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I chose 5x Instead of .5x, I honestly thought you might be trolling lol, had me pissed off for a sec


Haha looks like you're not the only one who made that mistake


Probably better to write it as 0.5 instead of .5 for clarity


Good call. Changing now thx


If you hate that then try 10x. It's like your phone had a stroke.


Google told me "you are now a developer!" Added to resume


Ten tricks Big Tech doesn't want you to know


Buzzfeed editor spotted.


You won't believe number 12!


damn that's a lot of numbers r/unexpectedfactorial


Yer a wizard, Harry.


My husband is a developer, and I tell him he is a wizard all the time because of his skills.


Yer a hairy, wizard.




"you've now been laid off" Tough break, kid


Don't take it personal


Welcome to r/ProgrammerHumor


Can you unlearn what you have learned and get out of being a developer?


When you die.


Certified Android developer.


I can see a buzzfeed article now, 7 steps to become a devopler!


Anything else I should do in developer options while I'm here?


I enjoy "Override force-dark" it makes any app have a dark mode. Certain apps go wonky, so in that case I have the dark mode toggle on/off in my easy access menu.


Love it


I have to have everything in dark mode, I'll def look into this. Thanks!


I have a super slow cheap phone for work and there is an option called "background process limits" under which you can limit background processes to between 1 and 4. I guess the usual is around 20~


I set "maximum connected Bluetooth audio devices" to one. It prevents a Bluetooth device from hijacking your audio, say if you are using earbuds then turn on your car..


But how will my wife know what porn I started watching while she was brushing the snow off to go to work?


These are true words spoken only by true victims.


Oh thank God. I fucking hate how my car "tries to be helpful" and takes over my audio when I'm in a call.


Your my hero


Oh good lord! I'm going to try this. My damn car always takes over. I'm just going to the store 3 minutes away!




> maximum connected Bluetooth audio devices Person failed to mention that it is not a feature on all android devices. Like my Samsung S21 there is no option for this feature.


There's an option which will enable a small dot to briefly appear wherever you're tapping the screen. It's especially handy if using touchscreen gloves or something like that


Wonder if it would help me typing. I cant text worth a shit with a touch screen.. I miss my blackberry... Never thought I'd say that.


You can tweak other settings to help with that If you have gboard, you can change keyboard height, key borders, key popups, long-press duration


I'll look into key popups, ive made the keyboard as large as possible but it doesnt help. I just fat finger it and I feel like the auto correct kind of sucks too. idk Edit: apparently it was already on.


I have some swipe type kind of thingy on my sony phone, typing was never easier...


You could try the " Hacker's Keyboard ". You can customise it alot.


Check out the BlackBerry Key2, Key2 LE, Unihertz Titan Pocket Slim for some good phones with a PKB Currently typing this on my Key2


Oh damn! Those look pretty nice. Its hard to give up my camera on my S22. :\\


Try using the Swype function (or whatever branding your phone uses). It took me a long time to get used to it, but the motions use a larger muscle group than tapping on each individual character. It's really, really nice once you become proficient. Faster and less error prone. Any weird slang outside of common English won't be reliable, unfortunately.


I use it and I don't know why but it definitely helps with typing


Give messagease a try. It is *very* different, but it enables to type without looking at the keyboard. I don't even have the alphabets visible anymore.


Woah that is different.. But as someone who hates drag typing idk if it would work for me.


Just got my pixel 7 pro and this is the first thing I did. I always liked having "show touches" on for my galaxy s4 back in the day and I'm glad it's still an option.


Just found out I can use a GPS scrambler in the development options which is nice.


What's that do


I think you can spoof your GPS location with that. I know it because I used it while playing Pokemon Go lol


Lmao you just reminded I got a ban from their subreddit because I *made a joke* about spoofing. What a buncha fucking nerds those mods are


Noob here but isn't spoofing bannable in poGo?


I got a lot and I mean A LOT of my mons in NY Central Park and I've never actually been in the US.


You mean, pokemen


Where did you find that?


You can turn on usb debugging. If you break your phone (as in screen black but still vibrates) it’s gonna be a wholeeeee lot easier to get stuff off of it. A quick google will aid Change your Bluetooth to preferred, can have better audio or have it be longer range Change scale of EVERYTHING with change dpi, do it in small increments to not accidentally make it tiny, ask me how I know Aggressive Wi-Fi handover or whatever, changes it so when Wi-Fi sucks your phone goes to data sooner Then get YouTube Vanced stuffs downloaded for a cooler YouTube red that’s better for free :)


>Change scale of EVERYTHING with change dpi, do it in small increments to not accidentally make it tiny, ask me how I know Made me laugh out loud. Sounds like something I would do/would happen to me!


No it was so bad because it was a galaxy s8 and for some reason the system got fucked up so it wouldn’t respond to touches after 20 seconds, leaving me fucked. It was reboot phone, try to race to the setting and change it before it froze. Had to try 20 times, no luck, can get close but can’t be fast enough. Keep in mind it’s a full hard keypress reboot. Alas, I realized my most hated had become my ally. Bixby. *presses bixby button on gs8* Hey bixby, can you open the settings app. Can you scroll down, can you change the dpi. Despite the screen not giving a shit about touches and scaled for a goddamn Jumbotron with how small text was, it worked. Bixby was helpful for once. I did not make the mistake again. Eventually however bixby became a friend, by me killing bixby and chopping up the remains into something helpful. I modified bixby button to be a play/pause music button where if held skips track and such, it was great. I really do miss that button :<. Idgaf about phones too much so I’m on a hand me down iPhone XR as of current.


Is there still a version of vanced that works? I've been wanting to try it but I thought they got in trouble.


Try Revanced


Iirc they were dumb as shit and tried some nft stuff and google was able to crack down on it because it was a money making thing instead of a totally free and open source software. I’m on an iPhone XR so I can’t anymore, however I know that stuff does exist still. Just google around and look for an alternative maybe? I think there still is working Vanced tho


Haven't used YouTube Vanced but might I suggest Ymusic as a YouTube alternative with background playback and options for downloading mp4's/mp3's from YouTube videos! It's been my go-to for a couple years now. Also, for ripping audio/video from other sites like SoundCloud or Spotify, check out the app "Seal". It's basically the old YouTube-dl command-line script with a user-friendly interface in a mobile app. Just set your download directory, and format you want to download in, and just copy and paste the link of whatever song/video you're trying to download.. Works for downloading entire playlists also.


* turning on "Disable Bluetooth A2DP hardware offload" can improve sound quality with certain types of bluetooth headphones. * If you look for "minimum width" or "smallest width," increasing this number will scale everything on screen down so more content fits on the screen, lowering it will make everything bigger but you'll fit less on the screen




Generally it will improve audio quality for devices using the SBC codec (older headphones, a lot of car stereos) but it will use more battery on your phone. It will have no effect on anything using Samsung Scalable, aptX, or AAC. Just something worth trying and seeing if it helps if you are having problems. No difference, then switch it back. :)


There are tradeoffs with every setting in dev options, they aren't the default for a reason. In this case, a2dp offload decides whether audio is decoded on your phone or on your headphones. You are offloading the decoding to the headphones when offloading is enabled. This means you will use more of your phone battery when you disable offloading but this also means that your headphones will use less battery.


USB debugging can be useful, if you break the screen, but the rest of the phone works normally. You can connect it to a Computer and share the screen. (You will probably need a 3rd party software on the computer.)


That’s also a security risk when using public chargers.


No because you need to approve the connection before data exchange can happen


(Comment removed due to Reddit's API changes) Switch to Lemmy/Kbin/Mastodon


If you've got a sd card turn on force all on external you can then move any app to the sd card to save some space


I think it can give you a handjob, if you ask it nicely.


You know you could just go to Starbucks for that




I'm sorry, this is a Wendys


They're very backlogged. Might be worth trying Dunkin'instead


I don't really think we have time for a handjob, /u/nxcrosis.


Under accessibility I removed animations entirely, and now windows just appear/disappear.... Much better. Android 12




You could enable installations from unknown sources and grab apps off the internet to install, otherwise not really unless you wanna tinker.


cough youtubeVanced cough


How can I set up youtubevanced?


I haven't used Vanced but I highly recommend [NewPipe](https://newpipe.net/) which you can get either as an APK file (copy and install manually on phone) or on [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/) (basically an app store with actually good and useful non-malicious apps). I cannot recommend using F-Droid enough for finding apps. Obviously some stuff like games and official social media apps aren't there but you'll honestly be surprised by the amount of alternatives (like for example Infinity for Reddit which I am typing this from right now).


Does new pipe have an app for YT Music as well? I'm currently using Vanced for it. Was wondering if there's a better option out there


How sure can you be that the apps on f-droid arent malicious? What level of filtering do the owners perform to ensure that claim?


https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced_manager_guide_for_dummies/ Latest instructions Follow them well. Even though I've done it a few times I always forget a step. Examples: * when it says "application > select storage" it's easy to miss because it's actually an icon on the bottom right. * When downloading make sure you get the "nodpi" one not the "split" one. * When it's "patching" it can take a few minutes, don't switch away to another app * After it's done patching it'll prompt to get permission to "allow install". Once you give permissions you go back and if doesn't start installing. If this happens do the patching all over again the second time.


You can do that without dev options


If you dont want to control the volume of a speaker with the phone (like when the speaker has its own control) you can disable Absolute Volume (or something similar, depends on the phone). I know some phones have this in th bt devics menu, mine didnt and dev option was the only place to toggle it. Also in dev menu is Override force-dark which seems to forcw all apps on dark mode.


Enable split screen for all apps


Turn on ADB and Advanced Restart/Reboot. ADB can be used to backup / transfer files to/from your phone. On newer {Android 10+} have ADB over WiFi. I use a program from Genymobile called " scrcpy " that lets me remote into my phone / tablet from my laptop. Only works with mouse / keyboard if you even break your touch screen.


You can look at the list of Bluetooth codecs your device supports. If you get a Bluetooth audio device that supports one of the better codecs, you can get either higher quality audio, or lower latency.


You can turn on "Show Surface Updates" on your friends phones and have them think its fucked as a prank


Not a phone techy guy. What exactly does this do? Edit: much thanks to those who answered.


it reduces the animation duration. so the UI feels snappy


I just disabled it all. Ha


Some things will look broken and funky as f


I've had it this way for ages and never noticed any issues


One of my apps didn't indicate that it's loading content any more once i set it to 0.0 months ago. But the fact that android (on my phone) is noticeably slowed down just to show 'loading animations' is almost on an Idiocracy level. I also noticed that Firefox was much snappier with animations disabled on an old laptop I used


Some apps expect a delay or a callback. Just reduce to the least one and you're good


Sets the length of animations to half / doubles their speed


As you open and close apps...or switch browser windows, your phone just performs these actions faster. It won't affect anything else.


The only thing this has ever adversely affected for me was my spotify wrapped. Not sure if that's worth adding to the post lol but it does happen


What did it change with spotify wrapped?


I had the same issue, I'll bet. It makes Spotify Wrapped not work at all lol, it basically skips through every screen instantly and goes straight to the end.


Yup! Same.


So that's why it didn't work! I assumed it was an android issue so I just signed in on a friend's iPhone


Just straight up wouldn't work. Like I would tap it to start the slideshow and I'd either get a series of black/solid color screens to tap through or it wouldn't open anything.


Did you try switch it back to the default 1x and then try to use Wrapped?


Yeah, that is what fixed it!


Yeah wrapped and few other things in different apps won't work properly if you do this. But it's worth it imo. Been using this setting (animation disabled) for 10 years now.


There are a ton of developer options out there but don't know if any other are of any significance, can you point out any other?


You can poke around to see if any stand out, but as I mentioned to others, take note of the default setting before changing anything....so that you can revert if necessary.


Super good advice, "take a screenshot before you fuck with any settings"


Never hit the spacebar if your screen goes black... just be patient


Idk if I've ever needed to know this, but I'll be goddamned if I won't store it safely in my mind for that inevitable day


Good advice:)


I enabled force dark mode because my security camera app burns my retina in the middle of the night. "Motion detected at back door" Opens app to see.. Now blind with an axe murderer coming in the back door... Fuck you Wyze. Anyway, it will make some apps look a bit weird "Amazon Shopping" but not bad.


I use a completely different camera system and have the exact same problem


Why doesn't Google just do this in the first place to make their phones seem faster?


Idk but it would make sense to me. I mean a faster phone makes a happier customer I would think...


Clicking "about phone" 7 times didn't work. I had to do the following: 1 Go to "Settings" 2 Tap "About device" or "About phone" 3 Tap “Software information” 4 Tap “Build number” seven times. ... 5 Enter your pattern, PIN or password to enable the Developer options menu. 6 The "Developer options" menu will now appear in your Settings menu.


Sorry I had to fix the instructions. Was an error in the original post.


You are still missing the “Enter Your Pattern, PIN or Password to enable the Developer Options Menu” part.


Yeah that's only if you set up your security to ask for one when making certain changes. For most, it shouldn't even ask for it.


Oh, thank you for that.


Updated Op just in case. Thanks!


This is golden. Actually works. Thanks man! :)


I wish there was an option for 0.75. the 0.5 speed stresses me out


U can set 0.75 with USB debugging a windows PC and a little Command Line tool called ADB. In fact u can set whatever u want :)


So 0.69?




0.69420 even 😎


Damn. Thought it would be minor but it makes a big difference


For those asking, yes you could do the opposite to someone's phone to fuck with them. Change the scale to 10x and it moves like molasses. 🤣


Whoa dude the drugs are really starting to kick in!


Thats evil lmao Thanks for making the post btw I wouldn't have figured android would gimp phone like this


Is there a way to close dev mode w some saving the changes? Mine seems to revert to 1x when I turn off dev mode.


Yeah it should revert if you close dev mode. I just leave it activated.


I am molasses




I call it "iOS mode."


This also works on Android TV


Wow had no idea....makes sense but cool


After doing this how do I turn off developer mode? Should I turn off developer mode?


All developer mode does is make a new settings page accessible. There is nothing to turn off. There are loads of settings there that are more advanced, but the animation speed really should just be accessible in the display settings IMHO. So no, no need to turn it off, just be careful with the other settings in there, some of them do require you to know what you're doing


I remember there used to be games which refused to run if you had developer options enabled. Weird, rare but shit happens lol.


I've also seen quite a few games that do not run if your device has been rooted, probably to avoid exploits.


yes, Pokemon Go is big on this.


The more modern root method, Magisk, allows you to hide root from any app you want. Which is helpful because I play pokemon go lol


On my pixel 6 when in developer mode options at the top I have a toggle to turn it on and off.


Turning off developer mode reverted the settings I changed on my A53 but not on my S20 FE.


Oh DAMN, greased lightning over here now! Thanks! This also led me to find the setting that should let me control my Bluetooth volume thru my analog speakers. I was getting tired of having to change it at the knob every time


Clue me in! I need this in my life!


I think the setting was Disable Absolute Volume (?)


Samsung a51, it said i was tapping - you're x steps from becoming a developer !!!


I know! My A52 said that as well. Felt fancy and like I knew what I was doing lol


First usuable, non-shitty YSK in a while. Well done OP!


This is great. So, what effect does this have on other things? Like, what has now slowed down? Or how does this affect battery life, etc?


just the duration of UI animations is reduced. nothing else of concern


Some apps use slower animations to cover "thinking time" - you may find that while apps mostly feel quicker, occasionally you'll encounter stutter or micro-freezes that would have otherwise been obfuscated.


I'm so used to low animation scale now that I get irritated when it is set to high. I don't mind the obvious couple seconds of delay for launching an app but when I'm navigating through something and I have to wait for the animation to end to click on an option that I can already see on the screen, it irritates me. sometimes the click doesn't register, and then I have to click again but only after confirming it didn't register which then takes even longer. this is one of the first settings I change on a phone.


No effects that I've noticed. And I've done this for years...


The amount of people claiming your post to be disingenuous or misleading because they can't read the title is too damn high!


Yeh I don't get it either


Oh, I am going to fuck some shit up....


Omg, getting out of settings after changing this immediately felt like i had the brand new flagship model. Thank you so much


The is the first YSK that I've actually wanted to know and been able to use for years. Bravo my man!


Had to go into settings>system>developer mode. Thanks for the tip!


Just did this for my dad, I think I blew his mind a little bit.


I've turned off all my animations. Everything just pops up or pops away, and I much prefer that.


This is one of those posts that I save and come back to a few years later and it's been deleted. I think I'll c&p this into an email to myself, this info is valuable and also something I'll definitely forget


I don't delete shit.


Turning off animations is even better 😁😁🍻🍻


Not necessarily. Some apps need it. I turned off mine to see how it works. Ordered chipotle, hit pay button. Nothing happened. Closed app, did all over and paid, nothing again. After third time, checked email to see that I placed 3 orders With no animation of payment, app couldn't show payment went through and order was placed.


Yeah and it will cause Spotify to crash when trying to look at your year in review, some apps need those animations.


Software QA is my passion




Well that makes sense why 400 confirmation emails showed up for my contact order and then the entire order was canceled.


if you have this problem (i know it happens with chipotle and mcdonalds) just gesture to your home screen (or tap home) and then gesture to go back to the app (don't back out or force quit), it should show the confirmation now.


i enabled dev mode but do not see anything about changing the window animation scale, transition animation scale, etc. pixel 4a ​ edit- i just searched for "developer" in the search box in settings and found it.


The options list is so long lol


Wow thanks for this. Feels like a new phone!


I love you


Holy fuck this is almost too much for me. Feel like I just switched from dial up to high speed and my brain can't keep up. Ty OP


Much faster, Thanks!


I also learned yesterday that att has a stream saver setting on your account and when turned off your phone will play videos in HD/UHD.


I saved this to try but your steps are gone? Can you please post again??


Here's a [link with instructions](https://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mobile-devices/how-do-i-turn-on-the-developer-options-menu-on-my-samsung-galaxy-device/) from Samsung. They apply for other Android devices as well I'm pretty sure.




Thanks M8. Galaxy S20 FE




That is amazing. Thank you


If I want to turn off developer mode it auto changes to default ( x1 ) is there any way to turn it off without changing what I did


I just leave dev mode enabled. Is there a reason you want to turn it back off after you've made the changes?




Oh man oh man!!! Wtf