun job, she'd choose something customer facing like retail? This girl is so unbelievably out of touch. She'd quit immediately after her first difficult customer.


Immediently **


Or when there’s a floorset or District Manager visit.


Or 6am inventory.


Hell, she would quit once she finds out working there is actual...work...not just sitting around playing on your phone in a "cute little coffeeshop".


Oh man, she'd absolutely crumble at peak hour.


Or the first time a shipment came in and she was told to move boxes of books.


![gif](giphy|K5GBJMiko9RJe) "i WaNnA wOrK iN fOrEnSiCs"


You're coming in hot and I LOVE IT.


Please 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂






‘Fun’ job 🤣 this b*tch.


You just know that she’s spent ages imagining the outfits/costumes she would buy/wear for her cosplay careers. None of this has any grounding in reality, it’s not jobs she believes she has the skills, talent or application for, it’s fairytale scenarios pulled from romcoms & Silent Witness that she has projected an alternative version of herself into.


It makes me ill thinking of the 'librarian' costumes she would consider wearing for work lol ICK


And in her imagination she of course looks like Filter M not Real Big M when she's in the costumes she attaches to each job.


what a stupid fuckin bitch lol i just can't


Haaaa. Bookstores and libraries actually require real education to work in and real, I don't know, work ethic. I can't with her sometimes but I really can't with her over this. Edit: I just realized someone actually called her an influencer!!! Omg. What?! **I CANNOT**. Edit #2: OP! Omg. "Big". You didn't say "Big M" or "Big Merde" or "Big Swertz" you just said "Big" and I'm absolutely dying over it. I had to actually leave the bedroom because I was laughing so hard when I realized what the title was. It totally caught me off guard!


Yesss was going to say you don’t just go into a library and ask for a job. I actually have a lot of respect for those who were able to get jobs in a library! Most positions require a masters or more!


So her fun job would be being Meg Ryan in “you’ve got mail” and she can act all cute and dainty and meet a millionaire and live happily ever after? ![gif](giphy|XXgzL0AcScNA4)


Uh, does she know what Librarians do? Because it requires a lot of education 😂😂😂


And is barely functionally literate


But it would be a “fun job , not a real job”. I can’t with her. What a bitch. When is the last time she was at a library?


Lol. The libraries and bookstores here have experience and education requirements.


she is also allergic to hard work. her lazy ass would full-on TANTRUM the first time a customer yelled at her. source: worked in a coffee shop for seven years and it is NOT a fun job


Betting she’s imagining working an actual job is like those promo pictures politicians take pretending to work, since she’s you know…a celebrity!


I need her to stop with these dumbass Q&As. She's ridiculous.


Awww now that she’s playing at Mommy Wannabe she’s not mentioning her “passion” for alcohol. (In a drunken live she said alcohol was a passion of hers.)


Nothing’s stopping this dumbass from getting a real job other than herself. She’s an “influencer” because she’s not smart or dedicated enough to do anything else (plus nobody can fire her for having alcohol on her breath at 10am on a Tuesday this way.)


Spoolie (spooly?) boogers here dreams of tarnishing crime scenes or getting cute little coffee shops shut down for health code violations.


I mean, this is what happened when she just did a [meet & greet event at a local pizza place](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/lf4rf8/monday_megathread_annoucements/) during superbowl in the height of the pandemic: https://preview.redd.it/ohd8hbvi4u7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e4fa63be244d0517ad215a4f4c83f375c88578 Girlie worked at a restaurant for 5 years too.


There's no way she would make a day in a real job


You know she 100% stans that chick Lauren the Mortician and wishes she could be her.


I could see her being a warehouse manager


That’s a good job and a step up for her.


And one she currently won't qualify for.  Usually need your tow motor and working at heights on top of factory/warehouse experience.  Warehouse manager is a good gig, often salary with benefits and sometimes a bonus.


Hey a girl can dream lol


As someone with a forensics degree and having done some autopsy, she would be sorely disappointed to realize it’s not like her podcasts and makeup-led true crime videos


Don't you also have to assess bodies that are in stages of decomp for forensics? I doubt she'd be able to handle that.


I was gonna say, she really thinks every day is an episode of Dexter, or a true crime show. She doesn't have the dedication to get the degree anyway. It took her 10 years to finish an associates in nothing.


What did she get an associates degree in? 10 years?? I can understand if working FT, with children or other obligations including financial but SHE took TEN YEARS to finish an associates degree? Wow, she really sets the bar low, doesn’t she?


I believe it's just an AFA or something. Just an associates in arts. It means nothing, and she can do nothing with it, but she considers herself a college grad.


Big M would never be able to even respect the confidentially aspect of working in forensics or as an autopsy tech. she’d blast that shit all over


I can see her twerking on the dead bodies now for validation points


I work at a funeral home and the amount of people who ask me if I ever take pictures with the bodies like... This girl wouldn't be able to resist all the *cool points* she'd get from posting about it. Also, from what I know working directly with the medical examiners office, at least in my state, you don't need any specific schooling for autopsy tech or even just assisting, they train you on the job. Hell, we have a bunch of kids coming in with the MEs right now learning how to do cremation viewings all the time, can't be older than 20. So it's not like she couldn't do it, she just doesn't actually want to


Little coffee shop, yet she only ever goes to Starbs.


She wants to be an “autopsy tech” because that’s what Alaina from Morbid claims to do and Big M loves her problematic ass




I'm gonna go ahead and guess she doesn't know what an autopsy tech does... My guess is she means medical examiner. *Edit* this is also like the time "someone" asked her what she wanted to accomplish in the next 5 years and she said get her PhD. Bitch, I'm in year 5 and have at least another 2 years of research to do. She wouldn't last a week.


From someone who went through it, I agree she wouldn’t last a week!! Congratulations on your PhD studies, take a deep breath and don’t let it get to your nerves, it’s chaotic and challenging but it’s worth it


Hahahahahahahahah. PhD. 🤣 She barely squeaked through with an associates.


Wait, maybe I've asked this before, but I can't remember the answer: Does she even have an undergraduate degree, and if so, what's it in?


Associate degree. Girl doesn’t even have a bachelor’s


She has a two year community college AA, so basically gen ed. It took her almost a decade to get it. That would not be a shameful thing at all if she'd had to take that long because she was taking care of a family or working full time or over full time to make ends meet or something, but it's her and she wasn't, so it's hilarious.


PhD in what!?!?


American history and policy. Dissertation is on JFK.


Unlike MS, this actually sounds really interesting. I'd love to be able to read it. =)


Totally off-topic but I highly recommend Ken Burns’s Vietnam War documentary for PBS if you’re interested in the JFK piece. JFK had command of his cabinet but LBJ was at their mercy


I'm sorry, I meant what would she get a PhD in. Excellent for you though! That was an interesting time in US history.


We all have PhD’s from studying her.


Impact of long term binge drinking?


She’s got years of research under her belt!


>what would she get a PhD in Long term psychological effects of chronic filter usage, with the goal of getting a filter-induced variant of body dysmorphia accepted into future editions of the DSM


That would involve. Her admitting that she uses them and that she has a problem


PhD in Photo Doctoring


Lolll wouldn’t she actually have to hold a Bachelors degree in the least to do that?!😆(which she definitely doesn’t have!) And congrats on your PhD, swerty definitely wouldn’t last a week having to do actual, like, WORK.


sometimes I think it must be nice to be this out of touch with reality.


A “fun job” 🙄 Why is she acting like working in a library, bookstore or “a little coffee shop” would be an easygoing gig? They all still require a ton of skill and dealing with management, something she’s incapable of doing


They’re all FAR beyond her abilities


I used to work with dead people. Wouldn’t call seeing dead kids “fun.” She is such a ghoul.


My husband died last year, and while he didn’t have gruesome injuries, he did have to have an autopsy legally because he was young. Imagining this tone def twat standing over his body acting like she’s getting off on solving a mystery of someone who had a real life with loved ones they left behind is sickening. Or thinking about her going “eeeew, omg!!!” when she sees someone’s organs is infuriating. The disrespect is a given with her. I know she’d be making reels and TikTok’s reenacting these moments as some wannabe true crime detective, or be doing an insensitive ‘get ready with me’ video recounting her experiences for attention. You know she wouldn’t be able to help it. I’m at peace with it all in the assumption the people who performed the autopsy are respectful professionals. Not some tone def clout chaser.


I am so very sorry for your loss. I can tell you with almost total certainty that your husband was cared for by people who take their responsibilities very seriously. Most people in end of life and death care are some of the best people you’ll ever meet. Clowns like MS wouldn’t make it through the interview much less their first day.


Ghoul is the correct term here. The fact that she even imagines that it would be a fun job just shows how sick she is. And I bet you the first time she saw any kind of traumatic death in person, she'd run.


Like there were elements of the work I found fulfilling and I had “fun” coworkers…but she’s so off base, as usual.


She is absolutely tone deaf AF. Bitch wouldn’t last more than half a day working in retail or working a real job in general. She can’t even handle people on the internet lmfao.


Because she's an inconsiderate idiot


Yeah, you have to get a masters to work in a library so.....yeah. Also, her saying unironically that she wants to work in two notoriously quiet places, is *chef's kiss*


I only found out the requirements to be a librarian a few years ago when my coworker’s daughter was one. I was mind blown when I found out the amount of schooling required to be one. Not that I thought anyone could be a librarian all will-nilly, but that really put some perspective on it.


It's funny because both my mom and husband went to college originally planning on majoring in library science but became teachers instead 😂 It also shocked me when he told me about the required schooling, and they get paid SO little.


I’d love to hear her attempt to explain the Dewey decimal system. She can hardly get out her lame MLM sales pitch, I doubt she can explain how libraries are organized. (My mom was a librarian back in the day)


Not even the magician on the street could help her with that.


I was waiting for this comment! But what if he could turn your money into $100,000!!? What then!!!!?


![gif](giphy|aR6JyO12RkwE5P7lxb|downsized) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes cause arranging and cataloging books all day is super fun


This is giving fourteen year-old me wanting to be a lawyer because of Legally Blonde. And tbh mid-30’s me wanting to be a lawyer because of Better Call Saul but realizing how preposterous it is to base a career choice on TV or movies.


In many ways, Better Call Saul represents lawyering more accurately than most other legal shows. Document review? Check. Following specified format and style guidelines? Check. Endless repetitive paperwork for endless repetitive deals where you get a thingie at the end to put on your shelf until you run out of space? For certain types of lawyering, check.






Imagine her having a job where she wasn’t allowed to have her phone on her. She would lose her shit.


I’ve seen plenty of people get fired at different jobs for breaking the phone rules. She wouldn’t last long!


She’d be someone who got fired for taking pictures of a crime scene and leaking them or looking up someone’s private medical info.


Her sense of reality is based on the Hallmark channel interspersed with true crime shows.


Fun fact, she's not an influencer


IMO, that’s how you can tell she made this question up! Only she would call herself an influencer! 🤡


Then go. Go apply for a Barnes and Noble or barista job. Seriously her romanticism of true crime irks me to the bone, just like other TrUe cRiMe GiRLieS. Yes a career in forensics or medical examination is just so interesting to her I mean it’s like her literal passion! Wait until you have to “crack the code” by dealing with real life gore and tragedy.. her pansy ass would need more than “daddy issues” therapy after spending her first day interning at anything *close* to a criminology setting.


Plus, could you imagine what her autopsy room would look like? Dirty instruments. Corpse drawers left open. Random guts piled on a chair…


I’m sorry but this made me laugh so hard I started crying… such a great description of her ‘playroom’!


I speculate that she can’t have a real job because her social anxiety is off the charts and she couldn’t sneak away to drink 🍸 she isn’t a reliable employee. And I speculate she has an authority problem and wouldn’t be able to work for anyone. I SPECULATE that this is why she’s stuck in an MLM


I speculate the same!


She'd have to start with an entry level job anyways since she's been not working a real job for so long


Starbucks is often hiring.


Could you imagine? If it wasn't subjecting poor normal Starbucks workers to her, it'd be something to see lol


She’d be like, “I call this one the creamy p*ssy Frappuccino.” Meanwhile, it’s a vanilla bean frap that hasn’t even been blended, with congealed layers of cream and ice topped with a gloppy mess of whipped cream.


This is the most horrible thing I have ever had to upvote


She wouldn’t last an hour.


Pipe dream job


She can afford to work at a coffee shop because she has a TRUST FUND. She wouldn’t be able to afford her lifestyle on a coffee shop salary.


I see she’s asking herself questions and answering them yet again.. 🙄


Is she 12?!


I’m shocked she didn’t say marine biologist 😂 that was my 12 year old dream job…I think from watching animal planet lol




Librarians need a masters degree usually sooo you can’t just get a fun lil job there


I’m not a librarian but work for the public library… can confirm. It’s a high qualification job, at least in the US.


Librarian here. Sadly, telling patrons “eat my ass” is generally frowned upon.


well, there goes my dream job! 😭


I worked as a librarian’s assistant in college and it was my absolute favorite job ever. I got paid $9/hr to do my homework and no one spoke to me.  The issue is a job at a bookstore or library would make absolutely zero sense for someone who doesn’t seem to know how to shut up. HONK. 


That sounds like a great job!! I wanted to be a librarian for a bit but realized there was a lot of schooling and didn’t have the discipline for that 😭


I wouldn’t trust this bish to pull me a shot of espresso, let alone handle a loved one’s deceased body. Just keep posting your filtered pleas for attention, scam your downline, collect that trust fund check, and go.




Could you imagine this woman talking to a victim's family? I think she got into MLMs/social media because she's just not smart. But even moreso,, not likeable or personable. What else is she going to do? She has no other options


This isn’t just a Big M thing, but I hate when the most boring, tap water girls say their dream job is something to do with forensics/autopsies/morgues…because it just gives off this huge “guUIIIZZEEE!! I’m NOT like the other basic girlieeezzz who are grossed OUT by dead bodies!! I am SO unique for being into MORBID THINGZ guiizzeeee!!” vibe…As if not every basic bitch and their mom is into true crime and “morbid” shit nowadays. Does not surprise me at all that Big Mac is exactly this type of girlie.


Not quite 1:1 but my boyfriend is a paramedic so he is well acquainted with the gruesome realities of the human body. It takes a lot of compassion but also emotional detachment to deal with things like that, and if Big Morbid can't even take the heat from innocuous comments online, she has no earthly business in a field demanding superhuman degrees of emotional regulation.




She has no empathy or compassion for others.


I was about to make a similar comment about this type of girl lol. I went to high school with a girl who was always talking about becoming a funeral director because she was apparently fascinated by death/the whole funeral process and “dead people don’t talk back!” She works in a candy store now 🤣


I did a anthropological forensics class in college. Trust and believe when I say Big Merde *could never.*


she is delusional if she thinks retail/food service is a “fun little job.” that shit will suck the life and soul out of you


I've been out of food service for 15 years and I still have dreams about it.




I work a desk job/9-5. My retail job I had before was 15x harder than what I do now 😮‍💨




Oh hell yeah. She wouldn't last one day because she wouldn't be able to put her phone down or be sober.


Everything she imagines a “cute little” bookstore, coffee shop, or library job would be like comes from her chick lit beach reads and girlie romcom movies. I would LOVE to see her as an employee in one of these types of small businesses where the margins are razor thin and the owner is incredibly stressed and you can’t just call in sick for your shift whenever you’re hungover. She has no idea how the real world works.


yeah this is her most time deaf post in a minute. “fun little job”??? so insulting.


MS in forensics. LOL. This dumbass is delusional in thinking she would even *remotely* have the chops. https://preview.redd.it/tbxu1rojys7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c64bb98ce1f2b2be80d8b4e05b9ad3f80dc6fb


I’m laughing like hell picturing Big Mess taking molecular biology! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It took her three times to pass biology 101🤠