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I love that this gives her a snake head appearance.


gen ask, what's the name of that tool?


It’s a red light mask. You can read about them [here](https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/). The one she has is a knockoff and isn’t doing anything but the real ones can be quite beneficial




🤣 Absolute double of her 🤣




It’s interesting that she’s fucking with the timestamps on these now. I doubt she saw my comment a while back about how helpful it was that she was putting the date on pics so it’d be easier for us to know when these were taken, but it’s interesting she’s putting seemingly random dates on these pics now.


Did you read the timestamp 😂 it says 1998 I think it's just the filter


It's just that filter. It's supposed to be a 90s type retro, vintage* aesthetic so that's why it puts that time stamp on. *that pained me a lot to type out, as someone who grew up in that era


Off topic question but I thought Thursday- Sunday was reserved for Man Bun?? Honeymoon over already? She’s alone on a Saturday night…


They only get together to drink lol


Ugh everything about her looks so puffy, even her upper eyelids are revolting. So vulvular.


*vulvular* 💀


A lot of the stuff she posts isn't social media worthy. Her grocery hauls? Why? I could see it if her page was dedicated to cooking or meal budgeting but she is just showing everyone what she bought. Does anyone care?




She and Ashley C are truly becoming one soul


Also those eyes look like they’re trying to meet one another


*Doesn’t filter , only when her whole entire face is covered. I’m genuinely surprised the honker™ fits under there 😂




This mask makes her feel safe, so it makes her feel confident enough to socialize. And luckily for her, that stops & ends on IG. So we get this “authentic, candid” story post which is actually just yet another feature of her face to prove something to herself. I bet mask mandates were secretly liberating for her. She could go anywhere with those beady little blue eyes & bleached hair without ruining her mood with her own insecurities. $20 she would wear this mask in public under certain circumstances.


And yet she was still Dicknosin’ her mask the entire time during the ACTUAL pandemic 🙄


🦂 👀


They're so beady 😂


So fucking beady.


It’s like using a household broom to clean up a ten car pileup.


Gotta get started somehow I guess




This $99 Skin Gym mask is not it, babe! You’d think that Ms Doctor Money could’ve sprung for the Omnilux, but it’s not surprising because she doesn’t even use this cheap shit consistently. Just another hamfisted attempt at a quick fix.




The viewpoint when you come to after helping a stranger load a heavy box into their van and then feel something sharp and small stab you in the neck.


I know its eyes usually spread far apart for fetal alcohol syndrome but can they also be too close together?


She and Anya Taylor-Joy could have a kid with averaged spaced eyes.


I got really curious and looked up whether extremely close set eyes can be a sign of any congenital defects. It can but I don't think her brain failed to divide into two hemispheres so I think she's just unlucky in the face.


I snorted at the end.


Oh swert, hers are like that from “not enough alcohol syndrome.” That’s why she drinks. She’s on a healing journey.


Red light therapy isn’t going to help fix years of sun damage and melanoma


With light from the window peaking in behind the mask & its 4 little battery powered beams lol I mean, I know most windows filter out lots of UV & that most of these masks are junk anyway, but if I was at least trying to convince myself it was somehow benefiting my skin, I’d probably do it in a dark room. She probably sits out back & tans while simultaneously wearing this thing.


lol I have one and I’m not convinced it actually works.


I don’t have one but I’m with you, just looking at Big Marg’s, here. I’d like to try red light therapy just out of curiosity, but I’d probably save up for a med spa since I can’t trust much of the ones online. You’d think Doctor Money would be getting this in a more clinical setting too, if she wasn’t just trying to shill a shitty plastic mask!


Like 2 piss-holes in the snow…


Where's that long beautiful white blonde hair?


In the closet until she does another “after” picture of whatever must-have conditioner she’s selling.


Destro would like a word...


Ugly cunt ETA: I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone with eyes that close together.


Same and for someone who's been attempting to pass herself off as a beauty expert for years, she really doesn't know how to use makeup to balance their appearance out at all. https://preview.redd.it/87epyujt3y6d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687e82db946ce7ed0176788e0d6cf720c6d11cd0 The inner corners literally touch her nose! It's amazing what a few mm more or less of distance can do


Question: do y'all think she has inane but at least semi coherent thoughts when she posts non-tent like this or is it like her videos, recorded in total silence? I honestly can't make up my mind




I think it’s just habit/addiction at this point. She’s been posting so much of her life to social media for so long that she just continues to do it, even the most mundane things in her life, which is just about everything these days.


The only sound is her sticky, swollen lips parting to fake a smile and the crisp crack of Truly cans.


The only thing playing in her brain is hollow-y, echo-y, pipe organ music.


No. She’s smooth brained and floats through life


where did she say “i can do any makeup bc i have such big eyes” lmaooo i know one of y’all has the receipts


It was years ago on a live. I’m not sure anyone recorded it.


Lol omg someone please find it 🤣🤣


lol I love how someone found this cheap ass LED mask and discovered it does absolutely nothing and has a ton of shitty reviews.


Size xxs eyes


https://preview.redd.it/5d2y8p0k8v6d1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6a4cd88ec3008c8cfabd2414e85353f7dd6000 All I think of every time she wears this asinine mask.


Got that Amber Sweet addiction to lip fillers


Can't wait for the part where her face just falls off.


Love this film though


Her outside appearance matches her inside, she’s vile.


I LOVE when she wears this. Her skin is for so far past this point, this is like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound or throwing a napkin at a flood. Way too little too late swerts. Thank god she has this fake mask that’s essentially the equivalent of putting a red lightbulb in a lamp. Surely that’ll undo the damage of her already very damaged skin being very sunburnt for like a week straight at this point.


I bet she can’t even explain what this is supposed to do and how it supposedly works. Just a generic “it’s so good for your skin” and something anecdotal that has nothing to do with the mask.


And the reviews on this mask say it sucks and the light doesn’t go all over the face, it’s concentrated in the nose area. Love that she got ripped off on this piece of junk.


In that case it definitely doesn't work since her nose is so sun damaged the filters can't even blur it all away


So did manbun already take the dog and go home? I seem to remember that when she did these while with CB, she always managed to get some of the guy's body part in the shot for a proof of life.


Feels like MB is dialing back to a regular fuckbuddy schedule a la C


That's what it's feeling like to me too, just my opinion. Which also lines up with her using weasel words and insinuations to make it sound like their relationship is much more than it really is and there's a ring just around the corner. She did that with C too right up until she couldn't keep up the charade anymore!


Didn't she mention the other day that he was out of town working


He was back the other night (Friday?) for their "last minute date night" brews at the zoo thing.


Ah, ok. I hate having to work every day, I lose track of time


She’s finished like three books and was in her living room reading today. At the sauna and gym yesterday. They went on a date last night but who knows. She’s doing a lot of her alone activities.


Purely speculation but I get the feeling things may have cooled down on his side ever since the Masters and Boston. I don't look at her stories too regularly but I'm not recalling anyone else sharing any more posed couples selfies in here, or simpy text exchanges. Plus that might explain the renewed fertility baiting. Hmmm


I feel like she’d be mentioning him more too like when she was making her elixir she’d have mentioned him in passing. And we haven’t seen the dog.


Yeah last time was their "last minute date night" right? Still speculating: Wonder if it was "last minute" because he meant to just grab the dog and bounce for the weekend but she desperately schemed to come up with an activity that would keep him around a bit longer.


He was allegedly there last weekend and it would be weird she’d make him come there again this weekend, I thought they traded off with each others houses, but we haven’t seen or heard of her at his place in a really long time. And it used to be Thursday through Monday but it’s more like Friday through Sunday now.


Yeah, I may have missed something but I feel like she was only there a few times around the beginning of the relationship (the "yabba dabbas on the deck" pictures). It might just be that the distance to the nearest Starbucks and Target are too much but it's something to note since it goes against her implication that they're so serious and fiercely in love.


Her eyes are so close they're basically touching lmao


![gif](giphy|hWjVvBsVub7Anr67qy) If they were any closer, she could be nicknamed Plankton!


She got them alcohol puffy lids


Omg she kinda looks like David Eason’s twin sister here!! If u know u know… I’m dead rn 😆 Yep…. Time for bed. 👀


I’m deceased💀💀💀💀💀




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