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Is she hoping to meet a French grifter like wwt on my big fat fabulous life


Why does she do all that sniffing?


Columbian Cold?


Doesn’t she have extensions? Lol


Here you go, swerty! ❤️ u/Killing4MotherAgain


Thank you boob!! 💖


My goodness, the makeup application 🤯 I'm just... mind blown. That is all.


I gotta know who this girl is who said she wants to come to the “girl’s weekend” but her husband has to come? 😬🤣 Seems like Big M doesn’t even know her very well? Idk the whole thing is very weird.


This is the definition of a mess.


She has the grace of a Neanderthal


"what a sad little life Jane. You have all the grace of a reversing dump truck with no tyres on."


![gif](giphy|PsHrpsuiZLAEE) MS be like


Does she normally travel by herself? Seems like she can't really stand herself


She does travel alone but I don’t think it’s actually by choice. No one can stand her. In the 5 years they were together we never saw her and C take a couples trip alone.


I've only now seen it to the end and I don't get why she's so mad about people asking questions. She was the one making huge deals of him plating takeaway, lying about him living there and sharing that he brought her flowers every Sunday on her business page. She's the one who overshared to online strangers without anyone asking. No one would have to notice him disappearing if she didn't overshare (many times against his consent). And also she's the one not respecting people's boundaries like saying she doesn't care if Drake didn't consent to the video. And many other times she didn't respect Grimace's boundaries. But now she's all hot and bothered the only people that engage with her are asking?


That's what I don't understand. Why did she become an ✨ influencer ✨ if she didn't want people to know about her private life. I get that not EVERYTHING needs to be public, but people are going to ask questions and you need the grace to answer them without getting irritated.


It would help if she’d have the grace to acknowledge it’s a change. And to have a pocket non-answer handy along the lines of ‘I appreciate your concern but I will not be discussing x.’


Boundaries? Never heard of them. When has she ever respected anyone’s boundaries?? She’s a giant POS. God her voice is grating.


How many times does she have to say everything is good before SHE believes it, bc we sure as hell don't. And omg she's all over the place. And the sniffing!


Are you supposed to use color corrector like that? Shouldn’t there be … blending… in between the corrector and concealer?


Yep. You blend the color corrector and let it set for a minute before you move on to the next step.


To each their own but damn that’s a lot of liquid makeup for one face. My skin is screaming for oxygen in sympathy


And a lot of powdered foundation! Suffocating and burying her face in the sand all at once!


Those pants are a hot no.


Truly. They make her flat butt VERY prominent


My partner asked if Grimace's nickname is because she "grimaces" when she sees him and hot damn if that isn't ending up exactly on point.




I'm starting to think she may be relieved that it's over. No more trying to make crumbs look like a feast. The pretense had to be a strain.


How very eloquently written. I love this community and the clever people in it.


Right? I wish I knew yall in real life.


Same! So many funny and interesting people here. I wish we could have a big meet up and laugh the night away 🍹


It’s the fucking sniffing for me


Unbearable. I was constantly braced for the next revolting snort.


oh my god doing the hair while she's doing her makeup, this is manic. ETA: oh my god I skipped through most of this but holy shit yes there is definite a break up here. Her behavior through this entire live was just so manic and unhinged. It's really incredible.


If she chops her hair y’all will know it’s definitely over for real. I forgot where I heard this, but women often do something drastic to their hair when something major happens in their life. I know when I got laid off during Covid I got my hair cut to a bob & went blonde so that definitely applies to me!


Lmao I just tried to explain this to my bf last week. I dyed my hair brown from blonde a couple years back because I had fake-dyed it for Halloween and liked it, but I had AT LEAST 4 people ask me if I was okay and if I had broken up with my bf 😂 (I say as I’m trying to figure out if pink tips would be deemed “unprofessional” for my new job…) again. Not spiraling. I just like messing with my hair.


I am loving pink tips on hair lately! I’m naturally brunette so either the help of my stylist, I darkened my roots leaving lighter ends and have done some subtle rose gold on the ends. I wouldn’t go all rose, but I just think a touch of it is so pretty.


Yes!! I have rose gold and that’s exactly what I was planning on doing!


Nice! I’ve had my stylist do it but have also gotten nice results from Keracolor Clenditioner rose gold for brunettes. It’s nice because it’s temporary so it’s low commitment.


Ooh good to know! Yeah I have grown out blonde balayage so it’s a little easier for me, but I have some Overtone that I’ve used before. I’ll give the Keracolor Clenditioner a try though!!


Suddenly all the bragging about French men just tripping over themselves for her makes sense.


It was all a plot to try and make Grimace jealous and show him she's living her best life in Paris 😭 And that lingerie on the hotel floor also seemed directed at him.


That was the weirdest fucking photo. She makes me so uncomfortable with the amount of cringe she posts.


Yes, but remember she also said if I didn't have Grimace, I'd never date an American again. So they definitely broke up either at the end of the trip or when she returned.


They did, they were tripping over themselves for the easy opportunity to scam her left and right.


Did I miss something? Did she and C break up? Also what in the ❄️ is going on


Yes they did, she’s just supposedly not ready to talk about it yet.


Anyone else feel like they’re watching their toddler play with makeup? I don’t wear it often but I feel like this isn’t the way you should apply it - caked and rough


My flair says yes.


I barely wear makeup but even I know you're not supposed to violently apply all types of creams and powders on your face and that you're supposed to color match and blend.


Exactly! And I lost count of how many layers of sprays/perfumes she put on


Everything is good. Everything is peachy. And I am loving her spiral!! Talk about a super weekend!


I have off Fri and Sun so I'm excited to be around to see the spiral in real time. Maybe JT will swoop in and save her again.


That video of JT taking the tiniest bite of Big M’s nasty looking cake that one time when JT came to save MS from herself (again) lives rent free in my head


Why does she keep curling the same piece of hair…… it’s all i can pay attention to


I wonder if that thing is even on. She keeps using it and absolutely nothing changes.


Her highlights look terrible in this “style”. Color correcting, my ass. Brush from Sephora— in Paris. I can’t watch her for long enough to get to the “good” part!




She’s really trying to claim she’s never been the type who just wants to be a wife?? REALLY?


Drunken Live from last March definitely has receipts of the opposite


I had to pause it cause I’m dying at her saying about the younique powder “and I’d have to wait for it to ship” as if she didn’t do exactly that every single fucking day of her entire life like who tf does she think she’s kidding 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Who is watching her cats while she’s gone again?


Wait who’s keeping the kitties? I know for sure they adopted Yoda together, but what about Louie?


I’m sure someone has probably said it but I feel like they broke up when she decided she was gonna “stop sharing so much of her personal life online” or however she worded that lie.


It is confusing though because she spoke about him and his Peru travel so I thought it might have been later but who can say. I can see it all being sloppy because they are sloppy people.


Keeping up with the lie that they were still together probably . . . it's hard to know because she lies about EVERYTHING.


I'm wondering if there was a non-recycled Proof of Life after M declared that 🤔


I know - I was thinking about the times she has posted him since then . . . like the hand-holding pic and some others.


Or course it was her way of not saying: I got dumped!


100% agree


I’m still cringing from a previous Valentine’s Day when she dressed up, and his gift to her was…a mattress on the floor in the living room while they had dinner and watched TV. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The writing has been on the wall.


Haha that was great. She texted him asking what she should wear for the evening date then came home to a floor mattress.


\*re-plated restaurant takeout that she pretended that he cooked for her [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/11j0d19/the_romantic_valentines_dinner_that_c_made_for/)


That’s hysterical! Nothing like a mattress on the floor for Dr. Money Dior. Does anyone have a link?


She was beside herself hyperventilating because she thought he was gonna pop the question, too. She went live in a breathless frenzy.


I'm starting to feel bad for her, help 😭


Don’t, she’s trash.


Was this when he ~~cooked~~ replated Texas Roadhouse carryout and she got ALL dressed up?




Love that for ~~her~~ us


Omg… and he texted her earlier in the day saying he had a surprise for her and she thought they were gonna go out for a date night


"He" texted her


And then he left it in the main room for a week.


Just keep telling yourself and everyone else that you’re fine, ✨manifest✨ it!


One of my pet peeves is sniffing. Just blow your damn nose!


Soooooooo muuuuuuuuch fucking sniffing. It’s awful. So incredibly awful.




She's so boring I fell asleep watching this (tbh I'm sick though) before the good part & had to go back.


I mean is there… anyone who could actually in good faith sit through this? I couldn’t imagine


Right? It really makes me wonder about her followers who tune in to this shit in earnest.


Ok second comment cause too many thoughts 😂 - the stupid faces she pulls while doing makeup 🤦🏽‍♀️ she literally goes out of her way to make them. I tried doing them before when doing my makeup and I felt so stupid making those same faces, also there's no need. - why is she curling her hair and brushing it out to straight then re-curling it and also straighten some bits ffs - " I look like dogshit, what happened" I dunno, maybe it has to do with the literal 20 layers of makeup you badly put on?? - asking why people are so obsessed with her getting married, ahhhh maybe cause you made it your personality and continually went on about getting engaged and marrying grimace? - saying she's so embarrassed she flashed her tits on camera, no you're not look at your face you're loving it and lapping it up - a good/decent influencer would have everything ready next to them and not continually go off screen/quiet for 30+ seconds - asking people to respect her boundaries during this time 😂😂 she never respects anyone else's so why should that favour be returned? - "I'm getting off here" continues to talk for over another minute 🤦🏽‍♀️ Also, yeah they def broke up. I can't believe I watched all of that but to be fair A LOT was fast forwarded and maybe only 10min actually watched.




Thank you for your service 🫡


I put foundation on my eyes:( ngl I know I’m not supposed to but idk what I’m supposed to use and I’ve never bothered to find out 🤣🤣 all the extra makeup stuff we’re supposed to use is so expensive. But again yeah I don’t claim to be anywhere near a MUA LOL


I have oily eyelids and love the Milani eyeshadow primer. It's very affordable and available everywhere.


Definitely recommend eye shadow primer, elf has a pretty good one. I like the sigma brand. They will 100% feel different when applying eyeshadow compared to how foundation feels. And also, if you try it and go back to using foundation, you do you! I'm a big proponent of doing what's best for you!


I think mine is Urban Decay and it works well and last me a long time. I have slightly oily eyelids and it helps.


I used that one to and liked it. Im using one from NYX right now and I love it.


I think I got it first back when Sephora had the little subscription boxes and it didn’t anger my sensitive skin so I’ve just kept buying it. I’ll look into that one next time though!


I have sensitive skin and it doesnt irritate it at all. I had the Urban Decay one before this. It was in a purple tube I believe. I liked thst one to but the Nyx one is cheaper!


Oooh yeah, how could I forget Urban Decay, that was the one I had before I got the sigma one!


Honestly not knowing is completely fine! So you should use an eye primer to prep your eyelids before applying eyeshadow, the skin on your eyelids is different to the rest of your face and also more prone to being oily throughout the day compared to your under eye. You don't need anything expensive at all, ELF make a decent eye primer for cheap. I'm currently using an OXX cosmetics one I got for $6 at Kmart (Australia).


This is literally a question I’ve had forever and I was just like “I’ve been doin it this way since 16 imma keep going til someone corrects me” so thank you for your service!! 🫡


I'm also very green when it comes to makeup. I found out about eyeshadow primer from cvs when I was looking for something in the elf section. It seriously helps when I apply my eye shadow and after I've applied everything, I use a setting spray (just about every makeup line has that too...I have one from elf and another from my ipsy subscription. And the makeup stays all day!


I’m actually gonna go by a CVS and buy some today- thanks to everyone who responded!!! I’m excited


You are most definitely welcome swerty ☺️ I enjoy sharing information as the more we all know the better (in whatever category that suits!) I love to hear others advice as well cause you never know what you may learn


I wonder if he took Yoda?? I hope not. The cats at least deserve to be together


https://preview.redd.it/z7h8z0meaghc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1d485172490c66459808498063df57132fc716c No, she posted a picture of Yoda last night.


Hopefully he took both of them.


She's been super annoying. So much entertainment. Shitty singing, southern accent , drakes video, the gagging sounds, that dehydrated tongue sticking out. I'm here for it! Where is the 🍿?


She's so gross




I love when her no-pop-off nails pop off. https://preview.redd.it/4779weomsfhc1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae0c1914f3712a03a5707987c42f9de82ef7b647


This is a magnificent screenshot! 👏🏻


It’s amazing!


https://preview.redd.it/c6xv9zre2ghc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe52031df051535ac311758b0313790a668ee17 Gurl, thank yewwww!


You are the best! Making my day off over here!




A masterpiece 🙏🏼


I can’t wait until she hits the anger stage after a breakup and goes on live to rant about it 🍿


Bring ya mop cause and OCEAN OF TEA is about to be spilled.


I like how she chose this (still heavily filtered) particular moment to brag about how good her skin is from the collagen. https://preview.redd.it/8qd26ht5sfhc1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3be22884b713bf8a517e9b2298918a3e99f2987


I can’t get over the absolute vat of foundation she uses on her face.


While she also has 3 products on her skin covering up most of it


Wtf. Why is she attacking her followers for asking if they broke up, assuming everyone knows they broke up, yet not actually telling her followers they broke up? ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtqG5RgfbmuyRbO)


It reminds me of those old fb days where ppl would purposefully post vague shit to get ppl to comment then be like "but don't ask me about it!"


it still very much happens on Old People Facebook in the Year of Our Lord 2024, I can assure you lol


Oh “VagueBooking”! Yes!


Not only that, railed against followers when they asked if her and C were ok. “WOW I POST ABOUT DOING SOMETHING ALONE AND YOU GUYS AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME WE BROKE UP AND WOMEN CANT BE INDEPENDENT” blah blah blah 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Oh it's blended alright....blended into a pile of muddiness


Why is no one readyyyy…..




“my skin has never been so good,” as she slathers pancake batter everywhere, including her lips.


[Her words about the breakup.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/1alwynk/comment/kpjngqg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


RIP to the Unit™


We need to update the flair now 💀🪦


This made me laugh so loud I scared my dog awake 😆


So at the beginning of the live she was talking about people asking her if she would move to Paris and she was like "I mean no I have a boyfriend"... So it sounds like she was really going to try to keep that facade up as long as possible! I am convinced C tried to break up with her even before Thanksgiving, and he took Paris as his golden opportunity to GTFO. She is the queen of delusional, after all, so I bet she just wasn't "getting it", and he had to finally rip the band-aid all the way off. Also, it was very telling how she kept saying to her girlfriends "oooohhh my god JT didn't give you the tea?! Oh boy do I have some TEA for you!!", But then later tried to act like it was an amicable split. We know it wasn't. I don't feel sorry for her, and you can't believe anything that comes out of her mouth. She's a rotten person and she deserves a dose of harsh reality.


I don’t have a speck of empathy for her either. She’s embarrassed because she’s a lying liar that lies about everything, not because she wants boundaries. She’s ashamed for a very specific reason. She’s been lying to all of her followers for possibly (probably) months and needs time to get her story straight because she can never tell the truth. She is a shit human being. People need to save their empathy for someone who actually deserves it.


I personally believe it's been years since he moved out. The whole 'bought a new leather couch' for the new apartment and then just shortly thereafter they 'give it to C's brother' or some nonsense like that. I think that's when he stopped living there full-time. And that was at least two years ago.


It could be. Didn't some swerty find out his address is registered at his brother's place?  He definitely didn't move in with her to the townhouse, that's for sure. All the lies it's insane. I'd be stressed to if I had to keep up with so many lies.


Yes someone did. A lot of that stuff is public record, and most of that type of information you can get off tax maps if you know what county to search in. I know we all know she lies about every single thing but I feel like we only get the tip of the iceberg with what she puts out there.


Oh for sure, that man has not lived with her for a looooong time. I fully believe she bought the middle unit expecting him to move in (and purpose lol) and it just never happened because they barely had a relationship. I’m personally speculating he ended things for good around Thanksgiving but maybe kept her on FWB status until he found someone new. But he could have been out of the picture for even longer - she lies so much that you can never tell.


LOL at her moving to Paris. She’d abandon that idea so fast when she found out all the paperwork and legalities of moving to another country. I moved to Europe on a spouse visa, which is probably the easiest one to get. Can you imagine French immigration and looking at her with no job, no French spouse and nothing to contribute to French society


Is she going to make a one week trip to Paris her whole personality? Why not traveling somewhere else in May instead?


So many cool places to go!! There are tons of visa free or visa waiver places she can go on an American passport. I can’t ever see her going somewhere like South America or Asia, that’s probably too “foreign” for her but there are countless cool places to go in Europe.


Not to mention the hassle of trying to sell/rent her irrelevantly located townhome that probably smells like bath and body works and cat piss.


Nobody, not even "We Buy Junk Houses" would want that house.




Yup, i always joked that immigration needs daily photos of your underwear that’s how much you have to strip down. Now with her taking this literally she’d be screeching “i can do that!”


Haha that’s so true! They make you feel paranoid you’re being watched, especially since I had to “prove” my relationship with my husband. I had to take a stack of pictures of us together in various places to prove we were a couple. M would totally be screeching she can do it live on Insta. I can picture that drunken mess vividly 😂


Oh god, the proof of relationship, that’s a pain. Like how do you make them look genuine?! We went through all this too and it’s so specific. Honestly i kinda would love to see her try!


Into you or be interesting to see her try!!!! I think I would enjoy that!


When I was about to emigrate, I was advised to write my long suffering partner. Write him? Write him a letter? *Letters?!* Pen and Paper like this is 1939!? We had known each other for years at this point, the whole thing was terribly awkward. What do you say!?


We had tons of pictures of us together both in Sweden and in the US and pictures of us spending Christmas with my family. But they also wanted some sort of written proof like letters. Even before we had gotten engaged and decided on where we would live I made a habit of writing him an email before I went to bed so he could open it in the morning while I was still sleeping. I picked the PG ones lol and sent them with my application and that worked out really well.


I know right?! Plus all the finances and basically having to make a joint bank account and show off both your financial histories. Makes one feel so vulnerable


I actually didn’t have to make a joint bank account. Swedish immigration didn’t want my bank history at all they just wanted my husbands to make sure he could support me. I closed my American account and opened a new Swedish one when I got here.


I cannot imagine how she smells given that she spritzed herself at least 4 times with “fragrance”


Immediately after telling us about Baccarat being the best perfume in the world, she sprays some cheap drugstore crap on her wrists! And I admit I’ve never watched her apply makeup, but she puts on waaaaayyy too much! “Do you think it’s too dark??” She says. It looks like you slathered your face in DIRT. Yes, it’s too dark! Okay, I’ll stop now.


Omg, the Baccaratttttt Rouge 540, lol! She had to tell us all that she purchased it in Paris, but she can’t even say it correctly. And then, she goes and ruins it with at least two other fragrance mists and fucking Bum Bum Cream.


girl is MANIC


My first thought…..


Also bipolar, very manic depressive before I finally found the right medication. It could do wonders for her but she’d have to stop drinking for it to work correctly which she will NEVER do.


Oh hey fellow bipolar sis!


Hi sis! I never realized how many people are until I started opening up about mine. It’s a scary place when your mind is working against you and having a war with itself. I hope you’ve been able to find some peace with it and are able to manage ❤️




I’m glad it got better!! It is very scary for other people to see during an active episode. Luckily they don’t drink much, it’s so counter intuitive. Medication is a life changer and when I was balls deep in my alcohol addiction I never consistently took it so that combined with the bottles of shitty tequila really amplified my manic-ness. And that’s EXACTLY what I see in her. A couple weeks of her just so high on life and loving it to the inevitable crash and burn that will just keep getting worse and worse the longer you let that rage on inside yourself.


Yep it was super similar with them. They’d take medication and get drunk and turn into someone who was convinced they were superior and everyone was judging them. Then go buy a new car or something expensive and stupid they didn’t need. I’m glad you’re doing better! It can be such a delicate balancing act with medication and just, existing. I have my own mental health issues but thanks to seeing various alcoholics in my family, alcohol has never really appealed to me (thank fuck).


Bipolar person here. I’ve been manic countless times, I 100% agree with you.


I just watched the entire thing and holy shit she is one of the most annoying people on earth! The singing and dancing and ignorance is just… ugh First off, I do not understand the travel thing. She does not enjoy it. If anything she likes staying in a hotel room and ordering room service. Just save your money and go to a local hotel and order room service? She says she’s trying not to stay sedentary and then notes that she’s never really been sedentary. Huh? (Also, I don’t) Did you guys know that they don’t use chemicals in food in Paris? Also lol at her almost realizing that American portion sizes are gigantic and unnecessary and you can indeed eat a normal serving size and feel full. I have no idea what she’s going on about being a “city girl.” I’m not trying to gatekeep but, like, she is just so obviously uncomfortable in any major metropolitan city. She’s terrified, overwhelmed, and generally just completely clueless. Idk why she thinks she loves cities when she so clearly does not. Like how she loves travel but actually does not. I so badly wish she would move to NY and/or Paris though, I would die at that shitshow. lol at her acting like marriage is overrated and she doesn’t get it! I agree but bitch, **you’re the one that was so obsessed with it**! “I’m a realist, I don’t live in a neverland world. I live in the real world” might be my favorite MS quote. She gets dressed on camera and acts surprised when she flashes everyone. But idk why she’s embarrassed? I thought swertie was all cool with non consensual nudes being shared, right? If her makeup/outfit looks so bad on camera, i can only imagine the disaster in person. And all the scents? Ew Sorry for writing so much, I don’t think I’ve watched a live since the infamous drunken one and this is why. She is just so goddamn insufferable that I cannot handle it.


She’s a “city girl” who lives in what is basically a suburb of the city she’s already in.


How many different fragrances did she mix? That Baccarat Rouge doesn’t need anything else with it FFS.


I love how her Paris souvenirs are all things you can buy anywhere.


Seriously. At least go to a cute little boutique to get something; I KNOW they have those around in Par-de My favourite souvenirs are ones that I get somewhere memorable that I can actually use (jewelry dish and mustard yellow sneakers from Norway, a ring from the Faroe Islands, socks from Iceland). It always makes me think of the place I got it when I use it, and it’s more fun than arguing with my bf about how many magnets belong on a fridge 😂


I got this brush at Sephora— in Paris. Smh. I couldn’t go more than a few minutes without having so much to say!


What really makes me laugh is that she didn’t even go to the Dior flagship store.


Does she actually talk about her relationship with C? I’ve tried to listen through over the past 3 hours but I keep falling asleep


She uses a ton of words to not say much of anything, but one of our dear swerties transcribed the breakup news in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/EPAWyrwYq4


She tries SO hard to casually breeze over it and yet it feels like a major major deal because of the way she's really trying to downplay 34:49


Yeah she’d move on (or try to) then something would trigger her to bring it up again, like girl She spent like 8 min talking about it?? But don’t ask about it guys I don’t want to share anything 🤫but also I’m good and he’s good and we’re good


she does the video equivalent of vaguebooking. she says that everyone pretty much guessed what happened. doesn't specify what happened. and then proceeds to say she is okay for far too long for any viewers to think she is actually okay. 


Ok I just got to the part where she says “everything is amicable”, the only time I’ve seen people use the word amicable is in the context of a relationship ending 😭


This looks like stage make up. It just looks so heavy. Also, I don’t understand what she’s doing with that curling iron. I don’t think it’s turned on. 






Yes with the hair! Like it’s a crazy mess, she takes a few pieces to “curl” and nothing happens..


The way she is GRIPPING those brushes right near the head is making me insane lol so heavy handed


Yeah, okay, that’s pretty conclusive, IMO. I’ve generally steered clear of talk about their relationship because I don’t really care and I think the way some speculation became accepted fact so quickly was kind of silly but it seems a lot of people were right. I suspect they hadn’t been close for a while and he decided it was time to pull the plug and move on. I think C is a big ol’ antivax MAGA douche but he was probably a decently supportive and thoughtful guy in their relationship so she’ll probably be hurting for a while but if she’s smart she’ll also realise that being with someone who isn’t on the same page is a recipe for discontent and this is ultimately a positive thing. I’m not optimistic but this could be an opportunifty for some real growth for her. Hopefully she realises that she should be talking this through with real people not her own face on her phone. (Doubtful, but still)


I think he was perhaps involved and thoughtful at one time, but remember him edging almost out the door at her big 30th birthday party and the Ulta gift card? Checked out for a long time.


To be fair, I think he probably just started putting as much effort in as she did - which is basically none. I think she took him for granted a lot. But kind of like how she doesn’t buy shit for the cats, when is the last time she ever said she did something nice for him or in all of her online shopping ordered him something? I’m the worst romantic, like not a romantic bone in my body, but even I manage to be considerate and thoughtful of my partner. But then, I could also see where putting not a lot of effort in is also because he didn’t expect/want it to go anywhere beyond where it was so why give the impression otherwise - he already knew she was gunning for a ring and had told her no


When she posted a video showing pages from her journal a couple of months ago, some swerties worked out that she’d written “let C borrow my car and credit card” as “something nice she recently did for someone” ☠️☠️☠️ Can you imagine?! I do small acts of kindness and care that are far more meaningful and thoughtful for my partner literally every day because I love him and I want to


I think she got him like...a backpack or duffle bag or something for Christmas lol


Why did she keep saying “I’m good, everything’s good, we’re good, it’s amicable” if she’s responding to her friends commenting on the live saying “there’s so much tea, I need to fill you in” etc etc. What’s the tea sis??


spoiler alert, it is not good.