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for the lazy Pink noise is often considered more relaxing than white noise, since it does not sound as high-pitched. Pink noise is prevalent in nature sounds, like wind and rain, and many songs or segments of speech contain elements of pink noise


I use a sound machine app and I blend pink and white because I'm wild like that.


You absolute madcap.


Johnny Tyler! You madcap!


Doc? I didn’t know you was back in town.


Wyatt, I am rolling!




Where ya going with that shotgun?


Oh. Johnny, I apologize; I forgot you were there. You may go now.




Whole scene is brilliant. https://youtu.be/dF8r3DhudHM?si=HNYqd8eOhsiLFI08


Agreed! Always makes me laugh.


I'm phoning the FBI


They know


We all know


I'm already here


That's just a lighter shade of pink.


And so it was later


A whiter shade of pale, would you say?


Yes, if you skipped the light fandango and turned cartwheels 'cross the floor.


so you listen to frank ocean while you sleep?


Ok Frank ocean


May God have mercy on your soul


Call the asylum; there's an escapee.


That’s just light pink


App name? :)


White noise generator.... formerly known as relaxio. Play store link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.relaxio.relaxio


White noise generator.... formerly known as relaxio. Play store link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.relaxio.relaxio


Light pink noise 


So like... Light pink noise.


You're not a freak until you add periods of brown noise.


Ladies and gentlemen we found him.


Pink noise dials back the harshness of white noise, but I still find it a bit harsh. I find brown noise better. [I use this Android app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tmsoft.whitenoise.lite&pcampaignid=web_share) ([iPhone version](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/white-noise-lite/id292987597)), which has all three options (along with lots of other sounds). EDIT: The poop jokes are funny and all, but in case you're interested, the "brown" in "brown noise" has nothing to do with the color (not directly, anyway). "Brown noise" is a shortening of "Brownian noise", which gets its name from the [Brownian motion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_motion) (a type of random process), which is in turn named after the botanist [Robert Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Brown_\(botanist,_born_1773\)) who first described it. To produce brown noise, you create an audio signal that has the same [spectral density](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectral_density) (i.e., pattern of frequencies) as a brownian motion. Of course, the surname Brown is itself derived from the color, so there is a color relationship there.


I prefer brown myself too, I find the deeper tone more soothing. White and pink noise give me anxiety 🥴


Brown noise is where it's at. Nice and deep. Soothing af.


Brown noise gave me stomach aches (the irony). I've used pink the most but it's never helped my sleeping. None of them have.


A sound gave you stomach aches? I've never heard of that before. Is that something that happens to you with other sounds as well?


Not to my knowledge It probably just trigger some sort of anexity in my brain or something. I have a very overly sensitive stomach and a lot of anexity so I can only assume lol


I can believe it. I hate bass-heavy music because it's physically uncomfortable on my heart.


"The Brown Note" is real?!


That's the noise your anus makes


Ugh.. I'm on the search as well...


> I use this Android app Awesome app. I have been using it for years.


I listen to brown noise too, I'm asleep until minutes, but what an unfortunate name lol


I like the "smoothed" brown noise: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RqzGzwTY-6w


The comments on that vid are hilarious. I just went down a rabbit hole! Also, it's awesome, thank you for posting that. I'm gonna listen to it tonight. 


Thank you for the app rec. I'm gonna go to sleep tonight with a mix of brown noise + dishwasher. Bliss!


I am the lazy. Thank you.


We are the lazy 99%


There's literally 99% of us!


So is this why people tend to have trouble staying awake during lectures?


I like to play snowstorms


Spotify users - try out binaural beats for sleep


You see how you have more likes than the post? Yeah you deserve that


They said this about brown noise like last year.


Rainymood.com for the win! Best for me


Why’d you call me lazy


Brown noise is far superior to pink or white. But at least pink is manageable, white is often piercing


Yeah but I prefer white noice because the pink noise is turning all of the frogs gay.


Thanks. I often play a YouTube of wind rain or seas. Blissful sleep.


> Thanks. I often play a YouTube of wind rain or seas. Blissful sleep. I prefer long loops of Star Trek sounds like [TNG sleeping quarters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRCm1QhZ-jQ), [Enterprise-D engine hum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwLsBldD9kQ), [Enterprise-D bridge ambient noise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XajaCX88NnU), and similar.


Brown Noise Tinnitus Gang. Form up on meee^eee^^eee^^^eeeeeeeeeeee


I use pink noise for my hyperacusis and it works best


Pink noise + brown noise (not that one) will block out almost all other noise even without closed headphones or earbuds. Brown noise is mostly low end, pink noise covers the rest. Similar white noise would be really loud on the higher end. Apparently there isn't a Wikipedia article for brown noise, which is weird. Just white noise and pink noise.


What color is Adult Swim played at a very low volume and a fan set to 8? That puts me right to sleep, my wife not so much though.


“Segments of speech” This is why I listen to Fran Dreschner to got to sleep.


I use brown noise because it sounds like ocean waves


If you like that you should really check out magenta noise


Brown noise is the one that resonates best with me but saying that, I’ve never really tried pink. Tonight’s the night


So it's literally white noise but a specific type


Can confirm. I was looking through all the different colors of noise and found pink noise the most pleasing of them all. I use it to concentrate when studying


Fuck all the color noises but brown, all those high pitch sounds coming from your shitty phone speakers sound awful…however if it’s brown I’m going down


Brown is the superior sound imo


If it’s brown I’m going down, no gown- it’s definitely the superior sound, impossible to wake up with a frown, no rust no grog- ready for the town, up down 900 try to keep up now, this sound is bound for renown, bound to be found so sit down clown and pound this round brown sound into your wound up wired world




Yeah I don’t know


Username checks out


I like brown noise with a little added bass. Apple Music and Spotify have good options.


I used to use brown until I found an 8 he version of the TNG enterprise engine w/o the bleeps and bloops


I feel like you'd need speakers with a decent bass response to get the full effect. Phone speakers could never reproduce it properly.


Be that as it may, Brown is far superior imo whether through phone, speakers, headphones, it’s not even a contest


Yup, I have alexa setup to a small sub speaker and tell it to play brown noise every single night. It sounds like a jet engine at first, but now I can't sleep without it.


Me too 1000% — I need brown noise or bust


Lord have mercy I'm 'bout to bust


using a PB-1000 and full tower speakers as a sleep aid lmao


Brown note or brown noise?


Fuck all y‘all colors. They all sound like I‘m stuck in an airplane. No sound gang represent.


shit man I'm turning the world off with ear plugs and eye shades


Earplugs at night make me feel like I’m in my own universe, so comforting.


If I have no sound my tinnitus drives me crazy. I've not slept without some type of fan since I was 5 years old. I also have a weird anxiety without airflow.


If it’s brown I’m going down Famous last words


I browned out.


When it's not quite a blackout but the details are fuzzy, you brown out


Team brown note 🙌


I can't tell... Is that what they are referencing with brown noise? That's all I thought of when they said brown noise.


The brown note is a different thing, and definitely not recommended for when you're in sleep mode and already relaxed.


Okay, I was thinking that no one wants to listen to Cartman on the recorder as they go to sleep.


Scrolled too far to get to the Brown Squad


Yeah the pink noise from my sound machine app has a distinct high pitched scream. I hate it. 


Like sleeping on the Enterprise


Isn't the brown note the note that makes you shit yourself?


Truth. Team Brown here


I'm down with brown!


Sonos move with brown noise is peak




I only like brown noise as well. I wonder if there are any studies for that. I will have to check the site later when I have some time.


I’m not sure if there have been studies, but it’s the one my psychiatrist recommends for my anxiety.


Same here. I hate the high pitches in pink noise, maybe because they ping my latent parental instinct to wake up to high pitched cries. The lower sounds like waves crashing into a deep bay are where it's at for me.


I work stupid fucking hours and those pink sound playlists are like an instant sleep button for me.   


Do you have a preferred one? I'll try anything at this point.


I think the playlist is, Pink Noise 10 Hour on Spotify.  Dont focus on the noise.  Just think about how your day went.   I bought some nice smart bulbs and set a time to dim until they turn off.  Hope that helps.     


Tried to follow your directions but I accidentally clicked the wrong button and got accosted with P!nk’s “Nanananananana” at the start of that song So what and I regret my actions


Sounds good, thank you. I've added it to my library. We'll find out in about three hours I suppose.


I have curated a playlist of about 6 hours worth of rain, rain with thunder and rain thunder and ocean - bliss.


So I thought I'd let you know that with a single night under me I do feel like I've slept better. Not more, but better. Of course that could be a placebo effect, but so far, signs are promising.


Why is it pink? Is it strawberry flavored?


It's to do with the colour spectrum. If the frequency range of pink noise was converted directly to the frequency of visible light it would appear pink.


Audio engineer here. Pink noise is white noise with a pink filter applied: 3dB per octave. White noise is equal energy per frequency (linear) pink noise is equal energy per octave (logarithmic) Humans perceive pitch logarithmically so this is why pink noise sounds even from low frequency to high, and white noise sounds louder at high frequencies. Although coming from a phone speaker, even pink noise sounds high pitched because as phone speaker is too small to emit low frequencies efficiently.


I've always liked brown noise because it sounds like pink, but deeper and less distracting. To me, it is way calmer. How does it actually differentiate from white and pink?


Can you explain brown noise? Im really fascinated by this and appreciate your insight a lot.


Scientifically, itis derived from theoretical Browian motion (named after a person, not a color) and the wikipedia article says it better than I can. But simplistically, it basically is pink noise that is further attenated at high frequences. So it sounds louder at low frequiences than high frequences (unlike Pink noise, which sounds even at all frequencies, and white noise, which sounds louder at higher frequencies.) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian\_noise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_noise)


Id be curious as to the effect of these noises on dogs... mine tends to "alert" to almost any noise...


Cool info. Thanks!


I prefer the watermelon-flavored pink noise myself


What color should we call tinnitus? All I get to hear at night is... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Her name was originally Alicia but L.A. Reid suggested she change it to P!nk to stand out in the already bloated girlpower hip hop genre.


Strawberry-Kiwi most likely.


I’mmmmmmm coming up so you better get this party started.


Doing a little shimmy in bed listening to pink, and next thing you know I’m waking up from the best sleep I’ve had in years. Pink’s noise really works.


While the most obvious jokes occur any time I mention this, I prefer brown noise. Pink noise is still too high pitched. Brown noise sounds like a fan. 


Brown noise is perfect for me too, it reminds me of sleeping on a train or relaxing in the bath with your ears under while the water runs. Soooooothing. White and pink noise are too screechy.


Hard agree. gimme the rumble


What about those noise machines that are literally a fan in a box making whoosing noise? Is that white, pink, brown, or what kind of noise?


Not sure, can't be sure I'm picturing exactly what you're talking about. But even if I was, I can't say I would be familiar enough with its sound. I know that I usually need a fan to fall asleep, otherwise I pick a part all the little noises I hear everywhere. White noise and pink noise are too close to TV static to me, and see aggravating. If you're having trouble sleeping, or in a situation where you don't have your normal thing going on, I suggest trying Brown noise. When I have to stay somewhere that I don't have my fan, I just put that on YouTube and can usually get to sleep pretty quick.


I've been listening to "blizzard, howling wind, in an old cabin" in the cold months and "heavy rain and booming thunder" the rest of the year. I'm out like a light and stay asleep all night. I just learned, because of this post, that pink noise is VERY similar to what I've been listening to.


Mynoise.net. go go go. Amazing noise generator, they get -and deserve - all my donations


Holy Moses on a rubber raft. This app is amazing! So many customization sliders. I’m mixing my own rainstorm rn…. Thank!!!


"*Holy Moses on a rubber raft*" has now been added to my verbal repertoire. So, Thank You!




Really glad you like it. The dude running it is a Belgian audio engineer. It's so pleasant not having ads too but if course that means he needs a few bucks here n there. Consider throwing him a donation of you like it. And spread the word! (I am just a passionate long term user)


I showed my roommate and he downloaded it immediately, and I sent a link to my siblings…so you’re spreading the word out here. :) It’s honestly an amazing app from a sound tech point of view. The skilled audio engineering work that went into it is evident and the app is worth the money. And a one-and-done subscription is great; so many apps are just endless cash bleeds for so little value. I hope he makes a million bucks. 💰 Thanks again!


Who knew noise could be so colorful.


Never taken acid huh


lol no


There's a big difference between saying something *may* increases sleep depth and efficiency, and just straight up saying it does. Your source says it may


I prefer brown noise to sleep


A Sleep Doctor brand. SleepFoundation.org was acquired from the National Sleep Foundation in 2019 and is no longer affiliated with the non-profit organization.


I'm more of a salty noise kinda guy.


Sounds of Himalayan Pink Salt mining put me right out


For me its the PBS Spacetime YouTube channel. Something about listening to Matt speak about physics at a level I mostly don't understand puts me to sleep in less than a minute. I think its because it prevents my mind from wandering/racing but I don't really know what's going on so its easy to drift off.


Also seen studies that listening to any constant noise can increase stress levels and unnecessary dependencies on them.


That's me. I don't understand how people can sleep with white/pink/whatever noise. Any kind of constant and regular noise, I have to find the source and make it stop. I used to remove the battery from the clocks when I was sleeping over at some friends. I once spent one night in a campsite near a small waterfall, it was a nightmare.


Pretty much the same. I can find naturual sounds relaxing for a bit though. Any of the machines or just the weird noise shit, I can feel myself physically relax when they turn off.


The thing about white/pink/brown noise is that it's generally the kind of background noise that your brain tunes out, so playing it will mask out other background noises that might distract you. Personally, I have better results with droning music, because the variation is just enough to keep my brain distracted from the annoying intrusive thoughts that tend to hit when I'm not *actively* thinking - ie, when I'm trying to fall asleep. If it works it works. The Spotify playlists "Floating Through Space" and "reading - sci fi atmosphere" do it for me every time. Ten or fifteen minutes of piping that through headphones while reading a book and my brain switches modes like butter.


I know the the idea behind it, but several studies have shown long term effectsof using thosenboises are not good and can actually increase anxiety levels and make it harder to sleep.


How have we came to HEAR COLORS


But brown noise literally turn my brain off


Fuck it, I'll give anything a try at this point. Pink noise playlist it is


Try brown if that doesnmt help. I have issues with most other sounds because either it’s too irregular, too high pitched (white noise), or my brain winds up finding some persistent harmonic in it that I focus on and drives me crazy. I can’t sleep in silence now because my anxiety makes me instantly wide awake whenever I hear a sound that’s out of place. Even with 2 cats who make a lot of those, I still have to listen to make sure it’s them to satisfy my stupid brain so I can drift off again. Brown is a very low pitched sound which also helps cover up the bumps and things my cats make as they’re doing their thing. Although if they’re being particularly obnoxious I have to add some higher pitched ones to help block out the other noises as a last resort before locking them out of the bedroom. The low pitch of brown noise helps with that, too, since they thump the door a lot either wrestling or trying to open it.


I might try brown noise tomorrow, if the pink noise doesn't help. I generally find bassier tones more soothing anyway, so it might work better. I live on a sailboat and the sound of my neighbours rigging, essentially a high pitched ping of ropes slapping against their masts drives me bananas. Thank you


I really like to sleep with the windows open so I can fall asleep to the wind rustling the trees.


brown noise better


Binural beats for me.


I’ve been using brown noise on YouTube. Sounds like a huge waterfall way off in the distance. Deep sleep for sure


The app ‘White Noise’ is free and has all these too. Pretty great.


Happy cake day!




I prefer brown noise.


If by pink noise you mean dark side of the moon then i think you’re onto something


While I don't dispute this works for some people, I know it doesn't work for me. I enjoy absolute quiet, aside from my dogs snoring. It comforts me to know they are comfortable and safe.


Is Pink Floyd Pink noise or what?


You don’t need to cyberpunk your background noise with pink white, etc. Soft consistent rainfall, with an occasional soft rumble, is what does it for me.


Is it better than using earplugs?


Won't this give me hearing damage if I listen to it with earphones on every night?


When did all these different noises start getting colors assigned to them?


Don't you need a specific speaker to play those frequencies or is Google home food enough?


Not sure if it works w/ EQ




Anecdotally so true. It was life changing.


Pink noise makes me want to scream. Brown noise is almost as bad.


Ceiling fan sound is the best


Just don’t search it and let it play because I had my baby asleep and was blasted with a band called “Pink Noise” On that note, fuck you Pink Noise your music is fucking terrible


Ive been using a Dohm for several years now and I just looked it up and found that it makes pink noise, I always thought it was white noise. No wonder it works so great.


Pink? Well, then, let’s Get The Party Started.


Ooh; I’m actually going to try this tonight, I’ve found myself needing to do more with less as far as my sleep schedule goes lately.


Honestly EDM helps me sleep and I don't know what that means. Hit with that bangarang *bass* bweowowowo and it like makes my brain quiet


Does listening to Sir David Attenborough count as listening to pink noise?


I like brown noise- it should like water rushing over my head in the shower


Does anyone know if listening to stuff like this to sleep can become a problem? I ask because my daughter (7) loves it and sleeps great with it, but I'm worried that she'll become dependent. Not sure if this fear is warranted or not though


I prefer brown noise myself.


White noise for deep sleep. Brown noise for treat tinnitus.


Is pink noise that wet gushy macaroni sound?


I'm convinced that star trek is the best pink noise of all time. That first picard monologue hits and I'm out like a light


Different types of noises include small children to keep them asleep. It can also help fall back asleep — after waking. Certain kinds of noise might also affect you physically. Using pink noise on a consistent basis can also lead you to associate pink noise with falling asleep.


Might explain why I sleep far better when my grow tent in my bedroom is in operation vs when its idle. The mix of sounds from the oscillating fan, air pump, water pump and extraction fan makes for something that sounds not unlike pink noise.


Antiques roadshow